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“Accident or coincidence”

Allama Iqbal has had the privilege of presenting Islam as a code of life in the present era, which has the ability and energy to guide human beings in every era from intellectual, scientific, and practical aspects. Roy believed in faith and knowledge and then became engaged in the continuous struggle to spread this thought through his art. A general perception about the thoughts of poets is that they have attraction, but they are not enough to give strength and energy to face the facts of life. Allama Iqbal proved this idea wrong. He was not only a great poet, but also a thinker of a very high level, but by the grace of Allah, he completely subordinated his art of thought to the energy of his faith.

The event of the establishment of Pakistan is an event of extraordinary importance in the history of Muslims and the energy of Iqbal’s thought and the honesty and integrity of the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam played a key role in the establishment of Pakistan. The Muslims of the subcontinent had to go through trials, but those trials did not become a source of low courage but a source of new determination. Scholars, intellectuals, and political leaders have all played an effective and positive role in keeping the religious consciousness awake among Muslims, but Iqbal’s concern in determining the destination and then achieving it through unity of thought and action under the spirit of faith. A major key role. While Iqbal was a great poet and a thinker of the same level, his sermons, especially the sermons of madrasahs, have played a very effective role in the history of our intellectual awakening, and then there is also the fact that “what comes from the heart has an effect.” keeps”. Iqbal’s indecisiveness in his heart is fully expressed in his thought and art!

اسی کشمکش میں گزریں میری زندگی کی راتیں

کبھی سوزوسازرومی کبھی پیچ وتاب ورازی

The nights of my life were spent in this struggle

Sometimes Rumi’s painful thoughts and sometimes Razi’s difficulties

Their anxiety was not of a limited nature. They were seeing that the human being who had set the stages of rich material evolution was deprived of the true light which would acquaint him with the secret of life.

ڈھونڈھنے والا ستاروں کی گزگاہوں کا

اپنے افکارکی دنیا میں سفر کر نہ سکا

انہی حکمت کے خم و پیچ میں الجھا ایسا

آج تک فیصلۂ نفع وضرر کرنہ سکا

جس نے سورج کی شعاعوں کوگرفتار کیا

زندگی کی شبِ تاریک سحر کر نہ سکا

A seeker of the paths of the stars

He could not travel in the world of his thoughts

Confused in the twists and turns of the same wisdom

Until today, he could not decide about profit and loss

Who captured the rays of the sun

The dark night of life could not charm

It is the greatest tragedy of the modern man that:

ہو فکر اگر خام تو آزادیٔ  افکار

انساں کو حیران بنانے کا طریقہ

Be worried, if raw, then freedom of thought

How to surprise a man

The energy of faith gave Iqbal a way of thinking about prosperity and welfare for all humanity, but for this he also needed a practical example, and he believed that humanity could not find peace and security anywhere except Islam, that is why in the present era. They wished for the establishment of such a collective system which would become a source of peace and security for all mankind regardless of religion and nationality and for this purpose the wish of establishing a free and independent government of Muslims in the subcontinent became their goal because they realized this fact but The unity and good power of Islam has been expressed in the subcontinent. Iqbal’s thought and art were based on the energy of faith, so there is a deep internal connection in it. Man was created only free and “respectable”. Under this principle, faith in the unity of the human race becomes necessary, and dead thoughts and actions that are contrary to this unity become a means of fulfilling the goals of the false powers.

Allama Iqbal is not just attached to Islam on emotional basis, that attachment is on the basis of deep knowledge and historical consciousness. Allama Iqbal has rightly said that Islam is not a religion but a state and if considered, this is a matter of fundamental importance. Believers of other religions of the world keep all matters of life separate from their religious beliefs, this is their compulsion. From these thoughts and actions which they consider as the basis of religion, these people have no influence in the matters and problems of life. They don’t get guidance, that’s why they have divided life into two parts, separate religion, and separate state. has given Islam in the form of a complete state system. This is the reason why there is no leadership in Islam, because where there is leadership, secularism will inevitably come.

Social life cannot survive without the system of government. When Quaid-i-Azam said this, he meant that there is no separate concept of religious leadership in Islam, but Islam is a complete system of life and a state system. This fact is based on the understanding of the Islamic system and Iqbal’s There is a rich glimpse of it in both the sermons and his poetry. The words that Quaid-e-Azam used for Allama Iqbal, “My Guide and Philosopher” had a real meaning. With the establishment of Pakistan, we all have some special responsibilities. . The establishment of Pakistan is not an “accident or coincidence” of history. The establishment of this country in the present era is a symbol of the revival of Islam at the global level in the true sense.

This is our energy and this is also the cause of our problems. We should not only understand this fact and our responsibilities in its background, but also keep it in front of us at all times at every level. Our intellectual, academic and historical assets are many. Such wealth is not available to any other nation in the world and the characteristic of this wealth is that it is not a part of history, it can act as a campaign for our thought and action in every era. The establishment of Pakistan itself, its stability and its regional and geographical importance is the biggest clear proof of this fact.

Allama Iqbal’s birthday or death day is becoming a mere ritual payment for us. Ritual is also important because it becomes a means to reach the truth, but this should be a reason for our attention that why the memories of Quaid-i-Azam, Allama Iqbal and other leaders are becoming a ritual. Just as we take care of our physical health, we should always take care of our “faith health”, because without faith, man and beast are the same dead bodies.

May the name of my Allah SWT who has placed the standard of honor in piety!

This depressed and worried Baba Iqbal was well remembered!

آزادکی رگ سخت ہے مانند رگ سنگ

محکوم کی رگ نرم  ہے  ما نند رگ  تاک

محکوم  کا د ل مردہ  و افسردہ  و نومید

آزاد  کا دل زندہ  و  پر سوز و طرب ناک

The vein of freedom is as hard as a vein of stone

The vein of the subjugated is soft like the Nand vein

The heart of the subjugated is dead, depressed, and hopeless

Azad’s heart is alive and burning

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