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The month of Ramadan, the month of training

They were just like that. The one who closed the sea in a jar. What a beautiful and charming talk they had. One more thing, just listen and if you get the opportunity to implement some of them, what will you say? My Lord was pleased with them. That is why they used to say such things. It is good fortune, Tawfiq, Atta. Just give Nawaz to whomever He wants. Yes, this is the relationship. Yes, this is happiness. Yes, this is the relationship of the Lord with his servant and the servant with his creator, the relationship between the creature and the creator, the picture and the artist, wherever I see, there is the same. One day he said: A poor person becomes sad when he sees others happy. He cannot bear to see people happy. He is bent on ruining their happiness. His happiness is that people are happy. Be deprived of happiness. He considers heaven as dedicated for himself and scares others from hell.

A miser can be happy, he can’t be happy. Generosity is evergreen. Generous is not necessarily rich. Even a poor man can be generous if he stops desiring the wealth of others. Those who believe that Allah’s mercy is greater than His wrath, they are never sad. They know that the sorrow that grows in poverty can one day become a lamp of joy and remove the darkness of the children. They know that the Prophet also went through hardships, but the grief of the Prophet is for the welfare of the Ummah. Grief is not only a punishment but also a reward. Yusuf was thrown into the well, he was accused, he had to go through prison, but his closeness and beauty did not decrease. His narration is Ahsan al-Qasas. In fact, sadness that brings you closer is better than happiness that takes you away. If the destination is blessed, then the difficulties of the journey will be called part of success, and if the end is deprivation, then what can be the celebration of the way but fear of the end.

If the end of life is death, then what is sadness and happiness? Some people think of anger as sadness, they stay angry all their life. Sometimes on others, sometimes on themselves, they have the grief of the past. There is the sorrow of the present and the sorrow of the darkness of the future, those who are familiar with such sorrows are actually less familiar. They do not know that those who hold the sorrow of the past in their hearts can never be ready to welcome the joy to come. Their grief makes their life desolate like Amarbel. This is not grief, it is anger. This is hatred. Grief brings with it a feast and eyes that are wet are made to see. Grief is the root of weak natures and the compound of strong people. He who pursues happiness cannot find happiness. This is the gift of the Lord, which comes from remembering Him and being content with His appointed destiny. Neither gain, nor deprivation, nor sorrow, nor joy, nor longing, nor defeat, longing is great happiness. You should be happy with your luck. You should be satisfied with your efforts and also be satisfied with the end of your efforts. You should not compete with the luck of other people. Every particle is where the sun is.”

How has the river been closed in Jar? After that, it is left to talk. But we are human, how can we live without speaking and should do. Look, you are enduring hunger and thirst in the month of Ramadan, your own nights are spent in listening and reading the word of the Lord. Why? Not because the Lord of all of us is pleased with us. All of us, according to our position, received the news of God’s creation, did the rope. Everything that was given belongs to the Lord and we have returned it. Did we do anyone a favor? When everything belongs to Him, then what have we done? But how great is my Lord that you served the creation and he became your guardian. And whoever he becomes the guardian of, then he does not need anyone else, absolutely not.

From the teachings of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), we learn that the fasting person should be more careful about his actions, words, and actions than on normal days. One should avoid backbiting, lying, fighting, and speaking ill of someone. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said that if someone fights you while you are fasting, just say, “I am fasting.” In another place, he said, “Allah does not need you to be hungry and thirsty.” From the hadiths, it is clear that no matter how bad someone behaves, the fasting person should control his anger. In fact, fasting Eliminates internal diseases like backbiting, immorality, bad speech etc. and purifies the soul. There is a hadith of the Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him that “There are many people who only get hunger and thirst from fasting.” That is, they do not get the true spirit of fasting, patience, endurance, peace, and closeness to Allah.
Tell me honestly that from any of our actions or from any area of life, how many of us avoid bad deeds, bad language, anger, shouting and abusive speech etc. in respect of the month of Ramadan? Think for a moment, what lesson does fasting teach us? It is Allah’s favor upon us, which we were encouraged to exercise restraint, patience, forbearance, good manners, mercy, and goodness through Ramadan. This month of Mubarak is not only the name of being hungry and thirsty, but its purpose is to refine and improve human character. However, if we do not learn the lesson of patience and tolerance while fasting, do not stop telling lies, backbiting, oppressing others, then Allah has no need for us to stop eating and drinking and remain hungry and thirsty. .

In other words, such “starvation” has no importance or value in the eyes of Allah Ta’ala. Come on, just calculate yesterday’s fast and tell if your conscience is satisfied that you have really fulfilled the right to fast? Be kind to your parents, wife, children, subordinates, colleagues, relatives, neighbors? Didn’t you scold your subordinate for a minor mistake, didn’t you tell your wife about the lack of salt in the meal? Didn’t you curse the husband for a bit of sloppiness, didn’t you threaten to cut the salary of the worker who was negligent in cleaning? Didn’t you take out the torn old, rotten clothes and shoes in the name of charity? The anger of heat, hunger and thirst didn’t come out through the slurs in the traffic. Don’t you keep doing the “Mera If I had not fasted…… If I had not fasted…”? If the answer to all these questions is “yes”, then you must know that you are not fasting, you are starving. Only the angels are sufficient for the worship, praise, and honor of Allah Almighty, but this is for us, the sinners, it is His kindness to us sinners that He gave us the opportunity to change our body and heart immersed in our sins

Hey! What are our times to be able to help someone, it is the mercy of Allah Almighty that He purifies our wealth through Sadaqah, Charity and Zakat. It seems that in this way we feel the pain of those people, who are not blessed with two meals a day even during festivals.

