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Heﷺ is the first, Heﷺ is the last

Ahmad, Abu al-Qasim, Abu al-Tayyib, Nabi al-Tawbah, Nabi al-Rahmatah, Nabi al-Murhamta, Nabi al-Malhamta, al-Rahma al-Mahada, Habib al-Sadiq, al-Rahman, al-Mukhtar, al-Mustafa, al-Mujtaba, al-Masduq, al-Amin, Sahib Maqam Mahmud, Sahib Al-Wasil and Al-Rafi, Sahib al-Taj and Miraj, Imam al-Muttaqeen, Sayyid al-Mursaleen, al-Nabi al-Ami, Rasulullah, al-Khatim al-Nabieen, al-Rasul al-Azam, al-Sarraj al-Munir, al-Rauf al-Rahim, al-Arwal al-Sawthaqi! My parents are sacrificed to you! I want to wash my tongue with musk and kafors a million times and describe the forests spread across the face of the earth. It is not possible to write the praise of even one of your rites by turning the water of all the trees and the oceans of the earth into light, but this small request, this courage of mine, this reach of mine, this sigh of my pen, this echo of my morning prayer is scattered on the skirts and wrapped around the neck and becomes the kalawa of the necks. And the charity is for your own pleasure.

Even if there are hundreds of people present in your presence, I will be recognized, if there are thousands, then maybe I will have access, if there are millions, maybe I will be heard, if there are millions, maybe I will find a corner in the caravan of love and love, but in front of this shelter, there are limitless, countless people. Countless questions are standing at your door, one of them is this slave. I am well aware of the status of my speech, my style, my style, but still I am present in your court with these few threads of yarn.

O mercy of the world! The traditions of such a big court, where 70 thousand angels are present from Fajr to Maghrib, and from Maghrib to Fajr, the second group of 70 thousand angels get the honor of attending and their turn does not come until the Resurrection. I am present only because it is considered impudence to appear in the court of the kings without prior notice, so this small piece of my heart is put in the boat of devotion and love, and I am asking for permission to present a request in your court. There is demand.

O Prophet Mujtaba! I am poor, I don’t even know how to ask, I don’t even know how to make a sound. My voice, I have a few tears that have flowed in the middle of the night and are waiting for acceptance in your presence and today to come to the tip of the pen in the form of anxious words. There may be some demands for tears, so accept them. What is burning in the veil of these tears is not hidden from you, what is pain is not hidden from you, what is bitter is not hidden from you, even if I want to write them all in words, it is not possible, that’s it! These are the scars of your love that can never fade, these are the wounds of your memories that cannot be healed, these scars, these wounds are also a gift of your grace.

O Taha! I had heard from the elders, read in the books that those who praise you, those who shed tears in your separation, those who recite your wishes, those who recite your prayers and those who write them reach without any hindrance. I couldn’t become a poet because I don’t have a good voice, I couldn’t become an orator so that there is no shortage of praise for you, I couldn’t recite poetry because I don’t have a taste for poetry, I couldn’t sigh and sigh because I didn’t find a good chest. I could not complain that I have not been able to mention and praise you, that is why my friends and colleagues do not hesitate to accuse me of not using all my efforts to find a decent way to pay the rightful love. But you know, it is obvious to you that I consider it extremely impolite to reveal my heart to anyone other than my Lord. I have such a complaint, and may I also get such a blessing that I adapt to the message brought by you in such a way that my whole being becomes such a slave of weakness that my every action becomes a bearer of your pleasure so that on the Day of Judgment my identity will be yours be among the slaves. I had no idea that I would have the opportunity to attend such a sinner where it is impossible to take a deep breath!

