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Homeland, Shroud and Burial

Those who slow down in power should know that politics is not the name of stagnant water but of its flow. It is necessary to make its dams strong with your wisdom and intelligence, otherwise any kind of negligence in blocking this flow becomes deadly and becomes a topic of infamy in history. Top level changes are the same changes and below? Will it still be the same us and the same grief? Changing faces never changes destiny. Until the process of change reaches the lower level, people’s feelings and emotions will continue to burn in the same way. Don’t scare them and run away with the mention of inflation, load shedding and corruption, mismanagement, and other accusations. are tired Circumstances and events have made them so touchy that even the sound of a needle is no less than an explosion.

For this, the current government will have to do “business” with Allah for the people, then they will go somewhere and market them. Don’t be fooled by their smile. The hearts of smiling faces are very sad, their dreams are no less than a torment. What do those who observe Shab-e-Barat every night know about the procession of memories, if they know it in advance, they should repent by closing their eyes. Many people have their eyes open, but their consciences are asleep. . It also happens that the eyes are closed forever but their meaning remains awake. Many women and men are very fond of “walking” with their eyes, they don’t care if their eyes wander or get stuck somewhere. In this hobby, they also get many diseases. Those who “neglect” in other people’s houses should also look inside their cloaks and four walls to see what is going on in the heart through this peephole. Fill it, when it is full, many floods will drown the body. In politics, these floods become tsunamis.

Many politicians in dear Pakistan cannot live without power and Islamabad cannot live without them. The population of these people has the biggest hand in our destruction. Due to external pressure taking advantage of the economic depression and political chaos of the homeland, the disease of early friendship with colonialism has now become an epidemic. Until these power hungers are cured, no matter how many words are collected, the “paper” will remain blank. People also say that love happens only once and after that compromises go on, as long as there is life, worldliness will have to be done, in which there is a win-lose situation. The victors should remember that the nation is losing by suffering and you are basking in the praises of conquering the opposition. Even in the month of Ramadhan-ul-Kareem, if a mother suffering from hunger cuts herself off the train along with her innocent children and cuts off our system, who will take account of these living human-eating donkeys?

It should be kept in mind that those in uniform are not just watchmen, but they are the sons and owners of this country like you and me. They are paid by this country, which is the father of all of us, not by any tribal politicians. When we are sleeping peacefully in our homes, they are sacrificing today to ensure our safety and our tomorrow. Seven young men, including Lt. Col. Kashif and the 23-year-old only young brother of five sisters, Capt. Ahmed Badr, were martyred in North Waziristan’s Mir Ali region. The question is, how long will we carry our young corpses and tolerate their open ridicule??

No agent of the ISI has been caught till date, the ISI that cut the Soviet Union into twelve pieces and threw them across the Amu River. Regarding the ISI, former Indian Army Chief Bipin Rawat has admitted that the Prime Minister, Army Chief, Defense Secretary used to come out after finishing the top-secret meeting, till then the insider talk had reached across the border. Regarding the ISI, Pentagon spokesman Colonel David Lippen said that we know that the one who is killing us in Afghanistan is very cunning and cunning. Take the book “Obama’s War” by famous American author “Bob Woodwards” which has broken sales records and has sold more than 5 million copies so far. The first joint White House briefing by the Pentagon, CIA and FBI to Obama began with the words, “Mr. President! We want to introduce you to an organization whose achievements will make you sweat.” Ga and its name is ISI”. His feats are so incredible and mesmerizing that he has the power to erase even his traces so that no one can follow him.

The ISI foiled several joint missions of RA, Mossad, CIA etc., the ISI caught terrorists like Aslam Ichhu, Tajo Murri, Rahim Murri who were guarding “Rama and Ra” in Afghanistan. . The ISI which infiltrated into Iran and sent the famous Baloch terrorists dressed in Iranian government uniform to hell. The ISI, from Kathmandu, Nepal to Bhopal, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai to Sharjah, Dubai, spies of the Indian intelligence agency. The ISI, which has captured dozens of dangerous spies from the highest-ranking officer in the history of intelligence agencies, Colonel Kulbhushan Yadav, to Lakarvendra Kaushik, Vinod Sanhi, Garbakhsh Ram, Ram Raj, Sarabjit Singh. Surprisingly, she shoots ISI Hamid Mir and the target misses and Hamid Mir escapes.

I have dozens of serious differences with the former army chief, but in a special meeting with journalists in Islamabad, the same Bajwa addressed Hamid Mir and asked, “Why do you file an FIR against him whom you have doubts about?” No, there is doubt on Zaheer-ul-Islam, he has now retired, why don’t you report him. Hamid Mir, why don’t you tell that the person who carried out the murderous attack on you is Nooruddin, the son of Javed Mengal, the younger brother of Akhtar Mengal of Balochistan. Mengele.”

