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Why are we disgraced?

Our national indifference and oblivious criminal habit has reached an extreme. The call of time is proving to be the sound of the desert. I wish this sound had been given in a dome, at least it would have returned. Where I used to call out the name of Aafia, the oppressed daughter of the nation with all my might, saying, “Where are you?” If the question was not answered, the question would come back. Let’s calculate and see that the day when this oppressed daughter of the nation, who was with her two innocent children and one child in her lap, would have been chased by our intelligence agencies diligently and like a shadow. Merciless hawks abducted with all ferocity and brutality, so who was in power in those days. On the fateful day of June 23, 2003, Pervez Musharraf was the president, Zafarullah Jamali was the prime minister, Faisal Saleh Hayat was the interior minister, Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri was the foreign minister, and General Ehtisham Zameer, the worthy son of Syed Zameer Jafari, was the head of one of the most important national agencies. Not a single address could be moved without the knowledge of all these high officials. Zafarullah Jamali sahib continued to hold his position for one more year till 26 June 2004.

After the departure of the corrupt commando Musharraf, President Asif Ali Zardari, who claimed a democratic and popular government, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani, Foreign Minister HinaRubbani Khar and Interior Minister Rehman Malik, followed by Mian Nawaz Sharif, Khaqan Abbasi and Imran Khan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi. All these people cannot deny the facts that the kidnapping of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and her children, 7-year-old Ahmed, 5-year-old Maryam and a few months old Salman, are in jail, and the officials of secret agencies involved in the bargaining and extradition of the Americans. The rulers are completely unaware of these actions. The point of shame is that the painful screams of this oppressed and innocent woman who shook the doors and walls of Bagram Airbase, whose agony began in Islamabad, why were they not heard by anyone here? All of them were deaf and blind, all the intelligence agencies that waged this war of national honour were directly answerable to the Prime Minister and if the limits of powers of the Prime Minister, Home Minister and Foreign Minister did not cross this river of fire. Even if she could, she must have trusted them to some extent.

I ask why the screams of the female prisoner number 650 from Bagram Airbase did not reach our high-ranking rulers and the heirs of the minbar and mihrab, but the mother of this prisoner and believing daughter Aafia, Ismat Siddiqui, who was a metaphor for the nation’s honour, certainly heard all her cries. The hours of the doomsday passed on themselves with him wrapped up in his feet and appeared before the Lord and Maula. My conscience often asks me, “Where are the muftis?” Where are the guardians of Al-Rashid Trust? What happened to the scholars of Jamia Banuria, Banuri Town? Mr. Mufti Taqi Usmani may have shed tears thinking of Aafia Siddiqui while leading the funeral prayers of Asmat Siddiqui. It is true that this treatment of the faithful of this country is not new, but where are the old stipends of the government? After all, why didn’t these cries reach the ears of any scholars who are called heirs of the Prophets? Leave them alone and give a voice to the religious and political parties, where are all the religious leaders…? Will Maulana Fazlur Rehman and other scholars answer to their Lord?

Has there ever been a tear in the eyes of any ruler sitting in Islamabad? Why didn’t the father of Maryam Nawaz, father of Bakhtawar and Asifa hear these screams of another daughter? Are the rulers deaf or have they lost their sight due to a chronic and negligent sleep? What promises did these politicians make to the late Ismat Siddiqui and Dr. Fawzia Siddiqui to reach the House of Power, but as soon as they reach the slave rotations of power and the salt mine, they become unaware as salt, but during the presence of the Pharaoh of the White Palace. All the politicians are also silenced like death. Shah Mehmood Qureshi himself invited Dr. Fawzia to Islamabad but started avoiding the meeting. When I shamed him for this great crime in a TV program, I made an appointment for a few minutes for the next Khana Pari, but Dr. Fawzia had to return very disappointed because he was scheduled to kiss the feet of an American delegation the next day. But at the same time, an order is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prohibit Pakistani journalists from asking questions about Aafia, so that the worldly masters do not get angry. I wonder if intellectualism has become a flower that turns away like a sunflower.

Have all the sons of this nation become cowards and forgetful that when their leader, after being deprived of power, waves a paper and challenges, “Are we slaves to anyone?” But those who seduced this people are not allowed to ask their leader how the promise to bring back our innocent sister from America was not fulfilled. What promises did you make in a joint press conference in Pakistan with British neo-Muslim sister Ivan Ridley? The current President Arif Alvi even reached Dr. Fawzia’s house during the election days to plead with her to withdraw her nomination papers from him, saying that he would work day and night for Aafia’s release if he was elected. I did not dare to say a single word or Allah has reserved this matter for the Day of Judgment. Are we really the nation whose rulers earned millions of dollars by arresting the Pakistani spy Emil Kansi and handing him over to the Pharaoh of White House in exchange for dollars? The seas are needed, but they are again claiming to do a great favour to the people by considering the government of this country as their right. How to erase the stain of disgrace that the US Attorney General said in a court full of your action that Pakistanis sell their mothers for a few dollars!

