Islam or western democracy?
Nowadays, not only our new generation is attracted by the slogan of western democracy due to lack of familiarity with Islam, but some intellectual writers of our country are also engaged in its propaganda. It should be written so that our current new generation can know the reality of the deceitful slogan of the West and the truth of Islam.
This is the state of Muslims at this time, that centuries of slavery and punishment have weakened their intellectual abilities. From the mind of the ruler, even we consider the dominant nation’s ideology or system to be revealed from the throne of the Almighty and consider its imitation as a thousand pride and glory for us. After Pakistan, when we needed a system, we immediately considered the democratic system of the West as a heavenly scripture and implemented it proudly with the eyes of faith.
In the beginning, the status of this system was purely political, but when the so-called religious leader’s desire to assume political leadership in addition to religious leadership rose in their chests, they used all their energies to take over the field by showing the simple-minded and imitative people a dream. Throw it into the furnace, instead of rejecting this system, by making this Western democracy your goal, you have given the impression to the Western nations that there are no clear guidelines for the “system of government” in Islam. In this way, they called the system which had been found dead near the Western nations, and got the people behind them by calling it Islamic. As a result, most of the Muslims began to consider Western democracy as the exact Islamic system or the closest to it. Is.
In order to understand Western democracy, it is important to review the conditions and facts in view of which the Western nations formulated and adopted this system. On one side was the oppression of the monarchy and on the other side was the theocracy of the lords of the church. That is, the theory of the government of the religious leaders was formulated by Jos. Paul, in which the theocracy transferred the right of government from God to the priests. By making the priests the representatives of God, they were given immense powers. Later, the Roman emperors. By colluding with, the authority of the government was transferred to the kings, but the priests actually kept the government in their hands. In order to free the people from the iron and cruel torture of the clergy, Luther asked for the right of everyone to understand the Gospel in his reform movement, but even this slogan could not solve the problem because the Gospel did not contain any law about government and politics.
Tired of this situation, a revolution broke out in France in which Rousseau’s theory of government was widely accepted. Rousseau’s theory of government took back the system of government from the clergy and monarchy and declared the people as the source of power. In this way, the initial concept of the democratic system came to the fore. It was the same theory whose basic concept was presented by Greek thinkers and intellectuals a long time ago. However, the people who were suffering under the oppression of the monarchy and the priests welcomed this idea of the savior Samkh Cross very warmly and started imitating it considering it as a mercy for mankind. It is obvious that the enthusiasm and happiness of the people was not a positive expression of gratitude for the success of the democratic system, but it was a fair response to getting rid of the heroism of the monarchy and religious leadership. These were the conditions in view of which democracy was born.
The western nations have experienced this system of government in different ways for years and the thinkers of the implementing nations have now come to the conclusion that the system which humanity considered as a mercy for itself could not provide any justice based on eternal law for the human race because of human beings. There can be no eternity in self-created laws. Now these thinkers are wandering in search of these universal laws, whose source is separate from human thought, exalted and transcendental, and we are the ones who put the Islamic suffix in their rejected system or the system adopted by force and understand it as a remedy for our sufferings and problems. They are sitting on the chair and trying hard to introduce it in the name of Islamic democracy and implement it in their countries.
This term has actually been introduced by those who want to protect their aggressive interests under the cover of Islam under the cover of Islamic democracy. No matter how much philosophical polish is put on it. The contradiction of this term is immediately apparent to anyone who hears it. Now it is to see what is the spirit under which the two contradictory self-sufficiency of Islam and democracy. And two different words having a composite meaning are being linked together.
First of all, it is possible that the mind of the person who uses such a contradictory and contradictory term is not satisfied with Islam. Until then he cannot reveal his real benefit. The second thing may be that that person has a fearful mind about Western democracy. The things that he finds lacking in Islam, he thinks that only democracy can fulfil the lack of these things. The third thing is that the tendency of such a person is mainly towards western democracy, and he only needs to be Islamized a little. Perhaps this need is due to economic or current conditions. The fourth point that the mind can go to is that it is possible that the one who uses this contradictory term is not aware of this contradiction and is fully aware of Islam and not of democracy, just with the passage of time. According to the fashion, he has also taken this term in the same way as people change the fashion without thinking after seeing the fashion change. There is actually a possibility of all these things among those who raise such slogans.
