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Arrogance of a single superpower

I am also aware of the terrifying moments when a famous American psychologist openly expressed his doubts about Trump’s mental health in the world media with strong arguments about the American President Trump having full power to press the button of the nuclear briefcase. was expressing her apprehensions by expressing a wave of fear among all defense and political analysts. The psychologist doctor said that since Trump assumed the office of the US President, he has been doing many things that can push the world against the factors that make America a great power and towards complete destruction. He has done such things and actions step by step which do not correspond to the requirements of the position of a young man in any way. He has been trying to show the cynicism found in his temperament in the office of the American president. He has repeatedly tried to target the principles, methods and characteristics that made America a great power, and this is now felt more strongly by most Americans. Any prediction regarding world politics is very difficult. Conditions change so rapidly that every prediction is in jeopardy. Trump’s case has become even more complicated. In the first year of his presidency.

Duran did many things on the basis of which it is extremely difficult to say anything about him with complete certainty. Even the forecasters knew that if they say something, Trump will not hesitate for a moment to make them fail and humiliate him by doing something against him. However, he continued to say with full confidence that when historians write about Trump’s tenure, they will definitely emphasize the point that he destroyed the discipline that was required for an American president with his playful mood. . Of course, during his presidency, he did a lot on his whim, not shying away from dropping the “mother” of conventional bombs on Afghanistan and then threatening to drop an atomic bomb on Afghanistan in front of the international media. , never refrained from insulting Pakistan, its most important ally in the region on the arrival of the new year, in Twitter containing offensive words, as a result of which the US faced a lot of setbacks in many cases. However, serious people around the world have become concerned that Trump is the first president of the United States who does not have a vision of his own. That is why he was not able to develop a “grand strategy” during his entire tenure, on the basis of which it can be said that he wanted to take the American society and leadership structure out of global crises by giving a formal new shape. . In this regard, the graph of Trump’s seriousness was very low.

It is not possible for any country not to have a clear and grand strategy. Without going through this stage, any state will not develop, it will not be able to maintain its existence. America is not an ordinary country, it is a world power. For this, it is necessary to have a strong leadership structure and a clear strategy in most international affairs. America has long had a tendency to adopt a grand, comprehensive strategy, and this tendency is not merely a choice, it is a compulsion and a necessity. America is a superpower. It has to develop special relations with many countries. Each region has to be monitored. It is not possible for any president to do anything outside of the “grand strategy” of the country. Even if he is remarkably short-sighted and incapable of thinking about the distant future and formulating a clear plan for it, he has to take an unusual interest in many strategic matters. Trump doesn’t seem to have a vision. But it is also not possible for them to ignore the grand strategy of the country or not to take steps consistent with it. Leon Trotsky has well said that if a president is not very interested in grand strategy, grand strategy is still interested in him. That is, there is no room for retreat, only the option to grow.
This point cannot be ignored in any way that Donald Trump has assumed the presidency of the United States at an important time. In the 70 years before his election, the United States, since World War II, had played the role of a power that had the determination and energy to reshape the world. America changed many regions according to its will. Acquainted several countries with new dimensions of construction and development. And on the other hand, many countries also suffered from problems at the hands of the US. After the end of the Cold War in 1990, since the US was the only superpower, its responsibilities also increased. During this period spanning almost three decades, America has done less good and more bad. At times, it was clearly felt that things are complicated for the US and whatever it is doing is either malaise or fear.

According to American defense analysts, the fact that Donald Trump has been elected as the President of the United States cannot be ignored at a time when China has emerged with its full force. China is a big challenge that America will have to change its “grand strategy” to deal with. On the one hand, where China has become a huge challenge to the military and economic supremacy of the United States, an important ally like Pakistan in the region, which played an important role in making the United States the only superpower in the world, is increasing its aggression on Pakistan’s borders day by day. And the relations with India are extremely strained due to the ongoing atrocities in Kashmir, but once again due to American disloyalty and the wrong policy of increasing friendship with India and putting unnecessary pressure on Pakistan while facing the worst loss and defeat in Afghanistan. There has also been a severe blow and in reaction a strong block of China, Pakistan, Russia and Iran is also being formed in the region.

On the one hand, China has become a huge challenge to the military and economic supremacy of the United States, and on the other hand, the situation in the Middle East is also changing rapidly, which is creating difficulties for the United States. It should also be noted that there is a growing trend of not accepting democracy as a better form of governance around the world. The common man is forced to think that if dictatorship solves his problems, what is the need for democracy?

