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Question or fall

During the establishment of Pakistan, it was agreed to meet with various educational institutions and their heads. The strange thing is that where everyone seems to be very worried about the future of education, we have not yet been able to decide that we cannot even determine the current direction of the youth of our nation. E, BCom, MCom, BBA, MBA, countless degrees in hundreds of departments of engineering and in addition, what arrow are the boys and girls shooting for Masters degrees in classrooms for four or four years? Except we’re just adding to the burden of “graded” humans on Earth. All these graduated youths are not able to give the country a product of even one rupee. All their hard work and getting a degree is just an innocent job and that’s it.

I don’t know why I remembered the eye-catching inscription displayed on a university in South Africa today that “Atomic bombs and long-range missiles are not needed to destroy a nation, but students are needed to destroy the quality of its education system.” Allow copying in exams, that nation will self-destruct. Patients will continue to die at the hands of doctors who graduate from this dysfunctional education system, buildings will continue to be destroyed by engineers, financial resources will continue to be wasted by economists, sectarianism, unity and harmony and humanity will be destroyed by the hands of religious leaders. It will continue to happen; justice will continue to be killed by judges. That is why it is said that the destruction of the education system is the destruction of the entire nation.

Who can deny the veracity and truth of this writing displayed at the entrance of the university, especially if we take a look at the devastation of the Pakistani nation and the continuous decline in all areas of life, then it becomes clear that our education system is responsible for this economic decline and mental degradation. The scourge of copying mafia in the whole country has taken such a strong hold that instead of controlling it, the local administration has become the salt in the salt mine. Now the reports of the papers being released before the exams in Punjab and Sindh have also been published in the media. There are, but so far attempts to remedy this have been limited to statements. According to very reliable sources, more than half of the aspiring doctors across the country pass the exam and go to the hospitals thanks to the fake mafia, and this is the reason that the news of human deaths at the hands of these inexperienced and incompetent doctors has become public and forgotten. The poor people are unable to hold these human criminals to account with patience and gratitude considering the death of their patients as a sign of nature.

If today Pakistan is suffering from the worst incompetence at the administrative and governmental level, it is because of the failure of the education system, the abundance of copying and fake degrees. Not only doctors, administrative officers and politicians are involved in washing their hands in this flowing dirty Ganga, but also by copying and passing. Our future engineers are also included. The state of educational degradation is that the graduates of our educational institutions cannot even write a job application in English and Urdu, but their performance in holding high government positions with bribes and strong recommendations has made the country Every department of

The deterioration of the economy is also a reflection of the intelligence of such incompetent economists. In the writing written in this book, the role of religious leaders has been clearly warned and we are seeing its worst form in Pakistani society everywhere and everywhere. Those religious leaders of ours who claimed to overturn the country by threatening the Million March, the people have shown them a good mirror in these elections and the nation is being deceived once again by blaming other institutions for their failure. It is the failure of the religious leaders that we have become deaf to the fear of the hereafter and have become so accustomed to moral degradation and adulteration, stuck in the mire of sins that nothing including water is pure here.

Human lives are being killed by putting bricks in red chilies, toxic chemicals are being sold in the name of milk, and human stomachs are being destroyed by growing vegetables in water mixed with sewage and chemicals. Screen injections are used to sweeten the fruit, sliced watermelons are dyed artificially red to sell, fat from dead animals is melted down to make cooking oil and used in hotels. Rarely in a bakery. Eggs and hygiene are taken care of. No medicine sold in medical stores can be said to be pure, doctors have become money making machines forgetting humanity. Be it new or old Pakistan. All kinds of evil, adultery, corruption, bribery, counterfeiting, fake degree business are on the rise here. In this environment, how can this society become a reformed society? The leading people of Pakistan are either incompetent or corrupt, honest people are not seen far and wide. And the newly elected people are declaring their loyalty by putting the straps of other parties around their necks at their own cost.

