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America: Colonial Power

Now the matter was not limited to a few people or a group. The country that was established with the promise of promoting democracy more and more was being thought of to be transformed into a colonial and colonial power. Talks of turning the country into a real colonial power started echoing in the halls of Washington. Then it was seen that the entire national politics of Puri began to revolve around this one goal. It was as if it was a clear indication that the purpose under which the United States was brought into existence was forgotten. It has to be a movement which aims at the most powerful rule.

In 1894, Senator Orwell Platte of Connecticut said, “I firmly believe that whenever we need land outside the country for the extension of our security or business affairs, we should without delay and as necessary land.” should be captured.

What Orwell Plath said was not merely a reflection of his personal opinion or wish. A group had grown up in America which was very powerful and wanted to increase the state power to an incredible extent to usurp the neighbouring states as well as waging war against distant countries.

In order to bring forward what the leaders of the United States thought as a concrete reality, such measures were also required on a large scale without any major flaws or swings. In order for the United States to become a real colonial power, it was necessary that its naval power became extraordinary and protect its interests around the world. Capable of quick action anywhere. This work could have been made possible only under the supervision and leadership of a man with extraordinary zeal and enthusiasm. The responsibility of adapting the US Navy to global requirements was entrusted to Theodore Roosevelt and he carried out this responsibility. There was no difficulty in getting a good position.

Theodore Roosevelt said in 1897. “I will welcome war from any country and on any scale.” I say with full confidence and sense of responsibility that this country needs a war. Roosevelt was not an ordinary man who would say something and not be noticed. He knew who he represented when he made the statement about the war-loving mentality. He belonged to the same class that saw America as the most powerful country in the world at any cost and under any circumstances. He was eager to see. Those who were on the path to make the United States capable of ruling the world knew very well that the acquisition of more power leads to a decrease in the power of others. Someone is strong when someone else is weak. It happens. In every era, a few countries have organized and made it possible to increase their power at the same time, when many other countries were severely weakened, and the matter is not limited to weakening others. In order to keep oneself strong, it is also inevitable to keep others weak independently. When a state has more power. If necessary, this goal is clearly visible in its policies. The United States has prioritized increasing its power in every period and focused on doing so. The result is that all its policies related to foreign affairs and defence have continued military adventures somewhere. Keeping has been based on the main objective.

For those who wanted to turn America into a colonial power, it became imperative for them to put their ambitions into practice by opening up things that would divert people’s minds from the ideals that were in front of them during the War of Independence. . It was a painstaking task to subjugate the minds of the people and to change their thinking according to their will. The American leaders also planned a comprehensive and flawless plan to change the minds of the countrymen. The country was expelled from the country and the dream of an America was decorated in the eyes, which wanted to give a lot to the world, wanted to teach “civilization” and without whose efforts this world would not be able to live!

The importance of declaring war began to be emphasized that an ordinary American also began to think that in order to assert his influence in the nations of the world and to gain something, he had to adapt the world politics and economics to the Mold of his will and necessity, and that there was no other way to do this without going through the path of war. Roosevelt imposed war on other nations. The issue did not have to be bothered to wait much. At the time when the American leaders started to implement their idea of becoming a colonial power, Britain, France, Portugal, and Spain were among the major colonial powers. He had done a lot in his hands. America wanted some countries to come under its control. Obviously, it was not so easy that it could have been done by just thinking. Even those who dreamed of turning America into a colonial superpower knew that military adventure in any region is not a child’s play. The process of becoming a colonial power was like grinding iron ore. It was necessary to thoroughly review all the aspects of each case and adopt a comprehensive strategy in order to reduce the possibility of failure as much as possible.

In the first stage, the Americans began to look at the areas where there were weaknesses. These were the areas where the European colonial forces were not very stable and in good condition. It was proving extremely difficult for Spain to maintain its strength. It was not possible to keep it hidden. In this way, the Americans began to focus on the Spanish colonists. Cuba and the Philippines were the most prominent among the Spanish colonialists who were influenced by American leaders. These American leaders waged war against Spain in the first stage of turning their country into a colonial power. In Spain, the rebel forces were fighting to establish a separate state. It was a case of “blind, two eyes” for America. The American leaders took advantage of the situation to hold the Spanish rebels. The rebels of Spain proved to be the best allies for America. As the US embraced the Spanish rebels, the Spanish government and military weakened. A wave of independence also arose in Spain’s new colonies. Internal defeat and weak politics and economy resulted in Spain quickly losing the war. The world was hardly surprised at this.

After defeating Spain, the United States did not hesitate to expose its ambitions. The American leadership announced that after winning the victory, the American troops would not leave the Philippines easily. Not only did he intend to become, but he also has the dedication and full strength to follow it. After visiting the Philippines, Senator Albert Beveridge from Indiana said, “Now the Philippines will be ours forever.” And just ahead of the Philippines, China has a huge market. We live on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, but now the Pacific Ocean is our ocean. The power that will rule the Pacific Ocean will dominate the whole world. Now the reins of power in the Pacific Ocean will always be in the hands of America.

