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The Suicide of Conscience

Card of Success

The car stopped in front of my house. First, the scruffy chauffeur got out, hurried to the back door, and swiftly pulled the handle. A handsome young man in a grey suit emerged, holding a bouquet. I observed this scene from the window of my front room. He surveyed the surroundings through the dark lenses of his glasses and stepped up to my threshold. As he rang the doorbell, I was both surprised and concerned—who was this stranger and why had he chosen my house?

Within two minutes, he was seated before me. He appeared to be a prosperous, distinguished, and well-mannered individual, but his presence did not bring me any joy. I had been suffering from severe depression for several years, exacerbated by the relentless failures of Pakistan, severe economic crises, the suffering of the public due to inflation, and the harsh blows of circumstances that had shaken me to my core. I was aware that I had become irritable, eccentric, and fed up. I had grown weary of social interactions and was preparing to leave the house for my daily routines. I thought to myself how poorly timed his unannounced visit was. The flowers he had given me were now resting on the table in front of me, handed over with his smile as soon as he entered.

He removed his expensive sunglasses, gave me a vibrant smile, and asked, “Do you recognise me?” I scrutinised him closely; his face seemed familiar but was obscured by the fog of time and distance. He sensed my confusion. “How could you recognise me? Ten years is quite a long time,” he said. I continued to look at him in silence. “I am your protégé. It was my wish that once I became a successful businessman and acquired immense wealth, with people envying me, I would come and pay my respects to you.”

My shock turned into amazement as I looked at him like a stunned patient. He became somewhat emotional. “I met you in Lahore. Over the past few years, I had come to Europe several times on business, but this was my first time in London, and I had been missing you a lot. Sir, I was a failure, poor, and emotional. Everything I touched turned to dust, and I was rejected from every job I applied for. I thought that death would be better than this life. Before I could end my life, a friend brought me to you. After listening to my story, you told me about a unique method of suicide. You said that living in this society is the greatest form of suicide, and that by becoming like the people around you, you could take revenge on them. You said that success and failure, good and evil, are merely ‘states of mind.’

You explained that pickpocketing is a failure for one person and success for another. One considers it a vice, while for the other, it is a means of livelihood to feed his family and cover their medical expenses. The pickpocket remains so loyal to his practice that he never hesitates for a moment while stealing from the poor, as he is unaware of any concept called ‘conscience.’ If a horse befriends grass, what will it eat then?

He paused for a moment, and I began to vaguely remember him. Ten years ago, he was a weak, pallid boy, but now he was a handsome, well-built young man. He continued, “You said that the real culprit is conscience. The prosperous people you see, whom people cite as examples of becoming billionaires over the years, were once like you. They simply chose to kill their conscience instead of themselves, and in just one night, they embarked on the journey of prosperity. In this country, conscience is unnecessary; in this society, it is like an appendix—if it exists, it’s of no benefit, and if it doesn’t, it causes no harm. You said to look around: how many politicians, religious leaders, businessmen, intellectuals, writers, and journalists are there? They all lie so blatantly in newspapers, radio, and television that even the heavens seem to tremble. They boldly defame Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, and other national heroes to curry favour with their foreign masters, even though they know they are lying. Yet, look at their confidence, the tone of their voices, the sparkle in their eyes, and the radiance of their faces. Do you see any signs of struggle, anxiety, or embarrassment? No, you don’t. Why? Because such people have no concept of conscience. You said that conscience is what causes shame, anxiety, and conflict, which creates cracks in your confidence. Without conscience, there is only bliss, peace, and tranquillity.”

He paused, leaned back against the sofa, and, taking a deep breath, said, “Sir! After that, you also said that if you live with conscience, I assure you that you will still succeed, but not here—rather, where we are all awaited. Sir, I acted on your first advice; I stifled my conscience, buried it in the deep dirt of a pit where not even the faintest sound could be heard. Your prediction or experience proved entirely true; I indeed became successful. It felt as if before meeting you, I was opening an ice shop at the North Pole or selling sand to the inhabitants of Cholistan. When I started selling genuine goods in the market, I experienced growth day by day. I am grateful to you, Sir!” He fell silent.

I began to look at her face carefully, there was really no sadness, no shame and no conflict, just like our rulers who, intoxicated by their power, force the girls to self-immolate. Afshan Latif has raised the cross of justice for the past several years, crying out to the almighty for the injustice done by himself, his organs have become paralyzed, and finally, after the ill-treatment of these cruel rulers, in front of his little children, in the fire that burns inside him every day. Instead of getting burned, they have announced self-immolation in front of the government. This is not a new thing, so far I have written many columns and articles, many government officials announced their full support on this matter and gave assurances of comfort and relief, but unfortunately, the matter has become more complicated than before.

It is learned that he also gave a decade of justice by informing today’s ruling elite of the entire shameful incident of how child mafia promotes officers and puts them in charge of welfare institutions and orphanages. As a superintendent, Kashana was also forced to be a part of the heinous business, but after her refusal, instead of appreciating bravery in this God-given Islamic state, it has been made a lesson and today she is stumbling. According to Afshan, the social welfare department officers in Kashana had been doing child abuse business for a long time for their promotions and money. For which no record was kept of the entry and exit of the orphaned girls in the Kashana. Many girls were registered and present in Kashana’s records but were absent from the institution. Food, medical, education, basic necessities, salaries of employees for government essential expenses and all the expenses of the institution are received in the form of donations for every girl in Kashana, despite the government budget, but unfortunately, all the funds are distributed equally. is Innocent orphans and abandoned girls are sexually trafficked in the name of donations. Girls are sold to influential people through fake marriages. Many girls were sold abroad. According to Afshan, the superintendent posted before him in Kashana conducted fake marriages of orphaned abandoned girls from 2013 to 2018 for which there is no record. Orphaned girls were sent to hotels and guest houses outside the institution along with Ayash donors for several days and when the girls were brought back, their physical condition was very bad, and many parts of their bodies were badly injured. In order to cover up their heinous crimes, private doctors were called and even performed surgeries on them.

