
What is the lesson of time?

No, no, what is seen is false, illusion and nothing else. It is not as it seems. Open the inner eye, then you will see. He who is sitting in front of you, who is saying it is not like that, yes! who is saying He is not like that. Just listen to what is being said, it is not like that, and if the inner eye opens and starts to see, then be thankful that it is a blessing. It is the grace of the Lord. Don’t become a fool who tells everyone that you are lying. This is who you are inside. Covering up is fighting the disease, not the patient. Then when the inner eye is seen, keep washing it with tears, that is the water to purify it. Do not make the eye angry because if it gets angry, everything will be ruined. If the eye is confused, it shows bad scenes. Bad scenes are annoying as soon as they happen, they make a good scene, even a good face dirty. When your inner eye opens, you will recognize it! When will it open? When the Lord is pleased. If the Lord pleases, He will make the inner eye see. No, no… …what is seen is deception, illusion.

Just stay connected to the Lord in all circumstances………. even in poverty and in hardship. Be healthy whenever you are and even when you are sick. Be submissive in all circumstances. Be content with God’s will that this is worship and nothing else. Saving your own life is not perfection, saving others is real. If you help others, they will come to your help, if you share the pain of others, they will continue to learn. If you want inner peace, wipe the tears of others. Don’t overdo it but be careful. This work is very delicate. Don’t do all this for your personal purpose, do it because you are God’s creation, and the creation is very dear to God. The definition of the picture is the definition of the artist. To appreciate the creation is to appreciate the Creator. Stay in the creation and reach the Lord. There is nothing left in the forest, the wilderness, it is very easy to die, it is wonderful to be alive. Not for yourself, for the bare footed creatures, dust for the living of God, Yes, by loving the broken hearts, be a shade for the homeless, be a shade tree, be a flower, be a fragrance, be sincere, be faithful, when the Lord is pleased, He would descend in the hearts of the creatures. is your love Do you know how many hands are raised before the Lord for you?

Look, when the Lord is confused, everything is destroyed. Yes, even the organs of a person are confused. It describes the evils of the creatures, gossips, slanders, makes people fight among themselves, hides the truth, omits the virtues and describes the shortcomings, destroys the hearts, creates mischief. This language is very bitter and sweet. It both binds and breaks hearts. No one can escape from his evil if he is shocked. nobody. She makes false promises, only the Lord can save her from corruption. If the feet become weak, they get up to hurt others, they go to the place of evil, if the hands become weak, they rob, commit murder, steal and steal. They beat people, they don’t stand up for God, they just support those who destroy creation, they become their hands and arms. When the mind is confused, it thinks bad things. It becomes a breeding ground for idle thoughts, plots and plans mischief. And look, if the heart becomes sad, it becomes dead, and you know that a dead thing begins to rot, may God save it from its stench, it becomes insensitive, it does not accept good, it moves towards evil, it spreads division. It doesn’t connect, it starts to break. Just save the Lord from these diseases and only the Lord can save. Only a few moments to live. The call to prayer was performed while coming and then the prayer while leaving, that too if lucky.

So many plans to live for two years, so many sacrifices, so many humiliating begs, flattery and flattery, what a loss I fell into. May the Lord grant you grace, only then will you be able to recognize the true nature of things. To look inside a person is a gift from the Lord. Everyone can see the fruits and flowers, who will see the root? Where to get that look! It’s all about success, connecting with the Lord. The Prophet (PBUH) has said: Fear the insight of the believer, he sees with the light of God.

When will I know myself, my Lord, my Sustainer…..when will I deny the false gods……when will I be the support of the dusty creatures……when will we be friends? My own organs. Why don’t I ask the Lord before death, why don’t I lament all this. When will I regain consciousness, save my Lord from the time when I regain consciousness and the time is up. There is no choice, there is helplessness. Look, they don’t leave my side, then they came, what a beautiful thing, how my master created rare and rare servants. If he didn’t, how deprived we would be.

Hazrat Syedna Dhul-Nun Masri says that one day while passing through the market, I saw a dead body lying on a man’s shoulder and no one was with him. I said: By Allah! I will definitely be his companion and get his reward. When he reached the graveyard, I said: O people! Where is the guardian of this person, so that his funeral prayers can be read? So he replied: O honourable guest! None of us know it. Then I went ahead and offered his funeral prayer, we lowered him into the grave and covered him with soil. When they intended to return, I said: What is the matter of this deceased? So he expressed his ignorance on my question and said, “We don’t know anything, a goat has hired us to bring this dead body here and she is coming now.”

