Two sides of a coin
About two centuries ago some Hindu Pandits, impressed by the beauty of Kashmir, requested to stay permanently, at that time the Kashmiri Muslims welcomed them sincerely with their good manners and thus gradually more Hindus arrived in Kashmir from India. Started and thus all these Hindu people started to be called as Kashmiri Pandit. Budh Singh who was a Latta Patta Jagirdar also took refuge in Kashmir along with some members of his family. He was still young when he got a job with a British officer Manstott and then moved with him to Delhi. During his stay in Delhi, in 1812, a son was born to him, whom he named Mohanlal. Budh Singh was a well-known person. In 1828, when the British started English classes at the Persian College, Delhi, Budh Singh admitted his son Mohanlal, where Kashmiri was added to Mohanlal’s name.
Thus, Mohanlal became one of the 6 youths of Kashmiri India who learned English at the beginning of the British rule. In 1831, he was employed by Sir Alexander Burns, the conqueror of Afghanistan. Mohanlal had become proficient in speaking and writing Persian and English and was initially entrusted with the Bukhara campaign. He left Delhi with Burns and reached Bukhara via Ludhiana, Panipat, Karnal, Lahore, Pindaddan Khan, Jalalpur, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Kabul and Bamiyan. Burns and his English companion Gerard accompanied him in the guise of natives. The purpose of this campaign was to assess the defense position of Afghanistan. Mohanlal kept writing a diary during his Kashmiri journey which reached the British government through various channels. When Mohanlal returned in 1834, the British government appointed him as their political agent in Kandahar in return for his treasonous services. As if he was the first Hindu Pandit who stabbed his Muslim benefactors in the back and got the label of treason on his forehead.
In 1838, the British occupied Afghanistan, Mohanlal was appointed as the “guide” of this campaign. Mohanlal went out with his master Burns and led the British army straight to Kabul. A war broke out with the Afghans, the Afghans lost because Mohanlal had previously bought many non-Muslim Afghans with wealth to support the British government. The British put Shah Shuja on the throne and started ruling Afghanistan under his guise. Mohanlal worked for the interests of the British throughout this period. Mohanlal was gifted by nature with the skills of conspiracy, deception and manipulation, or we can say that he was full of deceit, lies and cunning. He would easily get rich among the local people and then cut their roots and hand them over to his master the British. Mohanlal lived till 1877, in his sixty-two years of life he also traveled to Great Britain, in his late life he also wrote two travelogues which were the first books written in English by an Indian.
These books unfortunately did not get fame. At the end of 1930, Nehru went to a second-hand shop in London for some work, and there he bought these books. When he studied these books, he was surprised by Mohanlal’s observations and language skills. At Nehru’s instigation, Hari Ram Gupta later did his PhD on Mohanlal. Gupta’s thesis was published in 1943, its foreword was written by Nehru himself but unfortunately this thesis also did not gain any fame. Sixty years later, in 2003, it was published again, this time creating a sensation, the world was shocked by the observations of Mohanlal Kashmiri.
Mohanlal had lived in Kabul from 1838 to 1841, he had seen the rise and fall of the British government, he was also an expert on the mood of the Afghans. He wrote: Afghans tolerate everything, but they do not tolerate external powers. Afghans do not compromise with alcohol and sexual immorality either. When the British came to power, they forgot the mood of the Afghans, they took all the power in their hands, the king remained a mere puppet. Bars were opened in Kabul and the British army started drinking alcohol openly. The British occupied huge houses and gardens, where they enjoyed horse racing, cricket and plays.
