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Modi’s war frenzy and bigotry

Ever since India was humiliated and humiliated by China’s defeat, from that day on, it has become such a war frenzy that every year in its budget, instead of taking measures to end the hunger and poverty of its poor people, the country He is deeply engrossed in stockpiling weapons and is now once again suffering from the disease of artificial and false dreams of subduing all the neighbouring countries of the region, but every time his lust for stockpiling his weapons is met with greed. is increasing. This lust of the bigoted Hindu Modi government is not new, but for years they have been looking for a justification to stay in power by showing their nation the dream of expanding a united India in the region. Only 6 years ago, the former Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had allocated 29 trillion 55/11 billion rupees for defence in the 19/2018 budget presented on February 1. Thus, in one sitting, the defence budget was increased by 81.7% while in the previous budget 27 trillion 41 billion 14 billion rupees were kept, thus the annual increase of 2 trillion 13 billion rupees was loaded. Arun Jaitley also announced free connection to 8 crore poor people, this scheme was also announced earlier but the number of demonstrative families who were given free gas cylinders was negligible while these poor families He also did not have money to refill the gas cylinder as if this drama turned out to be an election fraud.


Similarly, in 2016, the BJP government had announced free insurance, but it could not be implemented till date. The current finance minister of the country, Nirmala Sitharaman, has also continued the behaviour of her predecessors and like the previous budget, no attention has been paid to the poor, farmers and rural economy in any budget so far, but to the wealthy classes and big companies. were given facilities and concessions which are still ongoing due to the support and financial support of this wealthy class in the elections, while on the other hand in this poor country where millions of people are deprived of a daily bread and a roof to hide their heads, there 621,54028 crores has been allocated in its defence budget to fulfill the war frenzy, which is 71/4% more than last year.


The salaried, employed, middle class has not only been ignored but the tax burden has been increased on them. sleeping on the pavements of the cities while their war frenzy has led to millions of Indian troops busy crushing the local hurriyats in Occupied Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland etc. This would have increased the defense budget every year. Is.


India has established a large-scale defence industry, on the other hand, it is importing the latest weapons and defence technology from America, Israel, Russia, and Western countries. Sukhoi S30 and MK1 aircraft from Russia, Mirage 200 from France, Jaguar aircraft from Great Britain, “TU22/Nsec” fighter bombers and French Royal aircraft to increase their ability to carry out air attacks on the neighbouring countries of South Asia, especially Pakistan. is buying In the last decade too, India has purchased F-16 bombers, guided bombers, Jaguar aircraft from the United Kingdom, 36 Rafale aircraft, six Scorpion submarines, air-to-air missiles and 126 multi-purpose medium combat aircraft from France. The “DRDO” in collaboration with a Russian company developed the BrahMos cruise missile, which is a supersonic missile that uses Russian propulsion technology. Israel has also provided electronic warner technology and perception guided weapons to India and this process is still going on behind closed doors.


Reuters published an article on February 23, 2024, by a Hindu defence analyst “Krishna Kaushik” in which he revealed through an Israeli source that Israel’s military exports to India, its largest defence buyer, are from Gaza. Not affected by the war either. India has imported $2.9 billion worth of military hardware from Israel over the past decade, including radar, surveillance and combat drones and missiles. Besides, since the bloody game has started in Gaza, more than a thousand Indian Hindus are participating in the killing of innocent and innocent Muslims of Gaza in this bloodthirsty war. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, India is the world’s largest arms importer, purchasing $37 billion between 2012 and 2022. After the US, Russia and China, India is the world’s fourth largest buyer of arms, with defense expenditures reaching $81.4 billion. India recently placed orders for five major defense acquisitions worth Rs 39,125 crore to enhance its armed forces’ combat capabilities, including BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles, radars, weapon systems and aero engines for MiG-29 aircraft.


According to the latest information, the Défense budget of India in the financial year 2024-25 has reached Rs 6,21,540.85 crore as per the report dated 6 March 2024. The defence budget for FY 24-25 is about one lakh crore (18.35%) more than the amount allocated for FY 2022-23 and more than the budget allocated for FY 23-24….4.72% is more. India continues to retain the title of the largest arms importer despite continued efforts to strengthen its defence industrial base. Between 2019 and 2023, India accounted for a significant 9.8 percent of total global arms imports. This reflects a strategic weakness in its defence procurement.


