Diabetes remission in non-European populations

Diabetes remission in non-European populations


Health chats with Dr.Leeds|Diabetes remission in non-European Prof Shahrad Taheri|Prof Michael Lean


Interview with Professor Shahrad Taheri, Weill Cornell Medical Centre, Qatar and Professor Mike Lean, University of Glasgow

In this interview Professor Taheri describes the ‘DIADEM-1’ study in which an intensive life-style intervention delivered 61% diabetes remission in people with early type 2 diabetes from the Middle East and North Africa in a study undertaken in Qatar. The effects of using a short-term total diet replacement 810kcal/d diet followed by gradual food reintroduction and a strong weight maintenance program gave results consistent with the ‘DiRECT’ diabetes remission trial.  The DiRECT trail that was run in Scotland and northern England by teams lead by Prof Roy Taylor in Newcastle and Prof Lean in Glasgow was discussed in the last program/episode (episode 1).

In Episode 1 Prof Lean showed how, with sufficient weight loss, people with a recent diagnosis of diabetes had a high chance of remission if they lost enough weight (10-15kg). He described how this was achieved using a specially formulated total diet replacement (TDR) program with support from health care professionals (dietitians and practice nurses) followed by gradual reintroduction of conventional food and a well-managed weight maintenance program afterwards.  This amount of weight lost was also linked to a reduction in blood pressure, reduced use of blood pressure medicines and improved quality of life. The ‘DiRECT’ trial was a study on participants who were largely white British and he emphasized the need for studies in other population groups to confirm the effects.

The importance of DIADEM-1 described here by Prof Taheri is that it confirmed that a similar weight loss intervention could be offered to people of Middle Eastern and North African origins, was acceptable and successfully delivered a slightly greater proportion with remission of diabetes.

Prof Taheri and Prof Lean describe their expectations regarding how this new approach to diabetes management will develop over the coming years, and comment on health economic considerations as well as benefit of weight loss for other comorbidities, such as already noted above, lowering of blood pressure and thus lowering of cardiovascular risk.

Web-links to useful sources of information are given below.


About Diabetes:


Diabetes remission:

Type 2 Diabets Remission


Effect of intensive lifestyle intervention on bodyweight and glycaemia


Diabetes prevention:

The Canadian Diabetes Risk calculator:

The Indian Diabetes risk score:

UK Type 2 diabetes – know your risk

Qatar Diabetes Association –
are you at risk of type 2 diabetes?

Qatar Diabetes Association

Ministry of Health, Qatar, National Strategy to prevent diabetes in Qatar


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