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Idols of the sleeves

For the past several years, I have been feeling badly that there is really a strong bad prayer in our pursuit that neither the prayers of the whole nation are yielding results nor the crying of pilgrims in the middle of the night. Disappointment is increasing its strength in the beloved country like the greenery of the rainy season. Indifference and disgust have mixed in the body and soul in such a way that the hope and hope to live is disappearing. In reaction to the policies of the current politicians and the ruling elite, the cloud of uncertainty is engulfing the mind, and the venomous snake of hopelessness haunts your dreams several times a day. Like day and night, they have been consumed in a bonfire, but despite this, some friends are still waiting for Salahuddin Ayyubi to light the candle of hope.

Hope is blind and faith does not ask for arguments. We also say that everything will be fine and God willing, the situation will be fine, but we can deceive ourselves by turning a blind eye to the reality of the situation. They are but they cannot avoid these dangers. They cannot escape from the agony of the bright sun burning with the hope of rain. Today we are left in need of it, although every day we receive reports of the young epilepsy of dreams. Pakistan, which is a precious part of existence, where our dignity was guaranteed to be protected and the safety of our heads, is now planned to be destroyed. are happening (God forbid).

In the case of Afghanistan, the first corrupt commando Pervez Musharraf committed a great crime, that too will become a shameful chapter of our history and will remain a source of regret for our future generations, but later we also had to pay for it in such a way that till now he while in order to get rid of the suffering, White House itself has accepted the terms of the Taliban, but we are not allowed to negotiate in any way to get rid of these sufferings and the disgrace of the defeat of Afghanistan by the pharaohs of White House. The veil is still active to take revenge. Before that, whenever we tried to take a step towards a peace agreement by inviting the resistance members to negotiate, an all-rounder immediately stood over our heads to twist our ears. It starts to croak, but it is a sign of hypocrisy that there is a veiled announcement of supporting Pakistan in the media, but behind the scenes we all know who is standing behind Modi, who is responsible for the ongoing terrorism in Pakistan.

On the other hand, it is our knowledge that obeying the order of these worldly Masters, we immediately turn away from the peace agreement, in response to which those who have become puppets in the hands of the Hindus turn their guns and put together their full strength to protect our security. has turned towards the forces and from time to time they continue to transfer their activities in the form of suicide attackers to the cities and these days they are trying their best to somehow end the established relations between China and Pakistan which The most recent example is the suicide attack on a bus of Chinese experts.

How long will this situation last, the tribal resistance is being taken care of by themselves, and the Pharaoh of White House is not listening to you. America is not ready for negotiations and will take this war from our borders to our country. Eager to be brought in, the salt eaters of America are eagerly waiting for the red carpet of welcome. They sit in the lap of Nimrod’s empire and burn the country with fiery speeches of political fire. Preparing the equipment. You do not have any practical measures to protect against all these threats, there is no strategy or strategy. has broken

These days, the rulers of Pakistan, who represent the sun and moon of the sultanate republic rising from the horizon of the public mandate, had to hand over the portfolio of the Ministry of Interior to a person Mohsin Naqvi who was in compliance with the orders of invisible forces. He was thousands of miles away from this election process, but later made him a senator to confirm his wrong and undemocratic decision so that the nation would not object. If you listen to the conversation of the present interior minister, you get the same message that the journey of bad luck of this unfortunate Pakistani nation is not over yet, but it is quite late for the arrival of political spring.

I also remember the day when the Foreign Minister of this ill-fated Pakistani nation, Shah Mehmood Qureshi (A member of the family that supported the British in the independence movement of 1857 and martyred the hero of freedom, Rai Kharl) for the first time in the court of the American Secretary of State Princess Condoleezza Rice, the first flattering statement came out after receiving an honor in the court of his government. Instead of defending his legitimate position, he was earning his servitude by calling the negotiations too frank, honest, and realistic. It had been reported about this offensive attack by the forces, which was announced by Major General Athar Abbas of the Pakistani Army to the local and International media. At least six security personnel have been seriously injured while the NATO forces had no room for error and ignorance because the NATO forces were informed in advance through maps of the establishment of all Pakistani posts in the area. had been given.

Even at that time, the general expectation was that they would fully protest against this disgraceful behaviour while hoping for a new democratic Pakistan emerging from the horizon of a grand and clear public mandate. will Pakistani and foreign media outlets were keenly expecting that the Foreign Minister belongs to a party that is a leader of public sentiments and sentiments, so he will raise the voice of protest and inform the American Houses. will do that now it is not Musharraf’s but the land of millions of proud Pakistanis who know how to protect their independence. If such an attack occurs, they will withdraw from this so-called “war on terror” and choose their own path of their own free will. But after this 55-minute meeting, when the Pakistani foreign minister came out of this salt mine, he had become salt.

When Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi described his meeting with Princess Conda Lisa Rice as very frank, honest and realistic, representatives of Pakistani and foreign media gathered at the military post of Angoraddah in the Pakistani region. Describing the serious injuries of six Pakistani security personnel as an “unfriendly act”, our foreign minister immediately corrected it and said in his fiduciary statement that the Do not use harsh words. Perhaps they wanted to liken the martyrdom and serious injuries of Pakistani security personnel to friendly teasing, light-hearted banter, or loving banter. This is the reason that the chain became longer and longer and after that the merciless attack on Salalah post killed 24 of our soldiers and we had to close the US route to Afghanistan for some time but what happened behind the scenes, It was decided that the work was started again on the same salary.

The purpose of repeating this historical regret is whether we are still working for the same salary and are reluctant to respond to terrorism in the country and now the conspiracy has been hatched to alienate a friend like China from us. , in response to renewed MIF pressures and willingness to embrace the lure of further US investment. If you remember, even at that time, Pharaoh Bush of White House, while giving a speech in his policy-making body, clearly said that the real challenge in the future will be Pakistan instead of Iraq and Afghanistan. And in the same days, to increase the pressure, the American aircraft carrier “Abraham Lincoln” was also ordered to move from the Gulf to the Arabian Sea in order to instill fear in Pakistan. History is a witness that America always works with its agents, the first thing to do is to eliminate those agents.

General Ayub Khan, who overthrew the democratic system in Pakistan for the first time on October 27, 1958, with the support of the United States, rendered immense service to the United States by establishing his repressive government for ten years after declaring himself field martial law. But finally, the same dictator Ayub Khan has written his biography “Friends Not Master” and in his book he has openly mentioned his service to America and its disloyalty in response. In the same way, there are more than a dozen such military dictators around the world who took over the democratic governments of their respective countries with the help of the United States, and finally, after taking the benefits, the United States itself made them a lesson, which is another important An example is the emperor Reza Pahlavi of Iran who could not find a place to be buried even in his own country. In the same way, the President of the elected government in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, was martyred by his pet agent al-Sisi, and surely, he will be treated the same as the long-standing US habit.

Hasn’t the time come to call an emergency meeting of the National Assembly to send a clear message to those who sabotage Pakistan-China friendship and if they don’t have the courage to do so, then tell all our powerful circles to the nation with this acknowledgment. It should be given that they have also bowed down to the same idols where all the previous rulers have sacrificed everything.
اگرچہ بت ہیں جماعت کی آستینوں میں
مجھے ہے حکم اذاں لاالہٰ الااللہ
Although there are idols in the sleeves of the party
I have the order of the call to prayer of Truth.
Friday 19 April 2024

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