For several decades, the US has been a non-participator in global politics and economy. It has taken decisions of its own accord with Europe and has also eaten the fruits of these decisions, but now a lot has changed. A number of countries have emerged rapidly stronger. Europe has very much diverged its way. China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and many other countries have become increasingly stable. Their stability has emerged in the form of a clear threat to American supremacy. This question has also taken root in the United States. What is left for America? In the last presidential election, when politician Joe Biden was elected and occupied the White House, the most important question for Tawan was how to make the United States able to maintain its superior position on the world stage. Facing these challenges, he now enters the next election campaign where he will surely have to face the consequences of his political decisions. Indeed, the challenges for them have increased. Abnormal changes in strategy are inevitable.

Donald Trump has done nothing so far to suggest that he is capable of taking America to new heights. He seems to lack the political insight that is considered necessary for an American president. But it does not mean that he has completely failed to leave an impression of his personality. In a few cases, he has shown moderateness in the field of actions, but on the whole, he has been very successful in influencing American thought through his words and actions. It is being felt that Trump has tried to influence the principles and methods adopted by the United States to maintain its supremacy in world politics and economy in one way or another and has been successful to some extent. Trump claims that what he thinks and does will increase the power and wealth of the United States tremendously and maintain the American supremacy in world politics and economy, but in reality, his policies are harming the United States. Policymakers are now acutely aware that America’s superpower status has been affected since Trump took office. What they have been saying has not had the effect it should have. The Americans have well understood that the position of the United States at the global level cannot remain without being significantly affected by the policies of Donald Trump.

American policymakers also make claims, which can be widely disputed, that for four generations America has given the world a system that has paved the way for peace, prosperity, stability, and democracy. This is being said in the form of comparison with other political systems. America’s dominance over world politics and economy was the result of its “hard power”. America had unprecedented power and considerable attention was paid to using this power to the full.

After World War II, the United States officially became a world power. It is not that during the Cold War, America’s global position as the former Soviet Union was so strong that it could not be challenged, but the world was divided between two distinct global powers. Apparently, the United States tried its best to keep the whole world in its grip through extraordinary military power, but after the end of the Cold War, the military power of the United States increased further. Its share in the world economy also increased to such an extent that at one stage the US gross national product was twenty-five percent of the world gross national product. The world has never seen a country so powerful compared to the rest of the world, but the United States would never have found this position if the Soviet Union had not made the mistake of aggression in Afghanistan and an ally like Pakistan had not fully supported the United States. treated Pakistan in the same way that as soon as the erstwhile Russia was defeated, the United States broke its promise and immediately embraced the anti-Pakistani camp, leaving Pakistan and Afghanistan in the middle, because India had also been a loyal friend for five decades. He turned his eyes away from his partner Russia and took shelter at the feet of America and maintained his Brahmin tradition, which the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also expressed its anger.

But ironically, sanctions have created many threats to American supremacy over the years. Now China, Russia and other countries have emerged, but despite this, the United States believes that its military and economic power is still such that it dominates the world politics and economy to a significant extent, and the American leadership is still around the world. I have the ability to reverse and turn things around. At the end of the Second World War, the United States could, if it wanted, set up a strategy that would only work for it and equip it with maximum military and economic power, but the policy makers focused on setting up an international system that would Through this, not only the United States can cope with full stability, but all the regions as a whole develop, get prosperity and especially like-minded countries benefit more. To run this international system, institutions were brought into existence, programs were arranged. So far, America has taken the position of world leader in the matter of international system. America formed military alliances. Efforts were made to make international trade routes as safe as possible. All this was done to maintain world peace, but in reality America wanted to create a world in which it could more easily cope with development and stability.

At the end of the Second World War, if America wanted to, it could have set up a strategy that would have been effective not only for it, but also for its close allies, and America would have been able to cope with greater military and economic power, but the policymakers set up such an international system. Focused on giving, through which not only the United States can cope with full stability and its allies accept its supremacy for development and prosperity in the region as a whole, and especially like-minded countries can support it in every policy, like the Middle East. In the destruction of Muslim countries and Afghanistan, all his allies supported him fully. In order to run this international system “world order”, institutions were brought into existence, programs were organized, thus far the US is on the way to become the world leader in terms of the international system. America formed military alliances and tried to make the international trade routes as safe as possible for its interests. All this was done in the name of maintaining peace at the global level, but now the United Nations has understood that in fact America wanted to create a world in which it could more easily cope with development and stability.

The American efforts to Mold the post-World War II world into its own Mold were actually only aimed at establishing its supremacy in global politics and economy and maintaining its dominance unchallenged. That is why, after the Kuwait-Iraq War, George Bush I introduced the “New World Order” program created by Jewish-born Henry Kissinger, and the main reason why the United States put so much emphasis on the world system is that the economy, military It wants to maintain its position in the field of force and diplomacy as stable as possible. For this, the world it is busy creating, its sole purpose is to make full use of it alone to run the world economy according to its will. America should ensure global supremacy by increasing its power enormously.

