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India and AIDS

Where Hindus and Jews are a threat to the peace and order of the world under the same imperialism, they are compatible with each other in colonialism and tyranny, but in the light of the latest development, both show shamelessness, morals. They have followed each other’s path even in lewdness and indecency. Recently, the Supreme Court of India has issued a decision which can be described as a very shameful decision regarding polygamy, to put it mildly. This decision of the Supreme Court of India has irreversibly reduced the human being to the status of an animal because the instincts of animals, beasts and cattle are also compatible with this act which has been done by the highest court of a large democratic country. This shameful decision has been recorded as the darkest day in the dark history of India and in the future, the historian will surely continue to shame and curse the Hindus of the Indian race for this action of their forefathers by the Supreme Court.

At the insistence of a few unmarried people and mental patients who mutilate nature, a five-member bench led by Chief Justice Dipak Mishra of the Supreme Court of India has abolished Section 377 of the 158-year-old Indian Penal Code and legalized homosexuality. Given the status of thousands of people in jails across India who were serving sentences for this shameful act, they have also been quietly released. India, which is following in the footsteps of Israel in every respect, has now become a huge scourge following the footsteps of Israel in the matter of homosexuality. According to the decision of the Supreme Court of India, it has driven the last nail in the coffin of the AIDS-afflicted and devastated society of India. Today, AIDS has wreaked havoc in the world, and three years ago, India’s Minister of Health openly admitted the fact that the AIDS epidemic was taking hold of India because of homosexuality. . While pointing out sexuality and many other reasons, the Indian minister acknowledged the spread of the AIDS epidemic in India. After this shameful and immoral decision of the Indian Supreme Court, India and Israel have become equal in terms of moral decline. In this way, the example of “slow same-sex flight” comes true to the commonality between India and Israel.

“Homosexuality” was an illegal and punishable offense before this vile and heinous judgment of the Supreme Court of India and any such act was punishable by law under Article 377 of the Indian Constitution. Although India has borrowed this clause in its constitution from the British law which was enacted by the British in 852, under which unnatural sexual acts were declared illegal. It should be noted that as a result of polygamy, sexual promiscuity and homosexuality, the family system of the Western and American society is suffering from disintegration. In the last three decades, nearly four million people have died due to AIDS, the main cause of which is said to be homosexuality. In the West, jurists and courts have severely violated human values. Man-made laws are the final word there.

These are the results of not needing morals, values and the divine. Now India has also joined the naked club. It is not difficult to estimate the extent to which the Indian society will suffer complete destruction in the coming days. The Indian Supreme Court, which has dropped the atom bomb of immorality and immorality on the Indian society by declaring “homosexuality” legal, in 2013, the same Indian Supreme Court annulled the 2009 decision of the Delhi High Court and declared it “homosexuality”. had criminalized “homosexuality” between two same-sex persons immersed in filth, but after that, on the request of five persons immersed in the filth of “homosexuality”, the Chief Justice of the Indian Supreme Court, Deepak A five-judge bench headed by Mishra, including Chief Justice RN Nariman, Justice AM Khanokar, Justice GDV Chandrachud and Justice Indamalhotra heard the petitions on decriminalization of homosexuality. The Indian Supreme Court submitted a three-page affidavit to Additional Solicitor General Tishtar Mehta, representing the Modi government in this regard, saying that the Modi government has no position regarding the constitutionality of Article 377. The representative of the Modi government put the ball in the Supreme Court’s court and said that it is now up to the Supreme Court to criminalize homosexuality or not.

All forms of sexuality are strictly prohibited by the divine books and forbidden in all heavenly religions. If we consider the revelation of the abrogation of the heavenly religions and the declaration of Islam as the perfect and final religion by the Lord of the Worlds, then it is clear that Islam teaches noble morals, high qualities and good character. The main purpose of Islam is to give authority to the society, the purpose of marriage and marriage in Islam is not only to block the way of all the unnatural ways of sexual pollution but also to promote, survival, protection of the human race and love and cooperation between the spouses. , the marriage of legitimacy etc. is also the fulfillment of the most important objectives. With the consent of the opposite sex and their guardian, the marriage has been ordered so that no kind of suspicion and evil is born in the society. has clearly rebelled, fallen into the depths of filth and filth.

Islam has forbidden this act. The nation of Lot suffered punishment due to this sexual promiscuity. He was so insistent on this act that despite rejecting the teachings of Prophet Hazrat Lout, he used to commit this great crime, then when he was caught, it was such that he has become a lesson for others till today. The rain of stones and devastating earthquakes levelled their settlement. The pages of history are filled with the fact that the place where the nation of Lot lived is now occupied by the dangerous waves of the Dead Sea. Even today, there is a shadow of desolation and an awe-inspiring atmosphere in its surroundings, which strikes fear into the hearts of those who go there. Despite the destruction of this nation due to this crime, today the Supreme Court of India has put the Indian cities and citizens on the same path, which is a manifestation of depraved thinking and low vision.

Despite the Indian Supreme Court ruling in favour of homosexuality, it is the duty of Indian Muslims to reject this decision as it is against Islam. It is the responsibility of Indian Muslim scholars to explain the obscenity of homosexuality to the Indian nation and all religions and ideologies need to be made aware of the subject of homosexuality that it is an act against nature. It is the responsibility of the two largest religious institutions of India, Deoband and Nadvi Ulama, to discuss in the light of the arguments related to this pandemic and mental illness among the Muslim community as well as the non-Muslims and form a joint against this ignorant decision of the Supreme Court of India. Explain to Hindus also that if they are suffering from AIDS, it will also be a great injustice to humanity.
Tuesday 23 April 2024


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