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All the centuries were spent in shedding rivers of blood.

If we study the history carefully, we find out that the trends of the culture or civilization that covers all matters also become global trends. At this time, the West dominates the world in every respect. There is a war on the minds of the Western ruling elite with academic, technical, economic, financial, and military superiority. This is the reason why there is an atmosphere of war all over the world that does not call for an end. Everyone knows that war is a hell in the hands of which everything is destroyed, but still war does not fill his life or stomach. In films, in plays, in games, in books, in songs, the atmosphere of war and controversy is visible everywhere. It seems that war has become an integral part of Western culture.

A great deal of attention is being paid to inculcating and fostering a war-loving mentality. The tendency to love war is born in the mind of the common man of the West as soon as he enters his youth. Toy guns, model tanks and board games have made war an intrinsic or key part of the mental fabric, so that Westerners have a lifelong view of war as an integral part of both their system and their lives.

Today, fighting video games are very popular all over the world. Even outside the western societies, millions of children are adding war to their mood by watching this video game. Only those who have spent their entire lives in war and conflict can understand what kind of state of mind happens after seeing the killings. The West is cultivating warmongering as a trend in its new generation. The new generation has become accustomed to witnessing and then suffering the carnage. Video games based on a war environment drive the warlike tendencies and fascination with killings into the minds of children like a nail.

The culture of the West and especially the United States is based on war. The allurement of war and controversy is so bad on their perception and thinking that now it is impossible to imagine living without it. The fascination with war and conflict has also had a severe negative impact on the structure of their values. For the United States, war is a reality that is happening elsewhere, if the United States is directly involved in a war, then the war is being fought far away from its soil. America’s basic strategy is that the war must be fought by others and the weapons to help continue that war must be American! American politicians and voters express a strong distaste for weapons, but the state structure and policy-making process is such that the issue does not get resolved.

America always blames others for fuelling the war. But the fact is that he himself has played a key role in popularizing the mentality of war. America itself has fuelled the war in the world with the help of its policies. America has trapped many regions in the mire of war and conflict and Europe has played the role of an assistant in this matter. American policies and actions are responsible for the vast majority of civil wars currently raging around the world. Europe also does a lot and can do a lot more, but most of the actions of the West are determined by the will of America. He also takes advantage of the situation. If this is the case, then the responsibility of any major damage should be accepted by the US.

The Western media has played a significant and horrific role in preparing the mind to accept war as a desirable practice. Most media outlets in America and Europe present war as an inevitable reality that the nation must accept. The coverage of war is done in such a way that people happily accept and digest the scenes of carnage. Instead of presenting war as an undesirable and destructive reality, it is being presented as an acceptable and largely workable thing. The western media tries to make people not feel sad while watching the coverage of the war.

Those who fight and suffer war are left with imbalances at the mental and emotional levels for life. They know very well how much war destroys any society, but they have neither power nor voice. Even if they wanted to, they could not think against war. A big problem is that the society is not even ready to listen to those people who not only know the devastating consequences of war, but have also experienced them. The public sees any war as it is presented to them. With reference to Benghazi (Libya), Michael Bay’s “13 Hours” shows that explosions, which are the most dangerous reality in any war, become cool as soon as they are seen.

The U.S. military still wants war to remain a dominant trend. Newspapers and magazines and TV channels as well as Bollywood movies are being used to ensure the achievement of this goal. The development of new weapons is being encouraged more and more. New weapons and their technology are being promoted through many films. The aim is to convince the rest of the world that if it wants to survive in today’s world, it will have to acquire the latest weapons as well as nurture the tendency of war.

America and Europe have so far paid extraordinary attention to developing highly dangerous weapons in the name of defense technology and then selling many dangerous weapons around the world. The US military has been obsessed with having the most dangerous weapons and for that matter no one is in a position to get past them. This whole spectacle is supported by the taxes paid by the voters. There is a need for education and health institutions, but no one has the ability to focus on this. Few people raise this point even in the elected houses. Everything has been sacrificed in the name of protecting national security. By crying about the security risk step by step, the citizens are made to believe that the survival of the country is more important than solving their basic problems. If there is a country, their problems will also be solved.

Huge amounts of money are allocated for research and development to upgrade weapons and develop new weapons. If there is a threat or it is emerging, then it is fine, otherwise it is not avoided to develop new threats. And as soon as an external threat is perceived to be emerging, the funds allocated for the development of new weapons and the upgrading of existing weapons also increase.