Nooruddin Mengal has been given coverage by India for propaganda against Pakistan by Win News Channel because these people speak the same language as India and do the same work that India wants them to do by paying money. The nation should know why Akhtarmengal speaks in such a hateful tone and uses his political position to promote this propaganda. Akhtar Mengal once spoke against those who have taken the lives of security forces personnel and Baloch citizens. No, will never say that this person’s purpose is to spread chaos in the name of the Constitution and please his foreign masters. Baloch patriots have understood that this is a stain on the name of Pakistan. They open their mouths in the National Assembly against the institutions responsible for the country’s security and then cry about the lack of freedom. What would be more freedom than that despite all this, they are all open.

On the other hand, Akhtarmengal’s nephew Lashkar is taking the lives of security forces men and innocent children in operations carried out in the name of Balochistan. After all, Hamid Mir invites them to his programs and openly criticizes the security agencies. . Is the ISI so clueless and so inexperienced that its men can’t even shoot a target properly? This is an ISI who sneaks into the house of a total slap-time employee named Asad Toor and gets away with just an elbow. She wanted to kill ISI Shehbaz Gill, Mubasher Zaidi, Gul Bukhari, Waqas Gurayah, Raja Adil and Haider Mehdi but these people fled to America and Europe leaving ISI sleeping.
اس ملک کی سرحدکو کوئی چھو نہیں سکتا
جس ملک کی سرحد کی نگہبان ہیں آنکھیں
No one can touch the border of this country
The eyes of the country guarding the border

It is also a bitter reality that the whole country and the nation is suffering the consequences that under a special plan thousands of people have been trained in social media to bring their favorite person to power and the messiah of propaganda has been laid. , for which all the country’s resources and institutions were unhesitatingly given to support this illegal policy and at that time it was completely ignored that the same Kallan can play the role of stabbing the poisoned dagger in the back. Of course, there is a dire need to prosecute those responsible for this heinous conspiracy in an open court. Today, these same people, whose mouths have been intoxicated with the words of the enemies, are sitting in the country and abroad for ruining the young generation here. are fried and spewing venom against the most important institution of the country has now become a fashion.

Don’t you understand that when the Judiciary can interfere in its constitutional responsibility i.e. justice first, people like Saqib Nisar and Umar Atta Bandial are openly playing with the destiny of the country and are now enjoying government luxuries worth millions of rupees per month in their homes forever. If the army, whose job is national security, can remain independent from internal and external elements hostile to the country? When the secret agencies of Israel, India and America can buy the politicians of Pakistan, invest money in elections, then what should be the role of ISI? The day the politicians of Pakistan will stop betraying Pakistan, they will stop rigging the election with the help of RAW and CIA, take comfort, from that day the army and ISI will also stop their way in politics. will close Until then, keep your mouth shut.

Those who object to ISI’s interference in politics, should first track down those politicians who are guilty of treason against the country and the nation at the behest of Mossad, RAW, and CIA. Memogate, Zardari, Nawaz. Sharif, Altaf Hussain, Isfandyar, Achakzai and above all the perpetrators of the worst conspiracy like May 9, are the contacts with the CIA permissible? But even before that, Jews and Hindus did not have the courage to write letters to these institutions, including the European Union, but they are happy that their work is being done by a party here.

Understand well that the ISI is a “Markhour” killer” i.e. its duty is to find and kill the snakes in the sleeve, whether these snakes belong to TTP, MQM or other parties. or in the media. In 1971, Rai had completely bought Pakistan’s largest political party. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s treachery was caught years ago in the Agartala conspiracy case. When the traitors are elected instead of being hanged, then the “fall of Dhaka” happens.

Elections in America cannot be won without the will of the CIA, in Russia the KGB forms the government, in Britain who does not know the power of MI5 and MI6, in India no politician can make a statement without the will of the RA. I can’t even give it but if ISI does this, everyone will tear their mouths and abuse. But why? The difference is that in these countries there is not enough permission to criticize the army and agencies, they are sent to jail, they are scandalized, their careers are terminated, they are killed in accidents, but in our country, everyone has this facility. It has been given that you have given your defense agencies, ISI, and this work was started by our politicians, after which this impure campaign is going on with full force through their social media.

Recently retired CIA director in America has been made the Secretary of State of America, many people of the Israeli army are in politics, in the government, why is it so after hearing noise somewhere? Understand this rule very well. Army and ISI will not interfere in politics and elections only when foreign hostile intelligence agencies do not interfere. When the politicians are traitors, the patriot “Markhor” is forced to defeat the enemies in the political arena as well. Remember we are all Pakistanis, Pakistan Army, we are all ISI. Appreciate these young children who consider the sanctity of the country as their shroud and to be buried in its pure soil as their capital honor.

The outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Baloch separatists are involved in most of the acts of terrorism, sometimes sectarian terrorism, in Pakistan. There is only one hand behind all of them and that is the Troika (US, Israel, and India). On the other hand, the Pentagon itself has admitted that the United States provided a total of 427,300 weapons to the Afghan army, and another 300,000 weapons remained in Afghanistan at the time of the withdrawal of the American army. The question is that the TTP terrorists are using the same weapons in the terrorist activities in Pakistan, the evidence of which is coming out again. After all, how did this modern dangerous weapon reach them?

There are still 5,000 to 6,000 TTP terrorists active in Afghanistan who are being funded by India. If their families are counted, this number is 70 thousand. All these cannot be supported by the new interim Taliban government in Afghanistan. The troika spends so much on terrorism in Pakistan, which was confirmed by Sarfraz Bengalzai, a separatist leader of the banned Baloch National Army, who surrendered and admitted to the national media that India funds separatists.

Evidence of India’s involvement in terrorism in Pakistan has been placed on major forums of the world including the United Nations and the United States many times by Pakistan, but no serious and concrete notice has been taken from anywhere. Are the nations of the world thinking that Pakistan should respond to India in their own language? Wherever the terrorists come from, whoever is behind them, the services of the facilitators inside Pakistan are also available to them. If these facilitators are dealt with with iron hands, terrorism can be reduced. National consensus is necessary for complete eradication of terrorism. National Action Plan was made in the past. It also needs to be implemented according to its spirit and modified according to modern requirements.

There is a saying that ships are safer in port, but ships are not built to stay in port. If a person stays in his place, he does not travel, does not start any work, does not deal with anyone, then such a person will be apparently safe and calm, but the creator of man did not create him to be calm. He should stay in one place and then go to the grave. Man is created to work, to build a life in the world, for this purpose he has to enter into the turmoil of the world. He will have the experience of winning and losing. Sometimes he will have loss and sometimes benefit. It is natural for such incidents to occur, and despite the fear of such incidents and incidents, it is desirable for a human being to enter the sea of life and not diminish his struggle.

Moreover, a peaceful life is not a desirable life because a man who is permanently in a state of peace will cease to evolve. The possibilities of such a man will not be awakened. The hidden treasures of such a man’s nature will not get a chance to come out. On the contrary, when a man enters the storm of life, his hidden abilities are awakened. He rises above the ordinary man and becomes an extraordinary man. If earlier it was a small seed, now it becomes a great tree. Life is the name of struggle; life is for man to fight and move forward. Life is that which becomes a flood, not that which remains on the shore.

Remember that both lion and shark are scavengers, but lion cannot hunt in sea and shark cannot hunt on land. A tiger cannot be called disabled because it cannot hunt in the sea and a shark cannot be called disabled because it cannot hunt in the forest. Both have their limits where they are the best. If a rose smells better than a tomato, it doesn’t mean it can be used in cooking. Don’t compare one with the other. Find your own strength and develop yourself accordingly. Never look down on yourself, but always have good expectations of yourself.

Remember that even a broken colored pen is capable of coloring. Get yourself used to better practices before you reach your end. The worst use of time is to compare yourself with others. Cattle get fat from eating grass, while animals can die from eating grass. Never compare yourself with others. Complete your race at your own pace. What works for someone else’s success may not necessarily work for you. Keep an eye on the gifts, blessings and abilities given by the Most Gracious and Merciful Lord and refrain from envying the gifts that Allah has given to others.

A scholar is always recognized by his own methods and habits. Just as the sun never announces that he has come to the sky, similarly a scholar and one who realizes the truth never wants to identify himself with noise and nonsense, rather his speech and actions become the identity of his personality and knowledge. are It is a sign of inferiority of a good dwarf that he always presents himself with a big stature, but short stature is not a defect if it is physical, but if it is intellectual, it is never tolerated. Therefore, the donkey who starts to think that he is a lion because of his loud voice, at the same time, seeing the silent lion, loses his city.

Of course, the one who saves is more powerful than the one who kills, but it is the great Lord who has blessed this great kingdom of God with miraculous powers, whose protectors have been appointed for this duty.
وطن کی پاسبانی جان و ایماں سے بھی افضل ہے
میں اپنے ملک کی خاطر کفن بھی ساتھ رکھتا ہوں
Protecting the country is better than life and faith
I also carry a shroud for the sake of my country
Thursday 21st March 2024

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