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I stand on the walls of broken breath

It is the tragedy of Muslim states all over the world that the rulers here are slaves to their people and slaves to colonialism for their own power. They wear such strong veils on their faces that anyone who tries to remove them is removed. There are dozens of examples of this in history. British author James Barr’s book “The Lords of the Desert” about Gamal Abdel Nasser, who is known as the iron man in the Arab world, revealed that the 1952 military revolution in Egypt was instigated by the American secret agency CIA and It was created with the practical support of The establishment of the Voice of Arab radio station, the mouthpiece of the military revolution, was also possible with the help of the CIA, and Lt. Col. Jamal Abdul Nasser overthrew King Farooq with the connivance of his colleagues. The author of the book, James Barr, has tried to prove in his book that the reason for this military revolution in Egypt was the struggle between America and Great Britain to increase their influence in the Middle East. Britain was supporting King Farouk of Egypt, while the CIA saw him as an obstacle to the completion of its proposed program.

One of the main reasons for the success of this revolution was that the Egyptian army was very anxious due to the unexpected defeat by Israel in 1948 and the Egyptian people were also so emotional about their defeat that they not only accepted this military revolution. Rather, considering Nasir as his hero, he not only supported his every act to the point of insanity, but also accepted all his illegal actions. According to its far-reaching program, the CIA intended to establish its influence in the future through a canker such as Israel, in which the United States seems to be successful in maintaining its monopoly over all Arab countries, so Colonel Nasir and He did not delay in overthrowing Shah Farooq by helping his associates.

The British author James Barr, with the help of the documents of the British Foreign Office and other historical documents, has highlighted in great detail the competition and cooperation between the United Kingdom and the United States in his book about the Middle East, and has proved that two days before the military operation, Colonel Nasser took Britain and America into formal confidence about the plan for a military takeover. Although all the planning of the revolution was completed by Gamal Abdul Nasser with the help of the CIA, in which it was determined that General Najib was the most senior in terms of rank, well known in the army, very popular due to his experience and professionalism. He was temporarily made the head of the revolution because there was a fear of rebellion in the army due to the fact that Abdul Nasser was a junior rank officer in the army. In 1956, after removing General Najib as part of a pre-arranged conspiracy, Colonel Nasser officially took over the post of President of Egypt.

Under its proposed plan, the CIA made another move to make Gamal Abdul Nasser a hero in this region, and in the same year (1956), when Gamal Abdul Nasser announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal, Britain and France agreed to take over the Suez Canal. Together, they started a war with Egypt to seize the canal, but then US President Eisenhower forced France, Great Britain and Israel to withdraw by threatening force. After this retreat, Great Britain faced great weakness on the military, political and diplomatic fronts and after this event, its influence in the Middle East continued to decrease and the entire region came under the influence of the American sphere. In this entire drama, with the blessing of the United States, Israel played the role of supporting Britain and France with great cunning, while in the eyes of the United States, the main reason for establishing its dominance in the Middle East is the security of Israel in this region and the Middle East. had access to and monopoly over the oil reserves in which he seems to have been successful to this day.

With American help, Israel was made militarily stronger than all the Arabs, so that in the 1967 war, the combined forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan were defeated by the Israeli army within six days and occupied Jerusalem, Gaza and the rest of the country. occupied Palestine, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. After more than half a century, Israel continues to occupy these areas (except the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt).

These CIA activities of overthrowing and replacing governments through the military were not limited to Egypt. The series of military overthrow of the government in Egypt which started in 1952, was continued in 1953 by ending the government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran and ten years later, Saddam Hussein overthrew the Iraqi monarchy through the Baath Party. He seized power by starting a revolution. In 2003, the United States and the United Kingdom invaded Iraq directly to remove Saddam from power. After these events, my eyes stop on the limited Kargil war between Pakistan and India, whether the victory of Kargil war can be turned into a defeat to bring Musharraf to power and later on the 9/11 incident. Wasn’t there any conspiracy to continue America’s dominance in this region based on conditional support?

In this context, I also remember the meeting of General (R) Bajwa with the Pakistani journalists who introduced a new face of Bajwa to the nation through the Pakistani press in which he told the journalists about his sense of defeat with India. They tried to convince us not to fight simply because we no longer have the resources to fight and our tanks and other weapons are also quite old compared to them. As soon as the TV program aired, the media supported by Modi started clapping all over the country in praise of Modi and started lighting ghee lamps in India. There, the Pakistani press and the nation started talking about Bajwa’s accountability and also started demanding a court martial of Bajwa on this issue.

