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Then why did these people die?

A spacecraft embarked on a journey from the vast expanses of the universe, gliding through the vacuum and heading straight towards the Earth. Upon nearing the Earth, it decelerated, paused, and pondered for a fraction of a second in its thousandth part of a second. It made a minute adjustment in its angle, changing the hundred-thousandth portion of a “point” within its trajectory. With a resounding thud, it passed by the proximity of the Earth and disappeared into the darkness of some obscure cave within the cosmos. This incident took place on June 13, 2002. The news of this event reached the United States on June 16, 2002, when the spacecraft had already spent three days traversing through space. NASA’s sensitive instruments marked the first prediction of doomsday, leaving the experts in space exploration startled. For a brief moment, NASA’s eyes forgot to blink, as the report was being read while gripping its head with both hands, and beads of sweat trickled down from the glasses perched on its nose. It should not have been so. Because in the history of the world, it was the first time that a celestial body had passed so closely to the Earth. It traversed a distance of one hundred and thirty thousand kilometers from the Earth. In the vacuum, this distance is considered an infinitesimal measure.

The length of the spacecraft was 130 kilometers and its speed was 23,000 kilometers per hour, if the spacecraft deviated one hundred thousandth of its route to the right or left, it would collide directly with the Earth, Which results in an explosion a thousand times larger than the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.

From east to west and north to south, fire would spread, turning everything from the roots of the grass to the peaks of mountains into ashes. The water of all the oceans would turn into steam, and the temperature of the Earth would reach the point where stones melt. Emerging from the depths of the Earth, lava would flow outward, engulfing the Statue of Liberty in New York. Its power and arrogance would be annihilated, leaving no trace. Everything, alive or dead, would melt and turn into molten matter, reaching the highest peak of the Himalayas. This molten substance would continue to advance, engulfing Russia’s 10,240, the United States’ 8,420, France’s 450, China’s 400, Britain’s 260, Israel’s 160, India’s 82, and Pakistan’s 67 atomic bombs. The temperature of the Earth would rise from ten thousand centigrades to one hundred and forty million centigrades, turning the Earth into a sun. This destruction and its effects would last for four hundred thousand years. After four hundred thousand years, oxygen would be produced on Earth, water would flow in the valleys of the lofty mountains, a single seed would emerge from the Earth’s crust, a sapling would sprout from the seed, and life would begin anew. This journey would mark the advent of the first human on Earth. The naked and uncivilized human would drink the blood of living creatures, consume raw meat, and wander in mountains, valleys, deserts, and caves for the sake of survival. It would stumble upon rocks, and some pages resembling “leaves” of the moon would stick to its hands. It would pick them up and look at them in great astonishment, thinking, but its thoughts would eventually fade away.

Four hundred thousand years later, humans cannot even fathom the sight of those Chandrads (extraterrestrial beings). They are witnessing with astonishment, having never imagined that the torch held in the hand of the Statue of Liberty in America was a mere flame. Those “Patriyaan” were the lunar vehicles standing at the Kennedy Space Center, which humans used for their journey in space. These caves, these captures, are the White House, Pentaagon, 10 Downing Street, French Presidency, German Chancellor’s Office, and the Kremlin. He looks at the bones scattered on the ground with astonishment, lifts his head and smells the air, restless and unable to comprehend the shattered skulls. He stands there, not wanting to disturb the distinction between the skulls of the Pharaoh George Bush, Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, General Pervez Musharraf, and Osama bin Laden. The distinction has faded away; he cannot even fathom who Osama bin Laden was and who were the ones claiming divine authority, nor does he know why bin Laden was dissatisfied with them.

While digging the cave, a nuclear object was found. It kept scratching the back or cleaning the ears of both human generations with that nuclear thing. No one knew that it was the historical pen with which the Pharaoh (Bush) of the White House had ordered the eradication of “terrorists” from existence. It had scratches and marks of struggle on it, but nobody could determine who they were. The world had no one to tell them about the tyrant rulers like Sheroon and Arafat, who terrified their subjects and shed blood. It was a solid black metal cylinder, but its purpose remained unknown. It carried a dark, intense mystery within, yet it failed to reveal the secrets of its creation. It was a symbol of the wicked and cunning Modi. On this earth, there existed a species of arrogant and proud humans like Pervez Musharraf, whose mere sight of a neck bone sent shivers down the spine, making it impossible for anyone to know the atrocities inflicted upon their subjects and the mice. It would hide away like a coward, leaving the country in a state of chaos, and ultimately sacrificing its own people.

