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Sad morning and evening

I don’t want to write anything, and I complained about it to my teacher. Their concern and worry are also eating the heart. There is loneliness, there are sorrows, there is sadness, there are four hundred spreads, there are sorrows covered like clouds, there are crowds, there is a rush and yet everyone is alone. The unemployed youth standing on the road and the police squad from the front with sirens playing, sitting in the Prado, the leader who claims to change the fate of the poor, statements are statements, speeches are speeches, banners are banners, debates and talk shows, intellectuals are cooking in cauldrons everywhere. Whose decay has made life twofold. Smiling analysts in expensive clothes, pimps selling to the poor, human markets with everything for sale. Conscience, body, words and actions, tell me what you will buy. The forest of sounds in which the lonely and helpless human being!

The drunken rulers, the priests of looted wealth, who are arrogant, drunk on power and wealth, are saying, “Forgive me, I am drunk, do this, no, sir, do this, no, do this.” I say Somewhere there is a festival of life and somewhere there is mourning, everywhere hunger is dancing which is satisfied by suicide and somewhere recipes of different types of food are being told, somewhere girls are standing at the bus stop to go to work with their faces dark. Those who consider it their domain and somewhere there is a catwalk, somewhere there are no clothes to hide the body, and somewhere there is fashion designing to show the body, there is a strange watch, there is a strange spectacle, the media is free and they keep an eye on every news, and What is the news, no one tells.

We considered a prostration in front of our Lord to be very difficult and now we are everywhere with humiliation and disgrace. If you left one, you became needy, you didn’t listen to one, now you have to listen to everyone’s insults, you didn’t listen to one and now you have to listen to the whole time, you didn’t ask from the same door and now don’t ever do donor international conferences. They are standing in their swings and sometimes complaining about not getting charity despite promises. He insulted this one religion, now they are rejected everywhere. All this is our own, now we will have to reap this harvest, he was always kind to us, so we did not appreciate it, but we helped him with the tricksters. You must have heard a lot, helping the worthless is like a fragile bracelet that is ultimately destined to be nothing but countless pieces, but we don’t believe it.

Our struggle, yes, we are the students of such and such a university. Now it was found out that it was a sign of ignorance which we had mistaken for a degree. There is only one door, it was, it will be! A person’s giving never fills his stomach, and his eyes are low in front of him, but he gives unaccountably, and then there is no scorn. But now who will explain to them! Even sitting on the high positions of Pakistan, they could not recognize their master, they come for a few days on a visit to Pakistan and then… the same trick as before is also a reward. From the poverty line for prayers. The bottom population that exists! Neither poverty is ending nor the poor!

Listen to an incident while walking. A king built a grand palace in which thousands of mirrors were installed. Once a dog somehow got into the palace. At night, the keeper of the palace closed the door of the palace and left, but the dog remained in the palace. The dog looked around and saw thousands of dogs all around. He could see a dog in every mirror. The dog had never found himself trapped among so many enemies. If he had been a half-dog, he might have fought him and won, but now his death seemed certain. Wherever the dog raised his eyes, he would see only dogs. Above and below, there were only dogs. The dog wanted to scare the dogs by barking. Keep in mind that the one who scares others is actually scared himself, otherwise there is no need to scare anyone. What is it? When the dog tried to scare away the barking dogs, those hundreds of dogs also started barking. His nerves trembled. He felt that there was no way for him to escape as he was surrounded.

In the morning, when the watchman opened the door, the body of the dog was lying in the palace. There was no one present in the palace to kill it. The palace was empty but the dog had wounds all over its body. He was covered in blood. What happened to this dog? In fear, the dog barked, jumped, hit the walls, and died.

All our relationships, all references are like mirrors. In all of them we see our own image. A hateful man sees that everyone hates him. A greedy man sees that everyone is plotting to rob him. He sees the image of his greed in the mirror of the world. A patient with sensuality thinks that the whole world is inviting him to carnality. Faqir says that the whole world is giving the same signal that leave everything and run away from the world. Whatever we are, we have to show it around us. The world is a mirror in which we see ourselves.

Try to keep the mirrors around you clean with your actions, character and morals because our mirror is a way of salvation for us as well as a reason. I think the purpose of the story is to try to keep the mirror around us clean of our actions, character, and morals because our mirror is also the cause of our salvation and our grip. Then why not do it today. Why do such titles fall prey to my pen? But there is also their fault in this, who send me to read every morning and evening, there will be some reaction to it. I return the same to all of you.

Friday 21 December 2023


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