In terms of the number of Hajj pilgrims, Pakistan ranks second in the world and in terms of the number of Umrah pilgrims, Pakistan ranks 160th according to the Global Honesty Index. It has been ranked 130th out of 139 countries. A bribe-taking meter reader who smears 500 units on 1500 units, a butcher who accepts money for pure meat and weighs the bones together, a milk seller who adulterates pure milk by shouting slogans, FIRs of innocent people and also smears the remains of heroin. A fair SHO, a future generation construction worker who sits at home and attends and collects salary from the government, a shopkeeper who takes a full price by measuring less, a common petty policeman who takes a bribe of 100 rupees, a lawyer who proves the truth false and false for a small amount, deals of hundred rupees. I am the child who makes ten rupees disappear, the ordinary rascal who takes his share of the bribe for the officer, the player who disgraces the name of the country by fixing matches in international sports competitions, watches movies all night and spreads propaganda based on lies and lies on social media. The youth who increases and sleeps after listening to the call to Fajr prayer, the MPA and MNA who embezzled crores of money to build a road worth 10 lakhs, the job owner who embezzled lakhs and installed a hand pump worth 10,000, the few who embezzled thousands. A conscientious salesman councillor who paves a canal in a hundred, a cruel Chaudhary who lends Bihari at low interest to grow grain, a patwari who makes his son the owner of haram property by underestimating the land accounting and measurement, and a revenue officer, commission on drugs and laboratory tests. As a doctor who performs Umrah, a journalist who earns money by selling his pen, a Muslim who sits on the pulpit and donates in the name of religion and a priest and a priest. When everyone is doing their share in the boat, then It should not be said that so-and-so’s hole was bigger than mine, so the boat sank! Everyone is guilty and everyone considers themselves innocent by using the social media without research.

The fact is that Toyota, Daihatsu, Datsun, Hino, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Lexus, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Isuzu and Yamaha are all Japanese brands while Chevrolet, Honda and Daewoo are South Korean made. After these brands, which other automobiles in the world are discussed in the world? The state of the IT and electronics market is that everything from Sony to Canon cameras comes from Japan and now China dominates the world market to a large extent. LG and Samsung supply from South Korea. In 2014, Samsung’s revenue was $305 billion. “Acer laptops” are made and shipped in Taiwan, while a country like Vietnam manufactures helicopters and ships around the world under the name “Vietnam Helicopters Corporation”. Singapore, which has only air, sun and water, is dazzling the eyes of the world, and the hospital being built in California is also sourcing all its materials and equipment from China. Don’t go far, we are forced to buy tasbih and place of prayer from non-believers to remember God. All the commercial markets of the Haram are witness to the fact that the large number of pilgrims of the Haram are being supplied by unbelieving countries with hats on their heads, tasbih in their hands and pray mats for perform the prayers in Harmain.

In the education systems of the world, Finland ranks first, Japan ranks second, and South Korea ranks third. Instead of running after “degrees,” they have turned their new generation toward “technical” education. As a result, not only the economy of these countries has spread to the world markets, but the experts of these countries are being used by the important institutions of the United States, including the West. Instead of wasting their time in front of the boards in the classrooms, they take their children to the world of facts. The institute is currently in Singapore and there only 20% of the time the children spend in class and the remaining 80% of the time the children spend playing with automobiles and IT things in their respective fields.

On the other hand, you should look at the condition of our education system and our children. Put your hands on your heart and tell us where we stand and who is to blame for it? We are so “visionary” that we are spending 200 billion rupees every year on the laptop scheme, but the laptop industry You can judge our “visionaryness” from the fact that the whole nation is waiting for CPEC only so that we will be able to open dhaba hotels and puncture shops on the 2 thousand km route from China to Gwadar and we will collect toll tax. Kar will become the world-famous “Bill Gates” and are under the impression that in this way we will be able to pay off the national debt, we will be able to shape the destiny of our nation economically. No one is interested in top-down technology transfer.

