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The power and addiction of denial

What is the most valuable thing in life? Rupees, money, gold, jewels, lands and property, position of power, fame, praise, praise, praise, wife, children, dear relatives, friends… Is this the precious wealth of life? So what is ideology, what is principle, what is truth, what is hanging on the gallows, what is martyrdom, what is love, what is love, what is selflessness, what is sacrifice, what is death.??? Tell me then what are all these? What is called the precious capital of life? Isn’t denial of lies for the sake of truth valuable wealth? Rejection in the face of coercion, rejection of pharaohs, rejection of reward, rejection of bargains, rejection of abundant wealth, rejection of vanity, refusal to bow down, rejection of cruelty and oppression, rejection of everything except the Lord’s sovereignty…!

Denial is not valuable wealth, then what is denial? Denial and total denial, denial with full consciousness. No reconciliation, not at all…absolute denial…before vanity, before tyranny, before the Lord’s rebels, before the selfish, before the world’s greed, before deception, before unfaithfulness, before those who speak in divine tongues. front of…. . Denial and total denial…denial with all consciousness and with all being, just denial. As the cruelty increases, the intensity of denial increases. Have you not seen, even today history is witness to this that when the body was laid on the burning coals, when the melting fat of the body defeated the burning coals, the onlookers saw that even the smile on the face bore witness to the slogan of Allah’s Oneness. It was because the success of the hereafter was kissing them. This faith-based courage of denial made the earth and the sky awestruck that a woman whose determination and faith could not be defeated by the mountains of disbelief and ignorance, cut off her fragile breasts with a sharp sword, but with her tongue. The last denial found its master on the face of ignorance, which set the path of denial of God’s pleasure for those who come till the Day of Resurrection.

No matter how strong the argument, what is the position before the Lord! Just refuse. But denial is not to please the self, denial to please the self is denial of the devil. Denial for your Lord……..that is the original and nothing else. Will not believe anyone. They will not accept any power, any system as false, even if they give a million material arguments. If you believe only in the Lord Almighty, only in Him and not in anyone else’s. This is Oneness. My belief starts with denial, that is, with “La”. First there is the destination of denial, then acceptance. How can I admit without denying! If I don’t deny it and also admit it, it is hypocrisy which is not acceptable. Not adulterated, pure is required, absolutely pure………even if there is a particle. A mixed mount is not required. This is sincerity and what is it?

Denial is the spirit of Islam. Denial is the spirit of Hussain. Denial……. go, won’t agree. Bless you with your lies, our truth with us. Denial is very easy to write. A six-letter word is very easy to write, very difficult to do. It is deadly, very harmful, very sacrificial. You have to fight with yourself. I will not accept my own denial either. This is a very difficult destination. What is the battle between good and evil? What is the battle between right and wrong? This is what has been taught that supporting the truth is good, supporting falsehood is evil. Submission to the Lord is good and being a follower of Iblis is evil. This is the battle between good and evil, that’s all. This is what happens all over the world, will continue to happen. This fight will not stop. What is Badr War? What is the lesson of Karbala? What is Jihad? That’s it. The lesson for all is the same: “Just deny”. If you refuse, you have to die. The family has to give up. Everything has to be sacrificed. One has to bathe in fire and blood. Must be dirty. One has to slaughter one’s desires. One has to go over a sharp edge. Dead bodies have to be picked up. When there is denial with consciousness, belief grows with every dead body. Maturity comes. It gives courage to sacrifice everything for the Supreme Lord. On this earth of Allah, many Pharaohs, Nimrod, and Shaddad have tested the disbelievers before you. “Corona” made all these worldly powers suffer from the fear of death so much that all their weapons of power became useless. Could someone like this germ come after them tomorrow?

How can I forget this child dragging a dead body on a gurney in the freezing cold and rain of Gaza, denial that this sad scene has pierced my soul. He does not know that the hospital to which he is running to save his mother’s life, just a few minutes ago, this hospital has also been turned into ruins and the messiah Dr. could ask that he had come to know that the entire area with all its residents had come to the Lord where all his wealth was staying, today he has also reached all his martyrs in the ruins of the hospital. Then the dying mother of that child was also brought to them. This was Dr. Ismail, whose hands were busy with operations to save people’s lives in London hospitals for years. He left his comfortable life a few years ago and arrived in Gaza to serve the suffering humanity and live according to his wishes. All the capital in this world has become the buyer of gold.

