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The Muslim Ummah and Global Landmines

The current maps and boundaries of most countries of the world have been influenced by the global wars of the twentieth century. Of course, the Middle East is also included. The countries of this region, however, are made up of lines drawn on the table by historical, geographical, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, more than any other factor………under the whims of former colonial powers. For example, look at the maps of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc. It seems that by drawing straight lines, these new countries have been “drawn” into the world map. All these countries used to be provinces or districts of big empires in the past. The colonial nations of Europe, especially Britain and France, created these new countries according to their colonial thinking. The United States did not actually participate in their formation.

Now the wheel of history has come to such a point that today’s biggest colonialist power America and its allied European countries and Israel need a “New Middle East”. Therefore, with the end of the last century, the trumpet of new era and new borders has been sounded. The regional elements and factors have received the march order. All the workers, workers, pawns, failures have moved like robots. As the kings and nawabs of yesteryear used to hunt, the hunters and hunters in the Middle East and their hunters are all playing their part in this game. Perhaps within the next decade, there is a desire and effort to create the desired “New Middle East”. We “Ahl al-Haram” as before, sitting on the steps of this “Roman Arena”, are mere spectators who are watching this game, commenting or commenting on their hunger and poverty, their sorrow and grief. Most of them want to be a helper in it.

If we examine the current game in the Middle East arena, the following points emerge:
1) In the current context of the world, there are four Muslim countries, whose conditions and events, whose action and inaction (or misbehaviour), whose stability or destruction, and whose strength and unity or weakness and chaos have affected the entire Islamic world. can and will affect more than These countries are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan!!!

2) If these four countries coordinate, holding each other’s hands and with mutual trust and consultation, step slowly but firmly on the global political arena, then the impoverishment and helplessness of the Muslim Ummah will accelerate. From, there will be a significant decrease.

3) With the passage of time, many more Muslim and non-Muslim countries will be included in the cluster of this “Union of Four”. Thus, this new “global bloc” will be able to become a source of balance and resolution in today’s unbalanced and chaotic world.

4) A few years ago, Allah brought this golden hour to a close, when the Justice Party government of Dr. Mohamed Morsi was established in Egypt, and his good relationship with the AKP government of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey. was climbing As if the conditions were going to be favourable for the “Etihad-A-Arba’a” group of four.

5) Unfortunately, the previous kings and some princes of the House of Saud, the rulers of the Emirates, especially their current crown prince, the Israeli lobby and Western colonialists.
Did a very high and historic injustice on Egypt and the Ummah. It was like a dagger in the back of the Muslim world, which was recovering and changing its fortunes.

6) Meanwhile, what happened in Syria was a historical blunder in terms of tactics and strategy. Unfortunately, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and some other Arab governments, even the Syrian Brotherhood, have fallen surprisingly easily into the web of conspiracy created by Western powers backing Israel. Now there is a “chuchchundar”( A worm that does not descend from the throat) in their neck. Even in 1981, the Brotherhood of Syria, under the pressure of its young element, had made the suicidal mistake of “Exodus”. The consequences of which he had to bear for a quarter of a century. God knows how these friendly countries of ours will be able to get out safely from this colonialist and Zionist trap. Because now the bloody game played by Israel in Gaza has become the neck bone of colonialism itself?

7) There has been a strong opinion that Syria should have been left alone. There was no immediate threat to the Muslim Ummah, or to the unity of the Ummah, from Bashar al-Assad’s “Alvi” or “Nuseeri” regime. Rather, Hamas had a suitable and strong base in Damascus, which has now been stripped from it. In the case of the Syrian army, there was also a formidable military force in front of Israel, which has been completely destroyed. Billions of dollars’ worth of warships, tanks, cannons, missiles, ammunition, were either destroyed by bombing by the colonial forces or lost fighting their own people. Syria, in this region, had a comparatively better army. That army used to prick the Israeli psyche like a thorn. In the civil war, it was also disintegrated, which proved to be the harbinger of the advance and victory of the colonial forces in the region. From the beginning, I did not understand this whole “Jihad” of Syria. Now it has become clear that it was a big strategic blunder. In Syria, the “gluten machine” of multi-year suicides is still running continuously, while lessons are sorely needed after the ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza. The biggest sectarian divide (Shia, Sunni) that has existed in the Muslim world for centuries has come to the fore on a global scale, becoming increasingly prominent. Modern colonial powers have effectively exploited this division to advance many of their projects, and will continue to do so. Currently, there is little chance of a reduction, but despite this, US Secretary of State Anthony Blanken has arrived in Saudi Arabia for a visit to the Middle East, and apparently, for the success of his negotiations, he once again threatened the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Actually, this is an attempt to trap the Arabs in a new trap to save Netanyahu from a complete defeat. Demonstrations against Netanyahu have started in Israel and it should be remembered that there are serious corruption and corruption against Netanyahu. The cases are waiting to send him to prison for life, for which Nitin Yahav wants to get rid of himself completely dependent on the help of America.