Meanwhile, the distressed woman stopped at the grave crying, removed the veil from her face, spread her hair and raised her hands towards the sky and fainted while crying. After some time, she regained consciousness and started laughing. After crying even harder, I asked the reason for laughing, then this woman asked me who are you? I introduced myself and said that I am “Zulnoon”. The woman said, “By Allah! If you were not among the righteous, I would never have told you. This is the coldness of my eyes. My son spent all his youth in proud clothes and arrogance. There is no such evil.” There is no sin which he has not committed, which he has not attempted. The Lord, who knows all his misdeeds, punished him with severe pain in his head which lasted for three days He was fully convinced of his death and said, “O my mother! I beseech you by Allah, accept my will: When I die, do not tell my friends, family and neighbours about my death, because they will not show mercy to me because of my misdeeds. He read these poems while crying!
My sins made me forget to pray and fast.
I made my body so sick and weak that it died before death.
I wish! I would have repented of all my sins in the presence of my Lord and Almighty.
O my God! In this vast wilderness this servant of yours is astonished.
My faults were revealed to all, my sins broke my back.
My vices are many and my virtues are wasted.

Then he addressed his mother while crying and said: My mother! I regret that I went too far in disobeying Allah. My dear mother! By Allah! When I die, put my face in the earth and soil and place my foot with full force on my other face and say, “This is the reward of the servant who disobeyed and opposed his Lord, His commands.” Abandoned and remained a slave to his desires. Then push me into this pit and raise my hands to Allah and cry: O Allah, be pleased with him! When my son passed away, I fulfilled all his wishes. As soon as I raised my face to the sky, I heard my son’s cry: My dear mother! Go back now that I have been brought before my Lord, the Gracious and Merciful, in such a state that He was not angry with me. When I heard this voice, my heart was filled with something, and I was helplessly engaged in praying to my merciful Lord.

Hazrat Syedna Mansoor bin Ammar says that when a servant dies, he goes through 5 states:
His wealth belongs to the inheritors, his soul to the kingdom of death, his flesh to the insects, his bones to the dust, and the fifth state is his good deeds to “Hasoom” i.e. those who demand their right on the Day of Resurrection. He further said: If the inheritors take possession of wealth, then it is right, if the kingdom of death takes possession of the soul, then it is right, but we seek refuge in Allah from him, so that at the time of death Satan will believe and be separated from Allah. Separation from Allah destroys what is unbearable and there is no loss greater than that.

It was narrated from Hazrat Syedna Muhammad Bin Naeem that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Whenever Gabriel came to me, he used to tremble in fear of Allah Almighty. When Satan was reprimanded for his disobedience after a close and exalted position, both Gabriel and Mikael (peace be upon him) began to cry, then the Lord Dhul-Jalal, who knows the state of hearts, inquired: What happened to you, why are you crying, even though I am over someone? Does not do injustice. So, the two close angels said: O our All-Knowing Lord! We are afraid of your secret plan i.e. Qadar, the distance of your nearness and the punishment after your happiness. So Allah the Exalted said, “In the same way, be afraid of my secret plan.”

Let me share with you another incident from “Revival of Science by Imam Al-Ghazali”:
One day, Sheikh Shaqiq Balkhi asked his disciple Hatim, “Hatim! How many days have you been with me? He replied that I have been under your disciple for the last 32 years. Then the Sheikh asked: Tell me, in such a long time, you have been with me.” What did you learn from me? A student like Hatim replied, “Only eight problems” and the Sheikh responded by reciting “Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Alahi Rajioun”( Indeed, we came from Allah and to Him we shall return) and said, “My time was wasted on you, you only learned eight problems.” The student bowed his head and said, “Dear teacher!” “Couldn’t learn much I’m sorry but can’t lie either”. The Sheikh said, “Well, tell me, what have you learned? Hatim said:

