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Deaf and dumb slaves of the earthly gods

Writing, yes, can everything be written? Maybe, maybe push yourself a little, collect yourself and you will write. But can everything be written? Happiness can be written. And grief, sorrow can be written and pain…how can tears be written. How to write anxiety… how to put anxiety, naivety, indifference, ego in writing! The words are the same, the pen is the same, the pages are the same… everything is the same. But you are helpless. Mercy can be described, can be written, how can the evil be written! Can you spell sadness? We can’t do anything. Faiz Sahib has said, “What passes through the heart passes, how to describe it!” It is not possible for me. No, I don’t have this skill. And I don’t even have to learn it. I don’t necessarily understand everything. No, I can’t write the heart, the sadness, the innocence, the anxiety… I can’t write at all. How to write tears? tell me If you can write, do it.

But it has been, will continue to be, that is sand. Nothing new, nothing unique. Singing songs against God’s people was a crime, is a crime, and will remain a crime. The people riding on the necks of God used to do the same then, they are doing the same now and they will continue to do the same in the future. Nothing new, it has been happening, will continue to happen. If you challenge the earthly gods, they will not offer you garlands. This is what will happen. You will show them the mirror and they will throw stones at you when they see their ugly faces. Shots will be fired. The sticks will rain. Will rain tear gas shells. But those who consider their pen to be the trust of God’s creation have never stopped and will not come back in the future. Because they know:
ہوں جب سے آدمِ خاکی کے حق میں نغمہ سرا
میں دیوتاؤں کے بپھرے ہوئے عتاب میں ہوں
Ever since I sang a song in favour of Adam-e-Khaki
I am in the wrath of the gods

Slaves of earthly gods dream of silencing the voice of God, and that will never be fulfilled, nor will it be. So, this will be the scene in the next few days. This is the slogan of these true Mujahideen to sacrifice their lives. This slogan will remain high, “Pharaoh was drowned before, this is his fate in the future.” Congratulations to those who keep fighting for the sake of God. With whose blood the streets were coloured. Nothing to say today, just writing what I hear. You are watching people’s messages on TV channels! I have also seen, heard… I am writing the same, because I consider the language of creation to be a sign of God. What should we do if the blind and deaf cannot read the inscriptions on the wall!

Yes, pharaoh dies, pharaohism does not die. His followers come, will continue to come. Then they start shouting, our plan was successful. We are the highest. We have the wisdom that will save everyone. Just follow us. Follow us, salvation lies in this. Here, every pharaoh has understood that only he is the bearer of wisdom and thought… He is very important. His guidance and guidance is the cause of salvation. Just the cycle of “me”. The cycle of failure and curse. That is why he keeps calling. He is the Most High, He is the Lord and the Most High. Wrapped in a cloak of self-delusion. Death… Death cannot even touch him. Armed with equipment. God is responsible for his protection. Even the bird could not fly. No one can even think of harming him. Chants of compliments and compliments make him believe that everything is fine. The business of life runs by his will… As he forgets death, he thinks that death will also forget him. It is understood that this party will continue to be decorated forever. Wow, wow, very good sir, there is no one like you, the courtiers will continue to praise. No sir not at all. The day will surely come when everything will end.
But then there is another river, and the end is the same. He understands that just as he has forgotten death, death must have forgotten him. But she comes. Put thousands of guards, choose walls, install cameras. She doesn’t stop. It comes and the head is normal. No one could escape from it. But there is something else. Everything happens…guards, equipment, palaces, equipment, loyal and life-sacrificing bodyguards, a whole host of cheerleaders, mindless supporters of your every move…everything happens. And then there is the river Nile, there are waves, loud waves… bound by the command of the real Lord. And when he wanders, there is no one to help him far and wide. Then he opens his eyes and starts crying, “No, no, I believe, yes, I believe in the Lord of Moses and Aaron.” But the door closes. It does not open with a whimper and then it sinks. Death sinks its teeth into his aorta. the end. A sign of lesson. Then history will repeat this story.

Yes, there was a test passed. The result will come later. what I do not know. I am just thinking about what I have done and what will be the result. Yes, I pray…but with which mouth should I pray? How can I face my Lord?

A new Karbala has opened before me in Gaza. Our boys and girls are being slaughtered and those who are seeking refuge in some way to save their lives, the ongoing food situation and famine-like death are bringing death to their heads. It is a strange situation that even in the month of Ramadan, it is terrible Instead of stopping the game of bombing and dismemberment of human organs, aid is being announced and food items are being dropped from the air for these hungry people, but Israeli beasts on the ground are targeting them and making them a target for bullets. There was no difference in the luxury of the neighbouring Arab countries, but on the other hand, there is news that a Saudi prince lost his five wives in gambling with 300 million dollars. It is a point of drowning in shame that on the one hand humanity is being killed in Gaza with this ruthlessness and on the other hand what are the examples of such indifference proving?

But on the other hand, the steadfastness of those who pledged allegiance to death has resulted in the fact that the Israeli media itself has admitted the defeat of its bloodthirsty military institutions and that it is now up to them to recover the Israeli hostages. No, for which once again the table of negotiations is being laid in the neighbouring countries, where the temptation of “bloodshed” is likely to appear for the first time and the mediators will be asked to pay for it. A hastily negotiated deal would have the uncertainty that payment would be tied to the intended hostage’s departure. Will this terrible blood storm be treated like this?

Where are you and what do you say? The screams of the innocent will not let me live. My chest will be broken. I couldn’t do anything. Yes, I love life… Yes, I consider the movement of breath to be life… Yes, I have accepted a life of humiliation and shame… Yes, I am very afraid of death… Yes, I have changed my Lord… Yes, I am honoured and humiliated. I consider them to be the owners of our power, who have crackling whips in one hand to frighten us and in the other hand are full of dollars to fill our mouths with greed and greed. They have no Senses are guns. Flaming guns. I think of them as the masters of life and death, whose missiles rattle my heart, and I fear that they will make my Tora Bora (the mountainous region of Afghanistan where the US dropped thousands of mini-atomic bombs). . Yes, they are my lord… how can I say about you! Know you and your work.
Tuesday 8th April 2024


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