Russia remains India’s largest arms supplier, accounting for 36 percent of its arms imports. However, for the past few years, Russia’s overall share has been continuously decreasing, while India has rapidly turned to Western countries for military hardware and software as well as local suppliers, while according to a report dated April 1, 2024, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), around ten countries, including Egypt, Indonesia and Thailand, have bought light ammunition from India, and the US, UK and France buy defence electronics from India. Mauritius, Seychelles and the Maldives have purchased high-speed interceptor boats.


India-Israel arms trade is 3 billion dollars annually. In 2007, India paid $50 million to the US for the Omnibus Trans Dockship, which provides dock work. India has also increased its naval combat capability manifold. In the September 1965 India-Pakistan war, Pakistan’s Ghazi submarine did not allow the Indian aircraft carrier “Vikram” to leave the port of Bombay. At that time India did not have any submarines but now the Indian Navy is working day and night to add four nuclear submarines, 16 diesel electronic submarines and four more submarines to this fleet. It has also developed a naval strike force armed with Russian nuclear submarines. In response, Pakistan has also equipped its navy with nuclear weapons and not only the latest “Harba missiles” that can hit India’s farthest Andaman Islands, but also every inch of Indian land. It is on target.


America and Israel are also providing the latest drone technology to India and an agreement has also been made to supply naval drone aircraft. Indian islands continue to mention the claims of cross-border surgical strike or the cold strike doctrine, but Pakistan’s defence preparations, especially the Nasr and Abdali missiles, have kept the Indians awake. Due to Indian attitude and wars, Pakistan has also achieved some incredible achievements in innovation of nuclear assets to protect its national security. The nature and effectiveness of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are also of the same nature as the modern nuclear weapons that are the subject of the nuclear race between America and Russia. India is facing great trouble at the hands of these modern and powerful nuclear weapons of Pakistan and Washington continues to pressurize Pakistan regarding these small nuclear weapons of Pakistan on India’s initiative. This is the reason why Fox News, which takes the lead in spewing poison against the Islamic world in general and Pakistan in particular, and often uses the psychological superiority of international defense analysts to scare and threaten, is also admitting. That in the current situation, Pakistan is the third equal party in the emerging new power block of Russia and China in the region and Pakistan has left far behind India in terms of nuclear power as well.


In our country, while taunting Pakistan’s defence budget, they are making unsuccessful attempts to frighten the Indian enemy by giving examples. They should also consider this certified report of January 18, 2024 that in the budget of 2023-24, India has 13 percent of the budget allocated 6 trillion rupees (about 74 billion dollars) for defence while Pakistan’s defence budget is 6 billion dollars. Also remember that compared to Pakistan’s army, India has 800,000 more soldiers, but despite this, every time teasing Pakistan was not only costly but also embarrassing in front of the world.


According to a March 13 report by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, an assessment released on March 31 said that between 2016 and 2021, the government will provide India with £2.3 billion from the British International Investment Fund’s global loan portfolio to small companies. Sterling gave in the name of aid, including the provision of 28 percent of “B11” loans. That is, on the one hand, the country is burdened with a huge debt burden and on the other hand, there is a sign of war frenzy that accumulates weapons. However, the jackal Modi is trying to impress his neighbours by wearing the skin of a tiger.


In a program, India’s most astute and experienced defence analysts were forced to say that Pakistan is the only country in the world that has regularly invited defence and military experts from all over the world to discuss not only its sensitive weapons. The successful experiments have surprised the whole world by demonstrating their hundred percent accuracy and the second marvel of Pakistan’s superiority in this field is that it is also completely self-sufficient in this latest technological expertise and all these Apart from nuclear missile technology, no country is in need of all types of weapons. Pakistan has not only become self-sufficient in the full capacity of making all kinds of modern weapons, but now many countries have also ordered the latest weapons to Pakistan, but the neighbouring country India has yet to receive them from America, Israel, France, Great Britain and other countries. Despite spending billions of dollars annually on buying weapons, in the midst of fear and cowardice, sitting under the umbrella of first Russia and now the United States, it continues to try unsuccessfully to assert its superiority over all the countries in the region, but now many intellectuals of India themselves In order to avoid frenzy and suicide, they are busy focusing on solving the Kashmir issue, in which the most powerful voice is Arun Dhati, while the Modi government believes that with the blessing of the United States, it has abolished the special status of Kashmir and made it a part of India. This problem has been solved by declaring. If so, has he deployed more than 8 lakh forces in any of his other areas? If not, he has taken political steps to deceive the nations and his own nation, but the ground realities are much different, due to which he is still scared like a coward and in a war frenzy.