1- I saw the creation and realized that everyone has a beloved until he goes to the grave. When a person reaches the grave, he is separated from his beloved, so I made “good deeds” my beloved. That when I go to the grave, this my beloved will be with me in the grave. A wise man has said:
Remember that when you are born, everyone laughs
It is said that when men cry, we all cry and laugh
That you remember something that when you took your first step in this world, all your family members were happy and smiling, but you were crying. When you start leaving this world, everyone cries for you, but you go away happy and cheerful, as if you are freed from prison and going to your home.
2. When people see that someone has something valuable, they take care of it and protect it, then read the commandment of Allah SWT
مَاعِندَكُمْ يَنفَدُوَمَاعِندَ اللَّهِ بَاقٍ وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّ الَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا أَجْرَهُم بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
Whatever you have will end, but what Allah has is lasting. And We will surely give those who were patient their reward according to the best of what they used to do.(Al-Nahal:96)
So, I turned to Allah what was precious to me so that it would be safe with Him that would never be lost.
3. I pondered on Allah’s commandment: وَأَمَّامَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ وَنَهَى النَّفْسَ عَنِ الْهَوَىٰ
But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul from [unlawful] inclination(Al-Naaz’iat:40) So I restrained my soul from evils, worked hard to avoid sensual desires, until my soul became fixed on obedience to God.
4- Looked at people, found the trend of each one in worldly wealth, according to lineage, worldly position, and position, by considering these things, these things appeared to be hatch, and saw the divine command: إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ
Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Al-Hujrat: 13). So I adopted taqwa in order to gain honor in the sight of Allah.
5-I also saw among the people that they have bad thoughts among themselves, they call each other bad, on the other hand I saw the saying of Allah:
نَحْنُ قَسَمْنَا بَيْنَهُم مَّعِيشَتَهُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا(زخرف:32)
It is We who have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of this world.
Therefore, I abandoned envy and turned away from the people and believed that the fate is in the hands of Allah alone and I refrained from the enmity of the people.
6- Seeing the people disobeying and killing each other, turned to Allah and saw His saying:
إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ فَاتَّخِذُوهُ عَدُوًّاإِنَّمَا يَدْعُو حِزْبَهُ لِيَكُونُوا مِنْ أَصْحَابِ السَّعِيرِ(فاطر:6)
Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so, take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze. Therefore, I took only this one devil as my enemy and tried to avoid him.
7- Seeing people humiliating themselves over a piece of bread, taking steps in illegal affairs, then the Almighty said:
دَآبَّةٍ فِی الْاَرْضِ اِلَّاعَلَى اللّٰهِ رِزْقُهَاوَیَعْلَمُ مُسْتَقَرَّهَاوَمُسْتَوْدَعَهَاؕ-كُلٌّ فِیْ كِتٰبٍ مُّبِیْنٍ(ہود:6)
And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register.
8- I saw the creation, everyone trusts in something temporary, some trusts in the land, some in their trade, some in their profession, some in the body, some in mental and intellectual abilities. When he turned to Allah, he saw this statement:
وَّیَرۡزُقۡہُ مِنۡ حَیۡثُ لَایَحۡتَسِبُ ؕوَمَنۡ یَّتَوَکَّلۡ عَلَی اللّٰہِ فَہُوَحَسۡبُہٗ ؕاِنَّ اللّٰہَ بَالِغُ اَمۡرِہٖ ؕ قَدۡجَعَلَ اللّٰہُ لِکُلِّ شَیۡءٍ قَدۡرًا(طلاق:3)
And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.

Sheikh Balkhi spontaneously called out: O my dear student Hatim! May Allah bless you with their success, I studied the sciences of the Qur’an and found the root of all of them to be the same eight problems. The one who followed them became the author of the four heavenly books.

“Is this the end of those who give advice and those who threaten? The people of the world sometimes put him on the cross, sometimes on the stake, sometimes they impose Karbala on him, sometimes he passes through the valley of Taif, sometimes some hardship, Sometimes someone…. But peace and blessings be upon those who advise, whose spirits are high and whose ambitions are firm. Stay awake. Prepare yourself to clean up your surroundings before someone gives you advice. Is it enough to read books? No, there is much, much more Where is the lesson of the time, we should not follow our own will, where did the oppressors go? What signs have been left? Desolations are only signs.

Who has been here before, who will be here now. Nothing will remain, only the name of my Lord will remain!
جہاں میں ہم بھلاکب تک رہیں گے
تماشاختم ہوگا، چل پڑیں گے
کسی کی آگ میں زندہ رہے تو
ہم اپنی آگ کب روشن کریں گے
How long will we stay there?
The spectacle will be over, they will go on
If you live in someone’s fire
When shall we light our fire?
Friday 19 April 2024


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