O Yaseen! The circumstances and virtues of the life and virtues of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, the glory of his blessed personality, the great stature and the blessed appearance of his grace and appearance, which in a short period of time became the envy of a region unfamiliar with civilization and culture, the light of his teachings, character and character, led to ignorance. And all the dark veils of superstition were blacked out and the life-giving message of the Prophet (PBUH) changed the body of the world. The fact is that before God blessed this perfect servant and the pride of humanity with all the attributes of his character, he had given the personality of his Prophet (PBUH) that eternal essence of external beauty, that the beauty of his face is also a part of the beauty of his character. Bob had become A literal copy of the beauty of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has reached us through the companions and followers of the nobles, which shows that Allah, the Exalted, had given him such beauty and beauty that anyone who saw him from a distance for the first time would have been stunned. If you look closely, you will be mesmerized. Larib! My Lord moulded you in such a mould that even Hasan was jealous of you!

Oh, the visible prophet! He (PBUH) is the most beloved and close prophet of Allah, therefore, in turn, Allah (SWT) gathered all the characteristics and qualities of the previous Prophets, and the blessings and virtues of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in such a way that he (PBUH) was declared the ultimate standard of excellence and perfection. The ultimate standard of beauty and beauty is the Self of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Regarding the beauty and perfection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the guidance of the Almighty is: (These are) the people (Prophets of God) whom Allah the Almighty has guided, so (O Messenger of the Last). (Al-Zaman)! Follow their (virtuous) ways (by collecting them in your life) (so that the virtues and perfections of all these Prophets and Messengers are united in you). (Al-An’am 6:90)

O Haris Alaikum! Hazrat Hasan bin Thabit, whom the Prophet (PBUH) used to command to recite poetry with great love, he describes the perfection of beauty of the Prophet (PBUH) in a very pleasant manner as follows:
وَاَ حْسَنَ مِنْکَ لَمْ تَرَقَط عَیْنِیْ وَاَجْمَلَ مِنْکَ لَمْ تلْ دِ اَلْنِسائُ
خُلِقَتْ مُبَرّاُمِنْ کُلِّ عَیْبِ کَاْنَکَ قَدْ خَلِقْتَ کَمَاْ تَشَائُ
My eyes have never seen anything more beautiful than you, and no mother has ever given birth to someone more beautiful than you. The creation of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is flawless, (it appears as if the Lord of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has created the image of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) according to his wishes. Hasan bin Thabit, Diwan: 21 Mulla Ali Qari writes in another place in the narration of Qaseeda Burda Sharif:
نہ ذاذکرعلی میت حقیقی صارحیاحاضرا،وذاذکرعلی کافروغافل جعل ممناوہول ذاکرالکن اللہ تعالی سترجمال ہذاالدرالمکنون وکمال ہذا الجوہرالمصون لحکم بالغ ونکت سابق ولعلہالیکون الایمان غیبیاوالمورتکلیفیالالشہودعینیاوالعیان بدیہیاولئلایصیرمزلق لقدام العوام ومزل لتضرالجمال بمعرف الملک العلام۔۔۔
If Allah SWT, the Merciful and the Most Merciful, reveals the true blessings of the Holy Name of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) even today, the dead will be brought back to life by his blessings, the darkness of disbelief of the unbeliever will be removed and the heedless heart will be engaged in the remembrance of God. The beauty of this precious essence has been veiled, perhaps it is the wisdom of the Lord of the Universe that faith in the unseen is possible only in the form of a veil, and the reality of observation is contrary to it. The beauty and beauty of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was not revealed completely so that the ignorant people would not fall prey to excesses and become oblivious to the knowledge of Allah SWT.

O Khatam-ul-Nabieen! I have also searched for an excuse; I have searched for a trick so that I can attend your holy place today. I am expressing my helplessness in the hope that the cries that came out from the eager heart are now asking for the permission of such a revolution where the glimpse of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet is prominent in every sphere of life. At times, it feels as if these days and nights of Parting can’t take life anywhere, breathing becomes difficult, and the heartbeat also becomes irregular. When did I dare to submit my requests in writing to your Holiness? But a daughter of your family gave an order (which has changed my life completely), so I bowed my head in fear as if I was attending your court.

