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Israel: America’s mercenary

The Jewish Lobby: Power or Deception

There is a widespread belief that Jews or Israelis are so clever and intelligent that even the world’s only superpower, the United States, cannot act against Israel’s will or make decisions independently. It is said that Jews control the world’s economy, and no news or media topic can be broadcast without their approval. In America, no one can become a member of Congress or even the President without the financial and political support of the Jewish lobby. These impressions are reinforced when America supports Israel in the Middle East, disregarding opposition and showing no hesitation in violating its own principles. Additionally, tales of Freemasons, Israel’s secret agencies, its military, and commandos give the impression that a small nation, the Jews, wields the real power, controlling the U.S., Europe, and all major global powers. This belief often leads people to think that Jews are behind every global conflict, and they are responsible for all the oppression faced by Muslims.

As a result, many Muslims begin to believe that the true evil is not the U.S. or its imperialist capitalist system, but rather Israel or the Jews. They believe that if Jewish power could be eliminated, Muslims would restore their lost glory. Islam instructs Muslims to establish the dominance of their faith over all other religions.

ہُوَالَّذِیۡۤ اَرۡسَلَ رَسُوۡلَہٗ بِالۡہُدٰۦوَدِیۡنِ الۡحَقِّ لِیُظۡہِرَہٗعَلَی الدِّیۡنِ کُلِّہٖ ؕوَکَفٰی بِاللّٰہِ شَہِیۡدًا ﴿ؕالفتح:28﴾

It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion. And sufficient is Allah as Witness.

To achieve this, it is essential to understand global politics, identify power centres, and pinpoint the true roots of issues. If we fail to correctly identify our enemy, our efforts will be wasted on the wrong target, and the real enemy will only grow stronger.

It is well known that a superpower is defined as a country whose influence governs most global affairs. Currently, the U.S. is considered the world’s sole superpower because no other force can challenge its decisions on global matters. The U.S. economy represents 17% of the world’s total economy, and its defence budget exceeds that of Russia, China, the UK, and France combined. Therefore, the question arises: how could Israel, which relies on U.S. military and political assistance for its security and depends on American aid for its economy, possibly control the U.S.? Or is it that the stories of Israel’s immense power are simply unfounded?

It is commonly believed that U.S. policy in the Middle East is dictated by Israel. The U.S. supports military coups and authoritarian rulers, or sometimes democratic forces, to strengthen Israel or secure its interests in the region. It imposes sanctions on some countries and provides aid to others. It uses its political and military influence to enforce United Nations resolutions and international laws yet violates those same laws when necessary. Suggesting that the U.S. acts solely under Israeli pressure is a flawed argument. We can observe that the U.S. takes similar actions to serve its own interests in Africa, Latin America, and East Asia, just as it does in the Middle East and South Asia. If the U.S. acts similarly in regions where Israel has no vested interest, it implies that America has the power to implement its policies as it sees fit, regardless of others’ opinions.

Moreover, the U.S. often defies global consensus on issues unrelated to Israel’s security or interests, even when it faces harsh criticism. The entire world has signed agreements to ban landmines, establish the International Criminal Court for war crimes, and curb global warming, but the U.S. has refused to ratify these treaties. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the U.S. acts in the Middle East primarily to serve its own interests, not because it is under Israel’s influence.

Another notion is that all American Jews unite to pressure the U.S. in support of Israel. This belief stems from a lack of information. While there are major Jewish organizations in the U.S., such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and dozens of affiliated groups, there are also notable organizations like Americans for Peace Now, Israel Policy Forum, and Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, which, though not opposed to Israel’s existence, strongly criticize Israel’s policies on settlements, land seizures, and its wall construction. These groups also challenge America’s unconditional support for Israel. Additionally, the fact is that the vast majority of U.S. Congress members do not require Jewish votes or money to win elections in their constituencies.

In light of this, it is clear that while Israel has influence, it does not control the U.S., and the relationship between the two countries is far more complex than simply one nation dictating the actions of the other. The U.S. often acts in its own national interest, which may or may not align with Israel’s objectives.

Congress Members Who Fully Support Israeli Policies

All members of Congress who fully support Israeli policies typically come from areas that are considered their safest constituencies, and they have been winning from these constituencies for decades. For example, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, who was openly supportive of Israel, used to win with more than 80% of the vote in every election. To claim that the Jewish lobby is extremely wealthy and exerts pressure on US Congress members through financial means is a completely incorrect assumption. In terms of money, the most powerful lobby in the US is that of defence contractors, oil companies, and pharmaceutical companies. Only “AIPAC” (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and “Lockheed Martin” spend seven and five times more, respectively, on lobbying compared to “Northrop Grumman” and “General Electric Boeing.” Other similar companies in the defence industry also spend significantly less on lobbying. The Jewish population in the US is less than 5%, and even among this group, a significant number oppose unconditional support for Israel. Jewish votes hold no significance in more than 99% of the electoral constituencies in the US, and stronger lobbies than the Jewish lobby exist based on wealth. Given these facts, it becomes clear how little influence 2-3% of the Jewish population can exert on the US administration.

