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How hard it is to live. Mother’s Day

The honorable mother of the beloved Messenger of Allah, Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH), was given the high honour of being a mother, then truly the greatness and dignity of the mother began to touch the heights, that the pure relationship of the mother was enriched with such exaltation and perfections that heaven was at the feet of the mother. Who can match the glory of a mother? Sarkar du Alam (peace be upon him) was born from the womb of Hazrat Amina (RA) and grew up in her embrace. In this sense, Bibi Amina (may Allah be pleased with her) holds a distinguished position among the women of the world, that she had the honour of giving birth to and rearing the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).

Bibi Amina (may Allah be pleased with her) belonged to the most prestigious tribe of Banu Quraysh in Arabia. His father was Wahib bin Abdul Manaf bin Kalab, and his mother was Barbant Abdul Uzza bin Kalab. She was a very pious and virtuous woman. She was married to Hazrat Abdullah, beloved son of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib. Some time after the marriage Hazrat Abdullah went to Syria for trade. On reaching there, he fell ill and while returning from his illness, he stayed at his father’s nursery while passing through Yathrab (old name of madina) and died there. Not long after her marriage to Hazrat Amina (RA), She suffered the shock of widowhood in this world that the Imam of the Prophets (PBUH) was being raised in her pure womb.

On the morning of Monday, 20/April 571 A.H., Allah Almighty gave Hazrat Amina the son who was to carry on the responsibility of the welfare of the world. Hazrat Abd al-Muttalib slaughtered camels for sacrifice in the happiness of his grandson and fed the poor throughout Makkah and Arabia. On this occasion, the chiefs of all the tribes saw the child and congratulated Hazrat Abdul Muttalib. On this occasion, his grandfather Hazrat Abdul Muttalib named the child Muhammad (PBUH) which means highly praised.

At the time of the Prophet’s birth, it was customary in Arabia that after birth, nobles would hand over their nursing babies to midwives in the desert or villages for good training and upbringing, so that the babies could be brought up outside in the open and healthy air. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was six months old, he was entrusted to Hazrat Halimah Sadia of Bani Saad tribe.

After some time Hazrat Halimah brought him back to Makkah to Hazrat Amina RA but there was an epidemic in the city, so Hazrat Amina RA entrusted her sight to Hazrat Halimah and sent him back.
When Halima brought the Holy Prophet (SAW) back, He was almost six years old. He was very energetic and healthy, as if the purpose for which Hazrat Amina (RA) had endured the trauma of the separation of her only child had been fulfilled. Now he started living with his mother. Hazrat Amina (RA) was very concerned about her beloved son. She always kept him with her, never letting him disappear from her sight. After the death of Hazrat Abdullah, Hazrat Amina (RA) used to visit his grave every year in Madinah.

The congregation of sixty and seventy thousand….on the journey of the last Hajj…the camel turned towards the mother’s grave, i.e. towards Abu’ah (which is located 249 km from Madinah towards Makkah). . It is a rocky area which is a smooth part of a hill. I had reached this place with great difficulty especially with one of my Arab guides because it is now quite far from the new motorway from Makkah to Madinah. In my imagination, I remembered the scene of my Prophet, (PBUH), when my master, (PBUH), went to visit the grave of his father, holding the hand of his mother. He stayed for a month, when he started to return, he met his true creator at the age of 25 years at Abuwa and was buried there. In life, the creator met the real one). (Ruzd al-Ahbab 1 p. 67)

My Master (PBUH) (whose shrine is inhabited by angels, jinn, and human beings) is attending His mother’s grave today in such a way that his father passed away at the age of 25 and mother also in the age of 25. Even in her youth, she left the orphan at the age of seven and came to her Lord to meet her Respected late husband. All those scenes were memorized by my Master (PBUH) that there was this caravan of only three people. The mother was holding the hand of her beloved son and the maid Umm Ayman was also with her. Suddenly, the condition became so bad that she lay down on the same rocky ground, her body was drenched in sweat and unable to speak. It may be the act of hiding her pain in front of innocent child so that the son does not get upset. You (PBUH) were sitting there wondering what would happen next.

