The one who knows the secret of the house
Ever since the bigoted Modi assumed power, rss and BJP goons in India have turned the lives of all minorities into graveyards and especially Muslims, have come to an end. These bigoted goons catch a Muslim whenever they want and take him to any place, one goon makes a film on mobile, the other commands the Muslim, chant “Jai Shri”. If he obeys his orders, he is forced to chant this slogan repeatedly, when he does not fill his heart, he is forced to abuse Pakistan and Islam, after which he is killed with a dagger or sword in his hand in public and then burn the body. The same trend has also been started by the Occupying Indian Army in occupied Kashmir. They catch Kashmiri youth and force them to abuse Pakistan and Islam during their brutal torture and beating, and it is a matter of pride that later this video is viral on social media so that Kashmiri Muslims do not get disheartened and participate in the freedom struggle.
I was told by a Pakistani intellectual friend: I posted a similar video clip that was viral by the RSS on my Facebook for a few days, so my Facebook and page were blocked for two days. It is surprising that the same video clip from the Indian page from which I took it has been playing such video clips for many months and still many such horrible video clips are running on his Facebook, but there is no restriction on it. I had made this clip viral for those Pakistanis who do not get tired of praising this biased India day and night and they do not sleep until they see an Indian film and the extent of shamelessness is that one such biased Hindu broadcast the message on social media with evidence that the most fond of our films are Pakistanis, due to which our YouTube is running in profit and it is also believed that some Pakistani cinemas, those films are also running without any censors, which other Muslim countries have not allowed to run in their cinemas. It is a matter of disrespect that when the head of the censor board was brought to our notice on this matter, he shamelessly called it a restriction on freedom of expression and started scolding the questioner.
Indian terrorism and the deeds of Indian terrorists are not exposed to our own kind people, which is why we have reached the lowest level in the whole world today. As far as the terrorist government of India is concerned, along with religious persecution of Muslims in the name of Vande Mataram, Surya Namaskar and Yoga, BJP leaders have also started a series of atrocities against Muslims. According to some sectarian leaders, Islam does not forbid yoga because yoga is a type of exercise that is beneficial for health. He also says that yoga is done in many Muslim countries, then why Indian Muslims have objection to yoga, but the communal Muslim enemies who talk in support of yoga should know that yoga is done in some Muslim countries, but there is no chant of mantras and surya namaskar during yoga, but in the name of yoga in India, Muslims are forced to perform Surya Namaskar, Om. The government’s insistence on the participation of all Indians, including the Muslim minority, in this nefarious programme without any discrimination is undemocratic, unethical, and anti-Islamic.
Raising the slogan of ‘Sab Vikas’ (Everybody equal) some year ago, the Modi government took over the throne, but during this regime, communalism has reached its peak, while the practice of reciting mantras based on Surya Namaskar and Shlokas included in yoga is tantamount to violating the basic religious rights guaranteed in the light of India’s secular constitution. Representatives of the Modi government are following a policy of making undemocratic statements and hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims and threatening to send cow meat eaters to Pakistan, returning home and celebrating four marriages has become their norm. Yoga is actually a method of Gyan (Worship) and meditation aimed at surrendering to God. Surya Namaskar is an important element of sun worship. Yoga is basically a word derived from yoga which means combined. From the history and background of yoga, it seems that it is actually a way of worship among Hindus. Basically, this is the basic philosophy of Hinduism, in which “atma” (soul), paramatma (God) and Shrir (body) are tried to be united through meditation.
According to The Hindus, the first method of yoga was invented by their Lord Shankar and the second method was started by a yoga guru named Pananchali. Apart from Hindus, people are also prevalent among Buddhists. It is not just an exercise because it has a religious status. The recitation of religious verses during yoga is also a part of it. There are thousands of ashrams in different parts of India and they are also given government assistance by the government, while “Baba Ramdev”, who played an important role in the formation of Modi’s government, is the biggest follower of Yoga and with his efforts, the International Day of Yoga was announced at the United Nations, in which Indian communal Prime Minister and RSS preacher Modi played an important role. The Modi government is pursuing the agenda of making India a Hindu Rashtra (Hindu State) and the government’s objective behind celebrating International Yoga Day is also working.
