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Halaku Khan’s Wait?

Mu’tasim Billah was a powerful and centralist military guardian, a dream of his. His army was so potent and vast that it maintained the ‘Abbasid Sultanate with its terror and might, establishing control overall, and crushing the hatred born in people’s hearts with force. Up until now, the ‘Abbasid caliphate had been expanding its influence through its strategic Turkic and Arab alliances or sometimes relying on the power, courage, and knowledge of the people in different regions. However, this individual was different from his father Haroon Rashid and brother Ma’mun; he was determined to establish power with a strong army. Haroon Rashid sought to instil in him a love for knowledge and assigned a slave to him who would always have a book to teach him. But sometime later, when this slave passed away, Mu’tasim responded, “The slave has died, and I am now free from the burden of reading books. Haroon Rashid said to him, ‘You do not need to study or write, as neither this occupation is your specialty nor are you capable of it. For knowledge, my sons Mamoon Rashidand Amin are far better.'”

Thus, in accordance with his father’s exact prediction, he remained largely deprived of the wealth of knowledge until he became a ruler. People with little knowledge often possess a unique trait; they perform unusual and extraordinary acts that draw people’s attention. Sometimes, they even accept such individuals with strange and unconventional ideas, as it keeps their ignorance hidden. Mu’tasim followed the same path when he started ruling over the Muslim Ummah. The issue of the creation of the Qur’an was decided during his reign, and its supervision was carried out in such a way that all the officials were commanded to include it in the syllabus of the children. The Quran was declared to be a creation.

On this path, an individual, any pious person, a scholar or jurist, came forth and confronted Mu’tasim, crushed by the powerful Turk Army.Most of them were sentenced to death, and many prisons were filled with darkness. This military security was disguised under the guise of horses in markets, giving people advice, and branding paths with iron. The Turk Army also made the decision that instead of becoming slaves, Turks should be seated on the throne of rulership.

This was the same period when the people of Baghdad told Mu’tasim, “You either kill these rebellious and disobedient Turkish soldiers or we will revolt against you.” Then Mu’tasim smiled and said, “You will fight with arrows of sorcery in the morning? We will compete with you in the supplications of midnight prayers.Among the arrows of the dawn’s awakening, one was Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who stood against the boundless luminous vision of Islam as a result of the supplications of midnight prayers. Undoubtedly, yourperspective on Imam Hanbal’s steadfastness in adversity will undoubtedly be different from that of “Determination in Adversity” – my last special article – as it explores how they were dragged, whipped, and their body made lifeless in jails, markets, and dungeons. Whatever happened, this courageous man did not flinch in the face of independence.

However, the powerful and centralist army first ignited the market of oppression to display its might through the sword in all regions. But history bears witness that the subsequent formidable and stable army became so entrenched that they even refused to obey the orders of the caliph. The people of certain regions, or even some rulers, viewed them as treacherous and rebellious against the caliphate, leading to actions against them. Many caliphs were deposed by this army according to their will. Some were considered a security risk, and it was presumed that they were assassinated by this army.

The power, army, and centralist courtiers were the three gifts presented by this group, and they gave these gifts to the ‘Abbasid caliphate and laid the foundation of its decline. Then, gradually, the entire Muslim nation started being ruled by different regions, and the ‘Abbasid caliphate fragmented. In the south of Iran, Ya’qub Safarqi established a government in Tabaristan. In the Jazira and Aleppo, Arab tribes established the kingdom of Al-Samdan. In Mosul and Aleppo, the Arabs of the Shammar tribe established the sultanate of Al-Sumaidan. In Georgia’s regions, the government of the Dolat-i Ziyariya and some regions of Egypt established the government of Dolat-i Shidya. The powerful army was now restricted to Baghdad, and the battle of religious beliefs was also discussed in the court.

Amidst all this, when the arrows of sorcery were fought, the nation witnessed the bloodshed of Muslims to such an extent that the horses’ saddles were also drenched with blood. Islamic centers of knowledge and literature were burnt down, and the ashes of numerous books filled the air. The brave ones who fought with the arrows of sorcery, in markets, the Muslims’ blood was so much that the horses’ hooves splashed in it. At that time, the leader of the Muslims was found dead in Halaku Khan’s camp. In such a situation, when Halaku entered the city, a woman, who was confident in her supplications and prayers, held the reins of Halaku’s horse and said, “I curse you, may Allah send His punishment upon you.” Halaku smiled and replied, “O woman, it is you who brought Allah’s punishment upon the peopleand I am the Allah’s punishment for all of you.

History bears witness that when Mu’tasim was killed by the arrows of Ah A Sahri (Mid night prayers), the powerful and centre-devoted army of Halaku, wielding their swords and brandishing their spears, could not find any pleasure in the curses and supplications of that woman. Nations, when constrained by such a powerful army, are limited to only supplications and prayers for a strong central authority, seemingly unaffected by the sufferings and calamities of the people. Then Halaku’s statement proves true, and the testimony of this is found in the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Hadith of Musnad Ahmad: “Allah does not punish the general people due to the actions of specific individuals until evil deeds become widespread among them, and they have the power to stop them, but they do not. When they start doing so, then Allah’s punishment encompasses both the general and the specific.”

Elections are around the corner, and now this nation has to decide whether they prefer to stay as slaves to the slaves or they want to come to Allah’s obedience, having freed themselves from the shackles of the slaves.

Dated Saturday, 4 Muharram ul-Haram 1445 Hijri, July 22, 2023.

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