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These heartbreaking scenes… How long will they continue?

The Israeli barbarity on Gaza, Palestine, has left a profound emotional impact. In Rabat, Morocco, needy Muslims invited diplomats and scholars from fifty Muslim countries and extended invitations to various other scholars in this regard. The speech of Palestinian descent Dr. Khalid had a shocking effect. With great emotion, he described the inhumane bloodshed in the Israeli barbarity on Gaza, leaving all the listeners in shock and sorrow.

Undoubtedly, the people of the Muslim world are going through a great ordeal, but the insensitive rulers of the Muslim Ummah, enslaved to America, are contemplating the statements while trembling.

Brother Khalid did provide the graphic details of this bloody war and that small judgment mentioned in his talk.I want to inform all of you by avoiding the formality of his speech. However, I find it necessary to mention it briefly:

“In the name of Allah, if only for a few moments, Allah were to remove the current veil from your eyes, you would witness the breathtaking scenes of the skies of Palestine. Groups of angels are running to Allah with the souls of martyrs in a special celebration. There is no deity but Allah, and the sky is filled with the scent of perfume. These people have passed their test in this world, and Allah has chosen them for Jannah. You see distressing images, don’t you? But remember what our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said. In this world, no one dies, and no one wants to return except the martyrs. Martyrs wish to die for His sake a thousand times. I am currently witnessing such things in Gaza that if you were to see them with your own eyes, you would weep with joy and pray to Allah for martyrdom in Gaza. These martyrs are alive and are perpetually provided by their Sustainer.”

Our holy land mentioned in the Quran, known as Al-Quds, is the Qibla of the Prophets. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) led the Prophets in prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque. I was called by Gabriel 31 years ago, but I cannot forget my homeland Gaza, Palestine, even for a moment. Instead, I am happy that every member of my family has become a martyr. Indeed, every martyr is a crown of honour, and I am deprived of this happiness due to not being there. But I bear witness to all of you that I pray to meet them soon.

“I also want to tell you that it is no longer obligatory for us to offer the funeral prayer for our martyrs because the funeral prayer is offered for the living, for which we are still alive, while the rest of the Muslim Ummah has passed away. Moreover, there are five daily prayers obligatory upon all Muslims, but we have been offering fifty prayers daily for several years, meaning we perform funeral prayers every day. We do not need your help with food and other things because we are not beggars; our Lord has promised that the martyrs are alive, and I provide them with sustenance.

You are witnessing the horrific scenes of Israeli bombing on the media, and the survivors are standing only to chant the slogans of Allah’s greatness and to offer their children and these buildings as sacrifices. They have the desire to become martyrs, and among them, there may be children who wish for martyrdom. Have you heard from anyone that they are seeking help from the rulers of another Muslim country? Because we know that seeking help from dead men goes against the dignity of our Allah SWT, so we only seek help from our Allah SWT.”

Today, here, in this gathering, individuals from numerous countries are present, and I won’t apologize for any single word. But there is one thing I must say, that the angels are recording this ceremony today, and their testimony is what I seek. Allah has bestowed atomic capability to only one Muslim nation, Pakistan. And on the day Pakistan conducted its nuclear test, I not only congratulated Brother Samiullah Malik with tears of joy, but we all also prostrated in gratitude before Allah. However, prior to that, an incident occurred in Islamabad during the procession of unity with Palestine by the Jamaat-e-Islami. How the police charged with batons, it has also been recorded. But I have complete faith in the Pakistani nation that they stand with us, and I am grateful to all of them for this action.”

Following Brother Khalid’s brief address, there was a silence like the Day of Judgment. Everyone had remorse in their eyes. But what’s astonishing is that we are living in a world where the global media portrays themselves as victims, committing atrocities on behalf of Israel, and the savage allegations made by Israel are being ignored. Israeli savages have not only bombed residential areas, hospitals, and ambulances, but they have also targeted the camps of refugees, set up by the United Nations. They have martyred more than 9,000 residents of Gaza, including over 4,000 children and more than 2,000 women. For many decades, the residents here have not experienced a single moment of happiness, whether it’s on religious occasions or any other event. Israeli oppressors are inflicting pain and oppression without mercy. Even during the recent Israeli aggression, they did not spare hospitals, and hundreds of patients who were here for treatment are now reciting the testimony. According to Palestinian health authorities, at least 463 Palestinians have been martyred in these attacks. A healthcare worker in Palestine named Imran Shaheen and the operations room of the Gaza Police report that after these ruthless and inhumane attacks, the hospitals are overwhelmed. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s orders are carrying out extreme bombings, targeting not only refugee camps but also streets, schools, lands, the sea, and even the airspace.

Israel is conducting daily airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, which is approximately 7 miles wide and 26 miles long, delivering thousands of tons of explosives every day. They are targeting Hamas’ TV channels, radio stations, and other buildings. According to Palestinian authorities, the recent Israeli aggression has resulted in the martyrdom of more than 12,000 Palestinian men, women, and children. So far, all buildings in Gaza have been reduced to rubble, and it’s estimated that over 2,000 people are trapped under the debris.

In this apocalyptic scene, every incoming day is proving to be the bloodiest, as Israel’s brutal forces, masquerading as an army, are indiscriminately shedding innocent blood. Through savage aerial bombardments, artillery fire, and ruthless firing, they have slaughtered innocent men, women, and children without discrimination.

The Israeli bloodthirsty monsters, under the guise of soldiers, are immersing innocent children, women, youth, and elderly in blood, and now they are digging the depths of mass graves, turning living humans into targets by locking them in graves and opening fire. However, those with knowledge of human rights have turned a blind eye, and their voices have gone silent. Even condemning Israel is deemed unfitting.

