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Israel: America’s mercenary

The belief is quite common that Jews or Israelis are so clever and cunning that America, which appears to be the world’s sole superpower, seemingly can’t do anything without Israel’s consent. The entire world’s economy is under the control of Jews. No issue or news in the media can operate without their consent. In America, no one can become a Congressman or President without the money and political support of the Jewish lobby. These influences become stronger when America doesn’t oppose Israel’s support in the Middle East and doesn’t feel ashamed of compromising its principles. In addition, the stories of Freemasons, Israel’s secret agencies, its army, and commandos have such an impact that it seems as if the real power in the world belongs to the Jewish nation, which has controlled all major nations in Europe and the world. Whenever there is a crisis in the world, it is said that it is the Jews who are behind it, and all the oppression against Muslims is the fault of the Jews. This influence has rooted in the minds of Muslims that they consider America as the actual colonizer and not the Zionist system. If their power is eliminated, Muslims will restore their lost glory.

Muslims are obligated by Allah to dominate their faith over all religions. To achieve this, it is necessary that we understand the world’s politics, identify centers of power, and address issues correctly. If we fail to determine our enemies correctly, our capabilities will be wasted in the wrong direction, and the real enemy will become even stronger. Everyone knows where superpowers are placed and according to their intention, the world’s major affairs proceed. At this moment, America is called the world’s only superpower, where everything is run according to its intention. America is considered the only superpower for the world’s all matters.

This prompts the question of how Israel, which is not a superpower, cannot maintain its security without American military and political assistance, and how America can be forced to comply with Israel’s signals. America’s economy constitutes 17% of the world’s economy. America’s defense budget exceeds the combined defence budgets of Russia, China, the UK, and France. This raises the question of how Israel, which is not a superpower, cannot maintain its security without American military and political assistance, and how America can be forced to comply with Israel’s signals. It is then asked, what power is behind Israel’s military and political power?”

In general, it is understood that America’s policy regarding the Middle East is influenced by Israel. America supports Israel with military invasions and supports authoritarian rulers and occasionally imposes sanctions on democratic forces when it serves its interests. America applies such measures in Latin America and the Far East in addition to the Middle East for the acquisition of its benefits. If America carries out similar actions in other parts of the world where there are no Israeli interests, it implies that America possesses such power that it can make policies according to its own preferences, whether they agree with others or not.

Furthermore, we see that America takes steps in various international affairs without any relation to the safety or interests of Israel, and it opposes the consensus of the entire world. This may lead to America facing severe criticism worldwide and why it doesn’t mind obtaining the elimination of landmines and the establishment of international courts for war crimes globally. Yet, America refused to sign these treaties. From this analysis, we can conclude that America performs these actions in the Middle East for its own interests rather than any pressure from Israel.

There is also an idea that all the Jews in America are united in support of Israel and put pressure on America. This concept is due to the lack of information where there is a large organization of Jews in America, “America Israel Public Affairs Committee” and dozens of Jewish organizations connected to it, among them.

There are well-known organizations such as American, s fo Peace Now, Israel Policy Forum, Brit Tzedek V, and shadom.

Congress is being pressured to create pro-Israeli policies that are not only against Israel’s existence, but are also strongly opposed to Israel’s policy toward Jewish settlers, the occupation of new territories, the construction of the wall, and America’s support for Israel in all circumstances. It is also a fact that the vast majority of members of Congress need neither Jewish votes nor their money to win their constituencies.

All members of Congress who fully support Israeli policies belong to these areas, the safest constituencies of young people, and they have been winning from there for decades, for example, the American Speaker of Congress Nancy Pelosi, who openly supported Israel, more than 80% each time. To say that the Jewish lobby is very rich and using money to put pressure on the American members of Congress is a completely wrong assumption. The most powerful lobby in terms of money in the United States is the defense or weapons manufacturing companies, oil companies and pharmaceutical companies only. “AIPAC” and “Lockheed Martin” on lobbying by their organizations “North Grumman” and “General Electric”. “Boeing” spends seven and five times more, respectively, on similar lobbying expenditures and far less than many other such organizations.Those associated with the defence industry.The Jewish population in America is less than 5%, and even a reasonable number of them both support and oppose Israel. The Jewish vote does not matter in more than 99% of American constituencies.If there are stronger lobbies than Jews on the basis of wealth, then we can understand how much pressure two or three percent of Jews can put on the American administration? Despite all these facts, if we still believe that the US does nothing against the will of Israel, then I present some examples here to dispel this idea forever.

