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Eid subjugation crowd of believers

There are some natural requirements of this collective life which come as a feature in any society. That is why some socially determined days are included in the religious traditions by acquiring the status of festivals and events everywhere. Some social factors have a historical continuity which is human nature It is connected with such that it is being confirmed by observation in the society, so no group and society in the present era will find any problem with it.

When my master, the Prophet (peace be upon him) visited Madinah, upon his inquiry, he found out that the people there have been participating in the demonstration of playing games on certain days for years. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) addressed the Muslims and said that in return for them, Allah has appointed Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha for you, which is better than youth. He (PBUH) guided the Sahabah every year by celebrating these Eids in the Islamic way and guided the Muslim Ummah until the Day of Resurrection.

Eid prayer and Sadaqah al-Fitr have the basic position in Eid-ul-Fitr, for example, the arrangement of Eid-ul-Fitr prayer starts in the morning. It is a blessed Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to use perfumes along with cleanliness and fine dress, and to go to the Eid Gah early in the morning, saying Takbeer on the way, and using the other way while returning.

The Eid prayer was performed together outside the city and all the Companions would be present there. Before this prayer, there was no adhan, iqamat or any sermon. would do Sometimes he went to the women in their assembly and gave independent sermons and advice. In relation to Sadaqah, Fitr, he ordered the people of status to pay Sadaqah Fitr to the poor on behalf of themselves and their families before the Eid prayer, so that they too can join in the joy of Eid.

It is clear from this description that there are two basic elements of Eid. First, two rak’ahs were declared obligatory for the worship of the Lord and secondly, it was ordered to pay sadaqah al-fitr for the mourning of the poor and for receiving news. By studying these points, it is clear that Eid is indeed a Muslim festival, but its nature is not the same as that of festivals of other religions. Their own point of view is that the whole society and every individual is free on this day. Even if you suffer from moderation and myths, everything is permissible.

You must have seen how the people who believe in this theory jump about drunkenly in festivals and are alienated from reason and wisdom or think it is their perfection to engage in such actions and activities or to engage in such actions and actions. Islam has never given such totalitarian freedom to man, but the Islamic ideology is one of obedience at every step and there are complete instructions for this in Islamic teachings and the issue of Eid is also not exempt from it. Therefore, while making allowances for human nature, Islam has designated special days in which maximum gathering and the expression of gathering has been considered good, but it has been made compatible with worship, which is full of devotion and worship. It is the expression and also the support of the destitute and helpless people of the nation. These are the basic elements of Eid that distinguish Islamic Eid from other festivals and it also reveals the mood of Islam that fulfilling the requirements of servitude comes first in every situation, even if it is happiness. Be it opportunity or grief, however, Islam has also declared the service of the people and the concession of the helpless people of the nation as a reward. It has been described as an action with great reward and reward, even those occasions in which common people only consider mischief in myths as the main subject, Islam has given importance and priority to these things even in these occasions. One of the status of Eid is also reward and gift. For the pleasure of Allah, he stayed away from hunger, thirst and all other carnal desires throughout the day and spent not a day or a week, but a whole month in this state. Then at night, he got the privilege of praying and listening to the Qur’an by being engaged in Taraweeh, and then, according to Tawfiq, his time was busy in Tasbihat and Tahjud, etc. The doors and walls of houses and mosques echoed with the recitation of the Qur’an. The supplicants prayed for the good and safety of the Lord and were declared entitled to His grace and mercy, forgiveness, and forgiveness. He actively participated in charity and charity, so that he was at the forefront of all the sources of good and goodness. The day of Eid is the day of the worshipers, and they are going to be rewarded today by the Lord, as if the real Eid is for those who fulfilled the requirements of worship in Ramadan and through them, others also enjoyed this joy. I was declared a participant and the right to celebrate Eid was also granted to them. On this occasion, it is also worth noting that the worship and good deeds that are done in the month of Ramadan and as the mosque is filled with worshipers, people actively participate in the good and the better and as the more worship They spent their time as slaves, it was not only for the month of Ramadan, but it was a training program for the rest of the year.