In central Gaza, hospitals were not spared from being shelled. Fighter jets are transforming residential areas into piles of rubble. Zionist snipers continue to shoot with impunity in every city, raining bullets on civilians. Many homes have become houses of mourning, and some are left without anyone to shed a tear. In Gaza’s hospitals, shortages of resources and medicines have left the wounded in excruciating pain. In the days to come, the remaining wounded may return to Allah’s mercy.

The Israeli fighter jets have turned the Al-Aqsa Hospital in central Gaza into a target, resulting in the deaths of 207 people, including patients and injuring 183 others. In Khan Yunis, an aerial bombardment at a residential home claimed the lives of twenty people and later resulted in 15 severely injured victims. In Rafah, an airstrike killed ten members of the same family, including four children. In Shujaiyah, the ongoing shelling has led to the discovery of 68 bodies from damaged homes, with an unknown number still under the rubble. These are all human beings, many of whom had eyes filled with tears, just like those among our Palestinian brothers, sisters, and children who displayed remarkable courage, even in the face of tragic martyrdom.

Despite the loss of so many loved ones, their grief-stricken eyes and hearts yearned for a way to fight back against the injustices so they could protect their loved ones. The most horrifying scenes of Israeli brutality can be witnessed in the Shujaiyah area of Gaza, where every dark alley bears witness to the spilled blood and where even now, black traces of smoke still linger. Trees have fallen, and all types of twisted and crooked structures recount the tale of their devastation. The roadways, littered with rubble from the Israeli bombardment, are now dotted with makeshift graves, mourning the victims of Israel’s tyranny.

In an active combat zone, one after the other, third, and then continuously, corpses are being pulled out from pools of blood. In one alley, there are nothing but corpses, but their limbs are scattered, and some of the corpses are unrecognizable. However, their identification was made through the henna on their

hands, indicating they were either a woman or a young girl. On the next corner, the husband and wife were fleeing, and the father had held his lion-hearted child tightly while passing over the corpses. Life was safe where the yellow-faced people did not make a sound, and the search was for a place where life could be secure. As soon as the father reached a shelter under a shop, he called out to his terrified wife. Suddenly, a bullet hit her right in the eyes, and she fell with her three-year-old daughter in her arms. Witnessing this scene, my senses are overwhelmed with a response, and I am not in a state to witness further or write anything.

I received a video from an Arab friend a few days ago because they know I understand the Arabic language well. In the video, it is clearly seen that in the midst of the gunfire, one after the other, third, and then continuously, corpses are being pulled out from pools of blood. In one alley, there are nothing but corpses, but their limbs are scattered, and some of the corpses are unrecognizable. However, their identification was made through the henna on their hands, indicating that this is a part of the body of either a woman or a girl. On the next corner, a husband and wife were fleeing, and the father had held an innocent nursing child tightly while passing over the corpses. His steps froze as he crossed over the corpses, the pale faces made no sound. The search was for a place where life could be safe. As soon as the father reaches under the shelter of a shop and shouts to his wife, suddenly a shell explodes in front of his eyes, which blows his wife and three-year-old daughter into pieces in the air. Feelings are answered and I don’t have enough patience to watch this video and write anything more.

I remember during the war, the TV was showing sad scenes that were being bombed and it was impossible to get an ambulance. People had two options, stay at home, and count the hours and breaths of their lives or risk running for their lives. Those who pick up their crying children with bare feet in search of a safe place reach a place from where there is no way back. “Fear and Death”.

The world leadership, including the Muslim countries, has been criminally silent against the Israeli aggression, but the protests of the people all over the world in favour of the people of Gaza are leading to demonstrations against the brutality of Israel and the indifference and partiality of the Western powers. The rally also clashed with the police. The angry protesters also vandalized during the protest. The French government could not crush the protest full of people’s anger against Israel. Israeli aggression in other cities of Europe, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Vienna, Amsterdam and Stockholm and many big cities of America itself. Rallies are protesting it, but it is a pity that my Allah SWT has taken away this opportunity from some Arab countries.

The current situation in Gaza was discussed at the UNO, and the General Secretary said: “We must stop the shedding of Palestinian blood.” Speaking at a news conference, Israel was urged to take immediate actions to prevent the deaths of Palestinian citizens. The U.S. President’s defence of Israel’s actions deeply disappointed the international community once again. The White House spokesperson, while evading the facts, stated during a media interview, “The real responsibility for the complex situation between Israel and Palestine lies with Hamas. Therefore, Israel has the right to completely eliminate Hamas in its defence.

This is the reason why Benjamin Netanyahu once again emphasized that the operation will continue despite the fatalities, and for this operation, he has the strong support of international powers. However, the reality is that, for the first time, the barrage of Hamas rockets has not only surprised and disturbed Israel but also all its allies. These efforts are aimed at continuously curbing the persistent violations by both parties. It is the tragedy of the Palestinians that they are struggling to be free in one part of their own land and demanding their right to freedom. This right has already been endorsed in the United Nations’ resolutions. However, during this struggle for freedom, if, at times, an incident of non-violence arises, Israel is granted a license for public killing in the name of self-defence, while the United Nations Charter acknowledges the right of the oppressed nations to take up arms for their recognized rights if all peaceful means fail.

Every day, my fear is growing that if this oppression is not stopped, there is a possibility of a war that could darken the entire world. Now it has become essential for the wise and thoughtful people of the world to come together to address these threats and raise their voices fairly to save the world so that we can leave a better world for future generations.

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