The point should not be overlooked that the US has not used much power for its allies in the decisions it has made so far in world politics and economics. If he wanted to, he could make extraordinary decisions with his own power, but instead, by adopting a less exploitative approach, the United States must contribute to the proposed interests of all countries that accept his vision of the world order. were ready to do. Compared to other superpowers, the US paid less attention to persuasion through force. Many of America’s partners openly admit that they are not so much afraid of American supremacy in any issue as they are that the United States will isolate itself from the affairs and then force these countries into the hands of other powers. We have to face the Cold War as well. In any case, the slogan of America first is fundamental to American politics and economy. America has never subordinated its interests to any situation. He has come to believe in subordinating the situation to his interests.

A European diplomat says that Europe has danced to America’s fiddle for 70 years. From Vietnam to Nicaragua, people have witnessed that US officials have never shied away from extraordinary violence and oppression to advance their country’s interests at all costs. The American style of leadership has been very important in many areas beyond the economy and politics. Since the Second World War, the United States has played an extraordinary role in peace and stability at the world level, because at that time the world was clearly divided between capitalism and communism, and the allies of the United States believed that the United States was in military affairs. I have a strong ability to deliver and deliver on commitments and that if anyone has the ability to create and maintain real stability in a very dangerous world, it is America.

American presidents have been trying to ensure that democracy and fundamental rights are respected around the world that are subject to American leadership, and we can see a clear example of this in the overthrow of the Morsi government in Algeria and later in Egypt. The leadership understands that what kind of world America wants to see on a moral level is also key to maintaining global hegemony. In order to ensure its moral supremacy, the United States has continued its efforts to bring open societies to the world and promote liberalism.

Former US Secretary of State George Schulz once said that the US has built stronger relations with countries where the roots of such democracy are deep and strong, and which express complete harmony and solidarity with the policies of the US and its allies. No agreement. America leans more towards countries where it wants to see real democracy and secular liberal traditions. The US leadership is willing to develop better political and economic ties with those countries whose political traditions are compatible with the political traditions of the US and its allies. Matters should rise above the level of mere transactions to the true ideology of world order and the interests of cultural harmony.

It is not that America has focused only on “hard power” (economic and military). He also spreads the soft image around the world to make his point and maintain his number one position. Americans have always wanted the world not only to be afraid of their country, but also to be impressed. They should get a chance to enter America somehow. Countries with which the US does not have good relations and where people strongly hate the US, people are also waiting for the US visa to be issued. “Soft power” has also played a key role in empowerment. Despite being undesirable, the United States has an extraordinary attraction for people around the world, but it is a pity that Trump’s new immigration policy has not only seriously damaged this impression of the United States, but the American Supreme Court itself has intervened. What is Trump’s rejection of this policy?

What Donald Trump has said so far is a lament that he cares less about building and more about destroying. (It was very important for Dean Acheson that he was at the time of the creation of America). According to the American and Western political analysts themselves, looking at Donald Trump’s growth, it can be said without fear that he may feel proud tomorrow that he was there at the time of America’s destruction. Trump said a lot during his campaign that shows he doesn’t care at all about basic American values. Instead of free trade, he emphasized self-interested trade at all costs. Trump has not yet shown the same fondness for democracy as his predecessors have expressed, and above all, he has shown a fondness for democracy against Vladimir Putin, who holds all power to himself by declaring totalitarianism to be a fundamental political value. I want to wrap up. Trump wants to dispose of everything that the United States has found in five or six decades. He believes that the foreign policy adopted by the United States in the post-war period has been giving so many concessions to the opponents that now They are thinking of giving up. America has certainly tried to control the global economy in the world after the Second World War, but in this effort, it has given its products and technology to the whole world. People like Trump don’t like that. He believes that America should avoid spreading its technologies and latest products to the whole world.

While allowing the American army to torture prisoners, Trump has also said that there is nothing wrong with committing war crimes in order to end terrorism. Neither has maintained its hegemony, but Trump is eager to shake it off. Not that much of what Trump has said as president is sentimental. He has long been critical of several US partners. In the 1980s, he severely criticized Japan and Kuwait and said that America received less from these two countries and America gave more. Similarly, he severely criticized Germany and Mexico in 2015 and 2016 and said that these two countries have played the role of a parasite for America. The views he expressed about some of America’s partners during his election campaign were a reflection of his views of two and a half decades. This means that Trump, as the president, of some of America’s allies and partners. What has been said about this is not just hype, not at the level of sentimentality, but that they really want to do something, that is, they are eager to push aside some of America’s allies and move on to building new relationships, even if it means America. No matter how much he has to pay. Will America’s benefactors and their allies support the release of Trump’s policies, due to which the United States is increasingly becoming a victim of isolation.
Thursday 9th May 2024


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