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Abode of water of life

When the disciple saw the Murshid in a good mood, he became polite and said, “My Murshid, tell me something about the essence of life. Is this called the water of life (A’ab A Hayat)? And where does the spring of this water come from?” The Murshid looked deeply. He looked at the disciple and lost in thought, when a long time passed, the disciple felt as if he had angered his master. I am asking for forgiveness. After a long time, the mentor said gently, “No, I am not angry, but I am definitely worried. When I asked this question to my mentor, there was a long separation of 12 years between us. I think that I used to say that I don’t know whether I will be able to bear this long separation from you or not. If I die during this time, then your hard work will not be wasted, son. I don’t understand! That’s why my mentor used to stand by the fountain of water and dip his finger in it to show that this is the essence of life. I asked this question to my mentor in his youth.

You are too late; Allah SWT will make it better. I will show you a plant, the essence of the flower of this plant you have to fill in a small vial and when this vial is full then come back to me, this essence will create the ability to see the essence of life in our eyes, remember. Only one drop of juice comes out of a flower and if you don’t close the bottle immediately, it will fly away, and this plant is found somewhere in the forest. After that, the master held a medium sized bottle to his disciple and prayed to him. Sent off with! Murid was very excited; the mystery of the Water of Life was about to be solved and he would get a chance to see and touch the Water of Life.

But digging that plant was the most difficult task in life, a flower with a plant and a drop in a flower, therefore it took him twelve years to fill the bottle, the day his bottle was filled, that day was a new life for him. Naveed was, on the one hand, he was not getting flowers, on the other hand, he was repeatedly tormented by the thought that if during this time Murshid Allah fell in love, then his hard work would be lost, because the source of the water of life is only Murshid. I knew! He wandered in his thoughts, sometimes walking and sometimes running, he was moving towards the abode of his mentor. As soon as he saw the Murshid’s camp, he shouted from a distance: Murshid, my Murshid, see! I have succeeded in my mission after the hardest labour of my life as per your command, I have brought the bottle full. At his voice, Murshid came out of his bed, 12 years had worn him down, but he was also happy about the success of Murid.

He had to look at his murshid that the disciple ran helplessly, and this carelessness cost him dearly, his step was stuck on the crooked path that the disciple stumbled and the vial full of irq slipped from his hand and hit the stone with a stick and it crumbled to pieces, that precious water splashes fell on Murshid’s feet and the rest was swallowed by the ground. The cry of the powerless devotee went out “My mentor has fallen, I am ruined, my hard work has been wasted, my twelve years of hard work has become dust, my mentor has been destroyed”. Murshid left his devotee and went inside, brought another small vial in which he began to store the tears of the sobbing devotee and filled the vial!! Now Murshid was crying, and Murshid was laughing, “My Murshid, my life is ruined, and you are smiling?” Murshid asked in surprise!! Murshid took him inside and gave him a cup of goat’s milk to drink. Then he opened the small vial filled with the tears of the devotee and moistened his finger with them and said, “This is the essence of life, or the water of life, or the purpose of life.” Then he touched his eyes with tears and said: These are Fountains of life! Remember! Allah has created man for these tears, life is hidden in them. When they see the waste of hard work, they burst out like you, just as there are different ways of draining water, similarly in human beings, these tears have been prepared according to their nature. Remember, there are many fillers in the sky, but no one’s glass is broken, the pots of those in the sky are always full, there are no causes for the pots to break, there is glorification in their crying, there is no regret.

We have been created for this purpose, then we are run on the crooked roads of this world with a bottle of piety in our hands, and when with a little carelessness, those years of piety are drowned in some sin, and we repent and die. And when we cry, Allah sends angels to collect our tears in the same way that today I have collected your tears in a bottle!! This is the water that even the fire of hell fears. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has drawn a map of the Doomsday that the Hellfire will not be under the control of the angels and will blow towards the rebels in the field of Doomsday. If the angels express their helplessness, Allah will tell Gabriel that Bring water, and then Gabriel will sprinkle this water and the fire will shrink back until it will go to its limit. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
This is the water of life, the good news of which has been given to man that its springs are within his own self.

