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Day of the Orphan and Day of the Hereafter

Eid has come and gone. It is an occasion of happiness, a day to give thanks for Allah’s reward. But when I see the countless people of my country who had enough to eat even on the day of Eid and they did not have enough food. For the children, were there not new and clean clothes, and there are also countless people who, if some part of the countless blessings given by Allah were given to them who are without resources, a smile would also come on their faces. Even if only for a day, sadness would disappear from his eyes and happiness would start to dance. was found Don’t his ummahs remember this Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, the Merciful of the Worlds? Hasn’t it been said in the Holy Qur’an,
أَرَأَيْتَ الَّذِي يُكَذِّبُ بِالدِّينِ فَذَ‌ٰلِكَ الَّذِي يَدُعُّ الْيَتِيمَ وَلَايَحُضُّ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ:
Have you seen him who denies the Recompense? That is, he who repulses the orphan (harshly), And urges not on the feeding of Al-Miskin (the poor) (Al Hamza:1-3)

“You cannot attain goodness unless you spend your things (in the way of Allah SWT) which you hold dear?” And then it said, “You saw this person.” He who denies the reward and punishment of the Hereafter? He is the one who pushes the orphan and does not encourage the poor to give food. Give food to the poor and does not encourage people to help the poor. Glory be to Allah! The Lord Almighty has linked mistreatment of orphans and the poor and not giving food or encouraging others to do so with denying the Day of Religion. That is, those who do not help the orphans and the poor are those who do not believe in the Day of Judgment and punishment and obviously they cannot be called Muslims. They should be embraced, treated with compassion and orphans, destitute and poor should be fed themselves and regular campaigns should be conducted to encourage others to do the same.

In the light of these blessed verses, examine your own role and actions today. Surely, the main responsibility lies with the rulers who collect taxes from the people so that they are spent on the welfare of the people. Through the banks, zakat is postponed even on the money that does not reach the school year and not reaching the curriculum, so that it can be spent on the insolvent, but still the number of insolvent, poor and destitute is increasing. Why is this? Did the Muslim rulers not believe in the Last Day or could not implement the Zakat system properly?

Look around you, you will see how many destitute, poor, and orphaned children are looking for sustenance on garbage. Innocent children who try to satisfy their hunger with rotten fruits and stale food thrown in the garbage, you will find such children everywhere and in every city. are denying”. Are we not included in this anger of Allah? Otherwise, how is it possible that in a Muslim society, in an Islamic country, crowds of naked and hungry people can be seen everywhere, and the society turns a blind eye to them? But it is a pity that which country and society should we call Islamic, at this time there are certainly 57 Muslim states, but not a single one meets the definition of an Islamic state. Allah’s decree is that Muslims cannot attain goodness until they spend their things in the way of Allah which are very dear and beloved to them. We count ourselves among the good people by fasting, praying, and getting the blessings of Hajj and Umrah every year. Run away, which is not obligatory, Hajj is also obligatory only once in a lifetime with certain conditions, yet how many people proudly count how many Hajj they have performed. In bold letters on the name board outside the house. Al-Hajj” has been written, “Hajji Sahib” is devoted to hearing from everyone but tell them how much they have spent in the way of Allah, how many orphans, poor and needy they have supported, how many of their beloved things. spend in the way of, if this were the case, these children would not be seen on the garbage heap today. It is difficult to distinguish whether they are human children or part of the same garbage and dirt!
Thank Allah SWT that many organizations are not only helping the orphans, poor and needy widows in these situations but also encouraging others. Maybe that’s why earthquakes come and turn around and rain falls from the sky. So that the fields cannot dry up, but every effort is not enough, the systematic campaign to increase the number of poor and orphans is much more intense than this. Go ahead, you will find white clothed, destitute poor among your dear relatives who demand your attention and help. It is very important to take care of their self-respect while helping them. When I finally asked him the best way to take care of his self-respect, he smiled as usual saying that this is the easiest thing in the world and also the hardest. So the confusion increases?” He said, “The difficulty is because the feeling of superiority in some corner of the heart while giving to a loved one or a relative has the possibility of ruining every good thing, but if the same thing is done in this way. So that this loved one or relative does not know that you are doing this help, do the same thing through a friend who is a stranger to them, then good remains on both sides.

Let us remember even for an hour from the happiest moments of our life, those who do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for our safety. Do we have anything for the children and families who are orphaned by the enemies on the occasion of Eid?
Saturday 30 March 2024


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