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A Reminder

Before the recent war in Gaza, we had liberal sensibilities whining about what was wrong with recognizing Israel and building better relations with it. At least one enemy will be reduced. Israel will become a bridge of friendship with America, with the rain of dollars, the country will grow enormously, even if the faith gets rusted, when does it matter? But Allah has humiliated and humbled the world by putting a blanket of humiliation and silence, talking about shaking hands with them is nothing but participation in the punishment of Allah that will continue to descend on the Jews until the Day of Judgment and now is the final round. If Judaism is removed from Israel, that country will disappear, and similarly, if Islam is removed from Pakistan, then Pakistan will disappear.

While these groups active in increasing relations with Israel are committing the heinous crime of degrading Islam in Pakistan, they are using the tactics of independence, indiscretion, and nudity, and collecting a lot of dollars to continue all these activities. It has been like this, in exchange for faith, the buyer of the world at a small price. Their fate will also be the same as those who love it, God willing. Pakistan has always taken a principled stand in the matter of Israel from its establishment till now, regardless of whose government it is.We have no enmity with any human being and as human beings we respect everyone but always oppose these anti-human policies. Even if they belong to a Muslim state.

In the light of the Balfour Declaration, the debate on the establishment of a Zionist state began in the United Nations, then the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in an interview with the famous British news agency Reuters on October 25, 1947, said, “Our position on Palestine is clear in the United Nations. has done, I still hope that the partition plan will be rejected, otherwise a most terrible and unprecedented conflict is inevitable. This conflict is not only between the Arabs and the authority that distributed the plan, but the whole Islamic world and the righteous circles in the whole world will also rebel against this decision, because such a decision cannot be supported historically, nor politically and morally.

On December 19, 1947, the founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam, full of religious fervour, while talking to a BBC representative, reiterated with these words, “The Muslims of the subcontinent are protesting in the strongest terms against the cruel, illegal and unjust decision of the United Nations for the partition of Palestine.” It is obvious that the Muslims of the subcontinent do not want to oppose America or any other country, but our sense of justice forces us to help our Arab brothers in Palestine in every possible way.This is not only our opinion, but the advocates of justice and peace all over the world also want to establish a system of justice and peace in the world and not to abuse any individual just for their own interests.

After the death of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in 1949, Israel contacted Pakistan to establish relations and at least establish bilateral business activities, but it was rejected. In 1950, a delegation, which included representatives of the world’s Jewish organizations and Israel, met the Pakistani High Commissioner in London and requested that a few hundred Jews living in Afghanistan who wanted to come to Israel through India should be allowed to go to India through Pakistan. Pakistan rejected their request with contempt and then these Jews reached their destination Israel via Iran. It should be remembered that Pakistan was the only country that recognized the independence of the two Israeli territories of Judea and Samaria, which were conquered by Jordan, at the end of the Arab-Israeli war in 1949.

Recognition of Israel also means that Pakistan’s claim on the occupied territory of Kashmir will also end. When Israel’s occupation of Palestine will be justified by Pakistan, how will India’s occupation of Kashmir be illegal? Thus, these dollar hunters want to kill two people with one arrow. Their argument is that Israel has been recognized by Jordan, Egypt and Turkey. We have quarreled with Israel, they are also people of the book. Ask the blind that the countries that recognized Israel benefited. Egypt is worried, Jordan is overwhelmed, Turkey is full of grief and regret, and whoever joined hands with the angry Jews was humiliated like the Jews. It is in their nature to complain and they keep complaining.

If we turn the pages of history, it is mentioned that the Muslim King in Spain appointed a Jewish Prime Minister who, as soon as he took office, banned the appointment of Jewish officials in important institutions. When the King asked his appointed Jewish Prime Minister, he In response, he said, “I know more about the nature of these Jews than any Muslim. When the lives of these Jews were hard at the hands of Hitler in Germany and Australia, the Turkish Caliphate gave them shelter and treated them well, but this empire He took the lead in conspiracies against Osmania and played an active role in the defeat. Some mischievously ask what is our enmity with Israel. They should ask the same question to Israel, why is it the worst enemy of Pakistan?

When the end of Ottoman Caliphate is mentioned, in the eyes of history, there are also some such incidents which still make the wet eyes of those who have a beating heart after reading them:

When Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ended the caliphate, the Osmans were sent to Europe overnight in their home clothes and while the royal family (queen and princes) begged why Europe? We were sent to Jordan, Egypt or Syria in an Arab region. should be sent, but the teachings of the Zionist masters were clear, it was intended to cool down their fiery revenge, to humiliate them to the last degree. All the property of his wife was confiscated and sent to France overnight and she was sent away empty-handed even in her household clothes, without even a penny. They used to walk in the streets with a bowl of beggar so that no one would recognize him. Then when the sultan died, the church was not willing to hand over his body to anyone because the shopkeepers’ debts were on him. Eventually the Muslims paid off the Sultan’s debt by donating and sent his dead body to Syria where he was buried.