Despite all these facts, if we still believe that the US never acts against Israel’s will, let me present some examples to dispel this notion once and for all.

Whenever a US president has seen that a policy pushed by the Israeli lobby was not in American interests, they have forced Israel to follow American policy. In 1956, when Israel, along with Britain and France, initiated a war to seize the Suez Canal, then-US President Dwight Eisenhower expressed strong displeasure over the war and threatened Israel that if it did not withdraw from Egyptian territories, the US would revoke tax exemptions on Israeli bonds and private donations sent to Israel. Eisenhower issued this threat just weeks before the US presidential election. As a result of this pressure, Israel withdrew from all Egyptian territories within months.

Similarly, in 1978, when Israel invaded Lebanon and reached the Litany River, President Jimmy Carter threatened to cut off aid to Israel, forcing it to limit its operations to a few kilometres within Lebanon’s border. Later, President Ronald Reagan, in 1981, rejected AIPAC’s heavy pressure and sold F-15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia. A decade later, President George H. W. Bush successfully resisted AIPAC’s pressure and denied a $10 billion loan to Israel until Yitzhak Shamir, who was a roadblock to the American Middle East peace plan, was ousted. This was a major blow to Israel.

In 2004, President George W. Bush not only forced Israel to break a deal with China under which Israel had modernised aircraft for China, but also led to the resignation of Amos Yaron, Director General of Israel’s Ministry of Defence. For several years, Israel has been trying to convince the US to attack Iran, but not only has the US refused to fulfil this demand, it has also strongly warned Israel against taking any military action against Iran.

Despite all these facts, one may ask why the US still supports Israel so strongly. First, it is important to understand that the US is an ideological state and the world’s only superpower. Whatever decisions the US makes are based on its needs and interests. The Middle East is of immense importance for several reasons. All major global shipping routes pass through its waters, and more than 66% of the world’s oil and gas reserves are located in this region. Beyond these factors, the region has a predominantly Muslim population. The significance of the Middle East can be illustrated by a statement from former British Prime Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman:

“Here live a people (Muslims) who control this vast region and the resources it holds. Their land is the cradle of human civilisation and religions. They share a common faith, language, history, and emotions. No natural barrier can divide these people, and if they are ever separated, they will once again reunite into one state. Then, they will hold the fate of the world in their hands and cut off Europe from the rest of the world. To prevent this, it is essential to embed an external entity into the heart of this region, so that the potential of this nation is wasted in endless conflicts. This external entity will also serve as a platform for the West to carry out its hidden plans.”

These are the fundamental reasons why, after the First World War, the then-superpower Britain sought to establish a Jewish state in the Middle East. After the Second World War, when the US became the dominant global power, its interests also dictated that the state of Israel should be established and strengthened. Through the Israeli state, the region is kept in a constant state of war, which not only fuels American arms factories but also ensures that the US can maintain and expand its influence over these countries due to their weaknesses.

The US, the world’s only superpower, champions the ideology of capitalism. The true enemy of Muslims and Islam is not the Jewish or Israeli state, but the US and the capitalist system. Israel is merely a player that serves American interests. This player has neither the audacity nor the power to steer the world’s only superpower according to its own interests. An Israeli professor and peace activist explained Israel’s reality this way: “Israel is able to maintain its occupation because it is always ready to fulfil the colonial interests of the West, particularly the US. In reality, Israel has become a tested soldier of the US.” Former US Secretary of State Alexander Haig made a significant statement about Israel: “Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier that cannot be sunk.”

Historically, Jews have never been able to achieve their political goals without the assistance of an external power, despite their conspiracies, wealth, and political influence. Over the past fourteen hundred years, Jews have remained economically prosperous during the Abbasid Caliphate, the Ottoman Caliphate, the Umayyad rule in Spain, and in Europe and America. However, they have never been able to secure any significant political position in any region. In the state of Medina, the Jews of Banu Quraiza, Banu Nadir, Banu Qaynuqa, and Khaybar, despite their economic, political, and military strength, were never able to directly challenge the Medina state. Instead, they always awaited support from the Quraysh of Mecca and ultimately faced expulsion due to their conspiracies and broken promises.

