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Israel is Taking Its Last Breaths

My extremely simple, rural, uneducated mother used to say strange things like “see with the eye of the heart, listen with the ear of the heart.” I heard this from her. Very courageous and brave, unlike the new generation of girls who lose their senses and scream at the sight of a lizard or a small insect, raising the roof with their shrieks. But my mother? She never seemed to fear the dark of night or the thunderous storms. It felt as if fear itself was afraid of her. Talking to buds of white jasmine or roses placed in a large plate was a regular activity for her. Whenever I asked, “Mother, do they listen to you?” she would immediately smile and say, “They not only listen but understand as well. The day you learn to converse with them, you won’t need anyone else. They even get angry… these plants, trees, and flowers are very pampered, they need a lot of love. That’s why parents often call their children ‘flowers’.” I would remain silent, not understanding at the time, but now I begin to grasp it, perhaps thanks to her prayers.

When my father passed away, she became both a mother and a father to all of us. Wrapped in a large shawl, her authoritative face managed all household affairs with confidence, though she never stepped outside the house when my father was alive, adhering to the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) saying, “The marketplace is the abode of the devil.” To avoid its evil, she preferred staying at home. She never bowed down, though she saw society bend many times. Like my father, she never learned to say no to those in need. Wherever she passed, people would bow their heads in respect, stop to ask about her well-being, and her parting words would always be, “Don’t hesitate, let me know if you need anything.” She kept a strict and watchful eye on our studies and daily routines. Not a single act escaped her notice. She would wash my clothes with such care and delicacy, as if even they might get hurt, all in a time when washing machines were unheard of. I would often sit by her side, reading stories from books or newspapers to her, but her comments on the stories made it hard to believe she was illiterate. Her interest in our education made it seem as if she were highly educated.

Once, as I was sitting and narrating something, she suddenly threw a stone at the wall behind me. Startled, I turned to see a venomous insect crushed by the stone. She looked like an enraged lioness. “Mother, what harm did it do to you that you killed it?” I asked. “Nothing, be quiet,” she said, holding me close. “But what if it had bitten my flower?” Some people also seem innocent but are filled with venom; they sting and remain unsatisfied. This was the first time I heard and learned this from her and found her advice to be perfectly true in practical life. She was always strong and resilient, constantly battling society, time, and the pressures of circumstances.

We were all required to sleep early, but no one knew when she herself went to bed. She would wake up at 4 a.m., finish her prayers, and then get busy with household chores, making sure everyone offered the Fajr prayer and recited the Quran. Early in the morning, it felt like someone was supervising the entire house with regularity. She would always praise our pet dog for fulfilling its duty responsibly throughout the night, feeding it breakfast and meals before us, and keeping it impeccably clean as if it were an important family member. She spoke to it as if it was waiting for her praise. Standing at a distance, head bowed, it never dared to cross its limits. Once instructed to stay beyond the threshold, it obeyed for life, fulfilling its duties silently, whether in heat or cold, without making any excuses. It died the day after my mother passed away, unable to bear her loss. Even in her final days of illness in the hospital, she insisted on caring for its needs. It remained loyal to her till the end, whereas we start our day with broken promises and continue this behaviour until bedtime.

To this day, it remains a mystery where my mother learned everything, despite never touching a book or seeing a school. Even a pet animal displayed utmost loyalty, while we begin and end our days with betrayal. What was this secret? The deeper I delve, the more layers of wisdom and understanding unfold. I feel the wisdom and sweetness hidden in her simple words more intensely. Whenever words fall short in writing, she seems to appear from the folds of my memory, guiding my hand to write, just as she used to teach me to write on a slate in my childhood.

Many women from the neighbourhood would gather around her to lighten their sorrows. One day, I overheard her saying, “Let it go, sister. Forget him. Even if there are fifty dishonourable men, what good are they? One honourable man is enough. What kind of shepherd is he if he can’t protect his own flock?” For the past seven decades, we have witnessed the harrowing scenes of relentless bombing in Gaza, but since October 7th last year, the heart-wrenching images have not left our minds for even a moment. Yet, no ruler in the Muslim world seems to care.

I remember Sabra and Shatila, I haven’t forgotten Bosnia either, and Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India, and Kashmir are enough to stop one’s heartbeat. The plight of Iraq and Afghanistan is in front of the entire world. Newspapers and electronic media are adorned with blood-soaked images… flowers and buds drenched in blood, innocence being brutally murdered, and the relentless burying of young men continues. The perpetrators of this genocide are laughing, playing with humanity. The deadliest weapons are being used; they rained down tons of explosives without a second thought, engaged in a game of fire and blood. Netanyahu boasted with great enthusiasm and arrogance that this is just the beginning. “Watch as we wipe them off the face of the earth so thoroughly that they won’t even be mentioned in history.” But even after eight months, he has not been able to reach his hostages. Now, America has entered the fray with a new diplomatic strategy to protect its illegitimate child.