Twenty years later, the first person to inquire about him was the first elected Prime Minister of Turkey, Adnan Menderes. He went to France to search for the royal family and found out the details of the royal family there. During the trip to Paris, he used to say, “Tell me the address of my ancestors, meet me with my mothers.” Finally, he reached a small village in Paris. When you enter a factory, you see that eighty-five-year-old Queen Shafiqa, the wife of Sultan Abdul Hamid, and her daughter, sixty-year-old Princess Ayesha, are washing dishes in a factory for a very modest wage. Seeing this scene, Mandrisscreamed, and tears flowed from her eyes and feet. Hefell and was expressing regret by kissing hands and seeking forgiveness. when Princess Aisha asked: Who are you? In a voice drowned in tears, he said: I am unfortunately the Turkish Prime Minister Adnan Menderes, it was enough to hear that the princess turned back and said: Where have you been until now? The long-delayed blessings kept coming, and she fainted from grief. As soon as she regained consciousness, she immediately left the meeting. Adnan Menderes sat there and cried for a long time.

When Adnan went back to Ankara, he proudly said that I want to issue an apology letter to All Usman and bring back my mothers. Bayar objected at first, but at the constant insistence of the Mandris, supported the return of only the women. Then Adnan Mandris himself went to France and brought both Queen Shafiqa and Princess Ayesha to Turkey after much persuasion. were held.

Then, when Mandris was falsely tried, Karan was hanged on the throne. One of the accusations was that he had stolen from the government treasury and spent it on the Sultan’s wife and daughter, so that he would go to meet the queen and the princess on the occasion of Eid. , kissing their hands, and offering 10,000 lira annually from his own pocket and personal expenses in the service of Princess Aisha and Queen Shafiqah. When Adnan Mandris was martyred on September 17, 1961, on the second day both (the queen and the princess) appeared before Allah in a state of prostration.

Now, many world historians have revealed in their books that the secret hand of the Jewish capitalists behind the trial and subsequent execution of Mendris was not seen by anyone who decided to end all their investments in Turkey. This was done by giving an ultimatum. In which the famous historian “GAVIN D. BROCKETT” has made brilliant revelations on 35 pages in his book “When Ottomans Become Turks: Commemorating the Conquest of Constantinople and Its Contribution to World History” which was.

published by Oxford University Press, and a historian, I would also like to mention here another book written by a famous Professor of History”İLKER AYTÜRK” in his book, titled “Nationalism and Islam in Cold War Turkey, 1944–69″ Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 50, No. 5 (September 2014), pp. 693-719 (It is mentioned in 27 pages)published by Taylor & Francis, Ltd.

This is the behaviour of the so-called democrats and those who beat the drum of secularism towards Islam and Muslims, there is no virtue, no honour, no mercy, no kinship, no morals, no regard for values. Of course, in all these incidents, our own traitors are also included who participated in these conspiracies to save their power and unfortunately, they are called Muslims by their names, but their shameful role is nothing but shame in history. Many of my Turkish intellectual friends admit that the most shameful episode in the history of Turkish valour and loyalty lies in the characters who ended the Ottoman Caliphate, if only we could still learn from it. Those who chanting nationalism and patriotism and raising slogans to recognize Israel, whose tongues do not tire, what else is their aim other than to cut people’s ties with Islamic brotherhood and scatter the fabric of this sacred relationship. It should be changed into such ignorant relationships in which respect and honour are missing and sanctities and human relationships have no regard. This story is written not to lull the children but to wake up the sleeping nation and to make the young generation aware of the real enemy and to be warned about the plots of Satan’s disciples on earth.

What can be a better example of the deception of the Jews than that after the conquest of Khyber, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave the Jews protection of life and property under the agreement, but after some time they violated it. As a result, Medina appointed the promise breakers. Expelled under contract. I think it is important to remind the ruling circles of Pakistan that they are aware of Israel’s ambitions and structure, surely, they know what their former military leader Pervez Musharraf did and then what the Jews did to them. They can also get the fruits of doing the same. On October 18, 2007, Israeli President Shamoun wrote and published a letter of congratulations to Pervez Musharraf on the result of the most controversial presidential election, and it was a renewed friendship that began in September 2005, when Israel’s cruellest president, Ariel Sharon, met Musharraf. When they shook hands in the corridor of the United Nations, Musharraf shouted in great joy that he wanted to play a role in resolving the issue of Israel and Palestine. In spite of being the president and the military chief, he is capable of playing a role for us”. In this sentence, the insult of the president and his hatred for the Pakistan Army was not hidden.

The speech of the founding leader of the Zionist movement, David Ben Gurion, in the victory ceremony of 1949 and 1967, which was published in the “Jewish Chronicle” that “the world Zionist movement should be aware of the dangers of Pakistan, now Pakistan should be our first target because this ideological state is our existence.” The greatest danger is for the whole of Pakistan hates Jews and loves Arabs. This lover of Arabs is more dangerous than Arabs, so the Zionist world should take immediate action against him as soon as he gets a chance. (19/August 1947)Here it is important to remember that this speech of Gurian has not only been included in the curriculum of children of Israel, but even today his words have not been refuted. After recognizing Israel, how do our liberals hope that Israel can become Pakistan’s friend?

Do I need to say anything else after David Gurian’s speech? The rulers of Pakistan should payimmediate attention to the statements of these liberals on whose behalf they are spreading this mischief.I pray that this reminder of mine will help to open your eyes۔

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