8) Incidentally, I am also a student of religion and political science. I honestly think that in Muslim countries, the concept of exodus from the past covenant needs to be revised. Especially in a world where the enemies of the religion and the nation are trying to erase every significant Muslim country from existence or change the culture of these countries in such a way that we forget our identity. It should also be clear that Exodus is a political ijtihad and jurisprudence is a term of political science. This is not a faith issue, nor has it anything to do with duties and obligations. However, it must have been related to a certain period of human civilization.

9) As Egypt has been practically given into the “Israeli lap”, it is heartbreaking to consider the key role played by the House of Saud and the Salafi school of thought in this eventual recklessness and national ruin. Many times, my heart longed to pray for some Zionist instrumentalists. When I went to Umrah, there was the same heart, but my mind held my tongue. It is important to understand that the internal chaos of Saudi Arabia, whether it is within the royal family or the entire kingdom, will not be a good thing at the moment. Our religion and nation will not get anything from this, but its psychological fallout in the Ummah will be more than our estimates, therefore, due to the sanctity of Harmain, (Ka’aba and Prophet Mosque Medina Munawara) there is an urgent need to pray for their recovery.
10) The two most active parties in what is happening in Yemen, on the southwest corner of Arabia, are Iran on one side, and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on the other. Due to the recklessness shown by both sides, Yemen is being destroyed, but the oil money that is blowing up like smoke, and the poison of hatred that has been embedded in the society, are the perfect effects. It will appear gradually.10) The two most active parties in what is happening in Yemen, on the southwest corner of Arabia, are Iran on one side, and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on the other. Due to the recklessness shown by both sides, Yemen is being destroyed, but the oil money that is blowing up like smoke, and the poison of hatred that has been embedded in the society, are the perfect effects. It will appear gradually.

11- If you remember, in the same region, the colonial forces brought forth the “gang of four” against the small country of Qatar like tears, even though the same Qatar built its naval base with billions of dollars in full control of the United States. but despite this, even here, due to their hypocritical policies, this whole game was played to keep the parties in their time to prove the need for their presence in the region, even though everyone knew that the status of the “gang of four” was predatory. No more than gratitude. The real decision-maker is the hand and mind that commissioned these hunters to hunt the “Dove of Qatar”. After taking action against Qatar, within a few months, our Arab brothers had signed deals worth about 180/billion dollars, just to buy arms from the US, which were later followed by billions of dollars in contracts for the maintenance and repair of these arms. 18 thousand Americans got new job opportunities. It has been promised to buy six times more in the coming years. It should be remembered that this agreement of the Arab brothers is more than the total budget of three dozen Islamic countries. Against whom is this weapon being bought? Against each other! This is why not a single word has been spoken by Israel against the sale of American arms to the Arabs, but an American Zionist senator summed it up in one sentence: “Why should we oppose it when Israel’s security is at stake?” Arab capital has been used for this”. There is no war with the Zionist state, Israel, in the near future and there is no “threat” left. The war will not happen because the Israeli objectives are being achieved without firing a shot, so why does it need to fight the Arabs? “Danger” is not because the friendly competition with Israel has now started. It is heard that there is constant communication between the two governments and work on various reconciliation projects is going on. This is the reason why for the first time US President Joe Biden announced his silent role by traveling directly from Jerusalem to Riyadh. It was expected that a formal reconciliation would be announced in the next three to six months, with the operation in Gaza halted for the time being by the martyrs of Hamas in their deep bloodlines.

12. These news has also come out that before the attack of Hamas, the preparations for the attack on Lebanon “Hizballah” had been completed and the negotiations to get the support of other Arab countries including Egypt and Saudi Arabia for Israel in this invasion are in the final stages. After eliminating Hezbollah, a plan was drawn up to eliminate Hamas, in which the first phase was to “strangle” Hamas and in the second phase, by military force. An eviction plan was drawn up.