Joe Biden presented a new ceasefire plan for the Israel-Hamas conflict, calling it the best way and opportunity to end the conflict, and urged Hamas to accept it immediately. This proposed plan consists of three phases: the first six weeks will involve a complete ceasefire, during which Israeli troops will withdraw, and there will be an exchange of hostages and hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. Under this plan, Palestinian citizens will return to Gaza, and 600 aid trucks will bring daily necessities to Gaza. In the second phase, Hamas and Israel will negotiate terms for a permanent end to the war, and there will be a complete ceasefire during the negotiations. The third phase will involve the reconstruction of Gaza. Hamas has so far responded positively to these proposals.

Meanwhile, Jordan has announced on an urgent basis that it will host an international conference on June 11 to address the humanitarian situation due to the Gaza war. According to Arab media, Jordan is quite active in the recent Gaza war as a significant party to the Palestinian issue. King Abdullah of Jordan has visited the United States twice, while U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and other officials have visited Jordan several times. However, Jordan has now decided to hold an emergency summit in collaboration with Egypt and the United Nations. Donor countries and organizations will be specifically invited to participate in this proposed conference.

Previously, under the pretext of bringing aid to Gaza, the U.S. State Department had made deep and urgent contacts with several Arab countries, especially Egypt and Qatar, to pressure the Palestinian resistance into accepting an immediate ceasefire. The truth is that this ceasefire was immediately requested by Israel from the United States so that it could extricate its soldiers and vehicles from the quagmire that has trapped them in the streets of Gaza. Due to the heavy loss of hundreds of vehicles and lives, hundreds of Zionist soldiers are trapped in the streets of Gaza, with all escape routes blocked. Hebrew channels have started broadcasting news about the large number of Israeli officers and soldiers killed, while even today, the streets of Gaza echo with chants of “Victory or Martyrdom” until their last breath.

The famous Zionist writer “Ari Shavit” published an article titled “”Israel” breathes its last ” in the most significant and important national Hebrew newspaper “Haaretz,” causing a sensation.

But strangely, the newspapers in Muslim countries are engulfed in a deathly silence, with no one mentioning it yet.

In his article, “Ari Shavit” writes: “It seems that we are facing the most difficult people that Jewish history has ever known. They have no solution except to recognize their rights and end the occupation, and for this, they consider sacrificing their lives, children, and everything else a blessing. It seems that we have passed the point of no return, and it is not possible for Israel to end the occupation, stop the settlements, or achieve peace. It seems that it is no longer possible to reform Zionism, save democracy, and save the division of the people in this country. If things continue as they are, there will be no taste left in living in this country, and no desire to write or read in Haaretz. We should do what Rogel Alpher suggested two years ago: the return journey that we should make with the same urgency with which we came to Israel in search of the dream’s realization.”

“If ‘Israelites’ and Jewishness are not a key element of identity, and if every Israeli citizen has a foreign passport, not only technically but also psychologically, then the matter is over. You will have to say goodbye to friends and head to San Francisco, Berlin, or Paris. From there, from the land of new German extreme nationalism, or the land of new American extreme nationalism, one should calmly watch the state of Israel take its last breaths. We should step three steps back and watch the Jewish democratic state sink.”

“It is possible that the issue has not yet been resolved. It is possible that we have not yet passed the point of no return. It is possible that ending the occupation, stopping the settlements, reforming Zionism, saving democracy, and dividing the country is still possible.”

“Ari Shavit” further writes: “I poked Netanyahu, Lieberman, and the neo-Nazis in the eye to awaken them from the Zionist deception. Trump, Kushner, Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton are not the ones to end the occupation. It is not the United Nations and the European Union that will stop the settlements. The only power in the world that can save Israel from itself is the Israelis, who will recognize a new political reality and the fact that the Palestinians have roots in this land that date back thousands of years. I urge you to find a third way to survive and not to die.”

“Ari Shavit” has confirmed: “Since they came to Palestine, the Israelis have realized that they are the result of the lies created by the Zionist movement, during which it used all kinds of deceit in Jewish history. By exploiting and exaggerating what Hitler called the Holocaust, the movement managed to convince the world that Palestine is the ‘Promised Land’ and that the so-called Temple of Solomon is located beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Thus, the wolf was turned into a lamb, nurtured with the money of American and European taxpayers, until it became a nuclear monster.”