If we see, for the last two or three centuries, the western countries have been ruling over the Muslim countries with their heroic strength and flamboyant civilization, about which Iqbal has said: “The bright face inside is darker than Genghis”, that is, the face is apparently very bright, but There is nothing but darkness lurking inside. When a nation conquers another nation by the force of the sword, the people of the defeated nation are not conquered by its sword, but by its ideas, its sciences, and its philosophy of life, and few such hard souls are conquered. There are those who are saved from melting in the thicket of the sciences, arts and civilization of the dominant nation and adopting its Mold. Just as after the end of political supremacy, this overwhelming and overwhelming change and change starts for a period of time, in the same way, after the end of political supremacy, the period Until then, this fearful and oppressed way of thinking continues to do its work, and since only those people of the oppressed and open nation can become barbarians in the royal court of the victorious nation, who adopt its color and smell and adapt to its Mold and prove their loyalty by their behaviour. give, then these foreign masters transfer their authority to such people and make them their true successors.
In all Muslim countries where political freedom has been imported after a period of time due to the return of Western nations, naturally, people who were very close to the Farangite have come to power. They are dyed-in-the-wool and have been waiting all day and night for their fearsome behaviour and way of thinking compared to the West. Such people can hardly think that anything coming from Europe can be defective, even if it is the concept of religion and faith. The position of such people is like that of a wind-chill, that wherever the wind blows, it turns in that direction. If the Europeans become cultured, they will be seen in Western clothing from head to toe, and if the Abyssinian rule is established, the colours will begin to use the methods of flattening the nose and curling the hair، and if the superiority of the Hindus is shown, the followers of Gandhi will be seen from head to toe.
Such people have no ideas of their own, only the drink of the winner’s idea of life is enough to colour their glass of life. They do not trust Islam because they have studied it and found some flaws, weaknesses, and defects in it. For them, the words of Darwin, Einstein and Newton are more scientific and weighty and the words of Hazrat Abu Bakr Sadiq, Hazrat Umar Farooq, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi’i and Ibn Tamiya are weightless. They do not even realize that these two groups There are representatives of two different sciences, the sciences on which the latter-mentioned scholars have a close eye, the first-mentioned people are ignorant even from their beginnings, but the first-mentioned scholars are the ones who have the authority on every issue. Nothing more than a collection of what, in his opinion, are out-of-the-box routines for a busy and worldly man.
After this disbelief and limited concept by Islam, they do not have any practical empirical belief about democracy, nor are they impressed by its usefulness, but because they hear its slogan echoing around them, In Western nations, literature is developed on this subject and political parties there see such slogans, therefore, they develop it as a fashion, considering it as a symbol of progressiveness, the requirement of modernity, and a necessary response to contemporary requirements. It is also included in the political speech. For them, it is not a social concept that has its own requirements, but a policy issue that is decided by looking at the direction of the wind. This aspect is the result of a dull mind and mental exhaustion.
Now think for yourself that there is a common value between Islam and democracy, because of which we people combine these two conflicting views and show our alleged progressiveness and our lack of knowledge in front of the whole world? They exercise their power through their representatives, the decisions of the majority of these representatives are the constitution or the laws that they make themselves and they are the final word. These representatives of the people are divided into different parties and the party that is in the majority becomes the owner of black and white. However, in such a system of government i.e. western democracy, the government or power remains in the hands of humans, and they have full authority to make all kinds of laws based on the majority to rule over others. Rather, (إِنِ الْحُكْمُ إِلَّا لِلَّهِ)this right belongs only to Allah (Surat Yusuf. 40).