I am also sure that incomplete and broken words are unable to cover my heartfelt cry, but you are such a master that in your blessed hand stones find language, not only birds, trees, but earth and sky. The whole creation claims love for you, so my pen also wants to be allowed to be watered with a drop of charity from the ocean of virtues of your Prophet. The greatest achievement of my life is that the Lord made me His Ummah.

O Muzamil! The creator of the earth and the Almighty God has made you a perfect and beautiful example for the Messenger of the Universe, the pride of creatures and the human race, and the way of your Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has been declared as the natural way. Is. Every moment from the day of his birth to the day of his departure has been protected from the people by the Almighty, the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) has been preserved by the followers of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and has been transmitted to us through research, so the completeness and completeness of the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is safe from any kind of doubt. The living conditions, routines of life, style and form, mood and trends, movements, and movements, sitting and resting, and habits and thoughts are not in such a perfect and defined way, as a detailed biography of the Prophet (PBUH) is in front of the world in written form, even today. The details of the items related to each moment are also included in the biography and history of each particular and general.

O Meteen and Masdaq! Because Allah, the Highest, has made Islam the system of life and you (peace be upon him) the model of life in order to live a perfect life in this mortal world. Money” He who objected to my way is not from me.

O benefactor of humanity, peace be upon him! The good deeds and good habits of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are being written and described equally. Every moment in the world, the good deeds of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are being mentioned somewhere. of

The success and pride of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them in this world and the Hereafter, is the following of the Sunnah. Following this is the key to exaltation and happiness in every age. This is why, after testing in every way, faith and action have been established as a standard for every class of human beings, because he himself has trained them, and Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has established their actions and character, morals and morals, faith and Islam, and monotheism and belief. , tested Salah and Taqwa again and again, then honoured them with His pleasure and favour, then said, “Those who test Allah’s hearts for piety” that these are the people whose hearts have been tested by Allah. The Companions have believed, so he said, “We are the ones who have been guided.” This is because they were all trained by the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and mirrored the life of the Prophet (PBUH). This is the reason why he himself said, “My Companions are like the stars that you will follow, you will be guided.” Since the guidance of the stars is sought to find the direction to travel in the desert, forest, that is why the Prophet (PBUH) likened the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) to the stars, that these pure souls are a beacon of faith in the desert of polytheism and disbelief.

In a few authentic books, some special aspects of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have been made the subject, which have been described by his trained Companions (may God bless him and grant him peace).

According to some traditions, on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal Aam Al-Fail was born by the Prophet (PBUH) from the mother’s womb. Shamail-e-Tirmidhi is the most authentic and comprehensive source of description of Haliya Mubaraka which Imam Tirmidhi (may Allah have mercy on him) mentioned. When lying down, sometimes it was up to the neck and sometimes it was up to the ears. The blessed face was so beautiful that it shone like the full moon, the blessed chest was wide, the eyes were wide, the body was pure, neither thin nor fat, very symmetrical and smooth, there was no spot anywhere. I looked very good, the forehead was broad, high and shiny, the blessed eyebrows were arched and unattached, the cheekbones were noble and broad, the lips were beautiful, and the teeth shone like blessed pearls when they smiled. The skirt looked tight when wrapped, the light line of hair on the chest was up to the navel, the rest of the figure was free of hair, the Companions agree that no one was seen as beautiful as you. Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit (RA) was the one who gave the title of the poet of the Prophet (PBUH). has given He draws a map in his poem:

“My eyes have never seen a more beautiful man than you, and no woman has ever given birth to a man more beautiful than you. They did not shout, they spoke each word clearly, and when addressing the crowd, they repeated the sentence three times clearly. The style of speech is dignified, the sweetness in the words makes the heart long to listen, a slight smile on the lips, which made the lips happy and the face happy, when walking, the speed was as if coming down from a high place, not to the right. They used to look left and did not raise their necks towards the sky. He was never angry in personal matters, he did not bother to do his own work, he would not let go of someone’s hand until he shook hands with him, he would turn his attention to whomever he was talking to. If someone would talk to him, he would listen with full attention, yet there was such fear that the Companions did not have the courage to talk. Everyone thought that they wanted me the most.”