But how can we deny these ground facts that until a few years ago, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, different friends used to send congratulatory messages to each other through Eid cards, and these days, the majority of them are using modern technology and taking full advantage of the convenience of mobile phones to send and receive messages in different ways. A small number in these western countries still try to introduce their children to this Islamic festival by giving the Eid card a prominent place in their homes compared to the Christmas card, even though Muslims are completely free from these customs and restrictions. He is used to living a very simple and straightforward life. Ignoring the message behind every festival, just as we have adapted each of our festivals to the western environment, we are rapidly deceiving ourselves by reciting a few western customs. Giving and distancing ourselves from collective responsibilities, surely the future historian will not forgive us for not passing on the best philosophy of Eid to our next generation.

On the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, the money earned by exchanging Eid cards with your friends can certainly bring Eid happiness to many poor families who are getting ready to present bouquets of food to their loved ones, although the fragrance of sincerity and love can be felt in the words written in the letters, and the thorny life that is a wrong system. One has to live under the government. The flowers of sincerity, love and loyalty are certainly big things in it and when a person gradually covers the distance of this life and gains some awareness, he realizes that among the things that give peace in this world, the consciousness of a restricted life and selfless affection and love is a big thing. A restricted life. The consciousness of liberates a person from grief and pain and fills him with happiness.

A person does not remain like an empty drum that starts to waver due to minor stumbles but becomes a solid being that even the storms of accidents cannot shake from its place, and love and affection are the strength that can only be obtained from the companionship of one’s like-minded partners. The talk of companions, their handshakes, their hugs, their loving conversations, their selfless friendships, and selfless meetings, among all these things a man considers himself in the midst of an army. Peaceful and calm dear friends in this short life. The pleasure is inexhaustible, while in this country the mechanical organs have become so lifeless that we find so much life in a single card that we are forced to resort to it as its own energy.

By the way, the Eid card comes with the message of farewell to the month of Ramadan, it is not intended to express any piety in this sentence. If you look at them carefully, their status is not more than the colourful balloons sold in a fair, which are full of colours and goodness from above, but from inside, the stench of greed is coming out and when in life A strong gust of pain opens their fortress, then it explodes and falls into a corner like a mole, and finally finds a place in any garbage or dirt box outside. May Allah protect every Muslim from this piety. Ameen! And grant the strength of such piety which is free from arrogance, which is free from appearances and show and flattery, which has so much courage that if it is dragged in the streets of Medina with its hands and feet tied and turned upside down, it is tied to a camel. Let’s get up and say clearly, “People! Listen, I am Malik bin Anas, I say that forced divorce is not included in the Shari’ah, who has the courage to say that even when it is raining lashes on him, bring an argument from the Qur’an and Hadith to prove his point. One who has enough courage to accept death in prison and his funeral comes out of prison (Imam Abu Hanifah), one who has enough courage to go up to the gallows while smiling and saying, “God is your favour that you have given me.” The death of martyrdom is blessed, and not a few manifestations of dress and trimming should be announced by naming it as piety and presenting an advertisement of piety and piety. This method has worked so far, but it will not work tomorrow, God willing.

A wise man and an intellectual had said the truth that first strengthen your faith within yourself, then prove your Islam by practicing it and obeying God all your life. Do not eat and all of you develop piety by performing your duties of servitude properly and then invest everything in the path of your Lord and become the dust of this path of truth and attain the position of favour. But here the evidence is not Islam at all, but the garment of piety has been adorned. Standing on the pulpit, people are being forbidden from interest (mortgage), but by keeping interest-bearing accounts in the bank, they are buying a house with 100% loan from the bank, expanding their business and avoiding accountability when asked. For this, an excuse is being sought to kill the West or America by calling it “Darul Harb”. Usury, which has been described in the Qur’an with great clarity as an open war against Allah and His Messenger, by making fun of Islamic rituals with the help of this, the noble duty of claiming the right is also being performed.

