Humiliation and Insult
People have resorted to theft and robbery out of hunger, poverty, and unemployment. They have committed suicide, turned to crime, and if nothing else worked, they migrated from their areas. However, one thing they could not tolerate for a moment was humiliation. Self-respect is such a precious asset that when it is lost, a person becomes like an enraged lion whose claws do not retract until they have taken revenge. Will Durant has expressed this historical truth in his famous book “Heroes of History” by stating, “Revolutions are not caused by economic conditions and compulsions, but rather by the indignities and mockery inflicted by the spoiled children of history, which brings people to the brink where they pounce on the palaces like bloodthirsty wolves.”
A simple example of this can be seen in the French Revolution. Voltaire was an ordinary playwright whose plays were a powerful satire on the deprivations of society. People saw reflections of their own lives in these plays and would forget all their sorrows and sleep peacefully. Seeing the popularity of these plays, a jealous advisor of the French king, Rohan, started poisoning the king’s ears, resulting in Voltaire’s exile from Paris for a year. Upon his return, Voltaire refrained from any retaliatory action and resumed writing about people’s deprivations. This time, however, Rohan humiliated Voltaire severely in front of a crowded court. Voltaire retaliated with equal fervour. Although people intervened to settle the matter, a woman who greatly admired Voltaire fainted upon witnessing the incident. Rohan then sent his thugs to Voltaire’s house to drag him out and beat him in front of everyone while Rohan stood nearby, smiling.
When Voltaire sought a few moments with the king to complain about his humiliation, the palace doors were shut on him. These moments transformed Voltaire from a playwright into a columnist and philosopher. His writings began to change people’s thinking. People eagerly awaited his writings. Voltaire’s popularity grew, and people started seeing him as their saviour. Meanwhile, Rohan and his associates, fearing Voltaire’s influence, persuaded the king to ban his writings. Voltaire’s book “Natural Law” was banned, and all copies were publicly burned. However, Voltaire’s books continued to be secretly printed and distributed among the people. His columns and pamphlets became the voice of the common man. Eventually, the king exiled Voltaire to Britain, but his writings grew even more intense. His words struck the king and his courtiers like burning embers. Ultimately, the time came when the people of France, under Voltaire’s and Rousseau’s influence, executed King Louis and his courtiers by guillotine.
Before his death, King Louis acknowledged that the French Revolution was nothing but the result of Voltaire’s and Rousseau’s efforts. Humiliation and insult in any society give birth to a Voltaire, and the outcome is no different from that of King Louis, often even more horrifying!
The cycle of humiliation and insult of the Pakistani nation began the day we handed over our citizen, Aimal Kansi, to the pharaoh of the White House. Had we demanded that their lawyer come, and we would try Aimal Kansi in our court in front of the world’s media, the situation might have been different. Instead, without informing any Pakistani court, we handed over Aimal Kansi to the Americans and happily accepted a bag full of dollars in return. Consequently, the American Attorney General blatantly stated in court that Pakistanis would sell their mother for just twenty thousand dollars. This statement was broadcast by the global media.
This disgraceful and humiliating act occurred during the rule of our civilian government, and shortly thereafter, our commando president, Pervez Musharraf, surpassed his predecessors. When the Americans launched a guided missile at a madrassa in Bajaur, killing over 80 innocent and young students, our commando president not only refrained from approaching the Security Council but also readily accepted responsibility, claiming it was our missile. The next day, the Americans announced that they had carried out the missile attack and would continue to target their objectives in the future.
With great pride, Pervez Musharraf admits on page 237 of his autobiography that if anyone habitually accuses us of doing nothing in the “War on Terror,” they should simply ask the CIA how much reward money they gave Pakistan for its services. He further writes on the same page that we arrested 689 individuals, handed over 369 to the Americans, and earned millions of dollars!!! Who knows how much these bloodthirsty beasts received for our innocent sister Aafia Siddiqui, our innocent brother Masood Janjua, Saifullah Paracha, Dr. Atiq ur Rehman, Dr. Abid Sharif, Faisal Faraz, Majid Khan, and other valuable Pakistanis.
Our helpless and oppressed sister Amna Janjua has compiled a list of over 600 individuals, and she pleads everywhere, holding that list, asking for the return of our loved ones. She is even willing to pay more ransom than the Americans, but even her voice has grown weary and silent. This cycle of our humiliation and insult must end now, as grieving mothers, sisters, and children can no longer endure the wait. Our rulers, due to their cowardice and lack of integrity, have allowed the Americans to assume the role of masters and reduced our nation to the status of slaves. It is regrettable that our rulers have established a relationship with the Americans in which they are the Masters, and we are their Slaves.
Observing this behaviour, the Indian establishment, with the support of their American masters, has also started using all the tested tactics to intimidate and frighten Pakistan. Even before India made its demands, we had already banned several major charitable and welfare organizations in our country and arrested our people, virtually admitting guilt. In the Security Council, we prevented our long-standing loyal friend China from using its veto against India’s manoeuvre.
When this news became public, a state of panic ensued in the homeland, and the nation had not yet recovered from this shock when two Indian aircraft brazenly violated Pakistani airspace in broad daylight, attempting to fulfil their nefarious intentions. Thankfully, our falcons immediately chased them away, forcing them to retreat in failure. However, our rulers dismissed it as a technical error and began to justify India’s actions, whereas it was crucial for Pakistan to inform the Security Council of this global crime committed by India.