قُلِ اللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا لَبِثُوا لَهُ غَيْبُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ أَبْصِرْ بِهِ وَأَسْمِعْ مَا لَهُم مِّن دُونِهِ مِن وَلِيٍّ وَلَا يُشْرِكُ فِي حُكْمِهِ أَحَدًا
Say: “Allah knows best how long they stayed. With Him is (the knowledge of) the Unseen of the heavens and the earth. How clearly, He sees, and hears (everything)! They have no Wali (Helper, Disposer of affairs, Protector) other than Him, and He makes none to share in His Decision and His Rule.” (Kahf: 26).
If seen in terms of the right of government, this fact becomes clear that Western democracy or “Islamic democracy” in today’s terms is the opposite of the Quranic system. Party formation is allowed in Western democracy, but there is no justification for party formation in the Qur’an.
خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ وَصَوَّرَكُمْ فَأَحْسَنَ صُوَرَكُمْ وَإِلَيْهِ الْمَصِيرُ
He has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes. And to Him is the final Return. (Taghaban. 3).
It seems that according to the Holy Qur’an, mankind is divided into only two groups, in which one group is the disbelievers and the other is the believers.
وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِّتَكُونُواشُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا
And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. (Al-Baqarah 143).
In other words, these people have joined the ranks of the believers after believing in the Messenger of Muhammad, peace be upon him, Islam has declared them as an Ummah.
وَاعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. (Aal Imran: 103).
Also, in Western democracy, the people delegate power to the representatives of the majority party, but in Islam, the sovereignty belongs to Allah Almighty and He does not delegate His authority to any representative. So, to explain this fact, it was said to the Prophet himself:
قُلْ إِنِّي أَخَافُ إِنْ عَصَيْتُ رَبِّي عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ
Say, “Indeed I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day.” (Inam 15).
That is, “Do you people want me to ask for God’s supplications and the ruler’s request and supplication, even though he has revealed his book?”
At this point, it becomes clear that the government of God means the government of His book, then the idea of assigning human representation or divine authority to the government of God is automatically invalid. It will be revealed that Islam believes in the sovereignty of one God, while the basic philosophy of democracy is the rule of the majority party. Islam is the bearer of divine guidance through the Messenger, democracy does not accept the philosophy of divine guidance, but considers all kinds of legislation and its implementation as its right. It is only the guidance which changes with time.
Islam bases its entire system of thought on the accountability of the world and actions before God in the hereafter, democracy does not recognize the afterlife, reward and punishment, heaven, and hell. Islam declares all human beings equal and brothers as descendants of mankind, while democracy divides humanity into many classes and encourages them to fight and destroy each other. Humans define moral values as an essential part of human beauty, but democracy considers morality as something extra and modifiable. Islam gives the main importance to men and family in society, democracy dissolves them and scatters them completely in a state society. Therefore, these are two different ways of life and they do not have any basic value in common that they can be connected to each other.
One of the compulsions to adopt this openly contradictory term and associate faith with atheism is some local conditions for these men. In the nations in which they have to seize power, their people have an emotional attachment and relationship with their religion. This is the same compulsion that was imposed on a Muslim national leader when he said to his veiled begum that you will have to wear a burqa in the area we have to visit and when the begum said because of her traditional veiledness. When they refused to adopt this reactionary attitude, he had clearly said, “You will have to do it anyway because the people there are very violently religious,” as if the order of God and the Messenger or the Islamic motto of this time. It was not a cause, but it was a political necessity which should be fulfilled according to the local conditions.
Such people neither have real knowledge of Islam, nor do they see and accept it as a system of life, nor do they think that Islam offers any solution to the problems of the world, therefore, if they follow the current sayings of the times, they should stick with Islam and hate their own people. They also want to be happy and want to fly in the direction of the wind of the times so that no one thinks of them as conservative and static. Their situation is that if dictatorship becomes a practice in the times, then they take out from within Islam the obligation of obeying God and the Messenger and put it in front of them and they claim that all Islam is dictatorship and the caliphs. Rashideen were also all dictators and if communalism prevailed in the era, they would also put forward the concept of national ownership by bringing forward the example of the piety and selflessness of Hazrat Abu Zarghafari and presenting the conflict between financial equality and Arz Allah. Islam is pure communalism and if a little fear of God is added to communalism, it becomes pure Islam. If it comes to socialism, they try to prove that Islam is an old edition of modern socialism by presenting some examples of welfare public services of Islam, which only needs a little revision, and if there is talk of democracy, human equality and by giving examples of criticism on the caliphs, they prove the complete reverse of Western democracy. This position is exactly the same as that taken by the Brahmins of India when Sputnik flew into space by showing a Veda that there is proof of Sputnik in the Vedas where there is a mention of an elephant thrown by Bhima in the Mahabharata war which was so high. But it went into space and is still flying in space.
