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Welcome Ramadan…….The True Spirit of Fasting

Fasting calls for patience, self-restraint, self-sacrifice, and kindness to each other. It has been recognized as an ideal means of self-preservation and closeness to God. Islam is the religion of nature. For the sake of life, spend every moment of your life in the pleasure of your Creator and Owner. Namaz, Zakat, Jihad, Hajj and fasting in the month of Ramadan are manifestations of these qualities.

Muslims are eagerly waiting for the glorious month of Mubarak, and its preparation starts from the month of Sha’ban. There is a great opportunity of closeness. In this month, the chances of receiving the good news of God and Paradise increase, just imagine what we and you do when an important guest arrives at your house.

We do a lot of preparations. We clean the house, decorate the courtyard, adorn ourselves and dress the family in good clothes. Many expensive goods are manufactured. How much preparation should be done when a guest is sent by Allah for this natural blessing of Ramadan.

At the end of Sha’ban, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained the greatness and splendor of this month so that people could know about its value and dignity and that they could perform the deeds of Ramadan properly. The month of Ramadan is actually a month of training, training to be hungry, and to understand the hunger and suffering of others. There is training to face tough situations. Worship of Allah, remembrance of Allah, and meditation of Allah are practiced. Its fasting and Taraweeh is the curriculum of this month of training, which is what Allah Almighty said in the Holy Qur’an: “O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for the previous nations, so that you may be pious.” (Al-Baqarah: 183) That is, the purpose of fasting is to train the self, to develop self-control, to have piety, and to save oneself from sins. It becomes easy.

The purpose of the fasting of Ramadan, as stated in the above verses, is to achieve piety. The days of the month of Ramadan are the days of a believer’s training and exercise. He can obtain the pleasure of Allah Almighty by fasting and worshiping in Ramadan. A Muslim shows his love for the Holy Prophet ﷺ by following him and purifying his soul and soul, so that in the remaining days of his life he can adopt piety and fulfill his purpose of life, i.e. May he live the rest of his life in the worship of Allah and His pleasure. It can be seen that all acts of worship show one or the other emotion of man. Prayer is fear, Zakat is mercy, Jihad is anger and celibacy, and anger is Hajj, acceptance, and satisfaction. And fasting is the name of love for Allah Ta’ala, the rest of worship is the name of performing some actions, which others also see and know. For example, prayer is the name of bowing and prostration, and it is ordered to perform it in congregation, Jihad is the name of war against infidels, Zakat. It is paid by giving some money or property to someone, but fasting is not the name of showing something, but fasting is the name of not doing anything. It has been kept. Fasting is a secret between the servant and Allah, it is an offering of the beloved before his beloved, which is presented completely silently and in secret. That is why the Prophet, peace be upon him, said that Allah Almighty He has declared a priceless reward for him, that “faster” fasts for me, and I myself am his reward. What can be the estimate of the reward and honor of the action that Allah, the Highest, is rewarding to Himself? Fasting is actually a free gift from the servant to his Lord. That is why Allah has announced such a great reward and honor.

There are many virtues and characteristics of Ramadan, the most prominent feature of which is that the Holy Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan, and only the month of Ramadan is explicitly mentioned in the Holy Quran in all the months of the year. The compatibility and greater connection is proved. There is also an aspect of a deep relationship between the Qur’an and the holy month of Ramadan, that in this blessed month, there is more recitation of the Holy Qur’an, especially at night and during the day. The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed. The revelation of the Holy Spirit began in the month of Ramadan. The third is that the Holy Qur’an was sent down from heaven to the world on the night of Qadr in the month of Ramadan and stayed in Bait-ul-Izzat. This is a place in the same sky, from here from time to time according to the requirements of wisdom, as much as God allowed, Hazrat Gabriel Amin (peace be upon him) kept bringing and this descent was completed in a period of about twenty-three (23) years.

However, the close relationship between the Holy Quran and the month of Ramadan is proven in every way and this undoubtedly shows the excellence of this holy month. Fasting and the Holy Qur’an are both intercessors and on the Day of Judgment they will intercede for each other. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar is the narrator that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said that fasting and the Holy Qur’an will intercede for the servant. Fasting will say: O my Lord! kept him from food and desires during the day, so accept my intercession in his favor, the Qur’an will say: O my Lord! If I prevented him from sleeping at night, accept my intercession on his behalf. Both intercessions will be accepted.

The Holy Prophet ﷺ said that the blessing of Ramadan is infinite. Allah Almighty has made its fasting obligatory upon you. There is one night that is better than a thousand months that was deprived of its goodness, that yesterday was deprived of goodness.

It was narrated in the Sahihin on the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Every good deed of a person is rewarded ten to seven times as much.” Allah said, “But fasting is for Me, and I will reward it myself, because I am a servant of Myself.” Gives up cravings and food and drink due to obesity.

There are two joys for a fasting person, one at the time of breaking the fast and one at the time of meeting his Lord. Do not shout, then if someone abuses him or is ready to fight, then say that I am fasting.

The special worship of this holy month is fasting, which aims to purify the soul, that is, to purify one’s soul from sins and attain piety. He fasts with faith and accountability, and whoever prays Taraweeh in Ramadan and wakes up at night with faith and accountability, Allah will forgive all his previous sins.

It is the individual and collective duty of all Muslims to sanctify and respect this month of Ramadan. Remember that the same way the Holy Quran was brought down from the sky on the night of Qadr in the month of Ramadan, the emergence of Pakistan on the map of this world on that night is a miracle. That is why it is our responsibility to thank Allah for this reward in the day and night prayers of Ramadan. But some unfortunate people have made the poor people suffer from the punishment of inflation by hoarding, these cruel hoarders should be punished, and the poor and poor people should be saved from the scourge of inflation while in every big store in Britain. On the arrival of Ramadan, the prices of daily retail items have been reduced to half price. I pray to Allah Ta’ala to grant us the wisdom and grace to enjoy the blessings and mercy of Ramadan Kareem. Amen.

I wish all the readers a blessed month of Ramadan! I pray to Allah to forgive our mistakes and bless us with respect in this month of Ramadan. A’ameen

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