Seeing the card or message that is intended to convey the joy of Eid, the children are surprised and worried that why we Muslims Eid is not celebrated for one day. What is the reason why some Muslims see the moon in Saudi Arabia while others are looking for it in the clouds in Morocco? Are you not ready to accept the scientific testimony of? Eid, which brings a message of harmony and love, why is there a riot in its name, even though the moon of Ramadan has passed away as soon as it rises, a wave of life even within the Muslim nation. An anxiety, a caution, a fear of God, a taste for worship emerges in the same way as the morning candle takes over and one starts to feel that this nation is really different from other nations.

It is only this one month when a distinguishing mark emerges within this nation, their hearts are full of fear of God, charity and charity, grief and brotherhood, apart from night vigils and prayers, but on the last day of this month and then Throughout the year it is difficult to identify which nation these people belong to. There is no place for taraweeh prayer in the mosques in the precaution of fasting, the splendour of Sehri (Midnight meal) , the walk of Iftar, these distinctions distinguish this nation from others, these are the blessings that make this month the dearest month of the year. Now, some mark of distinction has been established by their footsteps, but as soon as they send Eid cards and messages impersonating the West and non-Muslims, it is as if they are sending a message of the remaining eleven months of self-forgetfulness that will follow after this controversial day. are about to begin. That’s why the contradiction of Ramadan and the hypocrisy of the next eleven months creates moist dust in the eyes. If we ask the truth, what is the promise that we Muslims are waiting for;
عید آزاداں شکوہ ملک و دیں
عید محکوماں ہجومِ مومنین
Eid-ul-Azad, give glory to the country
Eid subjugated crowd of believers!!!
The honour of the believers is a great thing, we are deprived of the honour of the country. National honour is a country’s policy that is independent and free from all kinds of external and internal influences. There is internal satisfaction and the strength of the borders, there is a place of honour and dignity in other countries, there is pride in the community of nations, the satisfaction of the people of the nation is economic and social prosperity, but even if you put a microscope, you cannot find these attributes in any Muslim countries. Rather, the Muslim states are divided into many groups within themselves and are busy cutting each other’s throats, and our enemies are happy that they are ruling them from thousands of miles away. Muslims can be saved from the brutality of Israel. If Allah has enriched some Islamic countries with worldly wealth, these same enemies are also taking advantage of this wealth. The sale is made only so that you can test it on the population of other Muslim countries.

Then let us complain that Allah, who is the ruler of us, by reciting the word from a landlord and a capitalist to a farmer and a labourer, so that his order and law will be followed, and he will not deviate from the one whom he has accepted as the master. It is a strange joke that if there is a Numberdar (in charge of the village), then every person in the village should recognize him and obey his rights, if a person is a district officer, then his official status will be heard throughout the district, and someone will be a country officer. If he is the head of the organization, then his every word should be on his face, and he who says himself that (only my order will prevail in this world and the hereafter) should not care about his order at all. Everywhere the signs of religion are being erased, there are dances and gatherings, singing is allowed in the name of culture, all kinds of prohibited drugs are allowed, theft, corruption, bribery are there, livelihood is there. It has made it impossible to achieve Halal, the religion that remained in the nation despite centuries of degradation is also being wiped out. Force and power are being used and every step is going away from religion, if the journey of years of life has left the direction of Makkah and Madinah and has gone in another direction, then where will the doubt of religion come from, then when there is neither country nor country. Religion, then where will the free believer be found and that is why the day of Eid is nothing but a crowd of believers, so expressing the joy of Eid is nothing but a waste of time in sending a card or sending messages on the phone. Yes, of course, if you want to achieve the true happiness of Eid, then this is the best opportunity for those thousands of families of Gaza and Kashmiri martyrs who cannot express their sorrow to anyone in the state of poverty and starvation at this time and due to the restrictions of inhuman rights. People from other countries who are unable to reach them deserve your immediate attention. Hurry up, don’t be late.

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