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Why is the West afraid of Islam?

Just 76 years ago, when the whole world was occupied by the British Empire, at that time the British used to say with great pride that the sun never sets in our empire (in fact, the sun sometimes appears shy there). At that time, a Muslim Europe He was so afraid and awed by America that he could not even think that he would establish his settlements on the land of these ruling nations and invite them to his religion. Countries with Muslim populations were getting free one by one. As a result of the Second World War, the grip of France and other European nations on Asia and Africa was also loosened and all the slave countries were deprived of the blessing of freedom.

On the one hand, the monster of the Soviet Union kept its iron claw on Central Asia, but in most parts of the Islamic world, after a long sleep and unconsciousness of resurrection, a wave of awakening and development was born. Muslims were beginning to turn towards higher modern education and were becoming active in redressing the depredations of colonialism. Some of it was a sign of colonialism that highly educated to working Muslims were migrating to Europe and America and some were migrating for education etc.

This trend became very intense in the last half of the 20th century, due to which the number of Muslims in Europe and America gradually started to increase. Also, due to the awakening in the world of Islam, the concept of religious calling as a marriage and a separate identity became common among Muslims. Due to this, many Muslims were brought to the land of Europe and America, which increased their numerical strength. Today, the situation is that in America There are 800,000 Muslims in France, 600,000 in Britain, 420,000 in Britain, and in Canada, Germany and other countries of Europe, there is a significant number of Muslims. Within the last few decades, in the heart of Europe, Muslim states like Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and states with a large Muslim population like Macedonia and Bulgaria have come into existence. Therefore, in Europe and America, where Christian and Jewish culture always existed, Islam has taken such a situation that it cannot be ignored in any case.

One of the positive aspects of the 9/11 attacks on America was that Muslims once again became the subject of discussion. The religion, culture, and education of the attackers on the Pentagon and WTC became the focus and interest of the people of the whole world, especially America and Europe. For the first time in history, a large number of copies of the Holy Quran were sold in American and European markets I sold out frequently. There was an influx of PhD students on Islam and Muslims in universities and hundreds of institutions in Europe and America established departments of Islamic studies. Islam was already flourishing in Europe and America. The sources were self-generated. Therefore, today it is clear that Islam has become the most popular and rapidly spreading religion in the West. The majority of Muslims are those who are native Muslims and have settled there permanently, but among them are Americans and Europeans. A good number of Muslims are also included.

The history of the fear of the East from the West is quite old and the roots of the fear of Christianity and Islam are very deep. In the Farooqi era, the Muslims had conquered Jerusalem and Syria, the biggest center of Christianity and Judaism. The knowledge of the Islamic government had been raised, which today included the whole of Spain and Portugal and a large part of France. Some of the French soldiers had blocked the way of the Muslim armies, otherwise this storm would have engulfed the whole of Europe. Later, Sultan Muhammad Fateh Conquered Constantinople, which was the largest Christian center in the world after Rome, and everyone knows the situation of the Crusades when the Ayyubid wisdom forced the Christians to lick the dust in the longest war between Islam and Christianity. This long conflict between Islam and Christianity became historic. The deep wounds of the Crusades today In the hearts and minds of the people of Europe, it is clear that Christian parents, teachers, media and politicians consider it their duty to convey their feelings towards Muslims safely to their new generation.

The crusaders admitted their defeat in the military and defensive field, but they continued the cultural and civilizational war. This fire of enmity and hatred was fueled by the so-called researchers and orientalists, and behind the alleged research was the distortion of Islamic history and hatred against Muslims. No effort was spared in spreading. The economic revolution that took place within Europe in the 18th century enriched them with more resources, from which Western governments took considerable advantage. After the development of the mass media, this mission gained a lot of momentum. Meanwhile, an important event happened that Britain established an illegal Israeli state in Palestine, which was its colony, and the traditional and historical conflict of Judaism and Christianity was transformed into that of Muslims. turned away The Jews, who in history have always enjoyed a peaceful life at the feet of the Muslims, were made to believe with great intensity that the Muslims were their greatest enemies.