On the other hand, now the first phase of the general elections in India has started from 19/April and still the Indian people and experts are shocked and worried about Modi’s insidious policies and anti-Muslim biased statements that Pakistan with its traditional insidiousness every time on the occasion of elections. And this time, the Muslims living in India are being vilified in their election speeches so that on the one hand the Muslim voters are afraid and on the other hand, by inciting the sentiments of the Hindus against the Muslims, to win the elections again. A clear example of this is that recently, Modi, while addressing a rally in Pushkar, a popular area of Rajasthan, has started to denounce the Congress manifesto for the 2024 elections as a manifesto influenced by the Muslim League, and that there are plans to divide India once again. have started and the Congress once again wants to impose the ideas of the Muslim League on India through its manifesto, which smells of the fragmentation of India and this once again in a conspiracy to dominate the Indian minority Muslims who have more children. is busy


It is clear from Modi’s biased statement that this Hindu Mahasabha, which emerged as a butcher in the Muslim-killing riots in Gujarat, is still pursuing its same policy and that is why his statements about the minorities living in India have made him unpopular. Masked. He is now calling the Congress manifesto a Muslim League-printed manifesto because it has not yet wholeheartedly acknowledged the existence of Pakistan, while history shows that the mother of his party, the Hindu Mahasabha, in the 1940s I had formed government with Muslim League in Sindh, Bengal, NWFP and before that, Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha joined hands for mayorship in Lucknow Municipal Corporation elections.


Because Congress for the first time in its Manifesto has put two or three things openly and bravely in a clear manner which was generally seen as hesitant in the previous elections. According to Congress, they will protect equality, social justice and minority rights. Who does not know that the insidious Modi government, which falsely calls itself the world’s largest democracy, has made Muslims worse than untouchables, and it was true to some extent that Bihar’s Rashtriya Janata Dal and Uttar Pradesh’s Samwaj Parties like Wadi, which depended only on their own caste and Muslim votes, were also criminally silent on Muslim issues and succumbed to the Hindutva agenda, and at some point they joined it, but now for the first time, the Congress. In its manifesto, it has given important schemes and concrete plans for Dalits, tribals and minorities, but also for all, which Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also called the manifesto of the Congress as apparently feasible and based on reality, while attracting his party to such a welfare plan, especially Muslims. Equating propaganda against the minority to electoral weakness, it has been advised to avoid it.


Modi has made such statements before, when he was the Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat. During the 2002 Gujarat state assembly election campaign a few months after the Muslim-majority riots, he asked attendees at a rally whether the government should “run relief camps? Should we open fertility centres?” We will strictly implement family planning here so that we do not reach twenty-five as opposed to five. The Muslim minority is often stereotyped in India as having more children, but Indian analysts and experts themselves say that this claim is distorted and has led to prejudice against Muslims. The fact is that according to government data, Muslims are declining at a faster rate than Hindus, but according to the 2011 census data, the growth rate of Muslims is similar to that of other disadvantaged groups in India. This proves that these absurd statements of Modi are not only based on lies, but he uses any extent of cunning to win the elections.


Now it is necessary that we try to get out of the current political crisis by giving evidence of political maturity in Pakistan as soon as possible. We have tried this outdated system for the last 77 years and have failed and failed every time. Sometimes this country has been looted in the name of democracy and sometimes the implementation of the system of the cesspit has been faked and sometimes those who got rid of this corruption have become addicted to power. I have looted the country’s wealth mercilessly and established my palaces and business empires in foreign countries and sunk the country under the burden of debts. Hasn’t it comes time to fulfil the promise we got this country from our Allah SWT and turn to Him with a sincere heart and announce the implementation of the Quran in our beloved country. Believe me, the day we took the first step to keep the promises we made to our Lord, not only the country will be freed from the evil shadows, but the Muslim population in the neighbourhood will also get a strong support. In this regard, I want to share an incident with you about what the Muslim minority living in India wants from us.


At the end of January, by the grace of Allah SWT, I had the privilege of going to the Haramin. I was sitting for Asr prayer in Masjid Nabawi when suddenly a Muslim brother from Rajasthan, India, recognized me and my brother General (R) Ghulam Mustafa. Addressing him with a painful cry, he said: For Allah’s sake! I have a request that I want you to convey to all the citizens of your country that you have made Pakistan, but all the Pakistanis have left in India. We don’t ask anything from you, but the more you strengthen Pakistan with consensus and love, the more our sufferings in India will end. His message still makes my heart skip a beat!

Friday 26 April 2024


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