Ramadan is a guest to say, but this month of mercy actually comes to make us realize that the entire year Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, keeps showering His innumerable blessings on us, we do not appreciate them properly and only spend one month. The distance from these blessings during the day tells us their importance, for it is human nature to value everything that is out of reach. Then it has also been seen that some people, especially young people, regularly perform prayers and other acts of worship during the entire month of Ramadan, but as soon as the moon of Eid appears, they become heedless, as if Satan was waiting for them. Remember. ! Ramadan is the month of mercy, blessings, forgiveness of sins, getting the pleasure of Allah Almighty, but it is also the “month of training”, that is, as many good deeds and acts of worship are done in this month, if they are in our routine for the eleven months of the year. If they do not join, it is a pity. If the good deeds adopted in Ramadan are not affecting our daily lives, then this is a moment of reflection. We have to recognize the true spirit of Ramadan Kareem. We have to take account of ourselves that even if such a holy month is not able to bring permanent change in our lives, then what is lacking and where is it. Ramadan comes with its springs as it is, the problem is in our superstition, our understanding, and our character. Since man has a spiritual and spiritual aspect in addition to the material and physical aspect, there are special methods to reach the perfection of these aspects. If he wants to progress in terms of perfection and reach the desired purity and perfection, then he has to overcome his egoistic desires and remove the existing obstacles one by one on the path of perfection and avoid involvement in physical pleasures and lusts.

Piety is the duty of the life of every person who wants to live a happy life by living under the command of reason. Religious and divine piety is that a person should follow the principles that religion has set for life and save himself from sin. A person will have to develop such a state and strength in his soul that, while facing sin, he will be protected from sin, until he overcomes his self and sensual desires through the power of piety and does not pollute his feet by disobeying Allah and committing sins. Do it. In the eyes of the Holy Quran, the condition for the acceptance of every worship is piety and piety, where God says. Allah only accepts the actions of the pious.

An effective and useful practice for piety is fasting, which by practicing it, a person learns and understands not to put his reins in the hands of whims and desires, and this is true piety. The purpose of fasting is to attain piety, the Lord says in the Holy Quran: O believers, fasting has been prescribed for you in the same way as it was prescribed for those before you, perhaps you will become pious in the same way.
Since the purpose of fasting is to attain piety, by fasting, a person becomes prepared to abstain from certain things and avoid certain pleasures, avoiding the forbidden and obeying the commandments of Allah. When a person is faced with a sin, he should adopt piety and piety is not possible without a firm intention. Since the goal of fasting is to achieve piety, then it is known that fasting is something that saves a person from sin. Prophet Muhammad PBUH says: Fasting is a shield against the fire (of Hell).

Piety and fasting are so closely related that Piety means saving and restraining oneself, and fasting also means fasting and a kind of saving oneself. The difference between them is that Piety, each of its It is to save the self from things that harm the self and piety of a person, but fasting is abstaining from certain prescribed things that invalidate the fast and hinder the fasting person from attaining piety. According to this definition, the scope of piety and its examples is wider than the scope of fasting. Therefore, avoiding those things that invalidate the fast is the reason for attaining piety. In view of the fact that through fasting a person has to acquire piety, if in the state of fasting a person is prohibited from eating and drinking and doing some other things, then on the other hand, it is also ordered to perform such actions. Which is the cause of strengthening faith and action, such as performing obligatory and recommended prayers, reciting the Holy Qur’an, performing prayers, seeking forgiveness, supplications, helping the poor, offering mercy, improving morals and many other actions.

We are human. We make mistakes. We want to avoid heartbreak. Do not violate anyone’s self-respect. Do not hurt anyone. But mistakes happen. But man is the one who admits his mistake and apologizes to the one whose right has been lost. The person who repents reaches the destination. On the auspicious occasion of Ramadan, we should all put an end to grudges. It happens, it’s human, so forgive them and embrace them. Celebrate those who have cried, how many days are there in this sad life that we can make it hell. I have a very crazy friend, very accomplished but totally uneducated, my Lord bless him. He always says the same thing “Do Dinan Di Zindagi te Phir Anhiri Raat” (meaning there is a life of two days and then a dark night). Forgive his servants and then say to the Lord, I am Your servant and forgive Your creatures, You are the Lord of us all, forgive us. So, you will be forgiven who does not forgive a human being, how will he himself be forgiven?

May you all be very happy. May my Lord fill your life with peace and comfort. May you always smile, may there be no sorrow in your life. May spring be your destiny. Every night should be a night of innocence.
Saturday 9 March 2024


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