The Beginning of Da’wah and Preaching: After being exalted with the Crown of Prophethood and the Khilat of Prophethood, the Prophet (peace be upon him) invited faith and monotheism to a society which was mired in polytheism and disbelief. Beasts and beasts reigned; every mighty man became a pharaoh. There was an epidemic of killings and murders in every society, neither honor was protected, nor innocence was protected, there was no place for women, and there was no shelter for the poor. Wine was poured out like water. Indecency was at its peak, there was no concept of unity on the face of the earth. There was a period of selfishness, meanness, theft, corruption was at its peak and injustice was at its peak. It was late, humanity was taking its last breath, the stench of polytheism was rising from the society. The hearts had become foul with the impurity of disbelief. According to the Holy Quran, the human being of that era was standing on the edge of hell, close to suffering from destruction. It was announced that: O people! May Allah bless Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may we be blessed with good health. It was not a voice, but a crackle of electricity in the empty house.
It was an electric crack or sound
The land of Arabia that shook the whole

His voice of truth was the beginning of a great revolution that changed the history of humanity. This announcement was the message of the revival of monotheism. This announcement was the message of reviving monotheism, which breathed a new spirit of life into the dead hearts of the Arabs, and then the world saw a scene that was unimaginable: killers became righteous, idolaters became righteous, oppressors became righteous and merciful. Hearts became, the foreheads bowing before hundreds of false gods became tunnels before the One God, those who knew women worse than life became the protectors of women who oppressed the weak and merciless, the lambs of mercy and the support of the weak, the hatred and evils. The volcano became cold, the harvest of love and brotherhood came, the wayfarers became the leaders, and the tyrants became the messengers of justice and fairness.

Those who were not themselves became the guides of others on the path
What was the vision that turned the dead into the Messiah

The world has seen that the devotees of an Ami title of the noble lineage of the Prophet compiled the history of faith and monotheism, left lasting impressions of justice and fairness, created an immortal story of unity and equality, wrote a unique history of conquests, ideal principles of world founding and governance. Compiled, abandoned chastity and chastity, wrote indelible impressions of loyalty and sacrifice, reached the heights of greatness and nobility from which the highest position can only be given to prophets and messengers, when has the world seen and heard of such a revolution.

Patience and perseverance: In the way of the call to truth and the declaration of monotheism, you saw such sufferings and pains of your own people that anyone else would have lost courage, but you, peace be upon you, was the mountain of patience and perseverance. , put thorns in the paths, put dirt on the pure body, lured, threatened, economic blockade and social boycott, broke the mountains of oppression and coercion on your children, opened the hell of the new world’s ridiculous punishment so that somehow the convoy of the truth stops, the voice of the truth is silenced, except for revolution. It had started, monotheism was raised, it was going to prevail.

The disbelievers want to extinguish the light of Allah (faith and Islam) with their breaths, and Allah is the One who fulfils His light, even if the disbelievers dislike it. The Holy Prophet himself said: No one else has been put through trials as much as I have been put through them. In the same way, the atrocities that were inflicted on your companions have not been inflicted on any other nation.

Blessed Migration: When the land of Makkah was completely restricted to you and your companions, then by the command of God, you migrated to Medina and the companions left their families, children, land and wealth for the sake of Allah and moved to Abyssinia and Medina. It was towards Abyssinia, then when he (PBUH) went to Madinah, Madinah became the centre of Islam. was

The first thing from this migration of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is that for the sake of the call and faith, he freely sacrificed every precious and beautiful thing and everything that he loves, prefers, and is attached to in any way. One can go, but neither of these two things mentioned above (Da’wah and Aqeedah) can be abandoned for anything. All the honor and success of this world and the hereafter is its source.
Tuesday 18 February 2024
Lahore Pakistan


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