Isn’t this the same Palestine where there was a 24-hour crowd of lovers on the joint pilgrimage of the followers of the three major religions, suddenly the entire population of Hebron was deported there, and the Ibrahimi Mosque was locked and the gunmen stood there. Now, no one who considers Hazrat Ibrahim as his “grandfather” can step inside him, let alone pass in front of him. The matter ended not only that the cultivators of this Gulshan with their blood were deprived of the fragrant flowers of this chaman, but their right to the thorns of these flowers was also terminated. The pharaoh sitting in Qasr-e-Safid gave the message to the rightful claimants to recognize it from the rich countries of our Ummah by naming it “Abraham’s Agreement” and also gave a message to the legitimate claimants that now forget the 1st Qibla, now let no one stop the construction of Suleimani Temple here. will be able

Today, the biggest champion of human rights and claimants of the civilized world are working to wipe out the residents of Gaza as terrorists by giving their “sponsors” a ship full of weapons, but their rights in their own countries. Demonstrators are warning against wearing kokofiya, truce or freedom slogans against hurting their mercenary’s feelings.

Meanwhile, the situation in Kashmir is disastrous and the international community has left the people here alone. Brutal Hindu soldiers target everything, even shops, houses, hospitals, schools, and mosques, and even the heart-rending news of the martyrs and injured has been completely banned. Now, perhaps Ali Geelani, the metaphor of freedom, will be crying before his Lord in his grave for the disloyalty of his lawyer. In the last days of his life, this weak Syed had decided to take the case of ragging the innocent children of his children, along with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, after seeing the attitude of our corrupt and dishonest leadership on the worst atrocities in Kashmir. Will present yes. Of course, in his request, where more than one lakh will present the pieces of his young sons, daughters, and innocent martyrs in front of his pure blood, there will also be a cry that when this oppression was going on, along with the betrayal of our lawyer, as well as the servants of Haram. And other Arab leaders were honouring the highest honours of the country by inviting Mr. Modi to his house. There, when the unbelievers will openly present all the matters, they will surely beat their heads and chests and wish to go back to the world.

It is a different thing that despite the unconstitutional and illegal decisions like August 5, the biased Modi government is not only helpless but unable to suppress the freedom struggle in Occupied Kashmir. Once again, using their cunning, they have started torturing those Kashmiri youths in jails to make them confess to the fake “False Flag Operation” conspiracy once again to pave the way for them to win the upcoming elections. Its own politicians have prematurely faltered. It should be remembered that the Modi government started killing its opponents through the agents of the infamous “RAW” in the US after Canada, following the pattern of Israel, and immediately after that, other European countries, including the US, supported Canada. Modi government has been warned, such news is going to start soon to divert attention from it.

It has also become a cause of great concern for the Modi government that India is now becoming very peaceful and the message of intense hatred against the Indian oppression of the Kashmiri people has also started to be received by the whole world, that is why the current situation of Kashmir and In order to divert the attention of the world from the infamy of the Indian army, where India will try to create a war atmosphere by creating tension on the borders, by creating an environment of terrorism through its agents in Pakistan, it will protect its nation from the massacre in Ladakh by the Chinese army. will also try unsuccessfully to divert attention.

While the knowledge and mourning of the indifference and indifference of our rulers is that our caretaker prime minister is giving the message to the nation that Quaid-e-Azam’s decision not to recognize Israel is not an inspiration to be obeyed, but the one who says Do you ever think that the nation does not even know who our last caretaker prime minister was, who did not dare to make such a statement despite resting in a flag-carrying car, a private plane and a very comfortable silk bed in a palatial house, while all those caretakers of history And of course the same will happen to you, but I don’t know why the current supervisors feel pity instead of envy as they try to convince themselves and then us every day that they are doing their best. And those who have reached this point with dedication or some wiser ones look at their career graph and smile and become silent because they understand everything inside that is the way to reach this destination.

But despite this, a statement is also issued to the media that I ordered not to use any kind of force against my Baloch brothers and sisters from my bedroom and to bring them safely to their homes with respect and dignity. But the caretaker beloved prime minister brought from Baluchistan was enjoying such a luxurious and carefree sleep, unaware of the world, when he was wrapped in silk and precious clothes. They were being showered with cold and foul-smelling water and brutally charged with sticks. After this compassionate and loving order of the caretaker prime minister, this whole process was repeated and finally they were ordered to sit in the buses standing on the streets and leave them where they came from and be careful! It is not allowed to drop anyone on the way. I think this is the first time that the chairman of the senate and the head of the country’s supreme judiciary are also from this oppressed province along with the caretaker prime minister, so why still behave like this? In these circumstances, Mr. Syed Ali Gilani, we are ashamed of you that you have to see the day in the last days of your life and the fraud of the lawyer in the case of Kashmir in the past year that the dead body decorated in the Pakistani flag was snatched away by Hindu beasts by force. Instead of burying the martyrs in Qurestan according to the desecration of this holy flag, they hastily buried him in the graveyard of Hyderabad and arrested his family members and put him behind bars.