13. After the cease-fire in Iran and Yemen with the help of China, the US, its allies and Israel did not tolerate failure and delay in their future plans, for which Plan “B” was immediately implemented in the region, but however They are aware of the success of their plan, whether Saudi Arabia and Iran clash or the war of words continues, either way, the region will continue to be a hotbed of instability and hatred. This situation has a profound effect on the entire Muslim world, due to which the entire Muslim Ummah has become a victim of the poisonous atmosphere of instability and hatred.

14- After the end of the Sassanid empire, Iran is also seeing such a ladder of ascension in front of it for the first time, which has been made possible by the circumstances and its own strategy. From Zahedan in the east, to Beirut in the west, from Damascus to the coasts of Yemen, it is getting a wide range of influence. This is happening for the first time in Muslim history. The establishment of a Shia government in Baghdad itself had never been possible before. This situation is not easy to digest for Muslims of Sawad-e-Azam (Sunni world). That is why the people of the West are using this mental, psychological and emotional division for their own purposes. There is probably no formal agreement between the US and Iran, but by “sleep agreement” the two powers have stood on the same page of history. It is also a fact that Persians are far ahead in diplomacy. His martyrdom is given by the circumstances and events of the day where for the first time the leader of Iran’s biggest religious power has issued a fatwa of complete unity with the Sunnis and taught respect to all the Shia forces.

15) The disintegration and palace conflict that is going on in the ruling family of Saudi Arabia these days will adversely affect the internal stability of the country and the ruling class. Al-Saud’s government was standing on the basis of “mutual agreement and unity” until now. If this foundation is weak, the entire palace will be vulnerable to collapse. In such a situation, it becomes easy for the colonial powers to make arbitrary decisions. At present, the situation of Al-Saud is the same, which happened in the last hundred years of Mughal rule, when the British Viceroy wanted to fulfill his interests, the Crown Prince and the King were changed through conspiracy.

16) For two decades, there has been a stirring of “sympathy” between the two Muslim nations in the intellectual and policy-making centers of the West. They say that there are two nations, which are not available as countries even though they have every right to create separate states for themselves. These two Muslim nations are “Kurds” and “Baloch”. On the one hand, the ground is being paved for the birth of Kurdistan, on the other hand, manipulation is in full swing for Baluchistan. For the first mission, the assignment has been given to Israel, and the responsibility for the second has been handed over to India. Work on both is going on simultaneously, but more speed is being shown in the case of “Kurdistan”. As a result, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran will be badly affected. While the goal of the Greater Baluchistan mission is to “cut to size” Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, the biggest obstacle for them currently is Pakistan’s army.

17) Saudi Arabia has announced to sell its assets. It has already started using its reserves to cover its budget deficit. Borrowing from international financial institutions has also started. Also, a huge project is about to start near the border of Jordan, Egypt and Israel called NEUM. 26500/sq. in Tabuk. It will be a “Saudi Arabia” consisting of kilometers, where the values and traditions of Saudi Arabia and Sharia laws will be prohibited. It is difficult to say whether this project will be completed or not, but petrol wealth is being poured in its name like water and upon completion it will become part of the Western colonial economy.

18-It is also very important to know and understand that the colonial forces have started this wave through their media that currently 8 Muslim countries in the world that appear on the “Atlas” but they have actually lost their existence and the reality. “Non-existent” and “failed states” are Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Mali. If this list includes Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Tunisia, Nigeria, Algeria, Pakistan or any If it is increased, then the irreparable damage that will be done to the religion and the nation cannot be estimated, but behind-the-scenes efforts are being made to implement it for the completion of “One World Order”.

19) We must express our anger or frustration at the situation, but keep in mind the ground realities around us and the “landmines” spread all around. Never ignore them. All of us should try to stop the blood flowing from our veins first, cool the flames rising from our rooms and kitchens and not allow our countries to be used as “punching bags”.

O our Lord! We have become very disgraced because of your disobedience, and we have become very weak because of mutual disagreement, but my Lord. You are very powerful, help us! We acknowledge that we have lost your help due to our bad deeds and broken promises, now have mercy on us and be pleased with us. Show us the path of salvation, not only to walk on it, but also make an example in front of the world with your actions. Give us the ability, grace, determination and courage and wisdom and the opportunity to establish such a peace in this world where Not only humans, but also the animals here can live in peace and tranquillity. “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us (Jews and Christians); our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Maula (Patron, Supporter and Protector, etc.) and give us victory over the disbelieving people. ” O Allah, accept our prayers. Ameen
Tuesday 7th May 2024


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