Although Christianity could not defeat Islam on the military front, it was estimated that it would definitely prevail over the Muslims in its false propaganda, civilizational invasion, and cultural war. But today the situation is that Islam has stood against Christianity in every front and field. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, if any political, there is an economic, social and moral system that can challenge Christianity and Westernization, then it is only Islam. Today, hatred and enmity against Islam, Muslims, especially Arabs, is a hot market. It is a part of this “Islamophobia” (disease of fear of Islam). If she is afraid, then her fear is not unfounded. If she was afraid of the weak government of the Taliban, it is only because they were convinced of a stronger political system. If today sanctions are imposed on Sudan, it is only because they want to promote a separate economic system. If today the Arab world, the religious schools and institutions of Iran and the Indian subcontinent do not even bat an eye at the western countries, so what is the other reason for this other than that they are the leaders of a righteous and constructive social and moral system.

They see that today the number of Muslims is one and a half billion. Muslims comprise one-fourth of the total population of the earth. They occupy a large area of the world. A quarter of the 54 million square miles are in their possession and the lush green areas of the earth are their habitat. It has the privilege of being the center and axis of almost all ancient civilizations. The world of Islam covers an important and wide area of the earth. Spreading from the southern equator to Central Asia, more than 55 degrees of latitude are under its control. Three regions of different climates are inhabited by Muslims. The tropical region, the desert region and the middle region are the center of their strength and poverty. That is why the Islamic world has the distinction of having diverse vegetation in this region and various types of agricultural production are present here. It is behind but there is no change in terms of people and resources. The first place in military resources is petrol, whose production ratio is 60% compared to global production and underground reserves are more than 80% compared to global reserves.

Compared to global production, 5% of iron, 25% of copper, 40% of chrome minerals, 56% of iron, 23% of aluminum, 10% of lead, 5% of phosphate and many other minerals are found in the Islamic world. In addition, the most important waterways. Those who play a very important role in trade and defense etc. are all located in the Islamic world. Mediterranean Sea is a means of communication between three continents. The Strait of Gibraltar is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea. All of these are commercial, military, and military places that have played a decisive role in every period of ancient and modern history from the point of view of trade routes and military attacks. In addition, in the Islamic world, from Turkey and Algeria to Afghanistan and Central Asian countries. There is no dearth of warriors and brave men. Afghanistan where the graveyard and humiliating defeat of the forces of the three superpowers (Britain, Soviet Union and the United States and its 47/allies) has become a part of history even today.

At this time, the most suffering in the world is the Muslim Ummah, which has been showered with calamities from all sides, but all our enemies are not only participating in practical conspiracies to destroy the Muslims, but also to make us enemies of each other. They have left no stone unturned, and we are busy cutting each other’s throats. At this time, the Muslim Ummah is facing many problems, but Kashmir and Palestine have become two such great slaughterhouses where humanity has been screaming continuously for the past seven decades, but the nations that call themselves civilized are not only playing the role of deaf and dumb devils. Rather, they are equal partners in this oppression. The only reason for this is that they have come to know that Islam, which means security, and its message not only ended the centuries of hatred between the Arabs. Rather, he had given them such a relationship of brotherhood and brotherhood that even the superpowers of that time, Rome and Persia, were incapable of ruling them, but in a few years, they were able to lead and dominate half of the world through the training of Islam. The steps were taken and even the superpowers of that time had to be defeated.

This is the reason why today the West is trying hard to create an environment for civil war between the Muslim states at all costs, they will not get a chance by cutting each other’s throats and by getting entangled in this war expenses, they will not only become poor economically, but in every field of life, the West and America. He made them the owners of the priceless underground treasures deposited by Allah, instead of adopting the Islamic system issued by their Lord, they enslaved the West and America to continue their kingdoms and their wealth was at their disposal. Given . But suddenly, when they were dealt a blow by the Iranian revolution, Iraq and Iran were immediately involved in a bloody war against each other, not only economically, but the resources of all the Islamic countries in the region were thrown into fire, but also the weapons in this flowing Ganga. Billions of dollars were collected in the name of sales.

When the war between these countries ended, after suffering another disaster, under the guise of Saddam’s attack on Kuwait, America itself was attacked along with its western allies. With this pretext, he not only received a huge ransom from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, but also built his permanent bases in the name of security by raising the threat of Iran in the region. Further increasing his ambitions, he sowed another seed of enmity in the Gulf countries and raised the issue of boycott with Qatar, where Muslim countries Once again, in the name of defense, they destroyed the agreement and provided new blood to their weapons factories, while the naval base of Qatar is already in use by the United States at the cost of billions of dollars.