There was nothing new in what Albert Beveridge said. The world had already realized that now America is preparing to take more and more countries under its sphere of influence through military campaigns. All the weak countries had to be prepared to face very bad situations. However, this was not a new situation for them. They had been suffering from the colonial powers. The only difference was that the colonial powers were not from Europe. There were talks about the revival of the colonial system. Since Washington was the capital, it was not unnatural and surprising that these things spread there. To justify the colonial system, the ideas of racism and other causes were presented, and these ideas were accepted with open arms in Washington. White Americans were being brainwashed. They were being prepared for an era in which America would be overturned and overturned through the use of force. In this case, racism was used as a brainwashing weapon. In the minds of the white Americans, it was strongly driven that the rule is only their right and the leadership role in every matter is written by the power only in their destiny.

Senator Albert Beveridge of Indiana said, “The generation we belong to is to rule the world. We have been entrusted with this mission by God and our generation will never forget this mission. It was to rule this world, without the participation of others, that is why God has chosen us.” has created in us the ability to rule the whole world and taught us the ability to rule every region of the world. Now we have the ability and power to control the savage, uncivilized people.

In the words of Albert Beveridge, the same claim that the Jews have been making until today is that they are God’s most favourite people and they have the right to rule this world. The idea of declaring the white race to be better and better than the rest of the world has paved such a bad way in the hands of America. When American leaders regained their senses after independence, they began to convince white Americans that they should now rule not only America, but the whole world. White Americans were convinced that they were clearly better and more civilized than all other races and nations. That is, they had to teach the rest of the world how to live better. It can and should be done.

Albert Beveridge found it necessary to refer to God in order to convince white Americans that they were a superior race, so that it would be firmly established in the minds of white Americans that they were God’s favorite and chosen people, not Jews. In the end, Albert Beveridge broke the pen by calling only white Americans civilized and all the rest savages and uncivilized! These words make it clear what the American leaders wanted to push into the minds of most and especially white Americans and that the result of doing so was obtained. It has been found that in American policies today, along with self-superiority, the feeling of others as inferior, ignorant and uncivilized is found with possible intensity.

It can happen that a country or region is attacked by foreign forces and there is no resistance, that is, the attackers are intimidated and keep silent. Even the weakest nations offer little resistance. The people of the Philippines are not ready to accept the words of Senator Albert Beveridge and his followers. Why would they agree that their country should be attacked, their land should be occupied?

When the American army invaded the Philippines, it faced the same resistance as the Spanish army had to face. When the American forces saw that it was impossible to control the rebels and Mold them into their own Mold, they used an extraordinary degree of force to crush the resistance in the Philippines. This approach could not be considered acceptable in any way. As a result, there was a large-scale massacre, the whole country was severely destabilized, both the economy and society were turned upside down, and the people of the Philippines finally had to bow down to the extraordinary power of the United States. The order was given to kill everyone, and they did not take long to obey this order. There was no hesitation in putting him to death at any hand. By the time the Philippine Army surrendered, more than 6 million Filipinos had been killed. The country was devastated. What should be done now, which direction to go. The Americans had ruined the Philippines in their power.

We can also easily find pictures in which American soldiers stand on the pile of bones of Filipinos killed in the war and proudly announce their victory and express their joy. The truth is that the expression of joy on the pile of human bones is not limited to the Philippines. The Americans have shown similar spectacles everywhere. Wherever the American forces have demonstrated their power in their region and outside it, it has been an effort to make the people of the country understand its full power. His ambition is to make it.

The reckless and unbridled use of force by the American army eventually led to the loss of the freedom of many countries. The country that was on the map of the world to give a real shape to the greatest ideals of freedom, rights and democracy, and whose main goals were the dignity of human beings, did not understand the world system. took the form of a colonial power that oppresses societies. The American leaders wanted to continue the game of expression of power, but its scope was not limited to its own region. It was in Cuba. Puerto Rico and Guam became American colonies. On the other hand, Cuba was formally granted independence, but some conditions were imposed in this regard. The most important condition was that the American army would always maintain its presence on Cuban soil under the Plate Amendment. Also, the United States would keep its army in Cuba and defend Russia. And the foreign policy will be formed by the United States.

On the other hand, see the irony of fate that America, which is superior in the claim of racial superiority, was finally forced to lick the dust by the Afghan Mujahideen and is now engaged in conspiracies against the same Taliban. The role it has played in the ongoing oppression in Gaza will also have to pay the price in the end. In response to the ongoing operations, the threat of full-scale war has come to the fore. The Houthi fighters have one of the most powerful forces whose presence often shocks the world. They fire missiles at international ships that they believe belong to the US, Britain, Israel. , or even if they are not visible, they have left their impact on world trade. Many ships are having to divert their course thousands of miles away. Air operations on their bases by the United States apparently could not stop them, but they have also announced countermeasures against targets linked to the United States and the United Kingdom.


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