The tears of those who cry out of fear of Allah in the love of Allah will be what Allah has forbidden to the Fire!! This is the cry that Amir Khusru cries:
بہت کٹھن ہے ڈگر پنگھٹ کی
کیسے میں بھر لاؤں مدھوا سے مٹکی
پنیا بھرن کو میں جو گئی تھی
دوڑ جھپٹ موری مٹکی پٹکی
Use your imaginary camera and make a sketch in your mind of an example of a well where the path to and from a well is muddy and steep, a very slippery path that falls. I can’t handle it, it just comes down and stops. There are some mischievous people standing on both sides of this slippery road who push everyone who comes and goes. It’s easy to trust, they push you, now you have to go on this muddy slippery, uneven road and come back with water in such a way that the pitcher is safe, you are also safe. Stay and let the water not fall; This road is the world, that well is the society, you are the one who fills the water, the pitcher is your faith, and the people standing on the left side of the road are the devils and the jinn, and those on the right side are your friends, relatives, dear ones, whose work you are doing. By provoking your attention away from the delicateness of this path, it is a target of slippage. This is what Mian Muhammad Bakhsh Sahib, may God bless him and grant him peace, points out:
اکھیوں انھاا تے تلکن رستہ ، کیونکر رھے سنبھالا
دھکے دیون والے بہتے ، تُو ہتھ پکڑن والا
How did you manage your eyes and the road?
The pushers are flowing, you are the one holding hands.
O Allah, he is blind with small eyes, the road is also slippery, then how can I manage to walk, there are many pushers, only you are the one who is going to hold me by one hand.
Then Piety explains that the remedy is that those who fill their feet with good deeds, then they take care of their steps because they know the importance and delicacy of this pleasure.
سب سیاں رل پانی چلیاں تے کوئی کوئی مڑسی بھرکے
جنہاں بھریا،بھرسرتے دھریا،قدم رکھن جرجرکے
All the spirits have come together to fill the water, but some will come back after filling it, those who fill the pitcher and then put it on their head, then their behaviour tells that they are the ones with full pitchers and those with empty pitchers on their heads. They are walking with their backs flexed, their movement shows that they are empty pitchers۔

That is why Allah has said for His servants in Surah Furqan of the Qur’an:
وَعِبَادُالرَّحْمٰنِ الَّذِیْنَ یَمْشُوْنَ عَلَى الْاَرْضِ هَوْنًاوَّاِذَاخَاطَبَهُمُ الْجٰهِلُوْنَ قَالُوْاسَلٰمًا(فرقان:63)
And the (faithful) slaves of the Most Gracious (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness. (Furqan:63)

The mention of those who break the full pitchers has been repeatedly mentioned by Allah in the Holy Qur’an, Surah al-Taghban.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّ مِنْ أَزْوَاجِكُمْ وَأَوْلَادِكُمْ عَدُوًّا لَّكُمْ فَاحْذَرُوهُمْ وَإِن تَعْفُوا وَتَصْفَحُوا وَتَغْفِرُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ(التغابن:14)
O you who believe! Verily, among your wives and your children there are enemies for you (who may stop you from the obedience of Allah); therefore, beware of them! But if you pardon (them) and overlook, and forgive (their faults), then verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Taghban :14)

Therefore, we have to do good and fill it, and we have to protect this good, because it is more difficult to save good than to do good, sometimes Satan turns it into showing off and turns it into shirk. In return for the abuse done, they throw away their own pitcher, Driving is not that you do not make any mistakes, but good driving is that you learn to avoid the mistakes of others, Being a good person means this. It is not that you do not make mistakes, but rather that the mistakes of others do not provoke you to throw away your good deeds. Argue with someone, if someone abuses or quarrels with you, just reply to him by saying “Ani Sayem” brother, this is my fast, I can’t afford to waste it. May God reach the help of man!