The atrocities of the Tatars were also put to shame by conquering Iraq, which has a history of Babylon and Nineveh that is thousands of years old. In Arab countries, everyone is opposed to the monarchy system, but their rulers are welcomed with a “red carpet” and democracy is silent. Personal liberties have become a challenge in the democratic West, where any woman has the right to be naked but cannot wear a headscarf at will. They do not feel ashamed for a moment while insulting religion. Just yesterday, the French Minister of Education has banned headscarves and full arm covering in all educational institutions.

Who doesn’t know that Muammar Gaddafi was punished for not having economic relations with the US and Western countries, apparently, Libya was attacked by saying that the people there were being saved from Gaddafi, but the fact was that Muammar Gaddafi neither European countries nor America in their economic affairs. allowed intervention, but he was trying to run a gold casket against the dollar for oil in the world market and was successful in trying to convince all the oil producing countries to this formula. Have economic relations with those countries that are free from the influence of the United States. It was said against Gaddafi that his air force was being used against public demonstrations in Benghazi. It was also reported on Al-Jazeera TV that 50 thousand people were killed as a result of the bombing in Benghazi. Although this news was taken back, but as a result of this news, a no-fly zone was established over Libya. Later, the bombing was started by breaking the same no-fly zone and Gaddafi’s house was bombed and one of his sons was martyred along with the children. On this occasion, the whole Arab and Islamic world watched. She was left and could not do anything. Where there was open bullying and aggressive intervention on the part of America to save the people of Libya, the leaders of all Muslim countries were told their times, and the silence of the West continues to burden their consciences. The crime has been confessed to me by many intellectuals of the West.

The West and America’s dream of complete monopoly over the Muslim countries was still incomplete when they prepared a “One World Order” plan to take over the whole world and set up a program to get rid of their competitor, the superpower, the Soviet Union. He fled back with the stain of the partition of six parts on his forehead due to the unbearable defeat, but here the spectacle of nature is strange that six more states have been added to the states of the Muslim countries in the world, which are rich in petroleum and mineral wealth. Now, Afghanistan and Pakistan were definitely needed to utilize all these minerals and petroleum, for which many efforts were made behind the scenes, but after the Soviet Union was destroyed with the help of Muslims in Afghanistan, the United States, and its allies, forgetting all their promises, hurriedly dumped all the debris on Pakistan. I ran away, but in order to increase pressure on Pakistan, I had started to increase friendship with India, its eternal enemy, both countries were not ready to trust America and the West. was brought to the fore, but this military dictator was also given the right to change the constitution in order to give a legal certificate by the Pakistani judiciary to give legal form to his illegal act.

On the other hand, the Afghan Taliban were not ready to accept this yoke of slavery in any way. After this failure, the 9/11 program was organized and a plan was prepared to take over this region, and as proof, there are detailed books and videos of many American defense and analysts about this plan. At the same time, those who called themselves “Mother of Democracy” humiliated the leaders of human rights by killing the people in Algeria and later in Egypt. Despite the horrors of, he had to flee from Afghanistan with shameful and terrible disgrace.

On this day in 1948, the United Nations issued a Universal Declaration containing 30 clauses with the consent of 48 countries for the protection and awareness of human rights. For example, human freedom, equal status, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, dignified life, right to social security, religious freedom and freedom from torture, persecution, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment are ensured – although On this day, the voice was raised against the violations of human rights around the world, but what is the reason that America and its allies have kept the sad inhumanity in Kashmir and Palestine behind as always. Of course, there is only one reason why the West, including the United States, is afraid that Pakistan, which is on the brink of bankruptcy, is a nuclear power and is rapidly trying to change the direction of its priorities in the region in order to manage its sinking economy. There is no place left for the hypocritical policies of America and the West in this region. They are still fighting to drown the rising sun of the second revival of Islam in the darkness of materialism. Even today, they The research is going on in the educational institutions of Pakistan on how to defeat the Islamic political system of a great Islamic thinker of Pakistan, which can be the death of the current political system of America and the West.

The western world has been dominating the Muslims at the political, social, military, and economic levels through various means, but on the one hand, after the awakening of the Muslims, they have become afraid that if the Islamic world gets some decent and patriotic leader. went and they learned to use their scattered forces, then the day is not far when the talisman of the leadership of the West will be shattered, and the world of Islam will be seen setting new heights of leadership and founding. On the other hand, the people of the West are seeing the ground slipping under their feet in their own countries, Muslims are recognizing their existence in Europe and America in every field with full Islamic identity and cultural identity. In view of these reasons, if there is a wave of “fear of Islam” in Europe, then it is not unfounded.

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