Then the last words were uttered from the tongue of this great mother……Every living must die, and every youth must grow old, O my Lord, I am present, my last moments has come. I have given birth to a pure being by your order. After that, that pure candle was extinguished. When my Master (PBUH) saw his mother leaving, He started crying spontaneously with tears and hiccups. He cried with his mouth on his own chest so much that the blessed chest became wet with his own tears. O My Allah… At that time, there was no one to wipe the tears, for a long time, the orphans continued to pay tribute to their tears while sitting at the grave of the mother. They were about to get down after placing stones around the grave, then they immediately ran back to the grave. Umm Amin ran back after seeing this scene. When she came near, she saw that my Master (PBUH) was lying on the cross next to his mother’s grave and saying, “My mother who loves me immensely! You knew that I have no one but you in this world.” “Where did you leave me?”

It seemed as if my Lord had turned back all the curtains of fourteen centuries, my own condition had changed so much that I could not stand up and I also sat down with my eyes closed and, in my vision, I saw all the childhood of my master. Scenes began to appear before my eyes. I began to think helplessly, O lord of the earth and sky! Whom you made your beloved and the mercy of all the worlds, you made him suffer so much grief and shock……… have not seen His father, there is no brother or sister who can comfort and encourage Him in this shock and wrap these tears of my Master (PBUH)……if this incident had happened in Makkah, then the loving grandfather, other relatives and friends of the family would have been around to share the grief at this time. This grief was seen in the wild forest, rocky mountains and the desert……A sigh arose from the heart, “Allah-us-Samad (السيد الذي يصمد إليه في الحاجات) [Allah the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, (He neither eats nor drinks)].Taking her in her arms, Umm Ayman begged, wake up my son, my Master (PBUH) replied with his face full of tears, “No, I will not go, let me stay with my mother.” Umm Ayman says that I with great entreaty, forcefully lifted the little prince from the grave.

My Master (PBUH) is going to pray before His Lord in the last Hajj journey, in the month of intense summer, he turned his camel towards Kamana Abuwa and a caravan of 70 thousand people walked behind his master, reciting the glorification of the Lord. 57 years have passed, I don’t know how such a big wound and trauma will be healed. Where was that sixth year of childhood and today, at the age of sixty-three years, my Master came to the grave of his mother, sat the camel at a distance, kneeling on the rocky ground of the last resting place of this great being. , sat down with his head bowed on his knees as he had sat beside his mother in childhood when she was restlessly twisting and turning in great pain. Of course, when he remembered all those scenes, he started to cry spontaneously, just like when he was a child when he was eager to bring his late mother down to the grave with his hands, just as he was eager to free Umm Ayman’s hand and run, Clung to the grave.

Today, once again, the rain of those blessed tears was making a storm on the chest of the blessed, soaking the beard of the blessed and even today there was no comforter. The entire congregation of the Companions did not prevent the meeting of the mother and son in this scene of sorrow and boredom, and they were respectfully silent and restless after seeing the emotional and romantic state of their Master, (PBUH) , sitting at a distance due to politeness. No one knows how Rasool Akram (PBUH) would be describing the condition of his heart wounds with His mother today after such a long time. No one knew kept talking to His mother for a long time, that in His childhood He would not even have seen His mother fully, that whole era of pampering will be coming in front of his eyes, because of which he will be sad and bored. It was making me anxious; all the scenes of permanent separation were disturbing my Master (PBUH) today. His condition became so restless that he said to all his companions: I will stay here tonight and did not go to the place where it was arranged to stay, he stayed all night at the head of His mother.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a very strong hearted and courageous person. Even in the most difficult times and in the most difficult situations, you never let your patience slip away. He (peace be upon him) always taught his companions patience, courage, and manliness, but there were a few occasions in his life when his blessed eyes were full of tears.

One of these occasions was when after the martyrdom of Hazrat Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him) in the Battle of Uhud, he visited his house, loved his children, and informed his life partner, his wife, of his martyrdom. . On this occasion, the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH) became wet. One occasion was when the one-and-a-half-year-old son of the Prophet (PBUH) , Hazrat Ibrahim (RA) died. Even at that time, despite the restraint, his eyes became wet, and there was one occasion when he, upon finishing the Battle of Badr, came to the blessed grave of his mother Hazrat Amina (RA) who was in the same area. Tears came to the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH) there. Seeing this, the Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, asked in surprise, “O Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace! Tears in your eyes?” The meaning was that you used to say that one should not cry over the dead, but now even the eyes of a brave and strong person like you are moist.