It is only Afshan’s fault that as a mother and a woman, she was shaken to the core by these cruel treatment of sexual atrocities by the affected girls in Kashana. After which he boldly refused to obey all such illegal and shameful orders of the welfare department while obeying the voice of his conscience when the department was showering favours. On July 12, 2019, with a written request to the Secretary Social Welfare Ambreen Raza, the statements of the affected orphan girls of Kashana were also recorded in the departmental inquiries, in which these girls also gave all the disturbing details related to being used in the sex trade.

Readers, believe me that a special war has started in my pen and conscience to write down the events that happened after that and both of them have singlehandedly thrown a curse in my hands, you know why I have become this way. is That is because after the Kashana scandal came to the fore where two abandoned girls Iqra Kainat and Sajida were killed, other witness girls also disappeared from Kashana, whose statements were recorded in all departmental inquiries and also in the media. It went viral. This was the time when I personally requested many of my friends to take personal interest and I was hopeful that now in the light of all these facts, not only the orphaned and affected orphan girls will get justice, but also the related oppressed people will get justice. will be delivered to, but it is a pity that all of them were like poisonous salt in the salt mine, ready to invite divine punishment.

After the written request given on 12th July 2019, the life of the orphan girls of Afshan and Kashana was made difficult. Government officers and ministers of Imran Khan used to call Afshan to their offices and pull the veil on Afshan’s head. The question is that the screams of Kaina and Sajda, who were killed in an uncommitted sin, were enough for the punishment that came upon this country, that dozens of girls were also subjected to the same fate, whose records have also been destroyed, Kashana Welfare Home. I have been used in the sex trade, sold or killed. This is not only the case of Kashana Home, but also in other welfare institutions of the Social Welfare Department, orphanages and children’s orphanages. This is the reason why their favourite people are kept in charge for more than 10 years and continue their nefarious and disgusting business and if a character like Afshan comes forward, he is mistreated in such a way that everyone who comes to them Surrendering in front of him, become a part of this disgusting trap.

You always ask when will the clouds of suffering and torment end over this holy land. Think for yourself that instead of giving justice to the petitioner Afshan, Afshan was subjected to the worst torture by rebellious, cruel and corrupt government officials in Imran Khan’s government to shut his mouth, several false and baseless accusations against her husband After registering the cases, he was imprisoned in the death cells of Kot Lakhpat Jail. His house was burnt down, and he was illegally fired from his government job.

Her innocent and innocent children were deported, and today they are also deprived of education and basic rights. Now you tell me that if Pakistan, a nuclear power, is facing the kind of scandals that it is facing all over the world, the political anarchy and instability that it is facing in the country, a sense of uncertainty has worried every Pakistani. Yes, yesterday’s pharaohs themselves have suffered punishments, yet today’s rulers are waiting for what kind of punishment they are waiting for. Go for? I would like to kindly ask the authorities that if a similar accident (God forbid that any enemy should face it) happens to a girl child of your own house, would you still be guilty of the same? Will you be silent? If the Chief Minister of Punjab, the largest province of the country, Maryam Nawaz, being a woman and a mother, is also unable to give justice to Afshan, then the time is waiting for when the whip of nature will start raining its revenge. Indeed, my intuition testifies that Afshan! There is absolutely no need for you to self-immolate, wait for the judgment of Arsh-e-Brin, the decision of the FIR filed against all these oppressors is going to come out soon, which will not only be shameful but also instructive.

شرمندہ انہیں اور بھی اے میرے خدا کر

دستار جنہیں دی ہے انہیں سر بھی عطا کر

Shame them even more oh my God

Give the head to those who have given the hat

The voice of my uninvited guest startled me, he looked back and forth and confidently said “Sir! You seem a little worried to me, is there a problem? Any problem sir?” I said in a breathless and tired voice. “Yes I am worried, I am also fed up with my conscience” he chuckled and beamed “You too like me. Follow your own advice, be contented and prosperous”. I also laughed loudly and looked at him and said, “I try hard, but Allah has instilled in me the conscience of a strange breed, wherever I leave, it comes back like a cat.” , stands at the threshold before I reach home and attacks me with more force than before and finally defeats me. ”Sir! Then you are counted among those people who have written failure in their destiny, who can never be called successful, but not here, but there you will be successful, I don’t know? Remember!” Now this card along with the flowers on the table was also trying to hide its sarcastic laugh at me.

نئے خداؤں سے مشروط دوستی کرلی

فقیہہ  شہر نے   تجدیدِ  بندگی  کر  لی

وہ بد نصیب جسے سب ضمیر کہتے تھے

سنا ہے اس نے کہیں چھپ کے خود کشی کر لی

اسے خلوص  کہوں  یا  اپنی  نادانی

جو کوئی  ہنس کے  ملا اس  سے  دوستی کرلی

بہار صحنِ چمن تک نجانے کب پہنچے

خزاں سے  ہم  نے سرِ دست  دوستی کر لی

Made conditional friendship with the new gods

The greatest scholar of the city renewed his worship

The unlucky one whom everyone called Conscience

I have heard that he committed suicide somewhere

Call it sincerity or my ignorance

He made friends with whoever he met

When did spring reach the lawn of our yard?

We have become close friends since autumn

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