By the way, the whole of Europe has had special enemies after the American 9/11, but America is particularly self-sufficient in this matter and most of them are created by American policies. The opposite mechanism is maintained. American politicians are adept at creating fictitious enemies if there is no strong and real enemy to show the increase in the number of enemies, for which the growth of terrorist groups is not avoided so that the justification for the United States to carry out operations around the world remains. Over the past few decades, the United States has created many terrorist groups and has taken a lot of work from them. You must have noticed that during the election campaign, the same candidate gets the most popularity and then the success, who puts the most emphasis on the defence of the country and the nation. One who emphasizes more on defence is considered a patriot.

There are also many problems for the arms industry in America and Europe. Neither competitor has the strength to attack the American and European mainland and concentrate the war there. What is the justification for keeping the arms industry going when a competitor doesn’t have enough? This is the only point on which the people of the West are not ready to consider and do anything practical in this regard.

The US wants certain nefarious groups to remain stable and not run away from the field, with considerable attention being paid to keeping them somehow alive and active. Because of these groups, the world of possibilities for America is still young. Both America and Europe have taken full advantage of it by creating terrorism. From the womb of American policies, defects have been born. By supporting the groups that have risen up against the United States in response to these disturbances, the United States has tried hard to give the impression that it is facing an invisible enemy, i.e., terrorists. The enormous wealth collected from the liquid substance of the Arab countries, which was safe in the American banks, before these dangerous sums, the American armaments factories managed the American economy, for which they showed the threat of Israel first in the Middle East to these countries. was forced to buy arms at a bargain price, but later on he himself ignited such a fire of mischief among the same countries that now the wheel of their arms industry began to run faster day and night.

In a conspiracy, Iraq was first embroiled in a war with Iran for eight years, which cost not only these two countries but also other oil-rich neighbouring countries. This torment was not over yet, when Iraq was caught in a heinous trick and attacked Kuwait, and then under the guise of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait’s help, launching “World Order” in the region under its own war strategy. Kuwait was liberated by attacking Iraq with its own and allied forces, and according to American records, the United States received $178/billion from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for their services, and also from Iraq by imposing proposed sanctions on Iraq. Received 120/billion dollars in tribute there, by completely destroying the Iraqi army, which is the best in the region and rich in war resources, it also protected its patron and mercenary Israel from threats from Iraq, while Israel already has Iraqi nuclear weapons. had destroyed the program in an airstrike for which it used the airspace of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait with the permission of these countries.

This was not enough, but later, under a conspiracy, they attacked Iraq and accused it of secret chemical weapons production and destroyed it simply because Iraq asked Russia and China to reorganize its army after the American invasion. Many agreements were made in exchange for Iraqi oil and the price of Iraqi gasoline from all countries was set in euros and other currencies instead of dollars, and the contract for the vast wealth of all Iraqi oil reserves was handed over to American companies, especially American Vice President Dick Cheney. . The Iraqi civilization preserved for centuries was brutally blown away and till today Iraq is paying the tribute of this merciless war.

Conflict and violence are part of societies. Many cultures have had a fascination with war throughout the ages. Even today, many wars are being fought that have nothing to do with the US and the West, but still the hand of the US and the West is prominent. US and Western societies are promoting warmongering to sell their weapons. Many regions have been exposed to severe internal security threats. A number of countries have been unnecessarily embroiled in war. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen are very clear examples of this. In today’s West, media, economy, politics, entertainment are all in the embrace of war, unless this trend is abandoned then the way of real peace in the world cannot be paved.

However, now a new era of progress is being seen among the peace-loving people of the United Nations. US President Joe Biden is under increasing pressure to stop Israeli military action against Hamas in Gaza. Aaron David Miller, who worked as an adviser on Arab-Israeli relations at the US State Department for 25 years, said, But I’m amazed, I’ve never seen anything like it. If on the one hand, the deaths of thousands of citizens and the terrible humanitarian situation have made America’s Arab allies uneasy, on the other hand, the level of criticism within the Biden administration is increasing abnormally. An open letter was also reportedly released at the Agency for International Development (USAID). A separate letter was sent to the White House by political appointees and staff members representing dozens of government agencies. A letter from Capitol Hill staff has also been sent to members of Congress.

Multiple reports indicate that hundreds of people have signed in a wave of protests against US policy on Gaza. These concerns are very real and people are talking about it. The letters call for President Biden to immediately call for a cease-fire and for Israel to be somewhat tougher on allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza. Some of the letters are harsh in tone and echo the sentiments of young political activists and indirectly show the racial divide in attitudes between critics of Israel and sympathizers of Palestine. It seems that due to the pressure of the Western and American people, where the bloodshed of the innocent people of Gaza will be held accountable, the arms manufacturing companies will not be given free leave to shed human blood​

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