پاکستان کا ناقص نظامِ تعلیم اوراس کاعلاج
لائیوانٹرویو۔۔۔سمیع اللہ ملک ،عارفہ مظفرکے ساتھ
Pakistan’s poor education system and its treatment

Expensive Deportations or a Political Message
C-17 Aircraft: Symbolic or New Policy
Sami Ullah Malik
205 Illegal Indian Immigrants Deported from the US Ahead of Modi's Visit
The United States has deported 205 illegal Indian immigrants, sending them back
to India on a military aircraft, the C-17, from San Antonio Airport in Texas to the city of Amritsar in the Indian state of Punjab. The flight departed around 3 AM local Indian time on Wednesday. This move comes just ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's anticipated
visit to the US, sparking speculation about potential strains in the growing friendship between the two nations.
ٹرمپ کی خارجہ پالیسی:وعدے اورحقیقت
(آخری قسط)
مکمل پڑھنےکیلئےکنج مخفف کو چھوئیں:
آج کاکالم:
ٹرمپ کی خارجہ پالیسی:وعدے اورحقیقت
(دوسری قسط)
مکمل پڑھنے کیلئے کنج مخفف کوچھوئیں: