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New Antichrist, New Troubles

How long will this cruelty last?"

On September 11, 2001, the arrogant voice of the Pharaoh residing in the White House divided the world into two parts. With his Pharaoh-like power, he challenged and terrified all of humanity by declaring, “Today our civilization and way of life have been attacked; you are either with us or against us.” This statement clearly implied that those who would join the American strategy of the “World Order” planned by Jews and defend modern civilization as their life’s mission would be favoured, regardless of any barbaric atrocities they commit. On the other hand, those who would either oppose modern civilization or remain silent about the Pharaoh-like American strategy would gradually be made an example. Yet, who knew that the so-called global power, intoxicated with pride and arrogance, was about to get trapped in a quagmire where remnants of previous self-proclaimed deities lay, but it still refuses to learn from it.

If only the world had not witnessed the day of September 11, 2001, which led to the ruin of countries, the desolation of cities, the destruction of settlements, the levelling of countless homes, and the burning of millions of people to ashes in the name of civilizational, economic, and political supremacy. Young girls were subjected to collective violence and lust, parents were deprived of their children, and the younger generation was turned into shreds before their eyes. Humanity was made an example, and not just humans, but even animals, plants, and forests were incinerated in the madness of war.

If only on September 11, 2001, those 81 passengers had either cancelled or postponed their journey, or if the people of Boston had chosen a different airport instead of the international one, or if the flight had been redirected, then perhaps the plane carrying 81 passengers to Los Angeles would not have crashed into the World Trade Centre at 8:48 AM. The pharaoh-like state of America would have maintained its dominance, prestige, and international supremacy, and it would not have had to face continuous disgrace for two decades, ultimately leading to the humiliating decision to retreat from Afghanistan.

But this was bound to happen because the nation that ate heavenly manna and quails never allowed America to rest. Sometimes it seems to me that these Zionists are exacting a price from America and the West for their illegitimate establishment, making America and the West support Israel in every way to fulfill their regional interests. Even after the escape from Afghanistan and the immediate international humiliation, instead of learning a lesson, a new front was opened in Ukraine. The Pharaohs of the White House and their followers are well aware that certain institutions, to maintain America’s false grandeur and supremacy, are pulling the strings and pushing multiple countries into wars simultaneously, using them like puppets to fulfill their own interests. In compliance with these worst decisions, Trump had to order the return of troops to save a militarily, politically, and economically weakened America from further destruction, and had to request Pakistan for safe passage for its troops. Without implementing this, America had no other option. Consequently, direct negotiations were held between America and the Afghan Taliban on December 16, and the American embassy in Afghanistan announced the withdrawal of American troops. This was not only a declaration of victory for the Afghan mujahideen but also a humiliating question mark on America’s sovereignty, enough to embarrass future generations of America.

To analyse this entire situation, it is essential to understand the interests and objectives behind America’s entry into Afghanistan. Was America successful in achieving its goals in Afghanistan? If yes, how would you explain the disgraceful escape and the plea for direct negotiations with the Afghan Taliban? Even ignoring the presence of close allies like India, Israel, and the puppet government of Kabul, if America failed to achieve its goals, under whose influence was it forced to compromise its national dignity and ignore the “America First” slogan, choosing a hasty retreat from Afghanistan? The straightforward answer is that the American economy itself was on crutches, and further wars were pushing it to bankruptcy. American financial institutions indicated that there were no more funds to spend on wars, and the Jewish lobby behind the American economy did not want to waste more capital and time in Afghanistan. The ideological Jews dreaming of a global system like a divine order saw the 18-year plan initiated by America’s 41st president, George H.W. Bush, in 1992, as a failure despite financial losses. Therefore, Trump, indirectly and directly a pawn of the Jewish lobby, upon assuming the presidency, expressed his intention to withdraw troops. Following the announcement by the American embassy in Afghanistan, there was clear assurance of implementing this plan in the coming months and years.

Certainly, some individuals might disagree with my viewpoint that only 6.5 million Jews illegally settled in Palestine could compel the global superpower, the United States. The U.S. is, after all, a champion of democracy, and even with all his powers, Trump couldn’t undermine democratic values. Even if he wanted to, there are individuals in the cabinet who would never allow actions that compromise American supremacy and interests. The question of how American sovereignty is ensnared by the Jewish lobby, and how Jews in various governmental and non-governmental institutions leverage their influence on American decisions, unfolds a fascinating history, evident from several historical events.

George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States (1989-1993), hailed from a family engaged in the oil business. They resided in Texas, the largest state in the U.S., also known as the oil capital of America. At that time, the U.S. was the largest importer of oil, producing only 20% of its consumption, with the remainder imported from Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Venezuela. Despite their involvement in the oil business in Texas, George H.W. Bush devised a plan in 1992 to seize control of oil worldwide. He gathered the heads of three major oil companies in Washington, displayed satellite images from space, and, pointing to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, said, “Beneath these four countries lies five trillion dollars’ worth of oil and gas that I want to seize. Who would like to partner with me?”

All the company heads raised their hands. Although the negotiations didn’t finalize due to the end of Bush Sr.’s term, they continued. During this time, Israel’s secret agency Mossad received information about these activities and also became active. Mossad faced two challenges: to encircle the newly elected 42nd President of the United States, gain access to the cabinet and all sensitive governmental and non-governmental institutions, and to seize global oil reserves. You’ll be surprised to learn that in less than a year, Jews had established a stronghold around Bill Clinton. For instance, Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Deputy Secretary of State Stanley Roth, Secretary of Defense William Cohen, Secretary of Treasury Larry Summers, Deputy Secretary of Treasury Stuart Eizenstat, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke, National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Chief of Social Security Kenneth Apfel, U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky, CIA Director David Cohen, FBI Director Louis Freeh, Communications Director Rahm Emanuel, National Health Care Advisor Ira Magaziner, Director of Management and Budget Alice Rivlin, Economic Policy Advisor Stanley Fischer, and even Clinton and Hillary’s personal staff were Jewish. Hence, the President and First Lady’s personal and business schedules were entirely managed by these individuals, with Mossad aware of every moment. This period was a golden era for Jews, as they freely implemented their policies through the American administration, legislature, and judiciary. It seemed as if the 3% American Jews had become the rulers of 97% Americans and 100% of the world, with these Jews being highly biased, fundamentalist, and ideological.

On the other hand, to seize global oil reserves, Mossad appointed Joseph A. Memon in Turkmenistan. After retiring from Mossad, Joseph A. Memon became the president of an Israeli company, Merhav Group. Turkmenistan’s President Saparmurat Niyazov, using his special powers, not only granted Turkmen citizenship to Joseph A. Memon but also appointed him as the oil and gas advisor and special envoy, thereby allowing Israel to seize control of Turkmenistan’s oil. Additionally, through other oil trade agreements, Joseph A. Memon gained access to Azerbaijan’s oil reserves. Meanwhile, as a result of senior Bush’s negotiations with major oil companies, other American oil companies collectively invested $33 billion in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, with additional investments for laying gas pipelines from Pakistan to Afghanistan and from Afghanistan to Turkmenistan. This situation pitted Israel against the Bush family because both aimed to seize oil reserves, and Zionist powers couldn’t tolerate any obstacle in their path.

When the Bush family considered transporting Central Asian oil to Europe and the U.S., there were only three routes. The first route was from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan via Russia to Europe. The second was from the four countries via Iran to the Arabian Sea, and then to Europe and the U.S. The third route was from the four countries via Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India to the Indian Ocean, and then to Europe and the U.S. After Russia’s clear refusal, only the last two options remained. However, the U.S. wasn’t ready to trust Iran, leaving only one viable route. The major threat on this route was the Taliban revolution in Afghanistan.

Consequently, senior Bush, on June 2, 2000, invited major oil company owners to a dinner in the U.S. and proposed that if his son (George W. Bush) was elected President, they would be granted five trillion dollars’ worth of oil reserves. When the company owners demanded a guarantee, Bush offered to include all of them in the cabinet once the government was formed. This led to a flood of dollars, and the Bush family’s name echoed everywhere. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and even struggling countries’ newspapers like Panama and Ethiopia published articles supporting Bush, and this campaign resulted in the Bush family re-entering the White House. As promised, oil company owners were appointed to sensitive government positions, including the Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of State, Secretary of Energy, and the most powerful military department, with Exxon’s Vice Chairman Thomas White becoming the head of the U.S. Army.

Given my stance, some people might certainly disagree that the mere 6.5 million Jews illegally settled in Palestine could influence a global power like America. After all, America is the champion of democracy, and despite wielding all his powers, Trump couldn’t violate democratic values. Even if he wanted to, there were individuals in his cabinet who wouldn’t permit such actions, citing potential damage to American supremacy and interests. How American sovereignty is caught in the grip of the Jewish lobby, and the extent to which Jews in the cabinet, government, and private sectors influence American decisions, is a fascinating history revealed through several surprising events.

George H.W. Bush (1989-1993), the 41st President of the United States, belonged to a family traditionally involved in the oil business. They hailed from Texas, the largest state in the U.S., often referred to as the oil capital of America. During that era, the U.S. was the largest importer of oil, producing only twenty percent of its consumption needs domestically and importing the rest from Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Venezuela. Despite their involvement in the oil business in Texas, George H.W. Bush devised a plan in 1992 to seize control of oil worldwide. He gathered the heads of three major oil companies in Washington, showcasing satellite images of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. He pointed with his stick to these four countries, declaring that there were five trillion dollars’ worth of oil and gas reserves beneath them which he intended to capture, inviting partners to join him.

All the company heads raised their hands. The negotiations hadn’t been finalised before Bush Sr.’s administration ended, yet they continued. Meanwhile, Mossad, Israel’s secret service, learned of these activities and became active. Mossad faced two challenges: surrounding the newly elected 42nd U.S. President, gaining access to the cabinet and all critical government and sensitive agencies, and capturing global oil reserves. Astonishingly, within less than a year, Jews had established a stronghold around Clinton. For instance, Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Deputy Secretary of State Stanley Roth, Secretary of Defense William Cohen, Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Stuart Eizenstat, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Richard Holbrooke, National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Social Security Chief Kenneth Apfel, U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky, CIA Director David Cohen, FBI Director Louis Freeh, Communications Director Rahm Emanuel, National Health Care Advisor Thomas Reardon, Budget Management Director Alice Rivlin, Economic Policy Advisor Laura Tyson, and even Clinton’s and Hillary’s personal staff were Jewish. Hence, the President and First Lady’s personal and business schedules were entirely managed by Jews, with Mossad being informed of every minute detail. This era was a golden age for Jews, actively shaping policies through American administration, legislature, and judiciary. It appeared that the 3% American Jews owned the remaining 97% of Americans and the entire world. All these Jews were highly prejudiced, fundamentalist, and ideological.

On the other hand, to seize global oil reserves, Mossad appointed Yosef A. Maiman in Turkmenistan. After retiring from Mossad, Yosef A. Maiman became the president of an Israeli company, Merhav Group. Using his special powers, Turkmenistan’s President Niyazov granted Yosef A. Maiman not only Turkmen citizenship but also appointed him as an oil and gas advisor and special ambassador, effectively giving Israel control over Turkmenistan’s oil. Additionally, through other oil trade agreements, Maiman also accessed Azerbaijan’s oil reserves. Meanwhile, due to negotiations initiated by Bush Sr. with major oil companies, other American oil companies collectively invested $33 billion in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, apart from the investment in laying gas pipelines from Pakistan to Afghanistan and then to Turkmenistan. This situation pitted Israel against the Bush family, both aiming to control oil reserves. Hence, the Zionist powers could not tolerate any obstacle in their path.

When the Bush family considered transporting Central Asian oil to Europe and America, they had only three routes. The first route was from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan through Russia to Europe; the second was from these four countries through Iran to the Arabian Sea and from there to Europe and America; and the third was from these four countries through Afghanistan to Pakistan, India, and from there via the Indian Ocean to Europe and America. With Russia’s outright refusal, only two options remained. However, the U.S. was not willing to trust Iran, leaving only one route. The biggest threat along this route was the Afghan Taliban’s revolution. Consequently, Bush Sr. invited major oil company owners to a dinner on June 2, 2000, proposing that if his son (George W. Bush) were elected President of the U.S., they would gain control over five trillion dollars’ worth of oil reserves. When the company owners asked for a guarantee, Bush offered to appoint them as cabinet members upon forming the government. Following this, the oil companies showered dollars, and Bush’s campaign gained immense momentum. TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines were flooded with advertisements, and even newspapers in impoverished countries like Panama and Ethiopia published articles supporting Bush. As a result of this campaign, the Bush family re-entered the White House. As promised, the major oil company owners were appointed to significant positions such as Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of State, Secretary of Energy, and other sensitive government roles. Thomas White, Vice-Chairman of Exxon, the oil company that contributed the most to the election campaign, was appointed Secretary of Defense.

Since the Bush family was Christian by religion and regularly attended church every Sunday, it was even claimed that Senior Bush was staunchly anti-Jewish and supportive of Arabs on the Palestinian issue. Thus, the Arabs believed that once George W. Bush was elected President, he would support them on the Palestinian issue, leading to peace in the Middle East. This is why Arabs contributed 1.5 billion dollars to Bush’s election campaign, covering nearly half of the campaign expenses. When George W. Bush was elected the 43rd President of the U.S. and announced his cabinet with minimal Jewish representation, it was a severe blow to the Jews. Since the Jewish community had previously taken full control of the American economy and government, they found it easy to create problems for the Bush administration. Consequently, the Jews orchestrated a shutdown, forcing the Bush administration to capitulate, leading to a stock market crash. Fireworks for factories had to be imported from China, causing the Bush administration to incur a daily loss of $125 million.

The Jews did not stop there. Mossad tasked its 120 highly trained operatives with planning an attack on the World Trade Centre. These operatives were later arrested by the CIA during investigations, but history remains silent on further details. Meanwhile, major American electronic and print media companies owned by highly prejudiced Jews turned their artillery towards Bush. Media began intense propaganda against the Taliban and Islamic punishments, using Osama bin Laden as a pretext. Consequently, American public opinion was swayed to view the Taliban as the worst enemies of humanity and American civilisation, leading to a premeditated demand for teaching the Taliban a lesson.

Some Taliban officials sensed the hidden motives behind this plan and hired the services of Leila Helms, a PR expert and niece of former CIA chief Richard Helms, on a regular payment. Thanks to Leila Helms’s efforts, the American administration agreed to talk to Taliban representatives. In March 2001, the Taliban government’s advisor, Syed Rahmat Ullah Hashimi, arrived in Washington for a five-day visit, where they were presented with a single condition for peace: form a liberal and moderate government in Afghanistan, or face an American attack. On August 6, the Taliban were given a final warning through the Afghan Ambassador in Islamabad, but the Taliban ignored the American threats. George W. Bush was keen on attacking Afghanistan not only to seize the oil reserves under his father’s plan but also to bolster his administration and revitalize American industry and commerce.

The Bush administration never envisioned an attack on the World Trade Centre; it was Mossad’s 120 highly trained operatives who accomplished the task assigned to them. The world witnessed the events of September 11, 2001, when the tallest commercial centre, completed just a few months earlier on April 22, 2001, was reduced to rubble. Daily business worth $8.5 billion was conducted there, and it was leased for 99 years to Silverstein Properties and Westfield America for $3.2 billion. This attack left the Bush family in shock, incapacitating their administrative capabilities, leading them to attack Afghanistan, thereby entangling America in a never-ending war orchestrated by the Jewish lobby. Already struggling with unstable conditions and a floundering economy, the Bush administration saw the Jewish lobby further push the American economy into bankruptcy, making it a record debtor to institutions like the World Bank and IMF, both known to be the sources of the global usurious financial system that ensnares nations by indebting them. According to U.S. Treasury Department figures, for the first time in American history, the national debt has exceeded $33 trillion, meaning every American citizen owes over $100,000.

Moreover, the role of 32 Jews in the Iraq war cannot be overlooked. These Jews, who had gained access to key positions in the Bush administration post-9/11, became the de facto rulers of America, shaping all policies. One such individual was Richard Perle, Chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board and advisor to Bush on foreign policy, who previously worked for Israel’s arms manufacturer Soltam. Another was Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense and member of Richard’s Defense Policy Board, whose secret ties with Israel were frequently reported in American newspapers. The third was Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor.

Edward Luttwak, the fourth person, was a member of the Security Studies Group at the Pentagon. He was a theoretical and extremist Jew whose education and upbringing were in Tel Aviv, and he continuously wrote articles in support of Israel in the newspapers. The next person, Dov Zakheim, was the Under Secretary of Defense and Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Defense. He was also of Jewish descent and held citizenship in both the United States and Israel. He stated that as long as the strength of Muslims does not diminish, the rise of Jews cannot begin. Keith A. Edelman was an advisor at the Pentagon and also a member of the Defense Policy Board. He was also an extremely biased and extremist Jew, stating that if the world wants peace, Muslims must be subjugated, and if that is not possible, Muslims should be placed where people used to keep their old slaves. He could always be found on international TV channels like Fox News, speaking against Arabs and Muslims.

Douglas J. Feith was the Deputy Vice President of America and Chief of Staff. He said that to end terrorism in the world, the impulse for jihad must be eliminated from Muslims. For this, there is a need to discourage a group within Muslims called “Ahmadis” (Qadiani’s), which is working. His words were always found on Fox News speaking against Arabs and Muslims. Lewis’s “Scooter” Libby was the Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. He said that if the world wants to end terrorism, it will have to eliminate the zeal of jihad, for which it is necessary to weaken Muslims. Robert Stallof was a counsellor for American National Security who was previously the Director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He said that Arab oil is basically a Jewish acquisition, but Muslims are using it. This is entirely dishonest, and one day Jews will take back their right. East Abram is also counted among extremist Jews, and this person was a counsellor for the National Security Council during that period. He said that peace cannot be established in the world until all the means that give rise to people like Osama bin Laden are not closed off. So, it is suggested that there was no need for America to attack Iraq because all the wealth of Arab rulers is in America, and America cannot stop the transmission of oil, putting its trillions of dollars at risk. But how could it be possible for sensitive institutions like the State Department and the Defense Department to be manned by extremist and biased Jews who have been waiting for the decline and subjugation of Muslims for decades and who forced Junior Bush (George W. Bush) to attack Iraq, if not recommend it, and to put him in a position where he had to? It is not difficult to guess that with the presence of these gentlemen, how could Junior Bush deny attacking Iraq when death was looming over him from both sides, and he was well aware that the 16th President of America, Abraham Lincoln, and the 20th President, James Garfield, were killed for refusing to follow the Jewish-controlled global financial system, so he could not put his life in danger under any circumstances?

If the Jews incite America to war against Iraq and Syria and force them to attack, it is understandable that such action leads to the fulfillment of the dream of Greater Israel (which extends from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates, including the northern region of Saudi Arabia and half of Iraq and the whole of Syria), but the question is why did the Jewish lobby push America into the quagmire of Afghanistan? This can be easily understood from the blessed Hadith of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) quoted in Sunan Ibn Majah that when you see black flags coming from the direction of Khurasan, then join that army because Allah’s last Caliph Mahdi will be in that army. At that time, no country named Khurasan is found in the world, but centuries ago, it spread from Afghanistan to Iran, Pakistan. These are all areas about which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that Muslim armies would march from here with black flags, and their path cannot be stopped until they are installed in Jerusalem (Al-Quds). And since these are the biggest obstacles in the way of Jewish lobby’s global dominance, therefore the Jewish lobby wanted to weaken the areas of Khurasan by pushing America into the war in Afghanistan. Moreover, the borders of Pakistan connected to Afghanistan start, and two theoretical states exist on the planet, one is Pakistan, and the other is Israel. Since Pakistan is based on the national theory and the existence of “La ilaha illallah” which is completely opposed to the Jewish global system, then how can Israel forget its ideological ally? Therefore, it is extremely necessary for the global Zionism to take immediate action against Pakistan and Pakistan must always be warned, and wherever possible, efforts should be made to weaken it, and India, living on the Indian subcontinent, are Hindus who are filled with hatred against Muslims. Therefore, India can be the best option for working against Pakistan. Our enmity with India is not only necessary but also beneficial, and we should take full advantage of this historical enmity, which hates Muslims living in Pakistan and the Indian subcontinent. This historical enmity is a great asset for us, but our policy should be such that we maintain our relations with India through international circles.

When Israel was victorious in the 1967 Arab Israeli war, Ben-Gurion chose Paris (France) to celebrate the victory, and speaking to prominent Jews at Sorbonne University, he said: “The international Zionist movement should not, in any way, be like Pakistan for itself.” The great threat should not be ignored, and Pakistan should still be their first target, because this ideological state is a threat to our existence. (Pakistan’s mental and intellectual capital and military and military strength and status can become a cause of trouble for us at any time). Pakistan hates Jews and loves Arabs, this country that loves Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves, so it is very important for global Zionism to take immediate action against Pakistan and always be wary of Pakistan. And he should never hesitate to use his measures to destroy it as far as possible, while the inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent are Hindus whose hearts are full of hatred against Muslims, so India is ours to work against Pakistan. It can be the best base for. It is extremely important and necessary for us to take advantage of this base and use all our secret and hidden plans to destroy the Pakistanis who are enemies of Judaism and Zionism. Our friendship with India is not only necessary but also useful and we must take advantage of this historical animosity. Which holds against Hindu Pakistan and Muslims living in it. This historical rivalry is a great capital for us, but our strategy should be such that we maintain our connection with India only through international spheres”. (Jerusalem Post 19/August 1967)

In the above quote from the speech, David Ben-Guryan suggested to his prominent Jews to use the hatred between the Muslims of Pakistan and the Hindus of India as the best and most effective weapon and who does not know that today one hundred of India is in Afghanistan. In more than 100 centers where people of Afghani and other nationalities are given all kinds of training for subversive and terrorist activities in Pakistan, barbaric incidents like the Army Public School are an example of this. Sabotaging the peace of Pakistan through Afghanistan has always been the agenda of the Jews and Hindus and until now efforts are being made to cause serious damage to the land of Pakistan, but due to the support and help of Allah, our brave forces have sacrificed their eternal lives. Their efforts continue to be thwarted. For example, on May 27, 1998, Israeli planes were found at the Indian airport to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear plant, but the timely action of Pakistan’s intelligence agencies and the Pakistan Air Force foiled this dangerous plan. Both countries were immediately informed of the dire consequences.

However, the withdrawal of the usurper America from Afghanistan is certainly a great victory in the ongoing 18-year war of the Afghan Mujahideen against colonialism, on which the Afghan Mujahideen deserve to be congratulated for not only bravely fighting the world’s two superpowers, but also humiliating them. After defeating them, Afghanistan became the graveyard of these two pharaonic powers. The patience, courage and courage of the Afghan Mujahideen should be applauded wholeheartedly, who for almost 18 years faced the combined armed forces of the US and its allies and did not even feel the need to compromise on the Islamic system. The Afghan Jihadi forces themselves have acknowledged Pakistan’s key role behind this victory, but can it be called a mere coincidence that the United States, which has been using Iran for years to crush the Islamic State (ISIS) on Syrian soil? had jumped to block the path of and limit the influence of the Iranian army in Syria, why did he have to suddenly decide to withdraw, which had already begun to be implemented before Afghanistan, while the existence of Daesh in Syria is still large. I have remained and together with Iran have taken down Hezbollah and at the moment there are five commanders of the Iranian army and the Pasdaran, thirteen military bases and approximately 100,000 people in Syria. These five commanders are directly linked to the Iranian headquarters in the base of Damascus, but also in al-Tanf, the most important border area between Syria, Jordan and Iraq, where Hezbollah’s advance around the US base reached its peak.

As a result of this, as soon as the statement of the American withdrawal from Syria came out, it was like a doomsday on Israel. According to the report, according to the Israeli newspaper “Yedi Hoth Akhronoth”, according to an Israeli official, “This kind of statement by the US is not less than surprising for us, but sad. We do not care about this statement, and we are the Iranian army in Syria.” Strict action will be taken against its presence.” Does Israel want to move directly toward the Greater Israel project by cutting America out of the middle? This is not just a coincidence, but when Trump announced to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, the intellectuals of the Muslim Ummah understood that the balance of power is now going to shift from America to Israel and Israel will come to power. The pre-planned withdrawal of US forces from around the world and ambitions to cut costs is fulfilling a plan where a peaceful, secure and neutral new US will step down from world leadership and the world will be de facto ruled by Greater Israel. .

The recent India-Pakistan tension also needs to be seen in the context of how Israel is trying its best to use India’s Modi government for the fulfillment of its Greater Israel, and in a regular joint attack on Pakistan, Israel’s masterminds have been trying for three years. Not only the tip of this project, but in the Balakot attack, Indian MiG warships armed with Israeli bombs were attacked, and under a regular conspiracy, the next day, with the help of dozens of modern Indian warships, an Israeli-made attack was carried out near Balakot. Spice 2000 bombs were used, although these bombs can only be installed on Mirage aircraft, but Israel has fully supported India in installing these bombs on Russian-made Sukhoi 30 aircraft. Close military cooperation between the two countries has been going on for many years.

One of the Indian planes that Pakistan destroyed was a MiG-21 whose wreckage fell in Pakistani territory, while the other is said to be a Sukhoi 30 whose wreckage fell in Occupied Kashmir. However, India continued to deny the destruction of its second aircraft, but later the media This lie of India has been exposed. Sources say that since the second pilot is Israeli, it is not possible for India to say that its other pilot is in the custody of Pakistan. On the other hand, Israel cannot publicly admit that its pilot went to attack Pakistan. The Indian media has also said that the Mirage was included in the Indian aircraft that flew to fight the Pakistani aircraft. The Israeli Air Force has Mirage aircraft, and its pilots are experienced in flying these aircraft.

In this attack, the program to target five important places of Pakistan was also revealed, in which it was intended to separate Pakistan from the Sindh side by attacking Bahawalpur from Rajasthan. By effectively locking down key areas, the message was sent that Pakistan’s response would be three times larger than the plan, and that India would not be able to collect its two dozen divisions, and that Israel would disappear from the world map forever. India and Israel had to face the same failure as they had to face the worst failure on 27th May 1998. However, it is certain that after the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, India and Israel have faced the great failure, India and Israel could not tolerate the failure of the American withdrawal and still with the five trillion dollars of oil in the region. Withdrawal may lead the world to further destruction, but just as the situation has allowed the Afghan Mujahideen to win, unfortunately efforts to create mountains of misunderstandings in both countries are on the rise to deprive the region of its benefits. Now it is necessary that the current Afghan government, which has acknowledged Pakistan’s key role in liberating Afghanistan from the US and its allies, should once again understand the clear difference between friend and enemy while reviewing the plots of the enemies. That in this lies the survival of the entire region. Our powerful circles also need to come to their senses that an intelligence officer crushed and martyred two people during the protest against Israel under the leadership of former senator of Jamaat-e-Islami in broad daylight and killed many others. Being injured and escaping, is the proof that the orders of Jews and Hindus are being followed in veil.

Remember that in the region, as there are talks about the establishment of my Lord’s system, there is sure hope that the springs of my Lord’s decisions are going to benefit the world and the new antichrist of the world will be drowned in a new controversy. In Sha Allah (God willing).

Friday 21 June 2024

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