We must firmly remember that from day one, India has not accepted Pakistan at heart. The dream of an Akhand Bharat (Undivided India) is still cherished by them. Indian extremists have been wary from the beginning that if Pakistan becomes powerful in this region, it will shatter three of their cherished dreams: First, the completion of Akhand Bharat will remain unfulfilled; second, their long-standing claim on Kashmir will lose its strength; and third, their expansionist ambitions of dominating all the countries along the Indian Ocean’s coasts will be impossible with a strong Pakistan. Based on these threats, Israel also considers Pakistan its primary and greatest enemy, believing that with a nuclear-capable Pakistan, Israel will be unable to expand its borders further. Hindus and Jews agree that in the event of war, it is no longer easy to eliminate Pakistan, so through conspiracies, they aim to create internal discord within Pakistan, weakening it internally to such an extent that their nefarious goals are achieved without war.
In August 1984, an incident of this nature was highlighted by an American Jewish intellectual, David Ries, in the September 1990 issue of the British magazine “Rosie.” He revealed that Israel, in collaboration with India, intended to launch an airstrike on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities, but timely intelligence led the Pakistan Air Force to start continuous surveillance of its nuclear installations. Seeing this situation, the Israeli attack aircraft used Sri Lankan airbases, and the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had even set the date of November 1, 1984, as “D-Day” for the attack on Pakistan. However, Pakistan’s strong reaction to any attack on its nuclear facilities, with the military chief personally informing Michael Mullen that any Indian misadventure would be considered an open war, forcing Pakistan to disregard any limitations for its security, resulted in the threat of war being averted. Nonetheless, that very day, the triad (India, Israel, and the USA) decided that rather than through war, they would now aim to create such internal chaos within Pakistan that it would lead to civil war and simultaneously weaken Pakistan economically, forcing the Pakistani people to willingly abandon their nuclear ambitions in exchange for basic needs like bread.
Could these be the same two battlefields mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he referred to Jerusalem and India? In the book “Al-Fitan” by Imam Naeem bin Hammad, the esteemed teacher of Imam Bukhari, these two regions are highlighted in hadiths: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said that some people from my Ummah will wage war against India, and Allah will grant them victory. They will capture the rulers of India in chains, Allah will forgive their sins, and they will then find Jesus, son of Mary, in Syria.” These are two separate battles with distinct descriptions, but we can see how both battlefields are rapidly heating up. The Jews, along with the Hindus, have begun supplying weapons and recruiting Hindu youths to participate in the massacre of Muslims in Palestine.
Whether these battles occur today or later, one thing is clear from the glad tidings of my Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): forgiveness and victory are destined for these two locations and their people. What is astonishing and concerning is that while my truthful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) connects the battle against these two nations with the promise of paradise, we are seeking friendship, trust, and peaceful coexistence with them. Those who deny the glad tidings of the truthful Prophet (PBUH), how will they seek his intercession on the Day of Judgment when their days and nights are spent in compliance with these Zionist powers?
Given Pakistan’s current circumstances, are these not the glad tidings foretold by my Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? Are these not the two battlefields he referred to when he mentioned Jerusalem and India? The hadiths in “Al-Fitan” by Imam Naeem bin Hammad state that some people from my Ummah will fight against India and Allah will grant them victory. They will bring the Indian rulers in chains, Allah will forgive their sins, and they will then meet Jesus, son of Mary, in Syria. These two battles are distinct, but we can see how both fields of war are heating up. The Jews, alongside the Hindus, are now supplying weapons and recruiting Hindu youths to participate in the massacre of Muslims in Palestine.
Regardless of whether these battles occur today or later, the glad tidings of my Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) clearly indicate that forgiveness and victory belong to these two locations and their people. The astonishing and concerning thing is that while my truthful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) connects the battle against these two nations with the promise of paradise, we are seeking friendship, trust, and peaceful coexistence with them. How will those who deny the glad tidings of the truthful Prophet (PBUH) seek his intercession on the Day of Judgment when their days and nights are spent complying with these Zionist powers?
An Arabic proverb says that when a camel starts crying, move out of its way. When a flood tries to overflow its banks, move away. And when a slave’s face turns red, move out of his way. In India, the oppressed Muslims of Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Kashmir, and Palestine have not only red faces but also eyes filled with the redness of years of humiliation and insult. After enduring years of oppression, their patience is on the verge of breaking its banks, ready to sweep away these Zionist forces like straw. Similarly, in the deserts of Rajasthan and Sindh, the camels have started crying. The time to topple and hurl the crowns has arrived. Panipat has never been far, but now this storm will pass through Panipat and rush towards its permanent abode, ensuring peace and security for humanity for centuries to come.
The ruling elite and politicians will also have to pay a hefty price for the humiliation and insult of the Pakistani nation, and my intuition tells me that the time is not far off. But let us see what Baba Iqbal says!
ہے فتویٰ ہے شیخ کا یہ زمانہ قلم کا
دنیا میں اب رہی نہیں تلوار کارگر
لیکن جناب شیخ کو معلوم کیا نہیں؟
مسجد میں اب یہ وعظ ہے بے سود بے اثر
تیغ و تفنگ دست مسلماں میں ہے کہاں
ہو بھی تو دل ہے موت کی لذت سے بے خبر
کافر کی موت سے بھی لرزتا ہو جس کادل
کہتا ہے کون اسے کہ مسلماں کی موت مر
تعلیم اس کو چا ہئے ترک جہادکی
دنیا کو جس کے پنجہء خونیں سے ہو خطر
“The fatwa of the Sheikh is that this era belongs to the pen,
The sword is no longer effective in the world.
But what does the Sheikh know?
That the sermons in the mosque are now ineffective and fruitless.
Where is the sword and the gun in the hands of the Muslim?
And if they do have them, they are unaware of the pleasure of death.
Whose heart trembles even at the death of a disbeliever,
Who can call him one who dies the death of a Muslim?
He needs to be taught the lesson of abandoning Jihad,
When the world is in danger from his blood-stained hands.”