When any American president saw that pressure was being exerted on Israel’s behalf by the Israel lobby to adopt a certain policy that did not serve American interests, the American president always compelled Israel to adopt American policies. In 1956, when Israel, Britain, and France initiated a war to seize control of the Suez Canal, then-American President Eisenhower expressed strong discontent with this war and threatened Israel. He warned Israel that if it did not withdraw from Egyptian territories, the tax cuts given to Israel in America would be eliminated. President Eisenhower issued this warning to Israel at a time when presidential elections were just a few weeks away.

As a result of President Eisenhower’s warning, Israel withdrew from all Egyptian territories within a few months. Similarly, in 1978, when Israel launched an attack on Lebanon and reached the Litany River, American President Jimmy Carter compelled Israel to withdraw by issuing a stern warning, keeping them a few kilometres from the border of Lebanon. Later, in 1981, when the next American president, Ronald Reagan, refused to endorse the powerful lobbying of the “AIPAC,” he sold AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia. Ten years later, Bush Senior successfully faced strong lobbying from “AIPAC” and did not release a $10 billion loan to Israel until the obstacle to the American peace plan in the Middle East, the “Yitzhak Shamir,” was defeated.

In 2004, when George W. Bush Jr. forced Israel to break its agreement with China, under which Israel had built new aircraft, the event became significant. To the extent that the Israeli Director-General of the Ministry of Defence, “Amos Yaron,” had to resign. Similarly, Israel has been trying for several years to prepare the United States for an attack on Iran. Not only does the United States refuse to fulfill this desire, but it has also strongly prevented Israel from any kind of attack on Iran.


Despite all these facts, why does the United States support Israel so strongly? First and foremost, it should be understood that the United States is a theoretical state and the world’s sole superpower. Whenever the United States makes decisions, it does so with its interests and priorities in mind. The Middle East region holds immense importance in this regard. All global maritime trade routes pass through its maritime regions, and over 66% of the world’s oil and gas reserves are present in this area. Moreover, this region is home to a predominantly Muslim population. To emphasize the importance of the Middle East, a single comment by former British Prime Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman is


“Here live the people (Muslims) who control this great area and the resources in this land. Their land is the cradle of human civilization and religions, their faith, language, history, and emotions are the same. No natural barrier can separate these people from each other. And even if they ever separate, they will merge into one kingdom again. Then they will take the fate of the world in their hands and cut off Europe from the rest of the world. If these reasons are taken seriously, then it is necessary that an external unit is attached to the heart of this nation so that this nation Capabilities should be wasted in endless wars. This external entity will also serve as a platform for the West to carry out its secret plans.”

These are the reasons why after the First World War, the then superpower Britain started the efforts of the Jewish state in the Middle East region and then after the Second World War, when the United States became a superpower, its interest was demanded. It was also to establish the state of Israel and make it strong. Through the Israeli state, this area is kept in continuous wars, which on the one hand keeps the American weapons factories running, and on the other hand, due to the weakness of these countries, the Americans Extends and maintain its influence in countries.

America is the only superpower in the world which is aware of the ideology of capitalism. The real enemy of Muslims and Islam is not the Jews or the Israeli state, but America and the capitalist system. Israel is only a player who serves American interests. This player cannot have the courage and power to use the only power of the time for their own interests. Can run according to This reality of Israel has been described by an Israeli teacher and peace activist as follows:

Israel is able to maintain its occupations because it is ready to fulfil the colonial interests of the West, especially the United States, and in fact, Israel has now become a tested soldier of the United States. The former US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, made a very important statement about Israel. Was: Israel is America’s single largest unsinkable naval and air fleet.

Historically, the Jews have never been able to achieve their political goals without the help of any external power, despite their intrigues, wealth, and political influence. In the last fourteen years, the Jews have always been economically prosperous in the Abbasid Caliphate, the Ottoman Caliphate, the Umayyad Government of Spain, Europe, and America. But the Jews could never establish a significant political position in any region. Despite their economic, political, and military power, the Banu Qurayzah, Banu Nasir, Banu Qinuqah and Khyber Jews in the state of Medina could never directly challenge the state of Medina, but the Quraish always waited for the help of Makkah and finally Due to their conspiracies and broken promises, they had to be evicted. It should be remembered that there was a formal agreement between the Jews and the Muslims, which was duly signed by both parties. When the Jews not only defied the agreement, but also made conspiracies against the Muslims, after which they were to leave Madinah under this agreement.