The important event is that the Pakistan Prime Minister and the Chief of Army Staff visited the United States for the first time, and on this occasion, Qamar Bajwa was given a 21-gun salute in the Pentagon, which is an unusual event because the Pentagon had earlier given this honor to its highest-ranking military officer. If he did not spare the loyal General Musharraf, what were the services of Qamar Bajwa for America Bahadur for which he was awarded this honor. The national anthems of both the countries were also played on this occasion. US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford welcomed General Qamar Javed Bajwa and later Army Chief Qamar Bajwa met the US top military leadership at the Pentagon.

The Army Chief was also met by the US Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley. General Qamar Javed Bajwa paid tribute to the American military heroes. Of course, the American soldiers who played Holi with the blood of Muslims in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan were their heroes. When Imran and Trump were praising each other in the White House in the same visit to America, suddenly Trump indicated his mediation on the Kashmir issue. In response, Imran expressed his loyalty and admitted to the international media that the operation against Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad was based on the information provided by the ISI. is serving a sentence.

Actually, the story is that Modi was supposed to visit Pakistan after the announcement of ceasefire in Kashmir. When the then foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi came to know about this, he immediately met Imran Khan and informed him that General Bajwa and ISI chief General Faiz Hameed had spoken to the Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval about this. While discussing, instead of General Qamar Bajwa, Imran Khan advised General Faiz Hameed to take the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on board, after which Bajwa organized a briefing in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in which he said that our war The equipment is very old and we cannot fight a war with India, while according to the national journalists, General Bajwa had previously given such a briefing to 25 national journalists that Pakistan’s combat capability is very less than that of India Recently, a senior journalist revealed in his interview that General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Imran Khan allegedly had prior knowledge of Modi’s August 5, 2019 actions in Kashmir and wanted to improve relations with India without taking the parliament into confidence. had been.

Thus, as much as the people of Pakistan are an example of their unity, love and sacrifice towards their Kashmiri brothers, unfortunately, the ruling elites of Pakistan have given practical evidence of betrayal and disloyalty to Kashmir, especially during Musharraf’s era. It had started from the time when the negotiation of Kashmir started and by ignoring the real heir of Kashmir Mr. Syed Ali Geelani, by starting insulting propaganda against him, by blessing another group of Kashmir, they started raising their arms against him, but Time finally pushed all this conspiratorial group into the qasr of humiliation and Kashmir’s hero Syed Ali Gilani is still reigning in the hearts of people. They considered themselves very clever by using each other to prolong and strengthen their power and finally fought themselves and as a result today the land is groaning with suffering and difficulties and these two characters are Imran Khan and Qamar Bajwa.

Bajwa’s biggest mistake was that he started directly interfering in the country’s politics in 2017, violating his constitutional limits and oath. On one hand, he controlled Nawaz Sharif’s successor, Prime Minister Khaqan Abbasi, and integrated FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, on the other hand, he opened a backdoor channel with India without the knowledge of the government. General Bajwa’s morale rose due to the weakness of Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. Bajwa and his colleagues have decided that a government setup should be brought in the country, which is subject to their will, so their eyes were fixed on Imran Khan after the advice of their colleagues that with the arrival of this new face, both the previous big political Parties can also be brought under control. No need to tell how General Bajwa made Imran the Prime Minister in 2018? The entire nation is an eyewitness to the rigging and media coverage of the 2018 election.

After making Imran Khan as the Prime Minister, now as a next step, he wanted to bring the Chief Ministers of his choice in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, but Imran Bajwa used backdoor channels with India to keep Bajwa away from the affairs of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Negotiations were allowed to continue. Under this backdoor channel, the foundation stone of the Kartarpur Corridor was laid in November 2018 and after completing it with record lightning speed, the Kartarpur Corridor was inaugurated by Imran on November 9, 2019, the birthday of Allama Iqbal, the dreamer of Pakistan. It was given, which the Imran government took full advantage of and became a part of this new conspiracy, ignoring the problems of the Pakistani and Kashmiri people.

In February 2019, after a suicide attack in the Pulwama region of Occupied Kashmir, India launched an airstrike on the Balakot region of Pakistan. Pakistan Air Force foiled India’s air attacks and destroyed their two planes, where Indian pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan was arrested, while giving a strong response in the next two days, India was also reminded of its times. Imran Khan Who used to raise this slogan in front of the nation that “we are not slaves of anyone” but as soon as the American ambassador to Pakistan conveyed the message of the American President Trump, the same Imran Khan made everyone aware of the announcement of the release of the Indian pilot in the parliament. . The question was that if the Pakistani pilot was in India’s possession, would the Modi government have taken this step in such a hurry?

