Pakistan: Destination or Sign of Destination
Pakistan: The Divine Moment and Its Implications
How can we possibly deny the miracle that Pakistan was born on the 27th of Ramadan 1366 AH, corresponding to the 14th of August 1947, during the blessed hours of Layla tul-Qadr? It is undoubtedly a great gift from Allah Almighty to the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, and thus it was called the “Land of the Pure.” After the State of Madinah, this was the second ideological Islamic state to come into existence. On January 25, 1948, addressing the Karachi Bar Association’s Seerat Conference, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah stated, “I do not understand why there is such provocative speculation and propaganda that Pakistan’s constitution will not be based on Sharia. In Pakistan, Islamic principles are being implemented as they were 1300 years ago.” The Founder of Pakistan’s reference was clearly towards the State of Madinah.
The backdrop of Pakistan’s creation involves a nefarious conspiracy between the Hindu Congress and British imperialism against Muslims in the subcontinent, marking a dark and dreadful chapter. During the London Conference in 1946, a major conspiracy was underway, with Lord Mountbatten, a long-time friend of Jawaharlal Nehru, appointed as Governor-General. Krishna Menon, a radical communist leader who revealed this conspiracy from his deathbed, also disclosed to the author of “Freedom at Midnight,” Abul Kalam Azad, that Mountbatten’s appointment was part of a plan to keep this conspiracy from the Muslims of the subcontinent. If they were to learn of it, Mountbatten’s usefulness would be nullified. Indeed, the secret remained undisclosed, and neither Quaid-e-Azam nor Liaquat Ali Khan, who were present at the conference, had an inkling of this sinister plot.
Mountbatten, following Prime Minister Attlee’s directives, initially made every effort to prevent the subcontinent’s division. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League and the Muslims of the subcontinent, stood as a rock of determination, courage, and resolve against the philosophy of a united subcontinent, compelling both the anti-Muslim imperialists to yield. The decision to partition was made, but under this guise, everything was done that, according to Quaid-e-Azam, the “enemy wants Pakistan to disappear as soon as it is created.” Evidence of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s foresight can be found in the House of Commons debate register in London, where Prime Minister Attlee stated that “dividing the subcontinent into two countries is a temporary measure; soon both ‘nations’ will unite into a larger Dominion and join the Commonwealth.” (Column 1246). Even the opposition leader McDonald unusually agreed with the Prime Minister, saying, “The ‘India Independence’ Bill contains elements that suggest these two countries will not remain separate for long.” (Column 1242).
The deadline for the subcontinent’s independence was set for June 30, 1948, in the House of Commons. Mountbatten decided to shorten this period and grant independence as quickly as possible, hoping that Pakistan would falter. Quaid-e-Azam strongly opposed this haste and urged adherence to the House of Commons’ decision. Who could have known what a great gift Allah had in store for the Muslims of the subcontinent? Mountbatten, for his personal satisfaction, announced August 15, 1947, as the date for independence without consulting British and subcontinent leaders. This date was significant for Mountbatten, as it marked the day Japan surrendered during World War II, while he was the Commander on the Burma front.
Granting independence on the anniversary of this surrender was intended to mark another historical success and etch his name among the fortunate in history. Little did he realize that despite ignoring Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s objections, he would have to yield to the opposition of the Hindu nation’s actual rulers—the astrologers and seers. The astrologers deemed August 15 as “inauspicious.” While Hindu leaders remained silent, this powerful group caused an uproar, and the timid Mountbatten was flustered by the opposition campaign. His agitation subsided only when astrologers declared August 14 as “auspicious.” Mountbatten, keen to retain his desired date and placate the astrologers, skilfully adjusted the independence date to midnight between August 14 and 15. Hindu astrologers celebrated the achievement by ringing a conch shell at exactly midnight, although the Legislative Assembly transferred power on August 15, while Pakistan had already transferred power to the Assembly on August 14.
These were the human trials, and the anti-Muslim forces and Lord Mountbatten himself were drawn to the moment that Allah had decreed. Thus, the night between August 14 and 15 marked the beginning of the 27th of Ramadan. On this very night, the blessed hours of the revelation of the Qur’an and Layla tul-Qadr arrived, and what was destined by God came to pass. It was during these sacred hours that Pakistan came into existence and was named the “Land of the Pure.”
On August 14, 1947, the creation of Pakistan is well-known to every child as corresponding to the 27th of Ramadan in the Hijri year 1366. Its religious significance is prominent in the Islamic world, and its national importance is equally significant. The urgent need to prepare a national plan based on this historic significance for the new generation was not adequately addressed by our negligent and greedy rulers after the untimely death of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. However, my intuition still testifies that if we make plans for this miraculous state granted by divine grace, as we had promised our Lord, we can indeed reach our destined goal.
As Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah stated, “Pakistan is not a destination but a means to achieve the ultimate goal.” Pakistan is the bastion of Islam, and this fortress is currently under intense bombardment from anti-Islamic forces. To safeguard it, the people—who are the source of power—must return to the principles ordained by our benevolent Lord. We must free ourselves from the bondage of human servitude and embrace the servitude of Allah, and the fountains of the Qur’an and Sunnah await us. The day we reject the deception of Western democracy and adopt the Qur’an as our constitution, truly implementing the Qur’an and Sunnah in every aspect of our lives and accept Muhammad (peace be upon him) as our guide, this nation will overcome all stages of success and triumph like a fortified wall. May Allah be our supporter and protector. Ameen!
There is still time; we must distinguish between friends and foes. Nothing else remains, only the name of my Lord, who is the Ever-Living and Sustainer, and who miraculously brought forth a state like Pakistan on the world map.
اک سوال کے اندر ہم نے کاٹی نصف صدی
باندھے لاکھوں حساب
غلط ہی نکلاہر اک حل کا لیکن انت جواب
ضرب جمع تفریق کے سارے کلئے برت لئے
از روئے تحقیق
ہر کوشش میں ہو جاتا ہے کچھ نہ کچھ تفریق
دیکھ تو کتنا اونچا ہے یہ ردّی کا انبار
تو ہی اب کچھ رحمت کر اے ربِّ غفار
Within one question we cut half a century
Bind millions of accounts
One solution turned out to be wrong, but it was the answer
Took all the tricks of multiplication and division
By research
In every attempt there is some difference
Look how high this pile of garbage is
So now, have some mercy, O Lord, the Forgiver