In his first year in office, Modi, in his address to the 69th session of the UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014, had appealed to the international community to organise yoga. On December 11, the General Assembly unanimously adopted the proposal to celebrate International Yoga Day on June 21. The present (Modi) government of India is following in the footsteps of Chanakya. It has two clear policies: first, to clear from the minds of the Indian people all the false promises that Modi made during the elections so that the Indian people are not able to understand that they have been cheated and instead of being angry, they should continue to praise Modi. Secondly, the idea of Hindutva should be propagated in the minds of the Hindu majority in such a way that they feel that they are now citizens of a Hindu country and Hinduism is the highest in the World and the Hindu people have got this virtue only because of the Sangh Parivar and Modi. Both these policies are constantly being propagated in the hearts and minds of Indians. The use of warships in vedic calls is a more complex operation than the miraculous surgery of modern medical science in this ancient era and now during this sudden preaching of yoga, Modi used to formally announce that he himself had been sent by The Lord so that he could clean this country.
50 years ago, tourists from America and Europe started coming to India in large numbers, at that time the Hindu people considered sadhus and saints as creatures of another world and stayed in their ashrams (Religious training Centre) to understand them. These sadhus would serve the saints and in return take three things (Opium, Ganja, and yoga) with them. For these tourists, the ashrams of Rishikesh, Haridwar were exhausting, where Hindus used to teach yogis and other absurd practices along with the smoke Opium, Ganja in this training centre. They also established ashrams in America and Europe and taught yoga to people, earning millions of dollars. Vedas are the source of all sciences in Hinduism and this system was invented by the scholars and creators of The Vedas, so during different asanas, power and health are offered to different deities, they are praised. Surya (Sun) is immersed in front of the sun in asana. They are requested for help by reciting mantras and shlokas. Of course, Muslims can do yoga, but they cannot perform all these acts, including the recitation of verses, which are aimed at the worship of non-Allah, but not all Muslims feel the need to get to the bottom of every religious ritual and their free and neutral nature is also proving to be very harmful.
How can a non-Hindu accept a religion which is based on the sanctity of the cow and which is a collection of innumerable rituals? This is the unresolved problem that has become the soul of all the people of India who do not believe in Hinduism under the Modi government these days, this situation is troubling Christians, Parsis, Buddhists, Communists and even dualists of India. The trigger for this situation is the spiritual guru of The Hindus, Madhu Sadashiv golovak. It has raised its slogan ‘Hindu Rashtra’ very fast after being encouraged by the Modi government. He is declaring on the injury of the sting that if all non-Hindus living in India want to protect their lives, then adopt Hinduism and Hinduism, otherwise their lives will be in danger of death. Madhavi Yoshiv has been propagating Hinduism for a long time. He is urging all Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Parsis and even dualists to accept the philosophy of Hindu Rashtra because Hindu philosophy is the foundation of nationalism.
India’s communists are expressing surprise at the philosophy of Hindutva. They ask that if religion is considered as the basis of nationality, then both India and Nepal are going to follow the same religion, why do they not merge into one nation? Why don’t Burma and Sri Lanka have the same constitution? Professor D.N. Jha, Prof. R.S. Sharma, Romilathapar and D.C. Kosambi have written with authentic historical references that the ancient Brahmins of India used to eat beef, while the Hindus of Nepal still cook bull meat in all kinds of joyous celebrations. In such a situation, why are Muslims killed in the name of cow slaughter?