Meanwhile, in June 2019, ISI chief Syed Asim Munir was suddenly replaced because he presented to Imran Khan a certified file of dozens of corruption cases led by First Lady Bushra Bibi, on which Imran Khan instead of investigating this corruption. Bajwa sought Bajwa’s help to replace Asim Munir immediately while Bajwa was returning from a foreign trip in his plane and he promised to take immediate notice of him as soon as he reached the country, but despite this, Imran Khan went to the airport to complete his task. reached. General Asim Munir was replaced by Faiz Hameed because Asim Munir was unsuitable even for the backdoor channel of his army chief Bajwa, so Bajwa immediately took this step to remove the obstacle in his way in the backdoor channel communication where Imran gained more confidence. General Asim Munir was removed from the post.

In the same days, it was revealed in a briefing that there is going to be a major breakthrough with India, on which many columnists including me warned against Modi’s ongoing machinations and not only warned against “political surrender” on Kashmir, but the UN High The Commissioner for Human Rights also suggested using the best opportunity to bring a detailed report against Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir to the full notice of the United Nations, but the Modi government on August 5, 2019, not only rejected the resolutions of the United Nations. Instead, in violation of the Indian Constitution, martial law was imposed in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and declared Occupied Kashmir as part of India. The two major parties Muslim League Nawaz and People’s Party were also taken into confidence, and this is the reason why the leaders of all the political parties in the country except Sirajul Haque of Jamaat-e-Islami had kept a criminal silence. After the decision on Kashmir, Muslim League-N and People’s Party along with Imran also extended Bajwa’s post for three years, after which Bajwa’s target was Hurriyat Conference leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani. The treatment of their representative Abdullah Gilani in Pakistan is a long story, but the short story is that Ali Gilani left the Hurriyat Conference.

In fact, from 1954 to the fall of Dhaka, the serious damage caused by Pakistan’s leaning towards the US is also a dark chapter in history, but unfortunately, there were snakes in all these holes that were fed from the milk of the country’s treasure, and they are the same. With the help of the country’s sanctity, he repeatedly discredited the nation. When India illegally annexed Occupied Kashmir to Delhi on 5/August 2019, it was the time when we should have made every possible effort to free Occupied Kashmir from the cruel clutches of fascist and racist India. After the vein is cut, nothing else matters. At least we should have stepped up covert operations in Occupied Kashmir and some other troubled areas of India, but like previous leaders, Imran Khan and General Bajwa continued the apologetic and defensive policy of their predecessors on the Kashmir conflict. And it is also a fact that General Bajwa and Imran Khan were fully aware of Modi’s plan to end the special status of Occupied Kashmir. Both were briefed on this on their visit to America and told to control people. A twenty-one-gun salute by the Pentagon to General Bajwa, who was retiring in November of the same year, was a clear indication that he had consented to the decision to grant him a three-year extension.

In fact, during the visit of Imran Khan and General Bajwa to Washington in July 2019, a tacit understanding was given to Trump and the Pentagon, while the purpose of Trump’s mediation offer was to guarantee the security of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. It is most regrettable that our so-called leaders allowed India to occupy Occupied Kashmir without a whimper. Brutal India was allowed to commit genocide and rape of Kashmiris in the largest military cantonment and open prison. Modi was given open license to change the population ratio of Kashmir. Non-Muslims are allowed to buy land and marry Muslim Kashmiri girls. Now G20 along with foreign business tycoons have been allowed to invest, build business empires and resorts in the Kashmir Valley.
Ceasefire was announced on the Line of Control between India and Pakistan. When Modi wrote a letter to Imran Khan on Pakistan Day, March 23, 2021, the Foreign Office in Islamabad was surprised and shocked. The news came out through Yousuf Al Otaiba, the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to America, that the secret talks between Faiz Hameed and Ajit Duval in Dubai had gone too far, which resulted in the receipt of this letter. A day after the receipt of this letter. Later, General Bajwa told Imran that Modi will come to Pakistan on April 9, 2021. Modi will first visit the “Hanglaj Mata” temple on the banks of the Hangul river in Baluchistan’s mountainous Lasbela region and attend the annual Hindu festival there. Then he will come to Islamabad and in a meeting with Imran will discuss the resumption of Indo-Pak trade and cricket matches. Will announce. Imran was told that the temple of Hinglaj Mata is also known as the pilgrimage of “Bibi Nani” in Baluchistan and that a Hinglaj Corridor between Rajasthan and Baluchistan could be opened on the lines of the Kartarpur Corridor. When Imran asked about the future of the Kashmir issue, Faiz Hameed said that the Kashmir issue will remain the same for 20 years and after 20 years they will find a solution.