Bagram Airbase prisoner number 650 is not only the mother of her three children but also the mother, sister and daughter of this nation. Her name is Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, whose health was the responsibility of the state. She was suddenly taken away from Karachi. No one knew whether he was swallowed by the earth or by the sky. First it was reported that she had been deprived of her children. A few months old baby in her arms was killed and she passed through unknown prisons, prisons, basements, and dungeons to Bagram prison. It was given that she forgot even her identity, her senses left her side. He was declared a mad being in the eyes of the times. She didn’t cry, just screamed. Those who heard her screams used to hear the cry of doomsday and could not sleep, but the question arises that when she forgot herself, lost herself, lost her senses, dissolved in her existence. Then why is she screaming? Why is there a call in his voice? How is this regret written on the door and wall of American prisons from Bagram prison? After all, why do the painful screams of Asmat Siddiqui and the innocent daughter of the nation, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, shake all the Safe houses? Because even a mad woman cannot forget her children, just like Ismat Siddiqui’s eyes were stoned waiting for her daughter till her last breath. How the poet has said that:

God has given this attribute to every woman in the world.

Even if She goes mad, his son remembers him.

No one can imagine the agony of Ismat Siddiqui, Dr Fauzia and Dr Aafia Siddiqui. The United Nations is silent, and all the international organizations established against violence against women are as if they have gone into the embrace of death that these organizations did not raise any awareness and did not tremble with sorrow on a single memorandum sent to them. I myself have given decades on dozens of platforms. The report says that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui has lost her mental balance due to immense violence. Ironically, for years they had to use the men’s bathroom for bathing and other needs, where there was no curtain. She was the only female inmate at Bagram prison, and a conscientious British journalist, Evan Ridley, who saw her, said, “She looks like a ghost whose identity has faded.” But what has been going on in American prisons for years now, no one knows? I have become helpless in front of Dr Fauzia’s tears.

But I think that even now her screams are chasing all these unscrupulous powerful people, but now the matter has become even more serious that Ismat Siddiqui has reached the Lord with a strong FIR against all these people. where she will present the case of her innocent and innocent Hafiza Aafia Siddiqui, and that innocent child, whose trace has not been found till date, will also be present together with her grandmother to witness all this cruelty. The most painful aspect of the report, which has burned every conscientious father, is that he was subjected to constant sexual abuse by the prison staff, which made his agony worse and worse than the coals. And now in the American prison, her dignity is burdened by tired calls to prayer and wounded by the loneliness of the spectators around her, she is surely calling the Lord by facing the sky.

I am in great agony when I think that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui is subjected to such cruelty day and night, like villagers sucking juice from sugarcane stalks or a heartless, callous, and heartless ruler of his subjects’ daughters. Lick the blood. Now the painful tears of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s eyes have become the blackness of the heart of our powerful circles and Aafia’s bitter screams have become the product of the rulers’ ignorance. The wounds on her back have become a document of the sins of our rulers who handed over the nation’s daughter to the pharaonic powers for just a few dollars. A few days before her death, she was ordering me on the phone and her daughter Dr. Fawzia that someone inform Musharraf that I forgave him. The last breaths of his life may have become smooth, and the process of death has become easier, God knows best. While earlier Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid, whose brother and young only son was blasted to death, he also forgave Musharraf, but dozens of orphans and children of Jamia Hafsa who victims of bullets in this cruel and barbaric attack were. They reached the presence of Allah with their blood-soaked bodies in such a way that dozens of Qurans and Hadiths were also burnt to ashes with them. Will this not be counted? Certainly, the oppressor and the oppressed will not be placed in a row, but face to face!

Those whose blood is on their hands will have to be held accountable and if their consciences are still alive, they will surely question that on the Day of Judgement, when the martyrs will be presented in the court of Allah, these innocents, orphans. With whom will the martyrs stand and in what line of regret will the murderers be placed…. To support the treatment of Dr. Aafia in this way, the survivors must think that in their deeds for the Day of Judgment. What will be the results of Aafia’s heart-wrenching screams? The existence of this abominable act will be a question for humanity forever, the takbirs echoing around it, the prostrations scattered and the adhans raised have lost their reality. obeyed the orders of this corrupt commando Musharraf and the politicians who supported this process will also be charged.