The author sought help from Western and Jewish archaeologists, the most famous of whom is “Israel Finkelstein” from Tel Aviv University, who confirmed that “the temple is also a lie and a fairy tale with no existence, and all the excavations have proven it. It completely disappeared thousands of years ago, and this was clearly stated in a large number of Jewish references, and many Western archaeologists confirmed it. The last of them was Dr. Kathleen Kenyon in 1968, when she was the director of excavations at the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. She conducted excavations in Jerusalem, and she called the presence of the ‘remains of Solomon’s Temple under Al-Aqsa Mosque’ an ‘Israeli myth,’ which led to her expulsion from Palestine.”

“Where I decided that there is no trace of Solomon’s Temple, and I discovered that what the Israelis call the ‘building of Solomon’s Stables’ has nothing to do with Solomon or stables, but it is an architectural model of a palace commonly built in several regions of Palestine. Despite the fact that ‘Kathleen Kenyon’ came from the Palestine Exploration Fund Association, because it showed great activity in Britain in the mid-19th century regarding the biblical statements of the Near East’s history.”

The Jewish author emphasized: “The curse of lies is what troubles the Israelis, and it slaps them in the face day by day in the form of a knife in the hands of a Jerusalemite, Khalili, or Nabulsi. The Israelis realize that they have no future in Palestine, this is not a land where people were invited by lying. Here is another left-wing Zionist author, Gideon Levy, who recognizes the existence of the Palestinian people but not their superiority over the Israelis, says that the nature of Palestinians is different from the rest of the world… We occupied their lands and called their youth murderers and terrorists, and their women prostitutes. Drugs were also traded, and we said that a few years would pass, and they would forget their homeland and their land. Then their young generation came to confront us in the form of the 1987 uprising.”

We threw them into jails and subjected them to relentless brutality, vowing to kill them within the confines of those cells… Years later, when we thought they had learned their lesson, they returned to confront us with armed rebellion in 2000. And we declared: we will bring down their homes and lay siege to them for years to come. Yet, despite the sieges and destruction, they have managed to unleash impossible missiles upon us, leaving us helpless. So, we began planning separate walls and dangerous wires for them… Only to find them attacking us through the earth and over the walls, wreaking havoc, leaving us defenceless and fleeing, until in the final battle, we engaged them with our minds, and then they seized the “Israeli” satellite (Amos) and spread terror by threatening every home in “Israel,” as they did when they successfully gained complete control over “Israeli” Channel 2 on their youth’s TV. It seems we are facing the toughest people in history, for whom nothing is impossible, and there is no solution for them other than recognizing their rights and ending the occupation.

On the other hand, demonstrators advocating for Palestine seized the Brooklyn Museum in New York, hoisting the Palestinian flag. Clashes erupted between police and demonstrators during attempts to remove the protesters from the museum. Several individuals were injured, and the police managed to arrest some demonstrators. According to international news agencies, the demonstrators also sprayed a sculpture outside the Brooklyn Museum. Yes, the White House and Western powers have just mildly condemned it. Nobody cares about the protests happening worldwide. They do not believe in any principles or regulations. The principles and regulations around the world are only for the Muslim Ummah, but see the revenge of power, how even the famous and renowned Israeli Jews, who are knowledgeable in defence, have mentioned the last breaths of Israel in their writings, making the truth clear.

Norway, Ireland, and Spain have formally recognized Palestine as a state, to which Israel responded by recalling its ambassadors from all three countries in protest. It is also heard that other European Union states are soon to announce their recognition of Palestine as a state, and consultations are currently underway. But why haven’t the OIC countries formally recognized Palestine as a state yet? There are not only one or two but numerous Muslim countries, yet… but how calm their rulers, their armies, their arsenals are being tested, giving away all the luxuries and carrying the weight of the world’s extravagance… The heartlessness and brutality of our Muslim rulers.

Today, I am reminded of my mother again, those words of hers, “What can one do if they are fifty shades of shameful, but being even one shade of honourable is more than enough.” Today, I need to add seven more to fifty, but where is that honour… Where is any sense of honour left… everyone’s…! I have nothing more to say to you, readers!

You have already hung me on the gallows of your affection. What can I say to them! They will also not remain, and neither will we, no one will remain, I just silently succumb to remorse, perhaps this is the knowledge of truth that I am holding my innocent children’s corpses as knowledge in my hands, no one is ready to ring the bell of knowledge. Now millions of knowledge-bearers have risen from the paths of the wanderers, why did Munir Niazi suffer  and tremble!!

The condition of deserted settlements that have gone beyond the limits

Mentions of nations that perished in the streets

Remember those days when this place was inhabited

The streets filled with the horror of dust and blood

As you wander in the alleys filled with whispering winds

How cold the air, how chilling the city

What doors were here that didn’t open with a voice

What prayers were here that went unanswered

When you roam alone in the abandoned towers, Munir

Where have those precious stones from your face gone

Saturday 8 June 2024

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