On this occasion, Shah Mahmood Qureshi warned Khan that how will we respond to him in the Pakistan Parliament? We have to fight the election too; we will be accused of selling Kashmir. General elections were going to be held in Azad Kashmir in July 2021. It was feared that if Modi visited Pakistan in April, Tehreek-e-Insaaf would be wiped out from Azad Kashmir in July. Meanwhile, the Economic Coordination Committee had decided to open trade with India, but Shah Mahmood Qureshi not only showed ignorance of the backdoor channel negotiations with India, but the federal cabinet also opposed trade with India. In response, Bajwa complained to Imran in great anger and said, “Whatever we have done so far, we have done according to the plan after asking you.” In response, Khan said, “Don’t worry, just go slowly and the opposition Arrest him immediately and put him in jail so that there is no reaction against our plan.” As if it was clear that General Bajwa alone was not involved in this conspiracy, but Imran Khan was playing a double game. On the other hand, Qureshi invited Bajwa to come to the Foreign Office to cool down his anger, and in this meeting, it was made clear to him that unless India withdraws the actions of August 5, 2019, the restoration of relations with India should be considered a defeat for Pakistan. But on the other hand, in the United Nations General Assembly session in September 2021, by repeating its traditional position on Kashmir, it played a stake to restore political popularity in front of the nation. Of course, without the will of Imran Khan, it is not possible that Shah Mehmood Qureshi would have made such a speech on his own, but on the other hand, this speech not only disappointed Bajwa, but when the American master was taken to the breach of promise, he was able to satisfy him by saying that tried that this “Fixed wrestling” was necessary to win the elections in Azad Kashmir and to save his political credibility in Pakistan. After which Bajwa kept assuring India through the back door channel that a breakthrough would happen in April.

In March 2022, when the no-confidence motion against Imran Khan came, Imran Bajwa was ready to accept all his words along with another extension. Bajwa didn’t want to remove the prime minister he had brought in, he just wanted to give a shock, but the shock turned out to be a little too severe. Khan also started giving counter blows and the fight went out of control of both of them and their criminal lust for power brought the country to the brink of destruction. The biggest lesson in this fight is how the CIA spread this trap to achieve its goals and achieved its goals by trapping these two people and other political parties in its trap.

It is also a sad fact that Imran Khan focused on blaming the former government and targeting political opponents throughout his four-year tenure. Little attention has been paid to improving the economy or bringing about substantive reforms or uniting a divided nation or alleviating the suffering of Kashmiris. Then the military establishment was also on the same page. Freezing the CPEC to please the US was a criminal act and cost Pakistan’s most trusted friend, China.

The 2018 election rigging started a dirty game which has resulted in filth in politics till now. Army should always stay away from politics and politicians should take all important decisions in parliament. There is still time for the political parties to act with political maturity and rise above the differences between themselves and become assistants to each other in making better decisions for the national interest, otherwise national problems cannot be solved by holding foreign countries responsible. .

Time does not take long to pass, eventually when the strong characters of today become the past, they will have to remember that tomorrow they will not have to clean up in a festival, just like the most powerful Bajo of their time. Elderly journalist Mujibur Rahman Shami had to take an oath at his mother’s grave with a Quran on his shoulder and in the other hand that he neither sent Nawaz Sharif out of the country nor played any role in depriving Imran of power.

If you look at the history, the process of overthrowing and overthrowing governments in this way, which started in Egypt in 1952, is still going on in Muslim countries in one form or another, but my Lord has his own program that in this century, the most Despite the great aggression, Afghanistan was destined to become a major disgrace, but the most bitter fact is that the intelligence officers who followed the CIA’s plan to come to power, defeated them and their countries. Separated from power by destroying. Nasser, Saddam and Musharraf, now include Bajwa with Imran, it is possible that tomorrow the current rulers will also be part of the same row, whom history will remember as a terrible example that they also sold Kashmir along with Imran and Bajwa. Took a very quiet part in doing it.
اے خاک وطن اب تُو وفاؤں کا صلہ دے
میں ٹوٹتی سانسوں کی فصیلوں پہ کھڑا ہوں
O homeland, now you give the reward of faithfulness
I stand on the walls of broken breath
Saturday 4th May 2024


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