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Deception and Cheating

Yes, it does. The cycle of arrogance never ends. Even the tone of the language changes in this arrogance. Deception is deception and self-deception. In the palaces of power, flattering rulers and flattering advisers… How can singing parties, revelry and the pain and suffering of the people be the same! Can’t happen. No, sir, you said it correctly… You are the one who said it correctly…

Your commandments can be written with goldan water. The mercy of Allah and the incarnation of the age are the slogan of the government, live for thousands of years. And a deluded person living in self-delusion. Who lives within himself in so many voices? Gets out of clothes.

But who lives forever! nobody. Everyone has to go. Life is guarded by death. No one is left. No one is left. But who can explain when the heart turns black and turns into stone, even if it beats, what happens to it! Yes, a stone is a stone. Deception is only deception, and this deception does not allow feet to set foot on the ground.

No matter what you do…nothing, no one can escape from death. A senseless and brutal death, unmindful of anyone. Yes, she does not listen to anyone’s threats, death alien to someone’s name and lineage, position, and domain. But still live forever live forever. An addiction that makes all addictions two-fired and three-fired. There is no one left.

Those who rain fire and blood and the oppressed, the innocent and the oppressed. No, there is none left. But then everyone starts leaving. Then the idea surely comes, but hours and moments have passed, everything is left lying still, then there is no news of the bridge even though the equipment is a hundred years old.

He often tells me there must be quality life. Yes, he lives a similar life. But is this quality life! Getting the best education for a good job. Then collect the money and walk away. Then marry a beautiful girl. A luxurious house and a chat while rocking in a comfortable chair on the lawn.

That’s the quality of life today. This is life! A villager friend of mine used to laugh a lot and say: Do you know how some people live? I say I don’t know. So, they used to say: their life is “neither of us nor of ours”. No meaning to anyone…just cycle of me, me, and me.

Life is the trust of death. This sentence of his always melts in my ears. I used to meet them often. There was only one thing for them all the time, disobeying the stomach, it never fills. Put the blessings of the whole world in this stomach, if there is a time of hunger, then it starts saying stubbornly, I have not eaten anything till today. Stomach is also a hell. What analogy is this? Life is the trust of death, don’t forget.

Even if we forget, what will happen? nothing . They will deceive themselves. Death does not forget us. We travel with life; death never gives respite. It keeps coming.

There is only one difference. Who welcomed death how? This is just the truth. One day he said to me: Look, the equipment should not come first and if it does, it should be short. See, the carriage of death leaves with life, you don’t need to go to any station. There is no time for it that you know. But it is timely. So don’t accumulate more than a small lump, if the train of death comes, just play the goose and get on it. It has to happen, so why not play the fool? And then their slogan echoed, “No one will be left, come and get me ready”. A humble man and a servant, but he was crushed by the power. The delusional one does not understand, he just keeps on driving drunk with so much power: we will kill here, we will kill there, no one will be left, we will not leave, we will only kill, we will kill. And then fire and Blood rains down and all manner of death begins to be distributed, and then everyone leaves, everyone has to leave.

I remembered, when they started to separate his neck from his body, he started crying: By the Lord of the Kaaba, I have succeeded. Yes, this is also a death, a massacre of innocence in a rain of gunpowder. No one will be left, sir. Life is the trust of death and the time for action is very short.
The world is a deception, a total deception. No one will remain, everyone will go away with their own share of fire and their own share of flowers.

Just see that you are not gathering fire for yourself. His mother was impatient with the coldness of this desert and said to him: Bring fire. After a long time, he returned empty-handed and offered his hand before his mother:

“Mother did not find fire from anywhere”

Then the mother cried bitterly, “He would have gone and brought it from hell.” Then he bowed his head and said, “Mother had also gone there, I told the caretaker there that I need some fire, then He told me to go and take my own path, every human being comes here with his own fire from the world.

Sir, there is still time, I don’t know when the deadline will end. Death is the companion of life. Don’t know where to start. Nothing will remain. Only the name of Allah will remain.
Thursday 28 March 2024


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