US withdrawal from Afghanistan and India’s retreat
Sami Ullah Malik (Author/Columnist/Political Analyst)
Lt.Gen (R) Asad Durrani Ex Cheife ISI & MI
Signature Talk with Kamran Nawaz
مزید پڑھیں
ہمارا ٹویٹر پیج
Trump's Peace Plan and Saudi Response
The Palestinian Issue: The Future of the Two-State Solution
Sami Ullah Malik
Donald Trump’s Return to the White House: Challenges and the Middle East Peace Plan
On 20th January 2025, Donald Trump is set to begin his
second presidential term, making a return to the White House. His anticipated cabinet nominations have already sparked discussions about his ability to fulfil his campaign promises. Trump’s remarks during the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict hinted at his forthcoming policy
priorities, particularly a renewed focus on peace in the Middle East—an initiative largely sidelined during his first term.
کرم کا تنازع:فرقہ وارانہ کشیدگی یاعالمی سیاست کاکھیل؟
سمیع اللہ ملک
صوبہ خیبرپختونخواہ کےوزیراعلیٰ کااسلام آبادمیں صوبےکے وسائل استعمال کرتے ہوئے مسلح جتھوں کے ساتھ یورش کرنا، خانہ جنگی کی طرف ایسا خطرناک قدم تھاجس نے سب کوہلاکررکھ دیاہے حالانکہ اسلام آباد
یورش سے چنددن قبل ان ہی کے صوبے کرم میں خوفناک فرقہ واریت کے واقعے میں32/افرادہلاک ہوگئے تھے لیکن اس کے باوجود اسلام آبادکے خونی احتجاج کے بعدانہوں نے اب سول نافرمانی کا اعلان کرتے ہوئے عجیب منطق کے ساتھ بیان داغ دیاہے کہ ہم محمودغزنوی کی طرح حملے جاری رکھیں گے۔
The Kurram Conflict: Sectarian Tension or Global Political Game?
The Story of Zainabiyoun: From Syria to Kurram
Sami Ullah Malik
Although I have been attempting for quite some time to share my views with readers on global politics, particularly the issues
facing the Muslim Ummah, with a specific focus on Pakistan, which is deeply affected by these matters, I have been fortunate enough to receive considerable attention. However, this time, the dangerous trend in Pakistan's politics, which is becoming a source of embarrassment for
Pakistanis living abroad, does not seem to concern the country's politicians.