However, dedication is what it is called. Picking up dead bodies while laughing and playing and then proclaiming the greatness of the Lord in a loud voice. This is what religion is and what it is! It is called fulfilling one’s vow. But it is very difficult to embody the truth of your claim, it is by chance. Making an offering of souls and beseeching the Lord to accept our sacrifice………and then reaching the point of belief and calling out: Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds. (Surat Al-An’aam:162).

Pure for the Lord. Vanity is always arrogant, prone to deception. I see that my Lord has denied the opportunity to condole with the Muslim rulers. A new battle is taking place in Karbala, Gaza and Occupied Kashmir. Today the angels are also aware of the creation of man, when they see that the dead body rises, the Takbeer is raised. The whole world is stunned, what are these, how are people? Stone-to-tank, gun-toting combatants. There is no distinction, youth, innocent children and men and women, all reject the body, do not believe. Listen, listen carefully, this is the harbinger of the invasion of India, which has shaken falsehood. A wicked Brahmin, an old man on the brink of power, weak in age but steadfast, could not turn the denial of Syed Ali Geelani into a confession. Asia Andrabi is still adamant about her refusal because she has understood that this refusal is the source of the future and the salvation of the Kashmiri nation.

Now everyone knows that the action to be taken between Modi and Trump on 5/August regarding Kashmir was already decided, which was later not only informed to our powerful circles, but also to the two major political parties of the country. He was persuaded to play a regular role in the play. Trump’s offer of Pakistan-India reconciliation did not come out suddenly, but immediately after Imran’s US visit, Modi announced the abrogation of Article 370 and annexation of Kashmir. With us, the contradictory statements of the Prime Minister himself continued to tease that this time there is nothing black in the dal, but the whole dal has turned black. By calling for an hour-long protest every Friday afternoon and declaring himself to be the greatest advocate of Kashmir, the Pakistani nation declared Jihad in Kashmir as enmity against Kashmiris. In order to divert the attention of the nation from Kashmir, the visit of Mahathir Muhammad of Malaysia to Pakistan and later his visits to Malaysia and Arab states were given false comfort to the Pakistani and Kashmiri people by attributing it to the Kashmir issue and now Modi has asked the Supreme Court before his elections. While mixing with him, he also sealed his decision with them.

On the initiative of Pakistan, it was announced to hold a joint conference for Kashmir in Malaysia along with Malaysia, Iran, and Turkey, but at the same time, Imran Khan visited Saudi Arabia in the name of reservations on the conference by the Saudi Crown Prince. What was the order to express disability from participation, due to which our most sincere friend Erdogan of Turkey expressed his shock and called this attitude of Imran very frivolous and until today, that warmth has continued in our friendship with Turkey. And Malaysia, which threatened the trade of palm oil worth fifteen billion dollars with India while maintaining friendship with Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir, has also moved away from this hypocritical role of Imran Khan.

It is to be remembered that Modi, on the basis of Pakistan’s very weak and cowardly attitude, has started asserting his right over the areas of Gilgit and Baltistan by playing another new trick to thwart the CPEC project on the authority of his masters. Apart from Azad Kashmir, by including the weather conditions of Gilgit and Baltistan in its national news, it started giving the impression that not only its claim on these areas in the future is not illegal, but Occupied Kashmir has now become an integral part of India.

It should be remembered that after the cancellation of Article 370 on August 5, the announcement to declare the unit of Ladakh as an integral part of India was also part of the same conspiracy to sabotage the CPEC project by attacking Gilgit and Baltistan from here, but China Not unaware that India would have allowed such aggression to sink its huge investment and darken the future of the “One Road One Belt” project associated with it and that is why Dohklam followed. And the clashes on Ladakh have taught India such a lesson that it has crushed its dream of becoming a Maha Bharat.

At this time, behind the conspiracy to declare Pakistan as a terrorist country, the conspirators of the Tryka (America, Israel and India) have said that in some way, Pakistan should get ready to give India the status of “Most Favourite Country”. There is an urgent need to put this in front of the nation.

remember! The more intense the denial becomes, the more intense the revolution appears, it gives the courage to rise above the pharaonic and Nimrod powers, intoxicating self-control. Our problem is not the results but to perform our work in the field of good and bad. As such, because of that, but nothing Wiccan, a total denial. Rejection of falsehood with perfect faith in the Lord… Rejection of tyranny, when blood brings colour, then revolution comes. When did the fight between right and wrong stop? This battle of good and evil will not stop, only those who will remain connected with their Lord will prevail. With full confidence and full dedication. Denial is the spirit of religion, the spirit of Badr, the teachings of Uhud and Karbala and nothing else. Denial of all forms of tyranny……absolute denial, no reconciliation, not at all. Sacrifice is sacrifice; dedication is dedication.



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