Everyone knows that Islam itself is a complete system of life and it is only the last Prophet who brought the last edition of it as the last recipe for all human needs as alchemy and system of life. This system not only fulfils all contemporary requirements but also solves all the difficulties and confusions of man. Today, the biggest problem of humanity is national conflict and inter-ethnic wars which are leading it to the edge of destruction. Among the small incomplete and flawed prescriptions, rather tips that western civilization has been prescribing for wounded human beings, each prescription has proven to be more destructive than the previous one. Communism came as a cure for capitalism, but more than that, it destroyed the people at the foot of its own home.
Today, people all over the world are lying on the bed of death due to the western civilization and its prescriptions and are waiting for when a hydrogen bomb or an atomic bomb will explode and push humanity into the cave of complete destruction. Socialism proved to be one of the two great temptations of the world and committed suicide with its own dagger. Some time ago, no one could have imagined such a tragic death of socialism, yet the pioneers of Islam predicted that “Socialism has no refuge in Moscow and capitalist democracy in London, Paris and New York.” Will get it.” The world has seen that one trial has reached its end, now sooner or later it is the turn of another trial, and at that time Islam will be the last refuge for the cure of all sufferings, because Islam alone is completely self-sufficient in itself and is the only solution of all human problems.
This is not a new thing; it is a tried and tested way of life which has run a pure Islamic state for a long time in a pure standard manner on its principles which was the greatest mercy of God on earth for the world and then with minor constitutional changes for a long period of time. They have run governments in which, despite the shortcomings of corruption, there are minimal examples of crime, corruption, cruelty and abuse, and even today’s civilized and developed era cannot compete with them at all. The abundance of cases in their courts was not such. . Criminals used to confess themselves and were summoned to court even by the ruler. In their society, hordes of hungry naked people walked in the markets like ants and were not seen clinging to everyone as the demands of the modern age had created. With them, the prices of commodities were extremely low, while in this advanced age even the basic needs have become the status of pilgrimage of the beloved.
In fact, this is the system of life that the heads of Muslim countries should rise up to be the leaders of. What the world is looking for and demands is completely present in Islam, and perhaps in some era humanity will be so thirsty and needful for the principles of Islam. It was as good as it is today. Our task should have been to leave all the tyranny of the East and the West and bring Islam a system of life and a philosophy of life, first practice it ourselves and then invite the whole world to it that all our The cure for suffering is only in Islam. If we need an international community, this can only be provided by Islam, and in its heyday, when it was practiced, it was seen in action from Morocco to China.
These modern ideas and Western democracy have divided us into small warring groups of colour, colour, race and tribe. We need love and brotherhood at this time, and it is only Islam that erases the distinction of race and tribe, and we are the children of Adam. It declares brothers as brothers and equal servants of God and frees them from all regional animosity. Today, the whole world is troubled by the rampant immorality, the cycle of obscenity, the destruction of new generations and the onslaught of new wars. Islam teaches us good morals, teaches justice, and promises, and ends the series of wars by creating international ideological awareness.
Now it is a pity that we have the antidote of the world in the form of “Islamic system” and we have put it behind us and taken poisonous tips from the world and mixed them with their antidote “Western democracy” with great pride. They say with a high head that we are also convinced, progressive, modern, and understanding the contemporary requirements of Islamic democracy. What can be more core visual and theoretical foundation?
We pray to Allah to save us from such ignorant intellectuals soon. Amen!
Monday 10 February 2024 Lahore