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Trust and credibility

I am acutely aware that for the past seven decades we have been the riders of a wreck whose oars have always been in the hands of clumsy sailors, who would rather have entangled the boat in the tumultuous eddies of dangerous storms and made their own escape than shore it up. And the passengers (nation) are busy praying in prostrations to save their lives from these fraudsters, but they do not make any attempt to turn the cross boat with the sails from the hands of the Kuran towards the Karkh bank. Every day in my columns, I am trying with all my might to wake up the nation, but sometimes it feels that this nation is acting in deep sleep, which now needs Israfel’s trumpet to wake it up.

Two years ago, a seminar was held in London by the international financial institutions on the difficulties of repaying the enormous debts owed to the third world, in which representatives of 29 countries of the third world and five countries of the developing countries participated. In this meeting, it was a sign of the carelessness of our authorities that not a single representative was involved in this meeting. I would like to say in one sentence that the representative of the IMF himself said to me in a complaining manner, “Who has prevented your government from signing this agreement?” brought before the nation the conditions that Imran Khan’s government had signed, but seeing his government in danger, Cross scrapped parts of the agreement. If you do this to written agreements, then why should we trust you again? Pakistan is not an ordinary country but a nuclear power country and in case of bankruptcy it will be able to bear the burden of international sanctions while fifty percent of your country’s assets are pledged to us. Why don’t you go to our website and read the details of all the agreements where we have The signatures of your rulers have been published on all these conditions. Believe me, hearing this conversation has made me cry and I am still drowning in the ocean of regret. God, there is still time to change the system, not the face. . The faces shouting slogans of new and old Pakistan have ruined us and now once again the rudder of the sinking boat has been put in their hands.

Whenever a government is captured by the cage of good life, as a result, the creation is only despised. It cannot be redeemed by putting all the faults and failures in front of the people on the previous government. Don’t just mention the past, the people know everything, now. Show by actions instead of words, the relief given to the people will end their grievances. Human emotions are invincible. But also think how to reduce the distance of their pain. The distance is the heart and mind in the same body. They create enmity between them. In this case, the heart is not the mind, although they move forward from their working relationship. Now this sick thinking should not be scratched from the mind that we have an advantage in the fight between them. Floods and earthquakes do not matter in huts and palaces. The government claims that we have saved the country from bankruptcy. If this is really a better Pakistan than before, people will believe it.

I am better after meeting you

I was a desert, I have become an ocean

Even the mirage in the desert appears no less than a beautiful dream whose indebted eyes are “bright” with hope. Hope should not be broken under any circumstances, otherwise it ends up like a building that collapses in moments. Hope has to be protected from gunpowder as well as “Nimrod” because it is the most obvious sign of life. Is . This is the sun that also keeps the bravery bright. Now the media is hurling victory bells like the rivers of honey and milk will start flowing soon, but along with this we are also hearing that tough decisions have to be made for the country’s economy. There has been change at the top, but will there be similar tough decisions at the bottom? Sorry to be rude! This means that only the faces have changed. If you don’t take care of the respect of your institutions, it will not take long to become disrespected tomorrow.

Whenever the name of Islamic economy is mentioned, a long list of programs for the welfare of the poor by self-styled economists from all over follows the lavish spending of mineral water and expensive food on flower-bedecked tables in seven-star hotels. It is arranged in which such plans are added which create an endless chain of looting for those in power, while in fact the Islamic economy can be summed up in three short phrases and if it is implemented with good intentions. So, with its best results, the destiny of the country can be changed.

The first principle of Islamic economy is that the richest man in the country should lead the lowest economic life, as the Caliphs used to do. During the reign of Hazrat Umar, a list of the poorest was prepared and classified in Madinah. When the list was prepared, the name that came first, which was the poorest, was the name of Hazrat Umar, the Caliph himself. The advantage of this is that the people look up to their elders and try to adopt their lifestyle and try to be equal to them because they make it the standard which increases greed and greed among the people. The desire to accumulate money increases, as a result of which the distinction between halal and haram, legal and illegal ends, and lies, fraud, bribery, usury, hoarding, etc., all the troubles in the society come and go, and when the biggest people, i.e. rulers etc. will adopt the lowest standard of living, then no person will feel any shame or feeling of deprivation due to poverty, poverty, etc.

The second principle of Islamic economy is that the wealth should not be allowed to freeze in any way so that it remains frozen in one place, but should be broken up so that the country’s wealth is not controlled by a few people. Therefore, first of all, the existing bank interest system has to be abolished. The advantage of this will be that people will take out all the money in the banks and bring it to the market, do business, set up factories, which will eliminate unemployment on the one hand, and on the other hand, an atmosphere of competition will be established through which everyone can improve their own things. It will try to make it better and cheaper than cheap, and it will make the domestic production the cheapest and the standard at the global level. These two tasks are to be done by the government and the ruling class.

The third principle of Islamic economy is that money should not be kept in excess of the necessary things, but should be spent in the way of Allah Almighty on His creatures, spend it on relatives, subordinates, servants, neighbours, as a result of which they will also be sincere. Along with this, your work will also help in the business and will also wish and pray for its growth. Instead of the poor and the poor being jealous of you and trying to harm you, steal, rob and do harm by treachery. This is what Islamic economy is all about and it requires a complete change of your current system. Today, the cause of economic and economic depression and political corruption is not only the politicians, but we ourselves, who believe in them despite trying them time and time again.

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