They also used to go skiing in Kabul in winter, brothels were opened all over the city, the hands of the British soldiers reached the homes of nobles. British officers and officials used to pick up daughters-in-law of chiefs and the government remained silent on this abuse. The British seized all the good houses of the city either by force or on rent. British also used to buy grain, grass, meat and vegetables, as a result of which Afghanistan became a victim of shortage and inflation. The Afghans continued to endure this oppression for three years until September 1841, 1841. All the Afghan chieftains finally signed an agreement swearing on the Qur’an and after that they started killing the British and especially the British along with the Afghans who were involved in robbing the honor of Afghan women. were Burns was hanged on the main door of his house. The rebellion continued until January 7, 1842. Fed up, Major Pottinger announced to leave Afghanistan. The British army left Kabul but was surrounded and killed by the Afghans on the way. 20,000 British were killed in this war, only Dr. Brydon survived who continued to tell the stories of the brutality of the Afghans throughout his life. Dar would pick up the daughters-in-law of the Afghans and, robbing them of their honor, would either throw them away or shoot them nearby. Mohanlal was also captured in this war, but he spilled all the secret secrets of the British including telling the Afghans about the escape plans of the British and was released with great difficulty. As if a traitor like Mohanlal was not loyal to anyone.
Recently, when I had the opportunity to read the history of these Kashmiri Pandits, I agreed to read together Mohanlal’s biography, an old Globe and Mail report, and Christina Lamb’s 2004 column, the Globe and Mail revealed. Kabul city has become a swamp of sins, hundreds of prostitution centers have opened in the city, Wazir Akbar Khan and citizens have dozens of nightclubs in modern areas. Drinking alcohol is a crime under Afghan law, but alcohol is common in the city.” Christina Lamb writes in her column in the New York Times that “A former Afghan Omar opened a $200,000 restaurant in the city of Kabul called “P-Cock” with a swimming pool shaped like a martini glass, with wine in this restaurant. Haram meat is also available, in addition to “Peak” there is also a cocktail bar and Thai restaurant opened by Britons called the Elbow Room. Alcohol and women are common in the whole city, which Afghans do not like, the situation is that even the opponents of the Taliban are asking each other today, did America fight this war because they have bars, restaurants and dance halls here. Can build”.
I kept Mohanlal’s water bottle aside and took a cold breath and thought, “Is there any difference between 1841 and 2024?” At the end of the same column of Christina Lamb, the answer is found that “Yes, in 1841, the British were in Afghanistan and today the Americans have left behind countless horror stories of their eleven years of persecution, which have deadly and harmful effects. It will take a long time to disappear.” I thought “Will history repeat itself?” So in response, Christina Lamb answers, “Yes, soon, because the seeds of mistakes always grow the plants of mistakes.” My intuition immediately led me to the fact that after the martyrdom of Burhan Wani, Kashmir’s freedom movement had gained momentum and the Indian intelligence agency had resorted to high tactics to discredit the Kashmir freedom movement. Just as during the visit of US President Clinton to India, the secret agency of the Indian Army “RA” brutally killed 34 Sikhs in the local gurdwara in “Chhattisingh Pura Anantnag” on March 20, 2000 to crush the Kashmir independence movement. killed and put all the responsibility on the Kashmiri Muslims, but later the Indian three-member investigation commission blamed the Indian security forces and exposed this terrible conspiracy of Indian origin. During the Modi regime, such dramas were repeated sometimes in Pathankot and sometimes in Pulwama, thus many Mohan lals are being exposed in the form of Modi and on the other hand using Kashmiri Pandits to mislead the world with fabricated incidents. What is being done, which the media of India jumps on. The withdrawal of these Pandits under a well-thought-out conspiracy was also intended to give them a free hand in the brutal operation of the Indian Army against the Muslims.
India, which claims to be the largest democracy in the world, why does it not allow the press and camera of the world to go there? If it is assumed with great disgust for a few minutes that Kashmir is a part of India, then what is the law under which India has brutally killed more than one lakh of its own innocent citizens in Kashmir? And Nehru, who was the most beloved leader of India, signed the document as a guarantor of the international powers in the United Nations, why was the Kashmir resolution not implemented? Does anyone have an answer to this? Time has proved that Mohanlal and Modi are two sides of the same coin because of their disgusting habits like lying, cheating!
Saturday 25 May 2024