Now Allah Almighty sent some persons through whom he gave us instructions, if we follow these instructions, then our hesitation will be reduced, and these persons have practically done all that and ordered that only those who Do as I am doing, do it in the same way, then your portion will be filled, Allah Almighty has given man a blessing like repentance that he forgives the sins of hundreds of years by paying one sentence and if the sincerity of the intention reaches its end. He will change these sins into good deeds.
إِلَّا مَن تَابَ وَآمَنَ وَعَمِلَ عَمَلًا صَالِحًا فَأُولَـٰئِكَ يُبَدِّلُ اللَّهُ سَيِّئَاتِهِمْ حَسَنَاتٍ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا(فرقان:70)
Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Furqan:70

No one paid attention to the grace of Allah, the angels also raised the slogan of Mission Impossible, seeing the weakness of man, and the accursed devil also challenged him in view of the structure of man, both of them had no illusions that Allah SWT, who is bringing this fragile creature to the field, will change the weakness of this weak person into strength with His grace, without caring about the age until the breath, to repent for sins and mistakes, mistakes and shortcomings. He will cleanse him in such a way that it is as if he was born innocent from the womb of his mother, but he will also give him good deeds in exchange for his sins. He will not go to heaven, but because of the grace of Allah, he will go to heaven.

As if the relationship of faith with Allah remains and your life is lost on this relationship, then you have not lost anything, and if the relationship with Him ends, even after everything happens, you will have nothing. Sins that keep a person close to the Lord by scaring them are better than those actions that make a person arrogant and distance him from the Lord. The best person is the one who is aware of his weakness and seeks the refuge of the Lord. He should also seek the refuge of Allah from such a thought, who leaves the feet of the Lord in his piety and relies on his own good deeds. As long as the child is aware of its weakness and holds its father’s hand, it is saved from kidnapping, chickens that stay with their mothers are saved from cats that are playful and reckless and go away and are taken away.

Those who think that paradise is the reward of their worship, will be deducted from their blessings and then weighed,
ثُمَّ لَتُسۡـَٔلُنَّ یَوۡمَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعِیۡمِ (التکاثر:8)
Then on that Day you shall be asked about the delights (you indulged in, in this world)!(Al TakaSur:8)
as well as those who despise their worship and paradise is only the grace of Allah. They understand kindness, they never develop contempt for others and do not feel the sense of their own greatness.

Some people call these flowing eyes the abode of saints. Your parents are at the top, your teachers are those who train you according to the Quran and Hadith, and then your friends are those who are gatherings of goodness. I encourage you. If you ever get a chance or if you are looking for such a chance, where you will visit them, immediately perform ablution with this water. From every page of the Qur’an, fountains of water of life spring up, and it is our misfortune that we have hidden these fountains in heavy and silk covers and placed them in such high corners of the house where we can see them coming and going, but not listen the cry of this Qur’an. Our deaf ears do not hear because of which we are being disgraced and humiliated today.

Allah has blessed all of us in the month of Ramadan that we get the opportunity to listen to the Qur’an in every Taraweeh prayer. Blessed are those people under whose lead our prayers (Imams) we get the opportunity to listen to the Qur’an. The best right to listen to the Qur’an is that we know the Imam’s recitation of the Qur’an with translation and must at least understand its meaning, only then can we benefit from this miracle of the word of Allah and our master, the Prophet (PBUH).

Remember! During the month of Ramadan al-Kareem, whenever your eyes are filled with tears from the fear of Allah, it is the water of life that will protect you from the fire of hell and guarantee eternal life in heaven. I pray to Allah that this auspicious occasion comes again and again in your life, Ameen. I also request you to remember the Muslim Ummah, especially the Muslims of Gaza, Palestine, and Kashmir, in your rumbling prayers. I am extremely afraid that if these martyrs point to us and complain to the Lord on the Day of Judgment, then who will be our saviour?
Saturday 30 March 2024


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