Jews have always been second-class citizens in Europe and when a ruler wanted to oppress them, their economic power never came in handy. When the Ottoman Caliphate was going through its weakest period, the Jews presented this to Caliph Abd al-Hamid II. They promised that if they were given the land of Palestine, they would pay all the debts of the Ottoman Caliphate, but despite their economic strength and the weakness of the Caliphate, the Jews could not succeed in their goal. The nation that was in exile for the past two and a half thousand years despite all its conspiracy mentality and wealth, finally forty years after the death of British Prime Minister Henry Campbell, following his advice, Great Britain plunged a dagger into the chest of the Arabs and succeeded to establish the State of Israel in Palestine. The establishment of Israel in the region was necessary for the reason that in order to keep the Muslims divided forever and to achieve their interests in the region, it is necessary to give power to the Jews in the form of a state.

لَنۡ یَّضُرُّوۡکُمۡ اِلَّاۤ اَذًی ؕوَاِنۡ یُّقَاتِلُوۡکُمۡ یُوَلُّوۡکُمُ الۡاَدۡبَارَ ۟ ثُمَّ لَا یُنۡصَرُوۡنَ۔ضُرِبَتۡ عَلَیۡہِمُ الذِّلَّۃُ اَیۡنَ مَاثُقِفُوۡۤااِلَّا بِحَبۡلٍ مِّنَ اللّٰہِ وَحَبۡلٍ مِّنَ النَّاسِ وَ بَآءُوۡ بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ اللّٰہِ وَ ضُرِبَتۡ عَلَیۡہِمُ الۡمَسۡکَنَۃُ ؕ ذٰلِکَ بِاَنَّہُمۡ کَانُوۡا یَکۡفُرُوۡنَ بِاٰیٰتِ اللّٰہِ وَ یَقۡتُلُوۡنَ الۡاَنۡۢبِیَآءَ بِغَیۡرِ حَقٍّ ؕ ذٰلِکَ بِمَا عَصَوۡا وَّ کَانُوۡا یَعۡتَدُوۡنَ﴿111۔112﴾

They will not harm you except for [some] annoyance. And if they fight you, they will show you their backs; then they will not be aided. They have been put under humiliation [by Allah] wherever they are overtaken, except for a covenant from Allah and a rope from the Muslims. And they have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah and have been put under destitution. That is because they disbelieved in the verses of Allah and killed the prophets without right. That is because they disobeyed and [habitually] transgressed.

Today, if the Jews dominate over the Muslims, it’s solely due to their colonial master, the power of the United States. We, Muslims, should understand that America propagates this ideology of disbelievers. The Jewish lobby is so influential that even a power like the United States is forced to bow before it. America benefits from espousing this idea.

(1) Muslims develop an aversion towards the hate-mongering Jews in America.

(2) Muslims see Israel as their ultimate enemy and are dedicated to eradicating Israel’s power. This way, neither America ends, nor can it be the enemy of Israel. American treacherous Muslim rulers are used to keeping Muslim military power in check, allowing Muslim armies to continue fighting on national and ethnic lines. Muslims should understand that they cannot get rid of America and its capitalist system until they break free from the control of unfaithful American agents in the Muslim rulers.

It is essential to clarify that this text refers to the governments of America and Israel. In the same way that Islamic governments do not take into account the aspirations of the Muslim public, Western and American governments do not reflect the wishes of the public in this region. An example of this is the massive anti-war movement in Britain when America, along with Britain and its other allies, declared war on Iraq. Thousands of individuals in Britain are still protesting on the streets against the unjust killing of Palestinians daily. However, the most significant barrier here is the capitalist democratic system that gives birth to the capitalist ruling system. It is essential to unite and actively participate in the political process in the legislative chambers to achieve the justice against this ongoing tyranny. Surely, the day will come when the oppressed will receive justice, and individuals who are today protesting against Israeli and American aggression on the streets will participate in future elections, articulating their emotions, and pledge to legislate against every oppressor in the parliament.”

Of course, the prophecy of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, will also be fulfilled, according to which the Muslims will choose the Jews occupying Bait-ul-Maqdis and they will go to hell, and that will be the last day of the persecution of those Jews. A Jew will take shelter behind a stone tree, then the stone tree will call, O Muslim, servant of Allah, this Jew is behind me, come and kill him.

Nothing will remain for you, nothing will remain for you, only the name of Allah will remain!

ستیزہ کاررہاہے ازل سے تاامروز

چراغِ مصطفویۖ سے شرارِبولہبی

“Satirist remains from ancient times to today,

From Mustafvi’s lamp to the sparks of Bolehbi.”

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