The meaning of what he said on this occasion is that a son’s offering of devotion and respect to his mother is a tribute. These tears have nothing to do with low morale or faint heartedness. These are tears of penitence, which is a tribute to the presence in this holy shrine. It is a bouquet of tears as devotion at the feet of the mother, under whom heaven lies. Whose hand holds the key to heaven and before whom no one can enter heaven. It is your honourable statement that Jannah is forbidden to all the prophets until I enter Jannah, they are so indecisive about their mother. Subhan Allah!

These days we also feel great pride in celebrating the festival of “Mother’s Day” for the past many years in imitation of the West. Let me end this article today with a small story told to me by a well-educated mother whose children lived abroad. She has been a principal of a college. Spent all his life in education and teaching. Even now, many poor girls do their maintenance with utmost secrecy and silence. I would never have known this if the old postman had not informed me. Once I was passing in front of his house when he stopped me and started commenting on my TV program last evening. Where I was surprised by his scholarly talk, his wonderful memory lit up many lights in my heart and mind. As long as I live in Pakistan, I talk to him a lot, listen to his many things that he has collected for me throughout the year. From here, when I greet Pran on the phone, my heart is filled with pleasant words, but after a short conversation, she ends by saying that you will get a higher bill if you want. When you come, then Will talk well.

During the stay, one day my feet automatically walked towards his house. They met me outside. How are you Mom…. She is very shy, smile and start saying how are you? Early this morning……… Yes, Maa Ji came to greet you. He was holding a bouquet of flowers. When I asked about these flowers, he replied that my three sons are living in America, the youngest son sent these flowers because today is Mother’s Day! When I “wished” them for Mother’s Day, they started praying, “Long Live, my child, be happy forever, see happiness. How can I write down their trembling voice and how can I spread their tears on the page. A little while.” Keep looking at the sky with a tie, completely lost. Are you fine, mother! She was shocked to hear my voice and returned to the same world. Now your hair and beard have grown quite white. Do your grandchildren beg you to listen to a story? Yes, sometimes, otherwise these days school homework and later the children’s busyness on the computer, mobile phone chats and text messages with friends have made the house awkward. It has created alienation that children now have the leisure to sit with adults.

You “wished” me on “Mother’s Day” and accepted me as a mother and there is no doubt that I am much older than you. Let us both establish a forgotten tradition today. Will you listen to the story? She suddenly asked me, “Sure, why not, I am listening to a story.” She told a story; Let I share that story with all of you.

A man approaches a florist to order flowers for his mother. His mother lived two hundred miles away. When he got out of his car, he saw a teenage girl sitting on the sidewalk outside the store, sobbing. The man came to the girl and asked her why she was crying. The girl said: I want to buy a red rose for my mother, but I only have one pound and a rose costs two pounds. Hearing this, the man smiled and comforting him said, come inside with me and I will give you a rose. He bought the girl roses and booked flowers for her mother. After coming out of the shop, he offered to drive the girl home. Yes please! The girl replied, you take me to my mother. Under the guidance of the girl, they reached a cemetery. The man was surprised that I had offered to take her home and that she had brought me to the graveyard. The girl placed those red rose flowers on a freshly made grave and started praying. The man was so impressed by the girl’s innocence that he immediately turned around and rushed to the florist, cancelled his first order, and immediately left to meet his mother with a bouquet. With moist eyes, he kept thanking the innocent girl for guiding him so well in time. As soon as he reached his mother, the tears of joy reflected in his mother’s eyes seemed more precious than his life as if she had not recognized this precious treasure given by his Lord for years, which is now known to this innocent girl.

While saying the last sentence, mother’s voice began to tremble, so I raised my bent neck and looked at her face, she turned away so that I would not catch the gaze of her eyes. She turned towards me and said: I heard; You write in the newspapers. “It seems that children who live thousands of miles away from their mothers, now will they express their love by placing a red rose on their mother’s grave?” How difficult it is to live like this! Have you an answer to this question? If not, then hurry up because for us, every day and every moment is “Mother’s Day” and this is the teaching of my master Khatam-ul-Nabien (PBUH).

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