Have you ever thought that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s disintegrating existence makes us question why she is not the subject of Pakistani newspapers and magazines, to raise questions for the hosts who appear on the glowing television screens with smiling faces. Why not cause? Why are newspapers and magazines silent and television screens dumb and deaf? Is there not a single person in Pakistan who has heard the painful screams and heart-wrenching cries of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui? She is Eve’s daughter, if you don’t want to sacrifice your enlightened moderation on this case, raise your voice for her considering her the same gender of Yashodha and daughter of Radha. The people of the pen do not know that if the validity of thought is destroyed, the comprehensiveness of expression will be destroyed. Then the letters deserve to be profaned, insulted, and humiliated. Verses become stray laughs and so the heart begins to ache with the white lies printed in black ink on the yellow pages every day.

The Kingdom of God, Pakistan, which was given to us on the basis of the word, on the 27th of Ramadan, on the promise we made with Allah, that we will implement the complete Quran here, but we are not only breaking our promise to our creator, but usury. They have also declared an open war against Allah and the Messenger by approaching the courts in the support of In spite of being a nuclear state, what is our position in the world, that our dark deeds become more prominent in the light of the sun that rises every day, but my Lord, who is the owner of all the treasures of the world, we have turned our backs on the world. have accepted the slavery of the colonial masters who sit thousands of miles away and decide our fate. Remember that the smallest clot in the body, the “heart”, to which the cord of our life is attached, can contain only one fear. If the fear of the Lord becomes a veil, then the whole world is afraid of you, but if the fear of the world is adopted, then the other fear will leave secretly, and then all the disgraces of the world will become our destiny, and at that time we will surely be in such a state. Passing through

But what should I complain about Dr. Aafia Siddiqui to this nation that has sold the strings of the shroud of its benefactors. Who has slapped the face of Umm Kulthum, who cut the ropes of Hyder Karar’s tents, imprisoned Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-Sani in the fort of Gwalior, our treatment of Shah Waliullah is a harvest of shame on the pages of history till today grows What happened to Shah Abdul Aziz, Hazrat Syed Ahmed Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed were martyred by the treachery of Muslims in Balakot. The history of Pakistan is not complete without Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, but when he fell ill, no Muslim Nawab or Leader came to his aid, but the Hindu Maharaja of Alwar state came to his aid. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, who breathed the spirit of sacrifice and sacrifice against British slavery in India, died of diseases in such a way that there was no money for medicine and when he died, there was no sixth man in funeral.

Don’t go away, it is only yesterday that Muhsin Pakistan Dr. Abdul Qadir, whose only fault was that he sacrificed his life to make Pakistan the first Muslim nuclear state, but how did our rulers treat him in his life? How traumatized he was forced to come on TV and apologize for his sins of making Pakistan a nuclear power and when he left this world, the head of the country who wanted to make Pakistan a state of Madina day and night. used to claim, and played with the sentiments of the nation by raising the slogan “Are we the slaves of America” on his loss of power? He did not come to the funeral of Muhsin-e-Pakistan, lest he should be rejected in the eyes of the master, but he was punished. still had to suffer and now the wound of this deprivation of power has made the burden of dozens of cases in Adiala Jail unbearable.

Mian Nawaz Sharif, who takes credit for the nuclear explosion and shows his favour to the nation, neither he nor any of his party leaders could join the funeral. Leave Zardari aside, he was ready to sell the entire nuclear program to America for a hundred billion dollars during his tenure, but my Lorddid not allow all such hypocrites to join the funeral of this patriot.

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, who screamed in Bagram Jail, if America can hear the cry of our history behind the bars, then it should be called something. We Muslims have historically experienced something like this. God-forgetting, self-forgetting and now the fresh conscienceless who sold Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, but we blew up to two million dollars from the national treasury in the name of fighting the case for her release. Muslims may treat Dr. Aafia Siddiqui as they wish, but the existence of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui will always be a case against the power of Pharaoh, who resides in the White Palace. Will this case shake the rule of the Pharaoh residing in the White Palace? Will it put a question mark on the forehead of the western powers and the slave of the United Nations, the United States? Will this create any awareness in the world of humanity??? The answer, of course, depends on history. Many characters have become a lesson in this world and the rest will be a lesson, they will not be able to escape from Allah’s scourge and the blazing fire of hell is definitely waiting for them in the hereafter!

O Allah, save me from the fire, for You are Oft Forgiving and Forbearing. O Allah, You are forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me. Ameen!

The eyes of the judges continued to watch.

Life! Your murderers were acquitted.

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