In Europe, Jews have always been second-class citizens, and when any ruler attempted to oppress them, their economic power was of no avail. When the Ottoman Caliphate was going through its weakest phase, the Jews offered Caliph Abdul Hamid II that if they were granted the land of Palestine, they would pay off all the debts of the Ottoman Caliphate. However, despite their economic strength and the caliphate’s weakness, Jews were unsuccessful in their objective. A nation that has been wandering for the past two and a half thousand years, despite all its conspiratorial mentality and wealth, eventually succeeded in establishing the state of Israel in Palestine by stabbing Arabs in the back, following the advice of British Prime Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman, forty years after his death. The establishment of Israel in the region was necessary to ensure the permanent division of Muslims and to maintain the continuous acquisition of Jewish interests in the region. Allah mentions regarding the Jews in Surah Al-Imran:

لَنۡ یَّضُرُّوۡکُمۡ اِلَّاۤ اَذًی ؕ وَ اِنۡ یُّقَاتِلُوۡکُمۡ یُوَلُّوۡکُمُ الۡاَدۡبَارَ ۟ ثُمَّ لَا یُنۡصَرُوۡنَ،ضُرِبَتۡ عَلَیۡہِمُ الذِّلَّۃُ اَیۡنَ مَا ثُقِفُوۡۤا اِلَّا بِحَبۡلٍ مِّنَ اللّٰہِ وَ حَبۡلٍ مِّنَ النَّاسِ وَ بَآءُوۡ بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ اللّٰہِ وَ ضُرِبَتۡ عَلَیۡہِمُ الۡمَسۡکَنَۃُ ؕ ذٰلِکَ بِاَنَّہُمۡ کَانُوۡا یَکۡفُرُوۡنَ بِاٰیٰتِ اللّٰہِ وَ یَقۡتُلُوۡنَ الۡاَنۡۢبِیَآءَ بِغَیۡرِ حَقٍّ ؕ ذٰلِکَ بِمَا عَصَوۡا وَّ کَانُوۡا یَعۡتَدُوۡنَ ﴿111۔112﴾

They will not harm you except for [some] annoyance. And if they fight you, they will show you their backs; then they will not be aided. They have been put under humiliation [by Allah] wherever they are overtaken, except for a covenant from Allah and a rope from the Muslims. And they have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah and have been put under destitution. That is because they disbelieved in the verses of Allah and killed the prophets without right. That is because they disobeyed and [habitually] transgressed.

Allah has imposed eternal humiliation on the Jewish people. The Jews have never been on par with Muslims politically, economically, or militarily. Today, if the Jews seem to have dominance over Muslims, it is solely due to the power of their colonial master, America. We Muslims should understand that America deliberately promotes the idea that the Jewish lobby is so powerful that even a force like America feels compelled to yield to it. By fostering this belief, America gains two advantages:

  1. It diverts the hatred of Muslims towards the Jews.
  2. Muslims come to view Israel as their primary enemy and focus their efforts solely on eliminating Israeli power. In this way, neither America nor Israel is diminished. Through treacherous Muslim rulers, America ensures that the military power of Muslims remains fragmented in comparison to Israel, leading to infighting based on nationalist and patriotic foundations among Muslim forces. Muslims must realize that until they liberate themselves from the treacherous American agents imposed upon them, they cannot free themselves from America and its capitalist system.

It is also crucial to clarify that the reference here is to the governments of America and Israel. Just as Islamic governments do not represent the aspirations of the Muslim masses, so too the governments of the West and America do not fully reflect the desires of their people. An example of this can be seen when America, Britain, and their other allies announced their intention to invade Iraq. The largest demonstration in European history, involving millions of individuals, occurred in Britain, where people from all walks of life vehemently opposed this invasion. Even today, thousands protest daily in Britain, Europe, and America against the massacre of innocent Palestinians. However, the greatest obstacle remains the democratic system produced by capitalism, which requires that the growing awareness of the ongoing oppression in the world be translated into effective democratic action. All political parties must actively participate in this process, aiming to legislate for truth and justice within the legislative bodies. Certainly, the day will come when the oppressed will receive justice. Those who today are protesting against Israeli and American aggression will, in future elections, demand that every candidate promises to enact laws in Parliament to rein in every oppressor.

Without a doubt, the prophecy of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) will also come true, whereby Muslims will eliminate the Jews who have occupied Jerusalem, marking the end of their tyranny.

قال رسول الله ﷺلاتقوم الساعة حتى يقاتل المسلمون اليهودفيقتلهم المسلمون حتى يختبئ اليهودي من وراءالحجروالشجرفيقول الحجروالشجريامسلم ياعبدالله هذايهودي خلفي فتعال فاقتله إلاالغرقد فإنه من شجراليهود(مشکوٰۃ المصابیح حدیث: (5318)

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them until a Jew takes refuge behind a stone or tree, and that stone or tree will call out: ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'”

Nothing will remain, nothing at all, only the name of Allah will endure.

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