Take the example of the Philippines. The Philippines has developed the “Hotel Management and Hospitality” sector all over the country. It has given diploma courses to its youth and currently the highest demand in the world is for Filipino salesmen/girls, waiters and waitresses even in developed countries. Most of the big companies have opened their call centers there which are currently marketing them to boost the economy of these countries even our enemy India has gone far ahead in all these fields. Most of the young people in the IT industry go from India while in the whole world. A large number of Indian boys and girls are seen as salesmen, girls, waiters, and waitresses in almost every country in the world. Due to being professional, their salaries are also ten times higher than Pakistanis.

The nations who valued knowledge are prosperous today. The attention we should have given to knowledge was spent on corruption, calling each other traitors and dishonesty, as a result of which we could not make knowledge public and educational institutions are the dens of ghosts and the pit of our destruction with zero results. If general education had been made public by allocating a sufficient share in the education budget, then when would a real democratic revolution have come in this country today? What would be more ironic than this is that while we are Muslims, we have separate schools of education. History is a witness that the world of Islam continued to rule the world until it had two, not one, educational institutions. The students who have access to all the sciences from the institution around the world became a part of our bright history to show their essence in the field of action, whose research benefit is evidenced by their statues in Western universities and their books in the libraries there.

An example of this is the Islamic school in Baghdad, which was established during the reign of Haroon al-Rashid, and scientists like Ibn al-Haysham and Ibn Rushd, who were also religious scholars, graduated from there. Under a special conspiracy, our educational institutions were divided and separated from each other, and since our educational institutions became two, We have separated politics from religion and Genghisism has remained and this Genghisism has been implemented in the Muslim Ummah in various terrifying forms.

This was a point of view, but on the other hand, what have we done to the current country’s education system? At this time, the biggest wealth-earning business has become the existing educational institutions, and the universities and colleges that have opened across the country have started distributing degrees in the name of heavy fees to outdo each other. He has started a scandalous business. For the best results of his institution, he is running a covert business of spending crores of rupees for the purchase of sitting boards and questions asked regularly in the examinations, and after receiving the results, he spends lakhs of rupees and publishes advertisements in the media regularly from the next generation. It is charged.

We all know that even today 70% of our population lives in villages. First of all, there are not enough schools for them, although the economic situation is exemplary. It is necessary for the central and provincial governments to form a broad education commission to work on a revolutionary basis and to promote education throughout the country. In general. If educational institutions are working in the private sector, they should not be left to their parents. The educational curriculum should be fully reviewed, and the same curriculum should be introduced in government institutions. The fees should be set appropriately. And the most important thing is to immediately set up an organized network of technical education institutions where our young generation can be made an asset for the country, the nation, and the world by making them skilled and at the same time giving the status of Pakistan as a regular subject in our small and big educational institutions.

In our country, like the police, teachers are also often placed on recommendation. Everyone knows who makes this recommendation. This is the reason why buffaloes and cows go to study instead of children in schools in rural areas. Even basic needs are not met there. As long as we do not make theoretical and technical education common in our country, it is not possible for righteous leadership to emerge. Even in these poor educational conditions, some students make great inventions, but they are not encouraged. In all our institutions, including provincial, national The elites have complete control over the assemblies and senates and they send their children to foreign countries for education. Therefore, the rulers (elite) do not care about how many and how many educational opportunities there are for the common people.

We know that every coming ruler announces the need to make education public and also expresses his passion, but only passion does not work. If the condition of educational institutions will remain like this, it is obvious that buying and selling of fake certificates and degrees will also be common. Unless we make regular efforts to promote the value of knowledge, and education, all our sectors will remain sick. Education has been corrupted. The government has controlled the private sector to such an extent that government educational institutions are suspicious of them. There is a Chinese saying, “If you want to help someone, teach them to fish instead of giving them a fish.” The Chinese understood this. I wish we could too. .

Hazrat Ali said, “A skilled man never remains hungry.” For God’s sake! Instead of increasing the number of “degreed” people in the country, create skilled people. This kind of undervaluing of such a big “human resource” of the world had to end. It is in front of us.

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