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The Path to Real Honour

He was not a Muslim, but he wrote that “if no prophet or righteous person had been sent to the world and only the Muslim book “Al-Qur’an” existed, then this book would have been sufficient for human guidance.” He was not an ordinary person. He was brought up in a staunchly religious family. He wrote two novels and reached such a height of greatness that people used to camp in front of his house for months to catch a glimpse of him. More or less 23 thousand pamphlets, 337 thousand books and 56 thousand articles were written on the life and ideas of this person. Tolstoy, the bearer of so much honour, fame and wealth, after reading the message of the Qur’an, spontaneously cried out that “money and fame have played a big role in my life, but because of this, I forgot my life’s purpose.” Those who live for these two things do not know how much pleasure and enjoyment there is in living without them. Like the ancient nobles of Russia, when the writer who grew up in Nazo Noam traced the truth, he was influenced by the teaching of the Qur’an and gave all his property to the poor and needy. I divided it. He did not consider the excess of wealth as a cause of honour. He used to say that “God enriches the person whom he wants to chase and make a spectacle of in this world and the hereafter. Excessive wealth is the root of all moral evils”.

His books were sold in millions,but he used to distribute all the wealth earned through them to the needy. The disagreement with his wife on this matter grew so much that he left the house and finally on November 20, 1910, on the platform of a station, suffering from cold and pneumonia, He left this mortal world. Allama Iqbal, the National poet of the East, used to say that in the Christian world, in terms of pure life, spirituality, abstinence, dervish and selflessness, an example like you will hardly be found.

In the last time, the phrase on his face was that “God does not need anything. He is very powerful and full of resources”. He did not consider his services for the people until the last breath of his life to be equal to envy. He left the world calling out the word, but the greatness of great people was revealed that wealth and fame cannot be considered the main reason for greatness. Greatness is only love for humanity. Be it a great person or a great nation, the main point is what did they do for humanity? What things or ideas were invented. To what extent has humanity benefited from them? But in order to gain wealth and power, the ruler of Tolstoy’s country bequeathed that “You are the highest and best nation, and you have the right to rule the world.” Accepted and after the Second World War, Russia went on an expansionist policy in such a way that while shedding human blood like water in Eastern Europe, Albania, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Finland in addition to East Germany, Turkey, China, Japan and some of Iran. Captured the parts, but still needed something else, therefore captured Ethiopia, Estonia, and some parts of Afghanistan, but the desire to completely capture Afghanistan finally drowned him. Thus, history has demonstrated that the acquisition of greatness is not achieved through dreams of tyranny and cruelty. Had it been known to nations, the struggle for human civilization might have been different from the bloodshed of humanity.

On the other hand, the scholar of humanism also came in contact with a nation that is a leader of human rights and civilization, who for the past few years has made such a spectacle of apparently respecting the religion of others (Islam) so much that the presidents of the White House read the English Translation of the Quranic prayers. He kept breaking his fast with the Muslims on the lawn of his White House with the Muslims and did not even feel ashamed to send thousands of tons of landmines to Afghanistan in the name of “Ramadan gift” in the same evening. That the US Secretary of State is trying his best to victimize Jews by declaring his Jewishness while turning a blind eye to Israeli atrocities. Because he knows this is his best chance to garner sympathy as a Jew to win his next election. That’s why the US Secretary of State made a statement that as long as the US exists, the protection of Israel is the responsibility of the US.

How can the world forget the desolation of 8:20 in the morning of August 6, 1945, when the human health, the land and the birds of prey were devastated because of the bombs dropped on the two cities of Japan, Nagasaki and Hiroshima.The ruins there are lamenting.It has not had time to assess the radiation effects of the bombs dropped on Afghanistan and Iraq.

They mourn the death of birds and pigeons, but consider it justified to bomb Gaza hospitals and wipe them out. Millions of children who died in war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir and Palestine and live a lifetime of disability. They don’t have tears or laments for the innocents – under the nose of the White House, a bloodthirsty beast kills an innocent 6-year-old child with 26 stabs of a hunting knife and seriously injures his mother, who is in a life-and-death struggle.

After their worst historical retreat in Afghanistan, killing millions of people, nine and a half billion dollars of this poor country are seized to avenge their terrible defeat, so that they can be bent again. It is easy to desire greatness, but to achieve it. It demands a lot of sacrifice. The rulers who have always lived in the pages of history made justice and equality their first principle in the world. The originators of the oppressed and the weak and the abominable methods of torture are remembered in history as arrogant pharaohs who insulted humanity.

These days our misfortune which is returning to us in the name of knowledge and knowledge is happening to us day by day at the hands of our unprofessional intellectuals who, in support of their master, are bragging about their stupid knowledge while blaming Hamas. But they expect the nation to stand in line as hosts to open its doors when they alight from their rides, to place them on the stage of the assembly hall to the sound of garlands of flowers and chants, and in the introductory words of the host to invite the hinges of the earth and sky to the address.

Remember that knowledge that never became intention, that intention that could

not become action, that action could not become determination, and that determination that could not be acquired, that acquisition that could not be done, that action that could not bring results, that The result that could not be accounted for, the accounting that could not be repented of, my Lord warns about such knowledge: Their example is like a donkey on which huge books are loaded.

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