He would wander around with these skulls, knees, and bones. One generation after another, the second, then the third, and the thousandth, two thousandth, three thousandth generation would come. Humans went from caves to fields, from fields to settlements, settlements turned into cities like New York, Washington, Chicago, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Beijing, and Moscow. Large laboratories, experimental facilities, libraries, and research centers were built. And people wearing white coats, holding their documents, studying radios, studying the metals found on Earth, human skin, melted iron, and radioactive substances, it becomes evident that there used to be a civilization on Earth. The defense budget of this country was more than 700 billion dollars, it and its allies had stockpiles of deadly weapons. These people considered only twenty crore (200 million) people as humans. All the progress of these people, all their science, all their technology revolved around the survival of the two hundred million people and the destruction of the remaining five billion nine hundred crore (5.9 billion) creatures. The residents of the White Palace even had atomic shelters beneath their residences, and as soon as they received a warning, they would hide in those shelters like mice.

They had extremely fast aircraft, missiles capable of hitting up to fifty thousand kilometers, and planets that could gather information from the other side of the Earth. They and their devices could identify the 16 “terrorists” of Al-Qaeda among five hundred thousand people in Waziristan. They would judge a person’s tenth generation by seeing a drop of blood, concluding that the fourth child of that person’s tenth generation would be a terrorist. Earth, sea, air, space, and outer space were under their control. They were the rulers of Einstein’s theory, 456,421 years after Einstein, a few clear and precious skulls were placed on a table, and they asked each other, “Where did the people go?” They thought, “When death came to Earth, why were the 200 Million killed who had their own scientific weapons for their survival?”

It is possible that at this time, Einstein’s regiment, with shining eyes and raised hand, smiling, captivated everyone’s attention and said with a lowered voice, “Certainly! They could estimate the terrorists’ intentions, but they couldn’t predict the course of advancing planets towards Earth. They considered space technology as a means of survival. They were highly intelligent, very sharp-minded, and had profound thoughts. Their saying was, ‘They would escape death.’ They might even escape, but doomsday weighs billions, counts trillions, and multiplies exponentially. When it arrives, their devices become silent, and everything perishes.”

It is heard that Russia has brought its atomic weapons to the battlefield. Is the world truly heading towards darkness?

Experts have warned that as a result of the nuclear war between the United States and Russia, the world will experience a nuclear winter for 10 years. According to the report, the detonation of nuclear weapons will generate 147 million tons (150 billion kilograms) of smoke, which will spread in the atmosphere (atomic aerosol) and travel across the Earth, causing nuclear winter. This smoke will create an obstruction in the reach of sunlight to the Earth, leading to an average temperature decrease of up to 9 degrees Celsius in all regions of the world. Experts predict that it will take seven years for the smoke to dissipate and an additional two years for normal levels of sunlight to return.

As a result of the war between the two countries, the Moon’s gravitational system will be disrupted, and the system controlling oceanic temperatures will be damaged. Due to the El Niño effect, storms originating from the sea will intensify. Scientists at Rutgers University’s Atomic Aerosol Science Department in New Jersey, using their three-dimensional models, have found that the effects of nuclear weapons depend on the season, the design of the weapon, and the type of detonation. In the case of a 35% energy release from a bomb, a one-megaton explosion can cause a flash that blinds people within 13 miles during the day and 50 miles at night. Individuals within five miles of the explosion may experience third-degree burns, nearby buildings will be completely demolished, and the energy of the blast will propel winds at a speed of 178 miles per hour, lifting people like feathers within a three-mile radius.

كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍ وَيَبْقَىٰ وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ(الرحمٰن:26:28)

“Everything that exists on this Earth is destined to perish, except the majestic and noble essence of your Lord. You will only witness the magnificent attributes of your Lord.”

يَوْمَ يَكُونُ النَّاسُ كَالْفَرَاشِ الْمَبْثُوثِ وَتَكُونُ الْجِبَالُ كَالْعِهْنِ الْمَنفُوشِ(القارعہ:4:5)

It is a Day whereon mankind will be like moths scattered about.  And the mountains will be like carded wool.

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