An important asset of Hindu dharma is the Vedas but there is no uniformity in its text. Gandhi used to recite Quran, gospel, and Gita lessons in his daily prayer meeting. His action was more political than religious because he wanted to make people of all religions of India one nation. Justices Deepak Dua and Modi also read the Gita. The poet of Ahmedabad, Ehsan Jafri, believed in universal humanity and was a follower of Jawaharlal Nehru. Throughout his life, he wrote articles on the accounts of personalities like Pira, Gautam Buddha and Guru Nanak, but Modi’s disciples responsible for the anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat did not spare him either. He was cut into pieces and all the assets of his house were burnt to ashes. Similarly, the house of Rasoolan Bai, a famous Muslim singer of Ahmedabad, was also burnt, even though she used to recite the name of Ram and Krishna before the tune of every song.
In the Indian Express, Swami Akkinevish appeared to be giving a short article decade and wanted to show today’s bigoted Hindus his face in his own mirror: “He writes that what hurts me the most is his communal agenda which is very wrong and harmful. When we say that Ram was God and that The Lord was “Naradhar” which has no form, then how can the place of birth or birthplace of the one who is “Naradhar” be identified? In the name of Ram, this is a blatant wrongdoing. Gandhiji was an orthodox Hindu, when he was assassinated, his language was not the name of Ram but Jai Ram. His devotion is beyond doubt. He never raised the ram temple issue, he also used to say that God is not only in the temple, he lives everywhere. God is not confined to any mosque, temple or church. Gandhiji hardly spent time in a temple, but he often used to say that there is no cleanliness in temples.
Apart from Islam and Christianity, Hinduism is based on a family spirituality. I know that God is not partial to the gods and the pandas, because our home is also healthy. All this happened when the upper castes embraced dharma and made it permissible to use it for their own benefit. From that time on, The Sanya Dharma was occupied by pandits and pravatis, the reality was lost in myths and a series of superstitions, exploitation, deception, and deception started. Today, our biggest weakness is that we do not open our mouths on it, we keep it closed. That is why we were overwhelmed by the people across the border, the Mughal kings and the British took us into their bus. The people of Sinain Dharma can never progress unless they come out of the shell of superstition and irrationality. We are moving towards reticence, irrationality, and communalism on the issue of Janmabhoomi (Birthplace). This is a war that is being waged to gain cheap fame and the seat of power. Only those who are familiar with faith can call it the development of Hinduism and fight for it. I know this faith very well; I love it and that is why today this misguidance and arrogance of the Modi team cannot be accepted in any way.”
If this group of Swami is linked to Yoga, then the conspiracy to propagate religious prejudice under the guise of Yoga is being exposed. The manner in which events are being held across the country just ahead of the general elections and the large scale on which they are being given state patronage is not only against the secular constitution of the country but also against the spirit of fair elections. As the date of the inauguration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya draws closer, there is growing anxiety among Muslims in India. Preparations for the inauguration of the Ram temple are in full swing. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself is taking a personal interest in it. He appealed to Hindus to organise special pujas and other functions in temples across the country on January 22 and urged Hindus to remember “Lord Ram” at their homes on the day.
The general secretary of the Ram temple’s governing body has compared the opening ceremony of the temple to Independence Day, which is wrong and painful, and this statement is going to divide the country on religious lines. Indian Muslim leaders have expressed concern over the situation, saying that “attempts to use the proposed events related to Ram temple for political purposes are a matter of concern.” That is why important Muslim religious and social leaders have issued a joint statement appealing to Muslims and the people of the country to make every effort to maintain law and order. He also appealed to the central and state governments to keep a close watch on the situation.
At the end of his article in the Indian Express, Swami Aknikesh writes, “These are the activities of today’s India that have made the lives of all minorities, including Muslims, miserable. The movement to convert Muslims to Hinduism, burn Muslim settlements and shed their blood existed in India for a long time, but now under the Modi government, this movement has become an epidemic and an epidemic. Today, every sane person in India itself is asking whether India’s secular constitution has been blinded and the universal declaration of human rights has been crippled?